Love You Forever (Derek Hale)

By HDeane98

46.9K 798 124

19 year old Hayley Slade is a werewolf by birth, comes from a long line of werewolves. After her house myster... More

Season 1 Episode 1 Part 1
Season 1 Episode 1 Part 2
Season 1 Episode 2
Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1 Episode 6
Season 1 Episode 8
Season 1 Episode 9
Season 1 Episode 10
Season 1 Episode 11
Season 1 Episode 12
Season 2 Episode 4
Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 8

Season 1 Episode 7

922 21 1
By HDeane98

I gasp loudly.


Derek lays lifeless in a pile of leaves. I run to him, looking for the source of what happened, noticing blood coming from a puncture wound on his chest. I concentrate on listening for any sign of a heart beat. Relief flows through my body as I hear the faint beating of his heart. "Derek." I cry out, lightly shaking his shoulder to wake him up.


"Derek!" I place my hands on his face lightly slapping his cheeks.

He stirs awake slowly opening his eyes, "Hayley?" He weakly calls out.

"Can you move?" I ask. He nods weakly holding his chest as he slowly sits up. I place my arms around his waist using my strength to hold him up. We slowly walk to his car, I take the keys out of his pocket, placing him in the passenger seat. Derek speaks up wincing in pain, "Hayley... The alpha..." Derek mutters then passes out.

I quickly get into the driver's seat driving back home. A drive that normally takes 10 minutes feels like hours. I keep looking over at Derek checking to make sure he is still breathing.

Pulling in the driveway, I listen for any sign of life in the house, hearing nothing I am thankful that Melissa has work tonight meaning she won't be back until the morning. Derek wakes up as I open the car door. Carefully I help him out of the car. "Derek you gotta help me get you to my room." I urge him. He nods weakly and we stumble up to the house. Throwing open the door I guide us to the stairs. Halfway up Derek suddenly becomes heavier causing me to stumble. Looking over I notice him unconscious. Using all my strength I pull him up the stairs and to my room. I carefully lay him on my bed, gently I remove his jacket then rip his shirt in two exposing the wound. I can't help but gasp at the sight. A large hole the size of a fist covers his chest. I can tell it's healing but because it is from an alpha it's going to take much longer too. I go into the bathroom grabbing multiple towels. Derek is still unconscious when I reach him, I carefully clean the blood off his chest, cleaning the wound. I wrap his chest in gauze praying the bleeding stops. Going downstairs I toss the various blood stained towels in the washing machine and turn it on. Back in my room I grab my desk chair pulling it next to the bed reach for his hand. I concentrate on taking some of his pain, my veins are quick to go black.

Derek jumps awake, the movement causes him to wince in pain. I quickly stand up placing my hands on his shoulders, "Derek don't get up or you'll make it worse. Lay down." He listens leaning back on my bed. He grabs my arm with a look full of worry, "You got to get back to the school and help Scott and Stiles."

I look at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

He looks at me in panic, "They are at the school. The alpha is there. You have to go and help them."

I shake my head in refusal, "No, I won't leave you."

"I'll be fine. I am healing. Scott and Stiles need you more than I do at this moment." He tells me urgently with a pleading look. That's when it hits me... Scott. He's in danger. "I'll be back, Der. I love you." I lean down placing a soft kiss to his forehead. I lean back but he reaches pulling back placing his lips on mine for a short kiss pulling back he leans his forehead against mine, "Be careful."

"I will." With that I rush out the room.

I drive back to school seeing Stiles jeep and now Jackson's porsche sitting in the parking lot. I notice the Jeeps hood is pulled back unnaturally. I quickly step out of my truck. Taking in my surroundings I notice the door to the school is open. Walking in slowly I carefully listen for any sign of the alpha. I hear four heartbeats coming from upstairs and I hear a single one in the gym. I start heading towards the gym, "Scott?" I call out praying that it's Scott and not the Alpha.

"Hayley get upstairs protect Allison, Stiles, Lydia and Jackson!" He shouts. I debate on whether to help him or to go help them. I want to protect my cousin. But he can protect himself. They can't. Not against the alpha.

I run upstairs, as I reach the final step a loud growl resonates throughout the school. I feel it in my bones, the alphas raw power. Whoever they are, they are strong. They have given into the dark power. Possibly leaving them without any humanity. They are pure werewolf. Which makes them dangerous. Rushing to the door I knock. A moment passes until I hear movement. "Scott?" Stiles hesitantly asks.

"No, Hayley. Open the door." I sternly tell him.

"Stiles what are you doing? Don't open the door. She is Derek's girlfriend. She is probably working with him!" I hear Jackson spit out leaving me confused. Working with Derek? What does he mean by that?

