ARK: Data logs

By shastabeez

80 4 4

The Creation of Shadow the hedgehog through data logs and entries from the ark. In collaboration with user... More

Data Recovered

80 4 4
By shastabeez

Ark Log Report #67

Date: 5-23-3183

The Biolizard has been a complete failure, the lack of sentience along with the unstable Chaos energy flow has caused it to go rampant. We were forced to seal the specimen in containment, as opposed to destroying it, which would ruin years of research, and debated progress on 'Project Shadow'. Now we must restart tests, on GUN's orders, in order to create their weapon, and to create Maria's cure. I managed to negotiate my use of the outcome of Project Shadow as Maria's cure in exchange for my work, early on the development of the project. Now, I can only hope to complete this quest.

Ark Log Report #68


After the failed attempt of the Biolizard, with the consent of GUN we were able to obtain a few Mobian DNA samples to run tests on in order to see which ones will be compatible with chaos energy, due to GUN's request that their "living weapon" have chaos energy abilities. The life support system on the Biolizard kept its genetic structure intact, as well as preventing the chaos energy from pulling these sensitive genes apart, now with beings that naturally channel chaos energy, we hopefully don't have to worry about that problem. As of today, two main types of Mobian DNA, Echidna, which comes as no surprise with their ancient carvings depicting their relationship with the chaos emeralds, and Hedgehog DNA, which comes as somewhat of a surprise, as there is no clear record of Hedgehogs having chaos ability. Both show promising signs of being able to conduct chaos energy. Further tests will be conducted to confirm which of the two will be the most compatible and stable when interacting with the chaos energy.

Medical update: #271

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 6-20-3183

Maria's condition seems to be stable her symptoms have lessened considerably since GUN offered to provide materials in order to stabilize her condition in exchange for their "living weapon." Her infection turned out to be from rhinopharyngitis infection otherwise known as the common cold, but with her Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (NIDS) even something as simple as a cold could mean her death, which I cannot allow. I just hope GUN will keep their end of the bargain.

Ark Log Report #69


After further tests were conducted, to everyone's surprise the hedgehog DNA was the more stable of the two. Personally, I believe that was probably for the best, as according to most records the ancient Echidnas were very temperamental, and under GUN's command that could prove to be a problem. GUN sent us large amounts of Hedgehog DNA--I know not where nor how they acquired this, and that is probably for the best. The DNA is now being sustained in a nutrient bath, allowing it to grow and develop at a slightly faster rate, a few months until a being develops, then will later mature into a teenager, the mental malleability and maturity correlation will be peak at this point, allowing the neuro-transfers to take effect when he is ready to emerge. We will give him the neuro-transfers lest we need to teach him like a normal child, which would take years, and I know for a fact that GUN will not wait that long for their weapon.

Medical update: #272

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 7-28-3183

Her condition has gotten better, the infection appears to be gone for now. We still must be extremely careful, but she will be happy to be released from quarantine for now, as her physical condition seems to be stable. I would like to keep her in quarantine for a few more days to be sure, but since she will be happier, in a way it will provide her a better means to get well than just sitting in quarantine.

Ark Log Report #71

Date: 8-15-3183

Today tests were conducted on the blob of genetic material while chaos energy was flowing through it, using the GUN-issued chaos drives. The genetic material was unable to sustain the flow after a period of time.The negative chaos energy that was attempted to integrate into the tissue, nearly tore the tissue apart, I thought in the Biolizard this problem would be solved due to its enhanced regenerative properties. But due to the simplicity in the reptile's brain, it was not able to handle such power, I thought that a sentient being with emotions, although it would be in GUN's hands, would be more suited to handling the chaos energy, but apparently even that is not enough! I need some form of balance between the two forms of energy in order to integrate it within the creature's system. How to do this is unclear.

Medical update: #273

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 8-15-3183

On a lighter note, since out of quarantine Maria has blossomed, her signs of infection gone. Her mood has improved immensely, and her eagerness in her studies has returned tenfold. She has apparently taken an interest in Mobius and the Mobians, her curiosity about them seems limitless. She seems to enjoy the thought of having one as a friend, I'm sure that with the outcome of Project Shadow she will be pleased with her new companion. She seems to have returned to her friend Abraham, son of Corporal Tower (he was designated here on the ARK after the Biolizard "incident") The two of them seem to get along fine, which will help Maria's loneliness here on the colony, but I think that boy may be too curious for his own good, nearly getting into the batch of Genetic synthesis after sneaking into the laboratory. I must reset the locks on the door. I hope that not only will Project Shadow provide a cure, but with his sentience also perhaps a better friendship and a better influence over young, impressionable Maria.

