Lust For Revenge

By rosa_lana

135K 3.7K 411

After being rejected by her mate and Alpha, Aletha has closed herself off. Years later she's finally out her... More

Female Alpha
I Promise Death
The Mates
The Gala pt 1
The Gala pt.2
The Gala pt.3
Second Chances
The Meeting
Shes Crazy
Shes Hot
The Fight
Give it a go
The Letter
That Night
An Ally
Amanda pt.2
its not lying, right?
xander vs ace
2 beautiful truths
The Good Witch
Prophecies and Broken Tables
Deafening Silence


11.1K 223 36
By rosa_lana


(When the words are italic like this then it's a wolf that is speaking)

I'll tell you the tale of a sweet, shy, and lonely girl who became a dark, cold hearted bitch.

The girl was called Aletha, her full name was Aletha Sol Reyes. Her mother named her after her grandmother. The middle name was given by the father who was fascinated by the sun.

Aletha had a relatively good life for the first 9 months of it. She was going to be born into a loving family who had wanted a child for years, but when her father slept with another woman the night before Alethas birth, her life had been set on a different course. A much darker and lonelier one.
Cheating on your mate was not forbidden, but very much frowned upon. Though that didn't stop Alethas father from doing so, the night before her birth. After that their life was never the same again.  She had once been thought a gift but she felt like a curse.

Her mother, grief stricken, had killed herself a couple days after Alethas birth, to escape the pain of her mates sin. Leaving Aletha with no memory of her other then a dragonfly necklace heirloom.
Her father didn't know what to do with a child so he practically let her raise herself. By the time Aletha was able to go to school she had known that she would make no friends. So she wasn't surprised when, on the first day, no one had attempted to talk to her or even look at her. It was as if she was invisible.

That night Aletha cried herself to sleep. She didn't like the feeling of loneliness but somehow knew she'd have to get use to it and she did.

As the years went on a sort of ranking system had been established in the school by the students. Aletha had been the lowest of the lowest, while people like her future beta and alpha were at the top.
Her future alpha, Xander Alvarez had been a sweet young boy who was raised to care what everyone would think. Something he would come to regret in the future.
Aletha, like many of the other females, had a crush on him. She would never openly show it or admit it. The repercussions of such an act would be disastrous, so she discreetly admired him from afar.
As the years went on and everyone she knew were hitting their teenage years, they also began to change, becoming more obsessed with themselves or with others, but Xander had stayed the same sweet, wonderful, cute boy she had grown up with.
Aletha had also stayed the same but no one cared or noticed.
She was 12 and only one year away from being able to shift and she couldn't have been any happier. The happiness didn't last long when she thought about how she had no one to share the feeling with or talk about it to.
That year was the year that Xander left for a training camp in becoming an alpha. Like everyone else she would miss him. He was her first and only crush. Little did she know that when he came back 3 years later,  things would be different and life would only get worse for Aletha.


3 years later

Aletha was now 15 and had grown into her body. Her birthday was coming up in 2 weeks and she was dreading it. She would be able to find her mate once she hit the age of 16. She would always pale at the thought of finding her mate. He would reject her instantly. No way would he want to stay with her.
Her wolf, Zelda, grew enraged at these thoughts.
Our mate will want us. A mate is meant to protect and love us. And if he just so happens to fail on his part then we move on and stay strong.
She never argued with her wolf seeing as she was stubborn. Something she learned the first night she had shifted.
The one time in her lonely life she had ever been happy and loved. That night she not only gained a wolf but she gained a friend. Her first one ever and as pathetic as it sounded it was the most beautiful moment of her life.
The day before her birthday the pack was excited and busy planning a party.
Not for her.
No one knew her birthday was tomorrow except her, something she had worked hard to achieve.
They were planning a welcome back party for their future Alpha. The day of Alethas birthday was also the day that Xander would return home from his 3 year training trip.
She couldn't help but be a tad bit excited. She hadn't seen him since he left three years ago and wondered if he'd changed any. He was 17, one year away from taking on the Alpha position. One year from becoming a true leader.

Aletha went to sleep that night after wishing herself a happy birthday right at 12'o clock. She spent her 16th birthday alone and sad, like she did every other day.

