Rose Azure

By kiyokokenji

183K 4.9K 1.3K

A girl Who lived Story! Petunia and Vernon Dursley don't want their freak of niece in their home, so Vernon l... More

Rose Azure: Prologue
Rose Azure 1 : The Girl Who Live
Rose Azure 2: Aging
Rose Azure 3: Diagon Alley
Rose Azure 4: Journey
Rose Azure 5 : Hogwarts
Rose Azure 6: Decisions
Rose Azure 7: Explanations
Rose Azure 8: FIRST
Rose Azure 9: Friends
Rose Azure 10: Expectations
Rose Azure 11: Halloween

Rose Azure 12: Irritations

12.9K 435 221
By kiyokokenji

Rose woke up at her usual morning time and went through all her routines. As she was setting down for breakfast the morning post began to arrive and she saw two owls heading her way.

      (Let's pretend that it's a mail not a broom)

The great hall was just now starting to fill up and everyone looked at the owls as they approached Rose, usually any mail Rose got came from her own owl. Rose raised her hand and the first owl gently landed on it. She lowered her hand carefully and transferred the owl to her knee then untied the letter. One she had untied the letter the owl flew off but not before gently cuffing her shoulder. The other owl landed and held out its leg for her to take the note. The first letter was from the school's nurse asking for her to visit so the nurse could make sure she was okay after the ordeal. She hid her annoyance. She was perfectly fine. The other note was from Hagrid. It was an invitation to have tea. She had no problem with him except for the fact he was treating her like an interesting creature. She saw how he watched her dinner. She would have liked to curse the note and send it back but knew her mother would be disappointed with her if she did. Then she thought about just setting it on fire but that wouldn't do either, that would be impolite. Wearily she took out a scrap of parchment and declined as politely as she had been taught. She raised her hand as she saw Ava come flying in. Ava landed on the proffered perch.

Ava could feel the irritation rolling off her owner and friend. She knew that this human was upsetting her human but her human wouldn't tell him off as she clearly longed to do; so she would have to take matters into her own claws.

Rose tied the message to Ava's leg.

Ava took flight and headed over to Hagrid.

Hagrid was surprised the girl had sent a reply. Ava landed in front of Hagrid and allowed him to untie the message. As soon as he had untied it she took flight. She winged back around until she was over his head. As she was over his head she dropped a present for him.

Rose watched with some confusion as Ava circled over Hagrid's head but her expression cleared up, a smile lit in her eyes as she watched her friend drop owl droppings on him. She couldn't be rude to Hagrid but that didn't mean Ava couldn't. she would have to make sure she gave Ava her thanks and a treat.

Hermione, Neville, and Ron came running over to Rose after they had finished breakfast.

"I just wanted to say thank you again Rose," Hermione began.

"Its fine Hermione," Rose said.

"Weren't you scared even a little," Neville asked amazed.

"No. he wouldn't hurt me, and he couldn't have hurt me. I wasn't in any danger," Rose answered patiently.

"I'm telling you its Snape," Ron said changing the subject.



Ron, Neville and Hermione had been walking up the staircases to go their common room when suddenly the staircases switched. They quickly ran up before they switched again. Mrs. Norris came into view.

"Quick let's go before Filch gets here," Ron said nervously.

They ran for the end of the corridor where Ron tried the door. "It's locked!" Ron said panicking as they heard Filch shuffling closer.

"Oh move over," Hermione snarled. She whispered, "Alohmora."

The lock clicked and the door swung open – they piled through it, shut it quickly, and pressed their ears against it, listening.

"He thinks this door is locked," Hermione whispered. "I think we'll be okay – get off, Neville!" For Neville had been tugging on the sleeve of Hermione's robe for the last minute. "What?"


Hermione turned around - and saw, quite clearly, what. For a moment, she was sure she walked into a nightmare – this was too much, on top of everything that had happened so far.

They weren't in a room as she had supposed. They were in a corridor. The forbidden corridor on the third floor. And now they knew why it was forbidden.

They were looking straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog that filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes; three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs.

It was standing quite still all six eyes starting at them, and Ron knew that the only reason they weren't already dead was that their sudden appearance had taken it by surprised, but it was quickly getting over that, there was no mistaking what those thunderous growls meant.

Ron groped for the doorknob –between Filch and death, he'd take Filch and death, he'd take Filch.

They fell backward – Neville slammed the door shut, and they ran, they almost flew, back down the corridor. Filch must have hurried off to look for them somewhere else, because they didn't see him anywhere, but they hardly cared – all they wanted to do was put as much space as possible between them and that monster. They didn't stop running until they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady on the seventh floor.

"Where on earth have you all been? Cutting curfew pretty close." She asked, looking at their robes hanging off their shoulders and their flushed, sweaty faces.