"She isn't." Stiles snaps then the door opens. Stiles pulls me inside dragging me to the back of the room.

"Hayley what are you doing here?" Stiles whispers in a panic.

"Derek sent me to help you. He told me you and Scott were here with the alpha."

He looks at me in surprise. "Derek? Derek is dead Hayley. The alpha killed him."

"No, he isn't Stiles. He's very much alive and currently in my room healing."

"Shit." He mutters, his aura giving off guilt.

I look at him suspiciously, "What did you do Stiles."

"Ok, ok we thought Derek was dead. So, Scott told them..." Stiles nods over to Lydia, Allison, and Jackson; Lydia and Jackson seems in an heated argument. I turn my attention back to Stiles who continues, "He told him that Derek is the killer. That he has been the one doing all of the killings around town."

My eyes momentarily shift red, "Scott did what now?" My anger almost gets the best of me but thankfully I manage to calm myself down and my eyes go back to their natural hazel color.

"We couldn't tell them it is a psychotic alpha werewolf. He told them Derek without thinking because he thought he was dead." Stiles says in a hushed manner.

"I swear once we got out of this I am killing Scott." I angrily declare. He nods staying silent. I can feel the anxiety radiating off of him. I sigh knowing I'm the cause of his anxiety right now. I pat his shoulder softly, "Come on let's get back with the others." He nods and we walk back to where the others are.

I look at the others, all of them look at me with uncertainty. I know they have questions about Derek.

"So..." Jackson drawls our.

I cut Jackson off, "Don't you even dare ask me about Derek. Listen to me now because this is what I will stand by. Derek is not a murder. He has not killed anyone. I won't tolerate you guys accusing him. Got it?" By the end my voice is low and threatening they all quickly nod in understanding.

Allison is hesitant but speaks up, "Did you see Scott at all when coming up here?"

Lying I shake my head no.

Jackson is the next to speak up looking at me suspiciously, "Wait how did you know we were here?"

I point at Stiles, "Stiles texted me."

The three of them turn to Stiles in confusion. "Why the hell did you text her?" Lydia questions.

"I... err..." Stiles's eyes widen as he looks at me for help. I shrug in amusement slightly enjoying his discomfort after what he just told me. "I thought she could help?" He concludes, Allison begins to panic as Jackson and Lydia go back to arguing about how we are screwed.

I hear movement outside the door, down the hallway. "Quiet." I snap but no one listens. Lydia and Jackson continue to bicker back and forth. I listen closely realizing that it is Scott, but something isn't right. I focus on him listening for any indications of what is up with him. He's shifted fully. That's what the loud growl was. The alpha forced him to shift. Meaning he is not in control right now.

He makes his way in front of the door, the key slips into the lock. I stand ready in case I need to stop him from something I know he will regret later on.

"All right can we not argue for half a second here?" Stiles pleas as Jackson and Lydia are still going at each other's throats.

Allison continues to freak out next to me, "Where's Scott? He should be back by now."

My attention stays on Scott. "Scott, you got to snap out of it. Think of Allison." I whisper in a voice so low only Scott will be able to hear my words. I hear his heart start to beat faster, as he has an internal battle with himself for control. The key snaps making loud sound that echoes throughout the room, everyone turns to the door, "Scott!" Allison cries, pulling on the door. It doesn't open. "SCOTT!" She shouts.

"Where is he going?" Lydia questions.

"Scott!" Allison bangs on the door. "Scott. Scott! SCOTT!"

"Stop. Stop!" Lydia speaks up.

Allison stops and faces Lydia.

"Do you hear that?"

I listen, police sirens not far in the distance. "Listen." I tell them.

We run to the window, police cars swarm into the parking lot.

Relief rushes through me. If the alpha is smart he would be long gone by now. "Come on." I tell them.

"Jackson help me out." I ask him motioning to the door even though I can easily break it myself. We kick the door at the same time. It breaks open easily.

"What? How?" Lydia looks at me confused.

"My step-father was a cop. He showed me a few tricks." I tell her, shrugging nonchalantly which isn't necessarily a lie since my stepdad was a police detective.


Standing outside with one of the sheriffs I finish up with giving my statement. Looking at the school I see the doors open as the Sheriff, Scott and Stiles walk out. Both of them looking down in defeat. "You sure it was Derek Hale? As in your cousin Hayley's boyfriend?" The Sheriff questions the boys.

"Yes." Scott tells him. "I saw him too." Stiles collaborates. I shoot them both a glare making it obvious how much I want to kill them both right now.

'Derek, you need to get out of the house. You need to get off the grid now.' I reach out knowing that the house will be the first place they will look.