The day had come. Alethas birthday, but most importantly the day Xander would arrive home. All the girls in the pack dressed to impress while the guys did the same. Aletha only wore her regular plain clothes. It wasn't like anyone would notice her anyways. Everyone was mandated to come, even her.
As the pack sat in the yard, party decorations out and people chatting, Aletha sat in the back. Watching everyone, waiting for their return of their future Alpha.
30 minutes into their party, the sound of a truck could be heard pulling in. The pack got quiet and from the powerful aroma and the delicious smell of sandalwood and amber, they knew it was Xander.
A big black Ram truck pulled up and stopped.
As though it were a movie, Xander got out the car slowly and boy did he look different.
Gone was the teen with glasses and braces and here was a man with muscular arms a tight 6 pack and flawless skin. He hadn't been wearing a shirt. Only jeans and boots. As he got out the truck the whole pack began to hoot and holler while most girls had drool coming out their mouth at the sight of the new Xander.
Zelda began to go crazy as she kept rambling on and on but Aletha couldn't focus on what she was saying because the delicious smell of sandalwood and amber had now become stronger. It was a delicious smell, one that she wanted to melt in.

Xander had smelled her while he drove up the hill to his pack house. Watermelon and cherries. A unique one-of-a-kind smell. A smell that he couldn't get enough of.
Instantly his wolf, Aldo, knew what it meant. Mate.
Xander quickly got out his truck and was welcomed with the hoots and hollers of his pack, but he was too focused on the scent to pay them any mind. He began searching for the scent as his wolf was going crazy. He followed it until he got to the back where he was met with the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

She saw him coming toward her area and instantly the smell got stronger.
Zelda had been ecstatic but Aletha was filled with fear.
Xander? Her future Alpha was her mate? He was going to reject her. She knew and felt it deep down in her soul that he was going to reject her. Zelda growled in her mind at these thoughts.
While she was lost in her thoughts Xander had finally reached her. Once she noticed she instantly went stiff and kept staring down at the ground.
"Aletha" she kept her eyes on the ground closed.
"Aletha look at me" by now the whole pack had gone quiet and was watching the whole thing unfold.
She slowly looked up and gasped when her eyes met his. The bond sizzled and they both said the same word at the same time
"Mate" while Alethas eyes were filled with fear and pain, Xander's eyes were bright with happiness and adoration.
She didn't understand how in the world he could be happy
Maybe, just maybe, he wouldn't reject her.

As she began to get her hopes up they were squashed back down by the outrage and disgusted cries of the pack.
"This is blasphemy"
"She doesn't deserve to be our Luna"
"Disgusting slut is just gonna do what her father did"
"Reject her!"
The last one broke Xander out his trance. He looked at the faces of his pack and knew.
He would have to reject his mate to be the Alpha the pack wants him to be. He didn't want to. He really didn't want to watch as she broke down in pain over his words, but he was raised to always put the pack first. This is what he was doing.
He looked at his father who shook his head no at him. He knew what he was going to do and was instantly against it.
He looked back at his pack, they're faces filled with disgust and disappointment.
Finally he looked at his mate, her beautiful brown wide eyes looked defeated. She knew what he was going to do. She accepted it.
Aletha looked back down to her feet and prepared herself for the pain of rejection.

"I, Xander Alvarez, reject the moon goddesses gift to me, my mate, Aletha Reyes"

And with those words Alethas heart shattered into a million little pieces.
Her wolf began to howl and whimper in pain but Aletha had just stood there and took it.
She forced out the words that felt like nails in her throat
"I accept"
Aletha put on an emotionless face and slowly walked back to her cabin. Cries of celebration rang around her slowly dying down the further away she got.
While her face showed nothing on the outside, the inside of her was bleeding out in pain.

That night Aletha decided she had enough. Something in her snapped like a thin wire.
All her life she had been alone. She had been treated like nothing. Her family name thrown around in shame. She had been a loner. No one wanted to talk to her, no one wanted to see her, and her mate didn't want her.
The shame and loneliness was going to suffocate her to death one day if she didn't do something.
As she paces back and forth in her room, she came up with a brilliant idea.
She would run away and start a new life somewhere else by herself with her wolf.
I'm the midst of heartbreak and pain she was too blind to see the cons of her idea.
She grabbed 2 of her backpacks and began to stuff them with clothes, weapons,and essentials. She lifted up her mattress and pulled out a thick envelope that contained over $4000 dollars. Something her mother had left her with before she died. Along with a necklace of a dragonfly.
Gathering her packed bags she left her cabin with nothing but 2 bags, some money, and what was left of her mother. She shifted into her wolf form, carrying the backpacks in her mouth and ran away into the dark and dangerous woods.
She ran for 3 hours until she felt the pack bond break, then walked until she was in unclaimed territory.
The break of the pack bond hadn't been as painful as the break of the mate bond.
Thinking of the mate bond made Aletha and Zelda royally pissed. They got over the sadness and pain and quickly turned to anger and rage.
How dare he reject them when he didn't even give them a chance? He made a grave mistake and she wanted him to suffer for it.
He will. I swear upon my dead ancestors he will.
The thought of that promise made Aletha smile. An evil and dirty smile.
They would get their revenge. This she knew.