"Never mind that – pig snout, pig snout," panted Ron, and the portrait swung forward. They scrambled into the common room and collapsed, trembling, into armchairs.

It was a while before any of them said anything. Neville, indeed, looked as if he'd never speak again.

"What do they think they're doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?" said Ron finally. "If any dog needs exercise, that one does."

Hermione had got both her breath and her bad temper. "You don't use your eyes, any of you, do you?" she snapped. "Didn't you see what it was standing on?

"The floor?" Ron suggested. "I wasn't looking at its feet; I was too busy with its heads."

"No, not the floor. It was standing on a trapdoor. It's obviously guarding something."

She stood up, glaring at them.

"I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed – or worse, expelled. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to bed."

Ron stared after her, his mouth open.

"No, we don't mind." he said. "You think I planned this?"

But Hermione's word had given Ron and Neville something to think on, Gringotts was supposed to be the safest place to keep something but it had been broken in and the headmaster had hidden something in the third floor corridor. Something that was protected by a Cerberus; so it had to be valuable.


Ron and Neville had seen Snape going to the third floor corridor on Halloween when they had been on their way to warn Hermione and Rose. So they were convinced that he wanted to steal whatever it was.



Rose already knew Ron's theory. Ron was convinced that Snape was trying to steal whatever was in the third corridor. "Ron, I'm telling you Snape isn't trying to steal whatever it is."

"Oh yeah, how do you know?" Ron demanded.

Rose opened her mouth then shut it. She couldn't tell Ron about all her memory transfer. "He's just not," she replied firmly.

Ron looked at Rose in disbelief. Rose just shook her head. Why couldn't everyone just drop it already?


She grabbed her bag and began to make her way to the infirmary. She knocked on the door before entering. She slid in there and as if she had cast a summoning charm Poppy appeared.

"Take a seat on the bed Miss Azure," Poppy instructed.

"Really Madame Promfrey I'm okay," Rose tried.

"That's what they all say. Take a seat," Poppy insisted.

Rose took a seat on the bed. The faster this was over the better.

Poppy waved her wand and waited fir the results to show on the parchment. Her eyebrows began to rise as she read the results. The results said that she was perfectly healthy and calm. Not what most eleven year olds would be after that or deal.

Rose watched Poppy coolly. She hid her smirk at the nurse's astonishment. "So am I free to go," Rose asked after a few minutes.

"Yeah, you can go," Poppy said faintly. She watched as Rose got up and walked out. That girl was something else.

At lunch she sat at the Gryffindor table. She had made a mistake as she listened to everyone go on around her. It seemed what had happened last night had spread and everybody wanted to talk to her. So she sat there gritting her teeth and answering politely as she had been raised but wishing that she could hex everyone without feeling guilty afterwards.

"So is it," Fred began.

"True?" George finished.

"Yes. I walked up to a troll, stood on its hand, held a conversation with it, then proceeded to lead it out of the castle," Rose answered with every bit of patience she could muster up.

"You weren't scared," Dean asked.

"No," Rose assured.

She could feel her eyes growing darker. She had to shove her annoyance behind her occlumency shields.


Severus watched Rose. He had thought Rose would have been bragging to everyone but instead she seemed aggravated with all the attention; like she wanted to hide. He didn't see any obvious signs but every now and then he caught her looking at the doors longingly. She glanced up at the staff table and for second locked eyes with him. That second was all he needed to send out tendril of legimency. He brushed against the outer edges of her mind and felt a solid wall. There was no cracks, no weak spots. She had very strong occulmency shields. That made him thinks. What would happen if one managed to get past the outer protections did she have in place?


The next morning Rose woke up optimistically. Hopefully today would be better than yesterday. People had quieted down at dinner. They had finally stopped asking her questions. She bounded out of bed and went through her morning routine then sat in the Great Hall at the Hufflepuff table. Her mood lasted until the daily prophet arrived.

Girl-Who-Lives Raised by Extinct Creatures

If ever a front a page newspaper headline was designed to cause outrage amongst its readers, Rose thought this was it. The article then went on to proclaim its horror – on behalf of their readers of course – that the saviour of their world no longer even called her Rose Potter. Their young heroine now answered to the name of Azure. The newspaper then explained how this travesty had occurred – the girl – who- lived had been raised since that fateful Halloween by the ELVES! Creature that had been thought died out.

The Prophet had no answers to offer its readers as to how these unprecedented circumstances had evolved, just question after demanding answers to.

Why had the Ministry of Magic stood back and allowed this abnormality to happen to their favoured daughter?

Albus Dumbledore had claimed for ten years that Rose potter was safe and well, did he know the child was living with the elves – and what part did he play in that decision?

Rose was seething with anger. She could feel her grasp on her control slipping. Soon her metamorphmagus abilities would make it know. Now she just needed a proper outlet for it. She would feel sorry for the poor sap that drew her afterwards. Suddenly the perfect target presented itself. Maybe she wouldn't have to feel so bad afterwards.

