𝐆 𝐨 𝐝 𝐟 𝐫 𝐞 𝐲 (mafiata...

By a_pile_of_junks

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"Bought you a sewing kit." "What for?" "For you to sew your balls back on." •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••... More

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727 46 18
By a_pile_of_junks

"How did you do it?"
The cop ask her for the millionth time.

"I didn't do anything."
frisk slams the metal table with her wrist handcuffed making a loud bam.
The cops sat back feeling tired from the long day of interrogation..its tiring
They knock on her door in the morning and suddenly arrested her for convicted murder of albert sean garrison  a fucking joke.

"If you didn't do nothin, then Why is your fingerprints all over his dead body and your bullet hole is still fresh and very likely for possible out come in that crime scene?, if you co-operate things might go easier for you in prison."
The cop gritted his teeth

"I didn't do any goddamn shit. I came to his bar late at night with a fresh wound cause someone fucking shot me with a gun and when i came back he's on the floor with blood coming out of his damn head."
Frisk felt a heavy sensation inside her throat trying to hold back all of the mixed emotion running inside of her

"Then why is your fingerprints is all over him!?"
Now it's his turn to slam his hands on the table

"I was checking his fucking pulse!"

Now that she lost her friend she's going be locked up of something she didn't do
Maybe it's the karma she deserved for all those
sins crawling on her back
She succumbed to the darkness so badly that she became blind

The cop just let out a heavy breath feeling uneasy about this whole situation
"You're still charged with prison time for a second degree murder for not calling us sooner, even if you didn't kill him you didn't try to save him neither."
He exclaimed

"I just arrived at the scene!"

"And do you have any evidence to support your statement?!"

"You gotta be fucking shitting me."

"I wish."
Both are slamming on the table debating
Frisk felt her anger rose up and her face is getting red
Her voice has run out but her rage didn't stop her

"Besides Why the fuck would i call you people when his lifeless body were already cold. You and your stupid departments didn't even do patrol or catch rapist and murderers around the town. all you guys do is eat, sleep and swallow every fucking cents the mafia gave you. You and your stuck up uniform and your golden medals won't conceal how sick of a people you all are Tell me...what if your daughter knows that daddy didn't do his job properly as long as he got some coins to fill up the plate huh?"

those hateful tone and choice of word would really put anybody on edge...there's no hesitation..
She put it out blunt as it can be..
Letting out the emotions left inside the now empty worn shell.

"Alright im fucking done with your shits, in you go"
He grab her handcuffs pulling her.
he have to drag her along the way on the cold cement floor cause frisk didn't move an inch.
Feeling the friction of the cement rubbing against her skin
too tired to even walk, being trapped in that high temperature room for almost 48 hours without food and drink could drained anybody's energy
And she has been talking back for hours and hours
She never argued or let out words so much and it leave her into a complete silence now

He throw her into the jail, didn't even let her out of the handcuffs...What a great service this prison provide..
Least they can do is giving her a medical treatment
for her injury

Frisk curled herself feeling the warmth from her own body temperature.
Then she remembered what happened...
It just felt like yesterday she was talking to albert
And the next thing she knew..he's there on the ground..
What a bloody mess left behind.
his dead body on her arms still felt so surreal and when she realised she lost someone she care about..again.
And it's her fault...again.
knowing she will never see him anymore
cut a deep wound inside of her.
It's like the thing that has happened to her is
Happening again...that feeling of guilt where she felt like
She just made a huge mistake by letting anyone came into her life only for her to ruined it...
Her family..
Her friend..
And now the only person who is capable of helping her in anyway possible that actually care about her..
Is dead.

The last time she ever let out as much emotions are at her parents funeral and ever since then..
She has never been the same person
Replacing her sadness with rage and anger

Was it really her fault?
If she looks at the other side she didn't agree with the contract given, and Albert knowing the consequences agree with how things are without her consent..
But she couldn't shake this feeling of guilt...even go as far as to manipulate herself that it's really not her fault.