2 weeks later
Aletha had been struggling for the past 2 weeks to survive. She hadn't eaten in the past 2 days due to her lack of hunting skills. She wasn't able to shift due to her hunger. Which meant she couldn't even hunt in her wolf form.
Aletha had been so tired and felt like taking a nap, but she knew if she did then she would never wake up from that "nap".
Just as she was about to lay her head to rest she heard something rustle in the trees.
Thinking it could be a bunny or squirrel she quickly got up and very slowly made her way towards the sound. Just as she was about to reach it, a big black wolf jumped out at her and tried to bite her head off. She quickly retreated and began to run away. She took off the opposite way of the wolf as fast as she could, but she could hear the wolf catching up to her. Right as it was at her back, she quickly turned to her left and ducked down. The wolf followed after her but wasn't expecting her to be on the ground as he tried to bite her but only caught air. She quickly got up and jumped on the wolf's back and held onto its neck trying to choke it. The wolf threw itself down on the ground trying to squish the girl but she quickly let go and rolled away. She got back on her feet and looked the surprised wolf in the eye.
She wasn't gonna go down without a fight. She'd make sure to leave a couple scars before he killed her. She crouched down in a offensive position, ready to jump if the wolf decided to attack her again.
She felt her wolf, Zelda, show herself through Alethas eyes. Warning the other wolf to back off. It required the last of her wolf's strength. But it was worth the risk if the wolf decided to leave her alone. The black wolf, ignoring Zeldas warning, pounced on Aletha, quicker than her brain could react. She was on the ground elbows blocking her face while also holding the wolves neck, stopping him from biting her face. He nipped and nipped at her face but couldn't reach it, as her elbows were blocking it.
I'm that moment Aletha could on think about how weak she felt, how being this weak was just as bad a feeling as being lonely. She was weak and lonely and she didn't want to be anymore.
At that realization something overcame her. Energy surged through her as she let out a murderess growl and flipped positions with the wolf. He was now below her, stiff and still from shock. She looked the wolf in the eyes and let Zelda speak. "I will not kill you, but if you don't let me go, I will have to."
With that she jumped up off the wolf and began to back away slowly. The wolf got up and stood there for a couple seconds before it began to shift into a human.
Now what was once a wolf, was a man who seemed to be in his mid 40s. He had wavy black hair, a thin face, small black eyes and was around 6'7.
He spoke
"Do not think you won, Little Wolf. I could easily kill you where you stand." his voice was smooth and deep as he spoke with a country accent.
"Then why don't you?"  Aletha questioned.

"You have a lot of untapped potential. I'm a specialist in that kind of shit. I'd like to make you an offer" The man said nonchalant.
Aletha scoffed at the man. Was he really crazy enough to think she'd agree to do anything with him after he tried to kill her? "Why in the hell would I agree to anything you say? Were you not trying to kill me 5 minutes ago?" The man looked up at the sky as if asking for patience to deal with the girl.
"Look, I can tell you're struggling out here, I can also tell you won't make it long because you have no hunting or fighting skills. You only got lucky that your wolf had enough strength to surprise me. There's also not many animals out here in these parts. If you let me, I can train you. I could train you to be the best. It would benefit me but also you. I'm not getting any younger, I'd like to have help when I'm not able to hunt on my own." Aletha knew the man was right and as he spoke his offer was beginning to sound more and more tempting, but it was his next words that finally gave Aletha the push to accept his offer. "You don't have to be lonely and weak. I can help you with the pain, girl. The pain that shows through your eyes. I've been through it myself.My mate and child died during birth. They were to weak to make it. If you accept this offer and come back with me to my pack, you'd have family and you'd get your chance to show that you're not weak. You won't have to be lonely ever again."

That was the day my life changed, I was gonna show everyone that I wasn't weak and that I wasn't the lonely girl they once knew. I was gonna show them that she was gone. Long gone. I made sure I wouldn't get hurt again. If you don't show emotions then they can't hurt you.
My name is Aletha Sol Reyes and this isn't some tale. It's my story of revenge, so sit there and listen, cause I'm gonna tell it to you good.

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