Malfoy called out from the Slytherin table, "See Potter what happens when you make friends with the wrong sort. Like the mudblood or blood traitors could ever protect you."

Rose got up and walked towards Malfoy feeling the last of her control snap as she did so. She morphed into Draco's father. "If I were you I would shut my mouth while I'm ahead. If you ever call my friends that again you will be very sorry," Rose/Lucius leaned closer to Draco, "Next time I will become your worst nightmare. Oh and my name is not Potter! Do you understand me?'

Draco nodded his head. He wasn't stupid. His father was bad enough; he didn't want to see Voldemort. He didn't think for one second that this girl didn't mean what she said.

Rose turned around once Draco had nodded his head and walked out the Great Hall and headed outside to the lake. She sat down under the tree and leaned against the tree. She could feel her features changing. She had to get her anger under control. She sat there meditating. She dived into her mind and began to file away the paper behind thick shields. As she calmed down she could feel her features changing slower and slower until it stopped and her features were back to her normal.


Severus watched as Draco called out to Rose. Draco had been very foolish. He could already see that the girl was hitting the end of her tether. Her aura had started to ripple around her. The ghosts had actually moved away from her. If the Ghost were scared why did Draco think it would be alright to test out her temper? Draco had got off lightly. Rose could have hexed him before any of them had the chance to intervene besides it wasn't like she didn't know plenty of hexes. he wondered where Rose had disappeared to.


Albus was expecting visitors after reading how the Prophet chose to break the news. Cornelius would soon be making his way to the castle and the headmaster didn't really know how he was going to deal with the problem. nothing in all his years had prepared him for a situation like the one he now found himself in. Albus was going to have played the entire thing on the fly – he couldn't remember when he'd last had to do that either.


Rose had shoved all her irritation away and was once more clam when she noticed the squid's tentacle sticking up above the water. She walked over to it and tickled the tentacle. The squid brought its head above the water and watched the strange girl. The squid liked the strange girl's aura. Slowly it stretched a tentacle out and touched her. The girl didn't move or squeal. It reached another out and gently lifted her. When the girl didn't scream or move it began to pull her towards itself. Soon the squid began to swim around the lake while holding Rose above the surface out of the water, making sure that even her toes never touched the water. The squid could feel the delight radiating off the girl.


Hermione, Neville and Ron got up from the Gryffindor table to go find Rose to see if she was alright. It had scared them slightly to see her lose control like that. They found Rose and ran screaming back inside to get the professors.

"Professors," Hermione panted.

"What is it Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall asked.

"It's Rose professor," Ron sputtered.

"The giant squid is pulling her around," Neville added.

The five head of house hurried out to the lake but came up short. There was Rose being held up by the giant squid and pulled around. The professors had thought that they had been trying to prank them or exaggerating but they had been telling the truth. They had never seen the squid act like this.

"Miss Azure what are you doing," Minerva asked.

Rose looked over to the shore and saw her friends standing there with pale faces and heads of house there with stunned faces. "I'm not doing anything professor," Rose said innocently.

"Care to explain what you are doing being towed around by the squid Miss Azure," Filius asked patiently.

"The squid picked me up from the shore bank and started swimming around. I wasn't about to complain. I was just having fun," Rose answered.

"I'm glad you are more clam and having fun Miss Azure but you are scaring your fellow students. Care to come down,' Pomona asked.

Nobody saw Rose speak but something must have been said because the squid swam over to the shore bank and put Rose gently back on the ground. "You guys should really try that sometime," Rose said before proceeding to calmly walk back into the castle.


Severus felt like laughing. The look on the faces of the other heads of house was priceless. They looked pained. He knew Rose didn't mean to upset or prank anybody but she did. Only Rose could act like it was common and no big deal and remain unruffled.

"I think I need a drink," Minerva said before disappearing back in the castle. Filius and Pomona nodded their agreement and left.

Sinistra stood there looking dazed. She shook her head, "What am I going to do?" She asked desperately before following the others.


Ron wasted no time telling the twins what Rose had done lately. When they heard had went out and tried to convince the squid to pull them around. Unnecessary to say they had been met with defeat. So they had decided to ask Rose how she had done it.

"Rose I heard you went on a ride," Fred stated.

Rose nodded her head.

"How you convinced the squid, "George begged.

"I didn't convince the squid. He just picked me up and started swimming around with me. I'm sure if you just asked the squid nicely it would carry you around too," Rose answered.

"Only you Rose," They chorused.


The following Friday Albus was experiencing his own frustration. Albus was finding it hard to believe that an eleven year old witch was causing him so much trouble. He currently had the Minister of Magic, the head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Lucius Malfoy, a member of the Hogwarts board of governors, asking questions that he really had no answers for. Well, no answers that they wanted t hear.