Medical update: #274

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 8-19-3183


It's just as I feared, somehow the infection has returned, spreading rapidly through her system. We've given her the medicine GUN provided, it seems to have stopped the infection, but to test her NIDS, we did a spinal tap, and a brain scan. Her results showed that the NIDS has spread throughout her system, her body was completely unprepared for the infection's return. GUN has provided immunostimulants to strengthen what's left of her immune system. Poor Maria doesn't seem to be taking this very well. Her condition somewhat frustrates her, her desire to see the world despite being bound to her bed. I hope to make progress on Project Shadow soon, for the immunostimulants seem to be taking effect slowly, and Maria's body cannot hold on forever.

ARK Log Report #72


After several failed attempts, the genetic material not able to withstand the large amounts of chaos energy each time, I am ashamed to admit what I have done, but as the saying goes, "desperate times call for desperate measures," and these are very desperate measures. I found an ancient text mentioning a Black comet that passes by every 50 years. Finding that the comet was near, I scanned the comet for lifeforms and found thousands, not only that but the comet was filled with negative chaos energy. I made a desperate attempt at contact, hopeful that my answer on how to stabilize the project was aboard. Using every form of communication I knew I managed to make contact with the comet and was given an audience. Their leader, Black Doom, came aboard, I explained both my fascination with and desperation regarding their negative chaos abilities. Their leader agreed to help me, on a condition to use Project Shadow to his advantage, to gather the seven chaos emeralds approximately 50 years from now. I agreed to these terms. He gave me several samples of DNA to experiment with, to see how I could integrate it into Project Shadow. The integration process took time, but I finally managed to do it. The DNA is finally starting to take form.

Medical update: #275

Patient: Maria Robotnik


Finally her condition is stable after several weeks of waiting, as the Immunostimulants have taken effect. Perhaps Maria is more of a fighter than I had given her credit for. The boy Abraham has come to visit her, and this has seemed to lifted Maria's spirits a bit. In all honesty, though, her sick days have only seemed to have strengthened her drive to explore. She has requested more textbooks on Earth, and has been reading in the medbay while waiting for her test results to come through. Hopefully, with Project Shadow's outcome she won't have to wait much longer. I've tested the Black Arms DNA and put it against a concentrated form of NIDS, and the Black Arms DNA nearly trumped the NIDS, so hopefully more tests can be conducted for research in Maria's cure.

ARK Log Report #73

Date: 11-23-3183

I successfully combined the Black Arms and Mobian Hedgehog genes recently, and I ran a simulation on a few of the replicated cells to get an idea what Project Shadow might look like. Predicting its powers is more difficult than its appearance and will require a better understanding of what genes control the Chaos Processing Organ (CPO) in Black Arms and in Hedgehogs. Regardless, I was successful in getting a basic idea of Project Shadow's potential features.

To be frank, they concern me.

The creation looks far more like its alien parent, the Black Arms, than its Mobian one, with mineral crests growing out from its limbs and glowing, red irides with yellow sclera. Also alien is its current lack of a tail, which I believe is rare among Mobians. Other projected features are bad in more ways than just jeopardizing my methods of creating the universe's first Neutral Chaos Creature (NCC). Included in these issues are the project's two-fingered hands, with a large thumb. The feet resemble the hands, with two forward facing, grasping toes and a backwards facing toe. The missing digits and their larger present counterparts will give the creation difficulties in accessing tools and things common on Mobius. As for the current lack of fur, while not all Mobians have fur, Maria specifically mentioned that she admires the soft fur of Mobian creatures, and I do not want to disappoint her nor draw GUN's suspicion with the current furless phenotype.

I am going to fiddle with the creation's genotypes and see what I can change. I will have to be delicate, as many of the genes in Black Arms and Hedgehogs do not have an equivalent counterpart in the other, including the gene for a tail and fur. I am going to activate more of the Hedgehog genes and disable quite a few of the Black Arms. In particular, I do not personally approve of the creation's blackish brown skin. It looks unnatural, and I do not like the idea of Maria being uncomfortable with the creature.