He believed she could do it so that's why he agreed..
He believed in her And she failed him just like how she failed everybody.

When has it come to this?
She promised to never let anything stop her
She promised not to feel anymore and it let her to where she used to be.
The hopeless girl with hopeless dreams and hopeless is just the best word to describe her.
And since she didn't have anybody to lose at this point
It just left her numb.
Like how guilt and sadness and anger all blown up it left her empty...she lacks of emotions for all these years
But right now she just...didn't have any..
Like an empty shell with hollow spaces.


Its been quite long since she's here that she lose tracks of times. and frisk didn't have any sleep
She couldn't sleep without her sleeping pills.
The dirty bandages that is now loosely hugging her arms letting out a bad smell. it's infected which worries her cause losing an arm would be such a huge disadvantage for her jobs.

They didn't even gave her real food.
The porridge have hair and tasted like cartons
They didn't even bother opening the handcuffs forcing her to eat like a dog, how fucking despicable..
Once she finds her way out she's going to fucking butchered every each one of them like a piece of meat.

Her wrist stings and its very painful to move around
It's not the worst thing that has ever happened to her
But the most disgusting part about this is that they're doing this cause she's a woman.
Maybe its fun for them to feel like they're in higher power than her just because she was born with a vagina.
Late at night frisk could hear their Whispers
Sexualizing her like some whore they could buy.
And most of the time they would make fun of her
Saying how she's powerless and how they could lay a hand on her touching every parts.
One time they did exactly that frisk spits at them which ended up badly. They came into the cell beating her up like a punching sack..
If she wasn't handcuffed one of their heads would probably stuck between the sparse steel right now
Same goes to the other girls and womens who suffer the same thing as her....but that isn't really her concern.

Suddenly the sound of keys ringing could be heard
Frisk glance up. Its the cop who interrogated her on the first day of her arrest...
He looks down at her
"You're free for now."
He helped her stand up and open the menacle that was wrapping her hands together
She didn't bother asking and just go with it furrowing her brows as he lead her out of the cell
His tight grasp is squeezing her wound
And frisk shoved him aggressively till he let go

They finally let her out of the handcuffs
Rubbing the two red scars it left stinging her wrists
She walk towards the exit staring at them with cold glares

"Hope we see your face often"
One of the cop said making her stop on her track
She looks back and saw them snickers at her
Frisk walk towards him and grab the collar of his uniform as their fore head collide
Eyes inch away that she could feel his breath

"you see my face. Now Keep it inside your head
cause I might come back with your wife's head."
She scoffs shoving him roughly making his body fall to the table. She walk out with confidence rotating around her And their judging eyes couldn't pierce through her.
They might think she's weak.
Might think she's just some women who killed her husband for some cash.
Might think she would cripple once she's out of this place

That's where they're wrong.


She's finally home.
Opening the door ready to just plop to her bed
And take care of whatever is left at the morning. The tight maid uniform is suffocating her..the cops didn't even let her change clothes...she really doesn't want to get back there...She closes the door and throw away the heels.
Finally. She thought to herself.

"Frisk petrova Romanov."
She looks back and her eyes widen in surprise
The same skeleton she assigned to kill

"Age 21 years old with no criminal record
Born in st petersburg russia. last seen at the garrison bar and convicted as a suspect for murder of Albert Sean garrison but proven not guilty.. Thanks to me the cops let you go...and now here you are.."
He closed the file before looking up at her.
Frisk felt her heart stop

"My name is Roman Godfrey. But you can call me g."
He said before continuing

"Your property is now mine. Starting with your cute apartment, your money and belongings and every each one of your little decorations. I buy this whole building actually..so..you're broke now."
giving her a sarcastic pity look.

"What do you want?"
Her eyes are hard and she felt her chest tighten.


"I don't know who ask me to do it They didn't gave me names. only instructions."
Silently grabbing her revolver from the shoe rack hiding it behind

"It wasn't loaded. I trashed the bullets before you came."
He retorted intertwining his fingers
Frisk checked inside the cylinder to find empty holes.