The minister demanded to know when Hogwarts began accepting elves as student and why had Dumbledore allowed her to continue training.

"It was part of conditions of her attending; at Hogwarts was the one to give her the sword."

Cornelius was not impressed with that answer. "I find it hard to believe that a stone building could possibly do something like that...."

The sorting hat was on its usual shelf in the Hogwarts Headmaster's office. It wouldn't normally speak between sorting ceremonies but was quick to spring to the defence of the Hogwarts heir. "She is the child of founders three and Hogwarts heir. You couldn't keep her out of here even if you wanted to."

Cornelius was not renowned as a patient wizard and had recovered from the hat's jibe. His patience was especially stretched due to being bombarded with owls demanding answers, answers the Minister of Magic fully intended to get here today. "Enough of this Dumbledore, I'm a busy man. Let's see what she's got t say for herself. "Where is she?"

"I would assume she is in the Great hall," Albus said.

"Then let's go. No time like the present," Cornelius said jovially.

They all trooped off down to the Great hall. He decided not to tell Cornelius about Rose not be a carbon copy of he mother. It would help a little with the headache he was sure to receive.


Cornelius walked in the Great Hall and looked around at the students that had just sat down for lunch. He knew that Rose resembled Lily so he looked around for a red hair girl sitting at the Hufflepuff table eating lunch talking to her friends. His eyebrows raised at this; he would have thought that the girl would have been a Gryffindor but no matter, not yet anyway. He made his way over to the girls.

"Rose how nice to meet you," Cornelius said in a booming voice clapping a hand on the girl's shoulder.

The girl turned around with a puzzled expression on her face. "Sir I'm not Rose," Susan Bones stated.


Amelia was covering a grin as she watched Cornelius walk up to her niece. He had obviously mistaken her for Rose. She looked around. Her face gave way to a slight confused look as she didn't see another red head.


Severus felt the urge to chuckle at the Minister's stupid mistake. He was pretty sure that Albus had done it purposely but it still was entertaining. The minister had assumed that the red head was Rose when it was his head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement's niece.

Minerva, Pomona, Filius and Sinistra felt no such inhibitions about laughing quietly at the minister's mistake.


"What do you mean you're Bones, the head of auror's niece," Susan answered politely.

Cornelius looked around confusedly. He searched the Great hall for any other red hair but his search came up empty.


Rose watched the minister walk up to Susan from the Gryffindor table. Her eyes danced with laughter at his stupid mistake. It was his fault for not doing his homework. He should have had someone introduce himself to her. Instead he was making a fool of himself in the Great Hall.


Titters broke out across the Great Hall.

Cornelius flushed before rounding on Albus. "Where is Rose," he demanded.

Albus gesture towards the Gryffindor table.

Cornelius turned to the Gryffindor table and gave it a glance. When he didn't notice any red hair girls, just red hair boys, sitting there he turned back to the Albus once more not realizing his mistake.

The snickering got slightly louder in the Great hall at the minister's continued arrogance.

"Well I'm waiting. Unless she is invisible she's not here. Where is she Albus," Cornelius demanded once more.

Albus stood up. "If you please Rose," he requested.

Cornelius turned back towards the Gryffindor table.

Rose stood up and walked towards the ignorant minister. She curtsied, "Hello minister I am Rose Azure."

Cornelius stared blankly at the young lady in front of him. "Albus this isn't funny. This isn't Rose. Rose is an eleven year old girl this young lady that you roped into a prank on me," he declared angrily.

"No Cornelius that is Rose," Albus reassured him.

Cornelius looked at the other members of the staff and saw them nodding. He turned back to the young lady. How was this child of James and Lily Potter? She doesn't look anything like them. "You're an elf," he asked dazedly.

"Yes sir. I am Sun, Moon, and Star elf," Rose said. She wanted to laugh so badly. The minister looked like he might faint. She started to wonder how much she would have to push him for it to actually happen.


Amelia couldn't help but stare. She knew she was being rude but she couldn't believe what was right in front of her eyes. Susan had written home about Rose and everything bus she had just put it down to daydreams, hallucinations, rumors something anything not this thought.


Lucius watched the girl. His son had written home complaining about her. He would have talk with his son. Yes Malfoy's always married purebloods but this girl stunning. She would bring valuable assets with her to any marriage. She had the looks, magic, and money. Only the best would work for the Malfoys.


Amelia walked towards the girls. She stopped a few steps in front of her and studied her face closely. She realized that if you didn't look closely you couldn't see the traces of Lily in her and she noticed her eyes. The ocean colored eyes that wee watching her. She had seen Rose when she was a baby. She had been one of the many to marvel over little Rose's eyes. Ot was a great mystery as to how she had gotten that coloring when nobody in her family had them.