'Why? What happened?' He quickly responds. I can instantly tell he is still weak.

I look over at the two idiots, 'My idiot cousin and his best friend happened. They told the cops that you are the killer. That you were the one in the school chasing them.'

'I'm killing them the next time I see them!' He fumes.

I roll my eyes, 'Join the club. Now go to my family's safe house. Do you remember where it is?'

'I do.'

'I'll meet you there when I have the chance, the sheriff knows we are together so he will have eyes on me 24/7. I'll try and sneak away.' The sheriff heads my way, 'Safe house go.' I order then turn my attention to the sheriff who now stands before me, "Hayley Slade?"

I nod my head, "Yes sir."

"You are in a relationship with Derek Hale correct?" He asks looking at me skeptically.

"Yes, we are and before you go any further, no Derek is not responsible for this." I cross my arms over my chest staying calm as Derek gets his name dragged through the mud.

"Both Scott and Stiles say they otherwise." He counters.

I shake my head, "They don't like Derek. You know that. They already tried to blame him for his own sister's death. They aren't reliable."

He sighs then continues to question me about Derek for the next ten minutes.

"Do you know where Derek is right now?" He asks me looking at me pointedly.

"Sheriff I don't know. I haven't seen him since earlier today." I lie as smoothly.

His look indicates that he doesn't believe me which is to be expected. But still he walks off to one of his deputy's. "I want someone following her at all times." He tells the deputy. I sigh knowing I won't be seeing Derek much until this is resolved. I walk over to my truck, I drive back to the house with a deputy behind me the entire time.

Walking into my room, I make the decision to wait a few hours before slipping out my window to see Derek. Changing, I slide into my bed. May as well try and get some sleep.

For the first time in weeks I am sleeping alone. The space next to me where Derek normally sleeps is cold and empty causing me to toss and turn for hours unable to sleep.

Giving up I get up and change into dark clothing. I leave Max sleeping at the foot of my bed and quietly slip out the window falling onto the grass without as much of a single sound. I silently run through the woods. Keeping an eye out for any one that dare follow.

I get deeper and deeper into the woods when a cabin appears not far in the distance. A small cabin our families used as a hideout when the hunters were after us. I knock lightly on the door. After a moment the door opens revealing a tired looking Derek. He pulls me inside, shutting the door. He leans me against the door, laying his head on my shoulder. I relax into his arms taking in his scent.

Pulling back I reach lifting the front of his shirt, the wound has not healed completely yet. Derek grabs my hand interlocking them together, "Hayley, I am fine. It is almost healed."

I sigh, looking up into his eyes with worry, "I know. I just worry. You mean everything to me."

He kisses me softly, "You are my everything. I love you Hayley."

I smile wrapping my arms around him. "I love you too." I mumble against his chest.

Derek leans back quickly taking me by surprise, "I know who the alpha is."

My eyes go wide, "You do?"

"It's Scotts boss. That veterinarian Doctor Deaton." He explains with certainty.

I shake my head disagreeing, "Derek, he isn't the alpha."

He looks at me in utter disbelief, "I had him tied up in my car and he wasn't there right before I was stabbed."

"Your mom never told you I'm guessing?" He looks at me confused. I sigh, "Derek, Deaton was Talia's emissary."

He looks at me speechless, "Wait... wh... what? My mom never told me." He stutters.

"It must be an eldest child privilege. My mother only told me about Sam and Deaton not my siblings. Talia must have only told Laura." I inform him.

He sighs falling back onto the couch with a soft thump, "Well I guess finding out who the alpha is, is still on the agenda. That and me being a wanted fugitive now."

I roll my eyes, "Yep, thanks to Scott and Stiles."

I take a seat next to him. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes. He pulls me to his chest resting his hands on my stomach rubbing small circles. "Hayley, you are going to have to stay away from me until this gets cleared up. I don't want you to get arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive."

As much as I want to fight him on that I know he is right. We can't think of just ourselves. We need to think of our baby now. "I know Der, but I swear I will do everything in my power to fix this. I refuse to let our baby grow up without their father."

Derek growls, "Never. I promised you that you wouldn't raise this baby alone and I intend to keep that promise."

I turn in his arms running my fingers softly through his hair. "I know you will." I smiles softly.

We stay in each other's arms for hours. Just before dawn I untangle myself from Derek's arms. "I have to go."

He groans, "I know."

Standing up he follows me to the door. I lean up kissing him softly, "We will get through this."

He embraces me and nods against my shoulder, "I know."

I pull out of his grip, opening the door without a look back I book it into the woods. Heading back home where I will be under watchful eyes for the days to come.

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