Strangled Silence

Oleh LadyDestinysTragedy

376 1 2

Detective Tookie Olison has been hired to figure out the crime of a suburban house wife who’s been beaten to... Lebih Banyak

Strangled Silence Ch.2

Strangled Silence

292 0 0
Oleh LadyDestinysTragedy

I Know, I Know. I've Uploaded Two Already In One Day. But What Can I Say, I Want You To See The Other Genres I Write.


The night was silent...eerie. Shadows fell upon the lawns. The moon’s light didn’t provide enough light for people to see, but the lack of light was useful to some. A man woke in the middle of the night; he looked at his sleeping wife.

Grateful that his wife was still alive unlike the way she was in his dream. He checked her pulse once: she was still alive. Sliding out of bed he went to the window. He felt too much awake to go back to bed yet.

Looking out he gazed at the neighbour’s lawns. He jumped back as he looked at his next door neighbour’s lawn. There was something black and motionless lying there.

Terrified the man ran to his closet and grabbed a bat and flashlight. He was going to investigate. He reached the bottom of his stairs and stepped out the front door hesitantly.

Flashing the light in front of him and rising the bat up higher in his arm as he walked across his lawn. The wind whistled and blew the black object’s hair in the wind. Crossing onto his neighbour’s lawn the man shone the light onto the black object.

The man gave a slight scream as he saw his neighbour’s body.

Rushing forwards he felt for a pulse and ignored the blood that was seeping through his pants from the ground. He felt the tiny pulse and yelled for help. He wasn’t sure if he should leave her. The killer might realise his mistake and come back to finish the job.

Finally his wife came out. Shouting to her she ran back into the house and dialled nine-one-one. The ambulance arrived in no time and so did the cops.

Once the ambulance was off the cops entered the house. Not a soul was awake.

Moving through the house they found the husband shot, once in the head. He was dead; they could tell just by the way he looked. Checking the next room they found the teenage daughter shot dead too. They slowly moved to the twins’ room. Remarkably they were the only ones left either than their mother. They grabbed the twins and walked out of the house, placing the sleeping eight year old twins in the back of the cop car the police left Quinsten Roll.

Chapter One


The police station was lit up and Tookie sat at her new desk. She had just been promoted and she couldn’t feel any happier. It had only been a few hours earlier that Tookie had moved her stuff onto the desk. She had become a detective, a job she’d been shooting at for years. Well actually two years actually, Tookie was only twenty-two years old.

Picking up a Twinkie Tookie’s phone began to ring. Sighing Tookie put down her Twinkie and picked up the phone.

“’Ello?” Tookie says, noticing a fly she flicked it off the table.

“Hello Tookie, I know it’s your first day and all but we need you to come here, there’s a murder we need you to investigate.” Captain Ross says. Tookie leans down to pick up the fly with a napkin. But something’s wrong, the bug doesn’t feel soft in the napkin, it feels hard.

“Ok I’ll be right down.” Tookie murmured into the phone absentmindedly. Putting down the phone, Tookie places the napkin on her desk. Slowly she opens the folded piece. “Gah!” Tookie screams, it was a reflex to scream, Tookie always screamed when she expected something to happen.

Looking at the bug closely Tookie notices she’s being silly. “It’s just a dead bug silly.” She mutters to herself. Tookie figures she didn’t press hard enough to feel the squishiness of it. Wrapping the bug up again Tookie throws it into the garbage can.

“Tookie?” A voice calls. Tookie picks up her jacket, purse and Twinkie.

“What?” She mumbles her mouth full of Twinkie goodness. A man with dark brown hair and gray eyes steps into the room.

“Are you always eating? How do you keep your figure the same? Every time I see you you’re eating.” Detective Channing Gilberts said as he walked into Tookie’s office. Tookie stuffed the rest of the Twinkie in her mouth and headed to the door.

“I go for a morning run at five am every day. Now are you supposed to come with me to this murder?” Tookie asks, not letting annoyance slip into her voice.

She’s never really liked Channing, mainly because he thought he was a big hot shot. Channing grabbed his own coat from the desk beside Tookie’s.