"Hello my name is Amelia Bones. I am the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Amelia introduced herself.

Rose gave a slight smile then curtsied. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Bones. My name is Rose Azure."

"Would you mind if we talked somewhere more privately," Amelia asked.

"No," Rose answered.

"Follow me then please," Amelia directed.

Amelia, Cornelius, Lucius, Severus, Minerva, Filius, Pomona, Sinistra and Albus filed out with Rise following behind. Albus ushered them into his office. He conjured chairs up for everyone and they all sat around a table.

They all watched amazed as Fawkes flew straight to Rose's shoulders once she had entered. When she sat; Fawkes let a musical note out that relaxed them and made him comfortable on Rose's lap. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he watched his companion warm up to the girl.

Severus had managed to snag the seat by Rose and on the other side of Rose sat Sinistra. Directly across from Rose was Amelia and on one side of he was Lucius and on the other Cornelius. Cornelius was staring numbly at Rose still. Rose noticed that Lucius was watching her. It was unsettling on bordering on creepy.

Amelia decided to get the ball rolling seeing as Cornelius didn't look like he would be capable of speech any time soon. "Miss Azure how old are you?"

"I am eleven. Miss Bones."

"How can you be eleven Miss Azure? You appear to be seventeen."

"As elves we come into our heritance at five that is when we get the pointed ears. Then we quit aging until we are eleven. The minute until you turn eleven; you look like a five year old. Then you grow up and look you will when you are seventeen. I won't age again until my seventeenth birthday then I will gain a few features but otherwise I will always look like this."

I don't mean to offend you but may I see your ears?"

Rose had her hair move behind her ears. She hid a grin at their shocked expressions when he hair move with its own accord.

"How did your hair do that?"

"It is ability of my nation."

"Alright we'll come back too that later. Who is raising you?"

"My parent; I have lived with my mother ever since"

"What did you mean when you said that you are a Sun, Moon, and star elf?"

"My mother is a Sun, Moon, and Star elf and she blood adopted me when I was five years old."

"Why do you say Sun, Moon, and star elf?

"I say that because that i8is my nationality. There are other types of nations."

"What did you mean 'it is ability of my nation'?"

"Sun, Moon and star elf elves can move their hair with a single thought. As everyone else already here knows; my hair also changes with the time of day and month."

"What do you mean miss Azure?"

"During the day my hair is gold. At night as long as there is a moon my hair is silver. On the night of a new moon my hair is black."

Amelia notice that instead of her house insignia Rose had the Hogwart's crest on her robes. "Miss Azure what house are you in?"


"What do you mean?"

"That I am not in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Rvenclaw, or Slytherin."

Alistar, the sorting hat, decided to shed the light on the situation, "Miss Azure possess traits of all the houses and when asked would not choose one over another so I put her in Hogwarts."

Amelia looked around at all the professors who just nodded their heads. She was amazed. She couldn't ever remember an instance when the sorting hat had refused to sort somebody.

Rose was purposely keeping her answers as vague as possible. She didn't care for Lucius interest. She didn't notice that Severus beside her was just interested.


Severus was listening carefully to all of Rose's answers. She answered every question that was asked of her, he realized thought that she answered each question as vague as possible without seeming to evade them. He notices that Lucius was paying more attention then was strictly necessary. He gritted his teeth. It seemed that Lucius was interested in her, probably for Draco. For some unknown reason this irritated him.


Cornelius finally rediscovered speech; which was a shame in Rose's opinion.

"Miss Potter weher do you live?" Cornelius demanded.

Rosse morphed in the blink in an eye. Suddenly she had the face of the minister's wife. "My name is not Potter. It's Azure!" Rose said before morphing back.


Lucius eyes grew slightly larger at seeing that he girl was a metamporphmagus. He would have to talk to Draco about not to antagonizing her anymore. He would also have to find a way to betroth her to Draco. She had even more magic than he knew of. In a few years she would be in high demand and the Potter fortune didn't hurt any either.

Amelia was amaze. Rose was metamorpmagus and a fast one too.


Cornelius had paled and lost the power of speech once more.

"I live with my mother," Rose answered as if nothing happened.


Severus smirked. the girl was fast, and if he wasn't mistaken the minister had just learned the same lesson he had himself. Never call Potter. He wondered how she knew who everyone feared most.


Miss Azure you are metamorphmagus?" Amelia asked just to be sure.

"Yes," Rose said while refraining from rolling her eyes and thinking, 'Duh, isn't it obvious.'

"Are you in your true for,?" Amelia had to check.

"Yes," Rose said indignantly.

"I don't mean to offend you but would you know what you would look like if you hadn't gone through with the blood adoption?"

"Yes, I know what I would have looked like," Rose said guardedly.

"May we see?" Amelia couldn't help asking.

Everyone but Rose sat a little straighter. They wanted to see but hadn't had the nerve to ask.