"So who are you exactly?, nice house with diamond earrings...rich girl i'd guess"

She put back the revolver before
walking towards him with her hand curled up
"I'll fight you with a fist and show you how a rich girl fight."

He stands up looking down at her.
Their face are inches away, the large crack on his skull could be seen up close
His jaw clenches as he lit up his ciggaretes
eyes never falter from her's

"Well, the last time the rich girl fight she ended up with a hole on her shoulder. I don't think this rich girl wants another on her head."

His voice sounded cold but his gestures is calm and reserved
Frisk however...it's like looking at her failure
Which leads to the Downfall of her friend.
The tension is intense
No one is letting go each other gaze both ego's are as high as the sky
But g let it slide by looking away
as he let out the smokes Sitting back on the couch crossing his legs

"I want you to work for me."

She tried to kill him at the opera house
And now he's trying to persuade her to work for him?
This guy is nuts..and the fact that he is one of the main reason why her friend is now 6 feet under the ground
Really makes her rethink to gave it another try..
To kill him.

"You need me and i need you."
He continued

"I get that a lot."
Frisk scoffs leaning near the fire place as her eyes didn't falter away from him.

G isn't someone who would beg.
He prefer to use his method of manipulation..but it seems like she's used to this sort of persuasion and that she can read him easily...gladly he's better at reading people..

He cleared his throat before continuing
"The difference is this time you need me more.
All I need is a consigliere....you don't tell me what to do, just act like one. And you however.....you need my protection. Without me shielding your way from those who wants to kill you for failing your Mission...You're good as dead.
you will have your money back each month..slowly.
Until you finish your 1 year contract as an inactive consigliere and my personal assistant so you still have your dream job in the violence part."

1 year is a long time.
She could do much more for a year...maybe try to make a better life for herself in a town where people like her
Couldn't be found..
Just to have a nice cottage with silence and no people to disturb her...it make her wonder
Why he even ask her in the beginning...there's so much more of those who is better at working in this field than her.

"You see Godfrey...i dont work for mafia's and gangsters and shits like that...im just a stand alone home buddy who you'd pay for to kill..I don't want to be asked around solving your mess with low pay."

G chuckles lightly
"Well being a hitman isn't any better than that..i mean look at you....you do realise they're searching for you right?..they want to kill you..im offering you second chance..try something new..you might like the money though, i make sure my subordinates get a high pay...and a consigliere doesn't come off cheap"

"Why me?"
Her questions get his attention

"Currently the best of the best isn't available so I'll go with the best of the mediocre."
He retorted bluntly.
Frisk didn't like him one bit and actually thinking of a plan to just finish him off right now..

"You do realize i tried to kill you right?...i could just accept your offer and finish you off so they won't follow me around anymore"
Frisk is skeptical about this very peculiar contract
He know he couldn't trust her but gave her the highest department in this community..
But it's also intriguing

"I know..but you wouldn't do it..im nice enough to help you get out of your problems knowing you could betray me and im too powerful for a single girl like you...
you're a very logical person..i know for a fact that deep in your heart it's a big disadvantage for you to decline this offer"

She is still digesting each of his word
It could be a lie, After all...a mafia could not be trusted in any way...let alone the Godfrey.
Since he's good at using his mind to manipulate others.
Frisk is used to read people wether or not they're lying..but his expression is unreadable even for her.

"So, do we have a deal?"
His hand is reaching for her's
As She slowly walk towards him shaking it

"Deal, But if you lied im going to track you down and fucking destroy you"
She gritted her teeth tightening her grasp earning a chuckle from him.

"you can try.....go and get some rest you need time to heal
meet me for a nice cup of coffee tomorrow and we'll do the business in a more proper way."
And just like that he teleported leaving her all alone.


Do you like the story so far?
How about giving it a cute lil star ;)
I didn't have that much chapter so far because
I write very long for a single chapter
So consider it like you just read two chapter at once ;)

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