“I got a call if that’s what you mean.” Channing tells Tookie. His voice calm. That was another thing that annoyed Tookie, he was always calm.

“Why are you always on the same job as me?” Tookie asks as she exits the office.

“How am I opposed to know that?” Channing answers; he shuts the door and locks it. Slipping the keys back into his pockets he follows Tookie out.

“Well I’ll see you there.” Tookie says as she heads to her car.

“Why don’t we just ride together in the detective car?” Channing asks as he pulls out the keys to the DC.

Sighing Tookie followed Channing and hopped into the DC with him.

“You know I hate you.” Tookie mutters as she watched the windshield wipers. Channing flicks through the radio stations and finally decides on classic. “And I hate your music choice.” Channing laughs.

“Everyone loves the classics Tookie.” Channing jokes. Tookie pulls out a sandwich from her purse.

“Maybe you think that.” Tookie says. Channing looks over at her again.

“What is up with you? Always have food, even a sandwich! That came from your purse.” Channing muses as he turns up the volume. Tookie covers her ears.

“Please! Turn on some normal music!” Tookie asks, this time she lets annoyance into her voice. Channing ignores Tookie and keeps it on. Pulling into a gated neighbourhood, Channing parks the car and pulls the keys out.

“You can uncover your ears now.” He says as he climbs out of the car. Tookie slams the door and walks ahead of him. Tookie walked up to Captain Ross as she slipped on her coat and pulled her purse over her shoulder.

“Hi Captain Ross, I’m here for duty.” Tookie says. Channing comes up just behind Tookie.

“I’m here too Captain Ross.” Channing says. Captain Ross looks at them both.

“Olison, Gilberts do you two still hate working together?” Ross asks in his dark voice. Tookie scratches her head and starts to whistle; Channing shoves his hands in his pockets and pretends he’s looking at something interesting. “Answer.”

“Uh...” Tookie says, she can’t lie to her boss but she doesn’t want to say she’s hates one of his other employees in front of him either.

“Huh?” Channing pretends he didn’t hear. Ross shakes his head.

“Well to bad, you’re both partners for this case. Now get a move on!” Ross tells them. Tookie and Channing scatter away from Captain Ross.

“Look what you did.” Tookie hisses to Channing.

“What I did?!” Channing argues. “What you did! If you hadn’t walked away without me, he wouldn’t have said anything.” Tookie rolls her eyes.

“If you had turned off that music like I asked...” Tookie says as she walks up to the yellow tape, as the both go under it Channing starts his business like form.

“Looks like the body’s been removed from here.” Channing says. Tookie looks around.

“What body? I wasn’t told of a body.” Tookie yells at him. Channing places a hand on her mouth.

“Tookie, I find out stuff ok. Officer!” Channing Calls. Tookie shoves his hand off her mouth.

“Yes Detective Gilberts?” The officer says. Channing nods his greeting.

“Where’s the woman’s body?” Channing asks. The police man takes off his hat, fluffs it and puts it back on.

“She was still alive, along with her eight year old twins.” The officer replies. Channing looks over at Tookie to see a smile on her face.

“I guess your source was wrong.” Tookie said as she laughs hard. Channing frowns and bends down to look at the ground. He wipes his finger against the dried up blood on the grass.

“She lost a lot of blood, I wonder how she survived.” Channing says as he looks back up at Tookie, Tookie shrugs her shoulders, not knowing either, how could she explain something that only medical people could explain? Or was it scientists...

“It just matters that she survived now...and that means we have to watch her, maybe the killer will come back to finish the job, oh how exciting crime is!” Tookie exclaimed, Channing stared at her blankly. Tookie turned away from him. “I um, let’s get started.” Channing looked at the officer and shrugged his shoulders as he followed Tookie.

Tookie hopped into the DC car and waited for Channing to arrive, meanwhile she was thinking if he had noticed that she had taken the keys off of him.

Channing stopped at the car soon enough and hopped in, buckling up he got his hand ready to change the radio station.