Rose regarded her coolly for a few seconds then she slowly began to change her features. It was several minutes before she had finished. Where Rose had sat a moment ago now sat an almost exact replica of what Lily had looked like at eleven years old except her eyes. Rose still had her ocean colored eyes. Fawkes looked up and keened. She sat like that there for a few minutes before morphing back into her true form.

Rose in her true form

Everyone was quiet for several minutes after Rose had changed back.

"Miss Azure I noticed you eyes didn't change," Lucius remarked.

"My eyes have been this color since I was born. They were not affected by the blood adoption. No one knows where I got them. If you will please excuse me I have lessons." Fawkes flew over to his perch. Rose got up curtsied to everyone then left.


Severus wanted to round on Amelia and rail against her. How tactless could she be? Asking the girl to morph into what she would have looked like. Obviously the girl was bothered about it; no matter how much she tried to hide it. He wondered if Rose had gone to lessons or if she hidden away somewhere.


Cornelius, Amelia, and Lucius got up.

"We will back tomorrow to oversee this training," Cornelius said before they showed themselves out. The professors sat there quietly. Suddenly Fawkes took flight and flamed out.

"Where did he go," Minerva asked.

"I don't pretend to know all his doings," Albs answered. "Well let's go about our day," Albus suggested.


Lucius stopped on his way out and directed Draco to a classroom.

"What is it father." Draco asked.

"You need to stop antagonizing the Potter girl," Lucius told Draco.

"Father she isn't Potter; she's Azure," Draco told Lucius remembering his mistake.

"I don't care what the girl is calling herself. You will be nice to her and try to become her friends with her," Lucius ordered.

Draco tried to protest but Lucius cut him off, "You will not antagonize the girl anymore."

Draco had no problems with that. He was all for not making Rose mad. He never wanted her anger directed at him again.

"You will try to get the girl to like you," Lucius said before leaving.

Now that Draco had a problem with. He didn't want to talk or be in five foot distance form Rose and his father's last order would see him doing that. He finally decided he would just procrastinate. After all he had six years maybe three or four years would her anger edge off some.


Rose walking too he kitchens when suddenly she felt a burst of heat and weight settle her on her shoulder.

"Hello Fawkes. Have you decided to accompany me?" She took the fact that he hadn't taken flight yet as confirmation.

Rose entered the kitchen. "Hello cousins," she greeted them.

The house elves all called out greeting before Blinky appeared in front of Rose.

"What can I get for my Lady" Blinky asked.

"Could I please have a small plate of food and a bowl of grapes," Rose asked courtesy.

A house elf began preparing her plate while Blinky led her over to table.

Rose took a seat and a plate of food and the bowl of grapes appeared in front of her.

"Thank you," she sincerely.

Fawkes drifted down to her lap. Rose handed him a grape. She alternated between eating and feeding Fawkes grapes. Once she was finished she thanked the house elves, who blushed, once more before leaving. Fawkes once again on her shoulder.

She went to potions with her new companion.

Snape wasn't surprised when Rose walked in with peeves beside her but he was surprised with Rose's latest addition. Fawkes was sitting on Rose's shoulders and didn't look to be moving anytime soon. When Rose stood at her cauldron Fawkes would settle on her stool but otherwise he didn't move.


After class was dismissed Severus headed into his office to floo Albus.

"Albus," he called.

Albus looked over at the fireplace and got up to walk around his desk to see what had disturbed Severus since the last time he had just seen him.

"What Severus," he said kneeling in front of the fireplace.

"I've discovered where Fawkes is," Severus said.

"Oh, and where is he," Albus asked playing along.

"Adorning Miss Azure's Shoulder,"

Albus payed attention.

"Rose comes to potions with Peeves at her side and Fawkes on her shoulder. He sat on her stool the whole class."

"He needs the fresh air from time to time," Albus replied casually then thanked Severus.

Albus was surprised at how well his faithful companion had taken to the girl seeing as how the girl didn't care for hi really. By any standards the bird shouldn't have payed half as much attention that he did at the meeting but to take to sitting on her shoulder and following her around was beyond the point. He couldn't help but wonder what was up, and to think this was some new way the girl had unintentionally made up to annoy him.


Fawkes had been surprised when an elf had walked through his companion's doors. Phoenixes had a connection with elves. Elves were almost immortal like Phoenixes. They could stare memories and symphatize together what being around did to a soul. This elf was young he could feel but on the other hand she felt older. She had an old weary way to her. Like she had see far too much already even thought he knew from Albus that the girl was eleven. He couldn't help but feel that the girl was special and he wanted to be her friend. So when she had left he had decided to follow her.


At dinner Rose was sitting at the Slytherin table next to Tracy and Daphne.

"I see you have acquired another companion," Tracy said hiding a laugh.

Rose was once again feeding Fawkes grapes.

