Falling To Peices

By DarkThoughts22

891 27 2

After her Mothers strange death, Blake Colby is led back to her childhood town, Boulder Colorado. She returns... More

Feeling Her
Dirty Looks and Unusual Talks
Days Never End
Deep Thoughts
Never Ending News
Never Ending News Part 2
Company Loves its Misery
Early Mornings
Answers Spill Out
Rude Awakenings
News to Me
A Surprise at the End
A Day with Jayden
Stories That Explain All
To Grandmother's House We Go
A Visitor To Stay
Don't Get Ahead Of Yourself Kid
Being Free
Try to Behave
Hunt or be Hunted
Hiding From The Boogey Man, Or So To Speak
Time to Die
Saying Goodbye

Familiar Faces

79 3 0
By DarkThoughts22

 Blake is below just with brown eyes!(:

Hey Guys! This is the first chapter so let me know what you think! I like to write long chapters just so its not too short, so don't forget to comment, vote or fan!


Chapter One

I feel a shock run through me like an electric wire being plugged in. Shivers run down my spine from the cold winter breeze.  I watch the old house stand still, old and feeble.  The shutters faded from their gray color. It has changed so much since I was last here when I was younger.  I feel my fathers presents behind me and I come out of my trance to help him with my bags. 

"Are you okay?" I look up at my Dad adn find pain in his face. He misses Mom. I can feel it in the way he moves around me. I set my bags down on the cold wooden floo next to my bed.  "Yeah. Just looking." I sigh and scan the old bedroom.

He changed the curtains, before they were a bright pink now they are a light brown baege to match the bed sheets. Something else but I can't put my finger on it. "I umm, I don't know what your favorite color is so I picked out a neutral."  I meet his gaze and his eyes flicker from me to the floor. 

"I should leave you be-"

"Dad, I-Umm, I'm glad I'm here. Really." I tell him before he can fully turn his back against me. "Me too." He comments back.

He makes his way to me feeling the creek of the floor boards and gives me an awkward hug. He smells like cinnamon and leather. His ruff of his beard scratches me a bit and I flinch.

He clears his throat and gives me a smile that shows his teeth. "Spagheti good?" he asks making his way toward the door.  "Yeah, thats fine." I lie not even in the mood for food.  I pullon a smile adn closing the door behind him he leaves me be, by myself.

Feeling alone is the worst feeling I could possibly feel. Losing my Mother was harder than anything, and here I am alone even more with my father I barely know. Why is it so awkward between us? It shouldn't be this hard fo rus.

I climb onto my new bed and lay down running my fingers through my long brown hair feeling every thick peice become tangled in my fingers. My bones ache with relaxation. I feel the presents of someone, but IM not sure where or whom. I run my hands over my face possibly smearing my makeup. I take a deep breath and try not to let the tears spill out. 

Its hard, so hard. Holding them back since the funeral last Thursday. My conscious tells me its not going to make me any stronger. Even I know this, but I still hold them back as if it does me any good. I sit up and feel the springs come to life under my body. I slip my winter coat off getting warm. I take another deep breath. I eye the bags on my floor still not unpacked.

I should take the time to unpack them before tomorrow, I would start school Monday which is in two days. Im dreading going back, at my old school everyone would ask "How are you doing?" "Is there anything I can do?"  or "Do you want to talk about it?" My friends would always ask me every day. When Mom died I went and stayed at Grandmas house for a while before Dad heard the news and asked me to come live with him. I had to get out of that town so bad and just start new.

Even though this town isnt very rare to me, I still remember where all the stores are and schools even when I was little. It was like I never left, wierd.

I have to think positive, no more mopey, boring, dull Blake. What happened to the exciting beautiful Blake? Shes still there, just hidiing.

I kneel down on the cold wooden floor hearing Dad downstairs in the kitchen bumping pots and pans together. I smile, I never thought he knew how to cook. I start unpacking feeling better already.  Ilay all my shirts on the bed and along with my pants and sweatshirts.

Once I have everything emptied, I get on my feet and pick up a handful of clothes and set them gently in my new dresser smelling the fresh oak from the woodenholder. I love the smell of wood, especially since this house is surrounded by wooded area.

I remember campfires in the back yard with all my friends and feeling like a wild thing roaming the woods with not a care in the world.


I jump scared as my heart begins to race at the pound that came from my window. Im frozen with fear afraid to what might be waiting for me at the window. I slowly turn around and walk toward the window.

The curtain hides the blood smeared on my window. I look down out the window and find nothing. Hmm? Weird, a bird maybe?

"Blake you okay?" I hear Dad yell up the stairs.

"Yeah, I think a bird hit my window or something." I yell back.

"Oh, I'll check kay?" He yells back leaving me in a shutter.