“Hey! Leave it! Don’t you dare touch the station Channing.” Tookie said, starting up the car. Channing ignored her and changed it anyways.

“Fine whatever. I’ll just drop you off somewhere dark and cold.” Tookie muttered to herself, annoyed. Why was it that he could annoy her so easily?

“Oh a detective is threatening me now?” Channing laughed. This only made Tookie more annoyed, and when Tookie got annoyed, Tookie tended to eat snacks.

Looking away from the road for one second, Tookie reached into her bag and pulled out a Twinkie.

“Hey! Watch the road will you?!” Channing yelled at Tookie. Tookie moved her hands back to the steering wheel while putting the Twinkie in her mouth.

“Oi, finally you’re not Mr. Calm.” Tookie laughed. Channing grumbled while Tookie turned into the parking lot of the hospital.

They were only here to watch over her tonight, the questioning would be left until Mrs. Korus had rested and was well enough to begin answering.

Tookie and Channing hopped out of the DC car and headed towards the main lobby entrance.

A cheerful looking unit clerk nurse rose her head to greet them, plastering a smile on that small pale face of hers.

“How may I help you?” the nurse asked. Tookie pulled out her badge, but Channing was one step ahead of her, as usual. That show off.

“We’re detectives sent here to watch over Mrs. Korus for the night. Could you direct us to her room please?” Channing asked politely. The nurse smiled again.

“Which Korus? We have two female Krous’s in the building currently.” The nurse replied. Tookie stepped up to the counter and pulled out a picture.

“Katherine Louise Korus, please.” Tookie said. The nurse looked at the picture then flipped through pages in the book underneath her hands.

“Ah here it is. She’s in room 302, to the elevator, floor two and take a left turn.” The nurse instructed. Tookie nodded, and pulled at Channing’s arm. He shook her off and followed her.

Channing pressed the elevator button, and there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Not even when they were in the elevator and the elevator music was playing did they say any words to each other.

They both knew though that if Captain Ross was there, he would be yelling at the both of them for being such bad partners. But that wouldn’t mean he’d give them new partners.

Since day one Channing and Tookie had been put on the same case together, and since Ross found out they couldn’t stand each other. He was going to make them stand each other. Even if Channing and Tookie ripped out each other’s guts trying.

Arriving at room 302 Channing slumped into a chair and brushed his hair back from his face with his hand.

“Jeez I’m tired.” He complained. Tookie looked around for a coffee stall or anything with caffeine in it, but she was too lazy herself to go walk around and find one.

“Just take a nap for awhile; I’ll take the first watch.” Tookie said, watching as Channing nodded in agreement and sunk down into the chair, lowering his hood over his head and closing his eyes.

Jeez boys could fall asleep fast, it took Tookie at least an hour and a good book to make her fall asleep.

Time passed by slowly and Tookie started feeling sleepy. And just sitting there watching nurse after nurse in their white outfits go by, followed by the occasional doctor was like counting sheep.

Finally Tookie’s eyes closed and she fell asleep, leaving the real world for dream world.


Tookie woke to the sounds of the hospital paging doctors, feet shuffling and a voice.

Tookie opened her eyes, but all she could see was a haze, a sleepy haze. But she could see the figure before her, a black outline of a figure.

Tookie got up out of her chair and pulled out her badge to the person.

“Stop right there. If you want to enter Mrs. Korus’s room, you’re going to have to talk to me first.” Tookie commanded. The person laughed.

“Tookie can you not see right? It’s me Channing.” Channing said. Tookie wiped her eyes and saw the clear figure of Channing Gilberts before her eyes.

“Oh no! Did I fall asleep?” Tookie asked, only now realising what she had done. Channing laughed again.

“Yes Tookie, you did fall asleep. But it’s alright; I woke up just as you fell asleep. Here coffee?” Channing asked, holding a coffee cup out to Tookie and sitting down in the chair beside hers.

“Thanks...”Tookie muffled into the coffee. Channing smiled and started looking down the halls, keeping watch. Returning to her own seat Tookie sighed and relaxed into the comfort of the chair. It was going be another long day and night that was for sure.

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