"I didn't mean to. Why doesn't one of you try feeding him instead of laughing like hyenas," Rose retorted,

Daphne and Tracy both did try to feed him but Fawkes wouldn't take anything except for Rose.

Rose was talking to Fawkes exasperatedly, "You know their grapes are perfectly fine. Not even poisoned. Even though they are nasty snakes," Rose joked.

Daphne and Tracy couldn't help but laugh at Rose's plight.

"You could help me out you know. I'm sure he will take the food from you now." Rose tried coaxing her friends.

"Only you Rose," they chime together. Only Rose had Friends that couldn't eat without her.


The staff table was looking on with mild amusement at the Slytherin tables where Rose sat feeding Fawkes.

Albus was astonished to see Fawkes take food from someone other than himself. Phoenixes had to have a lot of trust in someone before they just took from them. It was startling that Fawkes trusted the girl that much after just meeting her today when he had know some of the staff for over fifteen years and still wouldn't take food from them. Maybe the girl wasn't such a bad thing. It certainly gave him food for thought.

After Rose had finished eating she walked up to the staff table. Eventually they stopped pretending that they hadn't been watching her and pretended to notice her for the first time that evening.

"What is it Miss Azure," Sinistra asked. She couldn't think of anything that might be the matter with the girl but was worried regardless.

"Professor Dumbledore," Rose began, "I'm sorry that I might have inconvenienced you. I didn't mean to make or take Fawkes with me. I'm here to return him."

"That's quite alright Miss Azure," Dumbledore replied with twinkling eyes.

Fawkes flew back over to his old companion.


Rose began her routine on Saturday and was heading down to the quidditch pitch with her friends. Tracy and Daphne had decided to join them after hearing the others talk about so much. Her friend settled on the stands and Rose went down to greet Sharpsword.

Rose Curtsied. "Good Morning Sharpword."

Sharpword bowed, "Morning my Lady."

"What have we had today," Rose asked.

Sharpsword started to answer her when they noticed some late comers Cornelius, Amelia and Lucius had walked up.

"Have you started yet," Cornelius asked.

"No Sir," Rose answered.

"We will be watching you practice today," Cornelius said.

"Along as you agree to the same conditions as the others," Sharpsword countered.

Cornelius glared at the goblin, "What are these conditions?"

"Ton not interfere," Sharpsword said.

Amelia, Cornelius and Lucius agreed and took a seat in the stands next to the professors.

Sharpsword picked up where he had left off, "Today I've brought another goblin you will be on the offense today. You will not wait for them to make the first move you will attack first. The match goes until you have defeated us both. Understand?"

Rose nodded her head.

Sharpsword turned to Filius and asked for the traditional countdown.

"Both sides understand and agree to the conditions?"

When all the participates had nodded their heads Filius began the countdown but was interrupted.

"Wait you can't be serious? One girl against two goblins," Cornelius asked.

Rose stepped forward, "Sir I am perfectly serious about going through with this. Do you remember the condition of you watching? I ask that you refrain from interrupting again." Rose turned to face her opponents once more.

Filius waited a minute ti make sure everyone was done, "Three ... Two... One... Go!"

Rose instantly sprang for th goblins and locked her sword in combat.


Daphne and Tracy screamed before Fred and George slapped a hand over their mouths close; they tentatively lifted their hands.

"Sorry," they whispered, "But you don't want to distract her."

Daphne and Tracy nodded.

"I didn't mean to but I didn't expect ..." Daphne trailed off.

"I know what you mean," Neville offered. "You don't expect her to go from gentle to dangerous."

"This is why I watch her every week; to remind myself that she isn't what she appears," Fred said.

"I see what you mean," Tracy said, "She presents herself one way but I think under that underneath that she is really different. I don't think we have even scratched the surface.


Dumbledore had cast a privacy charm over the area where they were sitting so no sound would reach the pitch below or the other students on the stands. He was glad he did. As soon as Rose had sprang at the goblin the three guests had shouted.

Cornelius head was hung. "There went the Girl-Who-Lived," he said sadly.

"What are you talking about," Minerva asked.

Cornelius looked at Minerva like she was stupid, "The girl just swung at a goblin. They have killed her."

Minerva laughed. She couldn't help it. "You better take a look at the pitch again. You may be surprised but the girl is still alive."

Cornelius down at the pitch and saw Rose with her head still attached. "I don't understand," he said dazedly. "The goblins should have beheaded her."

"If you watch you'll learn something," Minerva advised.

"I don't think they can," Pomona put her two cents in.

Cornelius watched Rose. She was taking on two goblins at once. As he watched he saw a goblin walk off the pitch and take a seat on the bottom stand.

He turned to Minerva, "Why," He asked confused.

"He can't take it anymore.

"What do you mean," he asked.