I calm down at the fright that wasn't a big deal, but made it exactly that. A big deal as I usually do. I laugh at myself childishly. I shake the thought of it out of my mind and continue to unpack once again. FElling yet another edge of someone's presence, feeling that shiver down my spine as wehn I first arrived here. I tighten my sweater close to me trying to comfort myself and shrug the feeling off.




"So are you all unpacked? Have enough room?" Dad slurps his spaghetti in his mouth when he finishes his sentence.

The kitchen is clean, sink empty, ingredients stashed away in the proper containers and cupboards. It smells like cinnamon and candles. Smells like Mom.

I look down at my plate full of a mixture of noodles, red sauce, mushrooms and onions. Dad was always an over achiever. He looks good, he gained some weight since I last sen him five years ago.


Five years wihtout my father. Some kids don't know their Dad. Maybe even their Mom?


I miss her.


I look up and find Dad giving me a worried look like one of my eyes are missing. I blink and make sure they are both there. Yup.

"Yeah, I have room. Not unpacked yet still alot of stuff back at the house so..." I say mumbling to myself.

"Not hungry?" Dad asks quietly.

"Sorry Dad, Im just not feeling good. It looks really good, Im just thinking-"

"About Mom?" He finishes my thoughts.

"Yeah." I manage to squeal out, I find his eyes and tears start to bubble up from his face. He doesn't let them fall, instead he blinks and continures to eat.

"Shes always with us Blake, don't forget that. You remind me so much of her its hard to believe that she is gone." He says it all calm not braking in anywhere. His face goes back to the same way it was when we were driving the blazer here, he was fine. Talkative in the car and now he is back to his old self, trying to hold back his tears just like I have. Im more like him in a way.

"Well, do you want to go into town and get some ice cream, while I do the dishes?" He asks me scooting his chair back making it squeak when it rubs against the wooden floor.

"If you still remember that is." He continues taking my plate and his and setting them down on the counter next to the clean sink.

Dad, do dishes? Why had Mom and him split? He seems like the perfect husband, there was alot Mom hadn't told me about her and him. I seen pictures of them together and they looked so happy and so made for eachother. What little thing could have made her run off? Or maybe it was something big and thats why she didn't tell me. Did he cheat? Drink or smoke? Did he lie to her, but why?

"Blake?" Dad says one more time, I examine him and look him up and down and find a tall heavy built man who loved my mother so much to not let her go. She had something that he wanted so bad, not able to let her go but now that shes gone, she has left us alone but not totally alone. We still have eachother.

"Dad, Im sorry for being a bratz about everything." I say all in what sounds like gibberish.

HIs face expression is odd, haven't seen this one yet. His scruffed up beard wiggles a little and his bushy eye brows go uup and his right eye pulls up showing wrinkles.

"Blake, you aren't being a bratz. You just lost your Mom that  you were really close too-"

"Yeah, but you lost her too and I feel so bad for not asking how you are doing." I continue trying to get what is in my head out but, failing to do so.

"Blake." He walks over to me in a rush and pulls me into a tight, much more comfortable hug. In need of a hug I squeeze him, it feels good to be in someone elses arms. Someone else to take care of me. I need this, I feel much better but when we pull away his shirt is covered in tears, mine. I have finally let go and cried. 

Dad's blazer is a motor monster. It is so loud it hurts my ears. Everytime I hit the brakes to stop at a stop sign they squeal like a pig. It is so annoying. He needs a new car. But this one fits him, most definatly. It is built to last, like a chevy. Commercials go through my mimd of trucks and vehicles. Built to last. Hmmm.

The grocery store is exactly where I remember it was. Out of town surrounded by Molly's Pizza Ria. I pull the monster into a parking lot close to the stores doors. The parking lot is empty with at least five cars in the lots. I grab the keys out of the ignition and the money Dad gave me sits snug in my pocket.

I smell the dough of the pizzaria next door. It smells so good, I shoudl have ate dinner. Crap.

The winter air bites at my cheeks feeling like they are leaving tiny cuts. I pull my coat closer to me keeping my body a little warm. My boots crunch against the snow leaving my footprints behind me.

Having tunnel vision blocking my left and right from my coat I hurry up and cross the way toward the door and enter a warm store. It smells like shopping carts and pine cones. I love christmas.

I wonder if Dad puts up a christmas tree?

I enter the store and hear the beeps of cash registers checking out people. Other than that it is pretty quiet. I walk straight down the isle and keep walking looking at each isle carefully. I slow my paste getting a little tired from speed walking and then reach the isle I dread the most.


Its soo cold! I quickly open the door to the ice cream and my frozen hands grip the cold silver handle and open it but my hands slip away. I lose my balance for a quick second and almost fall to the ground.

"You cluts!" My subconscious screams at me.

I scan the small isle to make sure no one seen my embarrasing move. Clear. I go for the handle once more and succeed in opening the door and grab the frost covered vanilla icecream. Yummm.

I quickly get out of the freezer isle and turn sharply and bump into something soft and I fall to the ground along with my ice cream container.