"He's exhausted and probably has a lot blood loss," Minerva answered. "oh great she'll be alive just maimed," Cornelius moaned into his hands.

"You'd be surprised," Albus said mysteriously.

As they neared the two hour mark Rose couldn't help but laugh. This was fun. It was effortless and she felt free while doing it. She forgot to throw up her usual silencers.

Everyone faces relaxed when they heard a beautiful laugh ring forth. It was clear as a bell. Everyone couldn't help but smile as the laugh recalled their favorite memories and lit a warm feeling in their heart.

"What caused that," Amelia asked.

"Rose's laugh; she is to busy to put up a silencing charm and she is enjoying herself," Sinstra answered.

Amelia was puzzled, "How can someone's laugh do that? It made me all happy; it felt like cheering charm."

"You can ask her yourself," Sinistra replied.

Amelia decided she would ask Rose after the training was done; if she was in any shape to ask that was.

Four hours after the match had started the last goblin surrendered. Amelia walked down to the pitch to see what condition Rose was in. Somebody could have tipped her over she was so shocked. Rose was not only the victor but the goblins all had worse injuries than her. Rose had a couple of thin scratches in her arms and one on her face.

Amelia walked up to Rose, "Miss Azure are you okay?"

"I'm fine ma'am."

"Are you sure? Some of those scratches are pretty long," Amelia asked worriedly.

"They will be fine," Rose reassured her.

Amelia looked towards the professors.

"Miss Azure has never seen our nurse yet. If she says she is fine then she's fine," Filius answered.

Amelia nodded her head and decided to move on. "Miss Azure I heard your laugh while you were fighting."

Rose looked down for a second. "I'm sorry ma'am," she apologized.

Amelia was bewildered; why was the girl apologizing for someone hearing her laugh. " Why are you apologizing Miss Azure?"

"Because I should have made sure to put up a silencer or contain my mirth."

"You can't be blamed for being happy. Besides why should you have to put a silencing charm to laugh?"

"No I can't be blamed for happiness," Rose conceded. "But I do have occlumency shields that is should gave made sure to hide it behind. It is my job to make sure I put precautions in place though.

"Why do you have to put up precautions Miss Azure?"

"Elves laughs are like a drug. You can become addicted to them if you hear them to much. You can't deny it; even hearing how they could harm you, you still want to hear it again," Rose accused.

"Can you blame us" Amelia challenged.

"No, I can't blame humans for wanting to hear it again. I understand though I can say it doesn't affect me the same. To me it is a beautiful laugh; pleasing to the ear, nothing more. Elves do not get the drug effect that affects other beings. If you'll excuse me?"

Rose went over to Sharpsword. "I'm Sorry Master; it wasn't fair when I distracted you," Rose Apologized.

Everybody was stunned. How had she distracted the goblin? Who apologized for distracting a goblin when they outnumbered them? Why not to make us of every advantage one had?

"It is alright my lady," Sharpsword said accepting her apology. "I can't say I'm mad at you; rather proud and happy."

Sharpsword noticed the confused look in Rose's eyes. "I'm proud because you used all your resources that you have available and I'm not sorry that I heard and elf's laugh. I can brag to Ragnok," he said with a smile.

Rose's eyes lit with amusement but she didn't laugh. "I'm glad I can provide entertainment for you. I hope he is jealous of you. This should put you one up after he didn't tell you that I was train," she said with a sly smile.

Sharpsword burst out laughing, "How did you know? you should have been a goblin"

"I think not," Rose said with mock indignation. "Then I wouldn't be able to best you easily," she joked. "He is a goblin; why wouldn't he use an advantage to teach another goblin a lesson."

Sharpsword laughed until tears streamed from his eyes, "Will you walk us to my lady?"

Rose smile and the goblins began to walk towards the hate.


The others stood around in shock. Rose had joke and insulted a goblin and the goblin had laughed. No one could ever remember hearing a goblin laugh. Not over an insult; a dead enemy maybe but not a joke.


Amelia, Cornelius, and Lucius declined the offer to stay for a drink and went back to the minister's office. After Cornelius had told his secretary not to bother him he cast several spells to ensure privacy.

"It would be best if no picture of Rose was released," Cornelus stated. "We'll disclose that she was in fact raised by elves and that she is polite girl that is all. With any luck they will soon lose interest and move on.

Lucius nodded his agreement. This fit in with his plans perfectly. It would give Draco time to befriend the girl and when they were older it would only be natural of the girl turned to Draco. He would soon have them bethrothed with no one the wiser. If a picture was leaked then hordes of heads of houses would rush to get their son betrothed to the girl.

Amelia agreed because while students might write home and tell their parents no one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes. They would say the ministry or the Daily Prophet was printing lies and it would sow discord, something she didn't really want, he had grown quite used to the tranquility.

Authors note: Sorry for not updating I've been busy ... I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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