I look around trying not to find eye contact with the intruder and find my ice cream and help myself up. I run my hands down my coat straightening out my coat.

"Oh my god! Blake?"

I look up and find Christy Gehm. Her face is pink with her blonde hair sticking out of her purple hat. Her blue eys sparkle and pop out. She gorgeous, even before I thought she couldn't get any prettier.

"Christy! Oh my god, how are you?" I ask jubilant as she is.

Instead of answering my question she pulls me into a tight hug, and the smell of cotton candy fills my nostrils. She is so warm.

"I am good, how long has it been like ten years?" She laughs and pulls away.

"Only, five but it seems much more. " I tell her honestly. I take her scent in one more time remembering that smell for later. "What are you doing here?" She asks in a way I know not to take to serious.

"My Mom died, and now Im living with my Dad." I say mediocre trying not to scare her off. I need an old friend.

"Oh my god, are you okay? How did she? I see your Dad soemtimes around the store where I work but thats about it." Her words come together like a soup.

"Yeah, Im fine just glad Im not alone anymore. Umm, a car crash. Weird huh? Oh yeah, where do you work?" I ask her acting like a not big deal.

"Oh my god Im so sorry Blake. But yeah we shoud do something, your going to school here right?"

Where else would I go?

"Yeah, of course." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Great, well we should totally  swap numbers. Do you have your cell?" She holds her hand out waiting for my cell. Shit.

I left it in the blazer. Way to go.

"Actually my cells in the car but Ill check out and meet you in the parking lot?" I tell her sheepishly.

"Yeah thats good, see you in a bit." She says walking away from me into the freezer isle.

I walk away also heading toward the check out.

I can't believe how grown up she looks. She was a couple months younger than me.

I wait in line to the check out while the cashier is having trouble checking out an older mans cottage cheese. Gross. I look to my right and find a shelf of candy and magazines. I pick up a star magazine and flip through the pages. I start reading about how Kim Kardashian is abusing drugs and what not. I never really liked them.

"Oh, they are trouble huh?" A husk voice from behind me ads.

I look behind me and find a dark haired hazel eyed boy. But, hes not a boy, hes more of a man but not that even. He is wearing a sort of pleather coat with fuzz sticking out at the collar. His jaw bone clenches against his teeth and I stare him up and down. Wow. Hes gorgeous.

"Umm, yeahh." I say breathlessly not able to keep my eyes off of him.

He smiles an all teeth smile, and hsi dimples are centered in his cheeks. Woah.

I feel my knees go weak, and I begin to shake. His hair is tousled in every which direction and his eyes are so many different colors. He is gorgoeus.

"MIss?" I hear the cashier say to me obviously but I can't turn around, fi I do I might fall. Please don't not infront of him!

"Miss!" The cashier says again, she is getting irritated with me I can tell.

"I think its your turn." He tells me motioning toward the cashier.

"Hmmm, right." I turn around and put my ice cream tub on the counter and she gives me a dirty look adn scans my item. As she says my price I see she has red lipstick in her teeth. I giggle to myself a little and give her the momey and she gives me my change.

She hands me the tub, and I go to leave when the hunk says, "See you soon?" I melt immediatly and want to stay and flirt some more but Christy might be waiting for me.

I wait in the blazer for a while until I see Christy and then I climb out. Her car is black as tar, and its shiny. I need to get a job so I can get a car.

"Hey." I say touching her shoulder as she puts her groceries away.

"Oh,hey. Got your phone?" She kids and I hand her mine and she hands me hers. I dial in my number along with my name. Blake Colby. "There." she hands me my phone then I hand hers in exchange.

"Umm, did you see this guy in the store. He was tall and had dark hair with hazel eyes?" I ask murmuring it. I couldn't get this feeling of him out . It felt like I knew him somehow, or he knew me somehow.

"Umm, No I don't think so. Why? Did you get his number?" She cheers on getting excited.

"No! I barely knew him!" We laugh about it but then my eyes catch his. He walks out toward his car a silver shiny car. It looks gorgeous with the snow on the ground. "Thats him." I say my eyes still locked on his. He doesn't look at us, but he is only a few lots away. "Oh my god, Blake no!"

What? What had I done that was so bad?

"What?" I ask childishly.

"Thats, Christian Bayhill. You can't come into contact with him what so ever! Hes like in some sort of cult or whatever. Hes weird but, stay away from him. People say wierd shit about him." Christy tells me being honest. A cult? Honestly. Something else was up with him.

He didn't seem to be dangerous when I first seen him, he talked to me first. Actually, he was reading over my shoulder. But why did he? Why couldn't he just say, "Hi." or something? He had to comment on something I was reading and make it out of that. "There you go again, making a big deal about it." my subconsious goes. Shit.

He climbs into his car and screeches away and leaves me dazed and wanting to know more about who he is.

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