Medical update: #276

Patient: Maria Robotnik


Maria's condition has been slowly improving from the infection, but her spinal tap shows that her NIDS has not ceased. I'm glad I have made more progress on Project Shadow, and I plan on showing her the project before I awaken him to cure her. She seemed excited when I began to explain Project Shadow, but I didn't tell her about Black Doom or GUN's interest in the project. I plan to take a small sample of NIDS, and later Project Shadow's blood, and see if its white blood cells can overcome the NIDS, but that will need to wait until later. Project Shadow is far from finished, and will need more time developing before I begin any major testing.

ARK Log Report #74


I have changed quite a few genotypes in Project Shadow's base cells, and I am far more pleased with its projected appearance now. I have managed to get the coding for red mineral crests to recede into crimson stripes, which will be present on the creation's quills, limbs, and strangely enough, on the outer corners of its eyes. I do not understand the placement of the latter, but I see no issue in allowing the markings to remain. The crests, which apparently function as armor in Black Doom's alien race (currently dubbed the Black Arms, although I may update this translation), have no use in Project Shadow, which is already durable enough to resist gunfire. The back quills and tail will not have stripes, as Black Arm genetics do not code for their presence; I had enough trouble mixing the genes for head spikes and head quills as it is, and I do not want to waste precious time evening the presence of the stripes.

I have split the creation's two fingers and toes by increasing the prevalence of the Unnamed the Hedgehog gene--aptly named**, that, in this scenario--and removing the backwards facing toe. I have made the creation's hands resemble Mobian appendages as much as possible. One aesthetic element I struggled with briefly was getting the stripes to end in a triangle point on the hands and feet, rather than continue over several of the digits, but, surprisingly, the Black Arms genes were helpful in this regard. The mineral crests were coded to not extend past a point of the hands and feet, as doing such would impede movement, and I spliced this information into the Hedgehog fur color gene.

For Maria, I have added a patch of long, white fur on the creation's chest, where it will not impede the creature's function. While purely aesthetic, I am proud of the element, having had to introduce it completely of my own accord by isolating and recoding a very obsolete portion of the Mobian Hedgehog DNA, of the long-extinct Northern White-Breasted Hedgehog. I hope Maria appreciates the detail, and, at any rate, it breaks the monotony of black and red that otherwise plagues the creation. The red eyes do disturb me slightly, but I cannot get the Mobian Hedgehog genes to be dominant over the Black Arms' iris. I am begrudgingly satisfied that I have at least removed the glow, which could impede stealth as well as give away when the creature is using Chaos Energy, and given the creation white sclera. I will pass the remaining unnatural eye color off as part of the creation's 'weapon' aesthetic.

Also for Maria but generally for any humans that interact with the project, I have changed the color of its skin to tan, making it appear more like a Mobian and less like a monster. For the same purpose, I have reduced the size of its teeth and removed the barbs from its tongue, though these changes will also aid in the creature's ability to speak. Since I have been forced to develop it as an intelligent being, I figure I might as well capitalize on its mind and give it the ability to express its thoughts.

Maria especially will appreciate having someone to talk to. The creature's vocal folds were easy enough to develop, as they were present in both sets of genes, but smoothing them enough for a typical 'human' voice was difficult. Black Arms have far more abrasive voices, and I was forced to lower the creation's voice register to fix the issue. I worry about the incongruity between voice and appearance, as the creature is only about half the size of a human person, but I do not have the time to fret over such minor issues.

**yes there is a gene named after Sonic the Hedgehog (worth the google)

Medical update: #277

Patient: Maria Robotnik


Maria's condition has drastically improved, and she has now been allowed to leave quarantine, She still gets tired relatively easily, and her movements are still somewhat restricted, but that is most likely due to being bed-bound for the past few weeks. Her mood has greatly improved, and she is very excited and curious about Project Shadow. I am only giving her sample amounts of information about how I am working on the project, nonetheless I am still pestered with questions from Maria. I've asked her to keep Project Shadow a secret from Abraham, and so far she has kept that promise. I know I shouldn't doubt her; when she makes a promise, she honors it very highly. One of her best qualities, the trust you know you can have in that girl.

ARK Log Report #75


Project Shadow has finally developed a physical form, and it seems all that delicate genetic manipulation was worth it. His form has turned out exactly as planned, as his appearance most resembles a Mobian hedgehog. His dark fur and crimson stripes have turned out marvelously, the white patch of fur I had programmed into the genes has started growing, and his skin has tanned slightly, it was lucky that I managed to slip that into the genes, lest he resemble a cave-dweller. An unusual trait from his hedgehog side is his upturned quills, it's a trait that seems rare among Mobian hedgehogs, but it seems to match his aesthetic.

It's a pity that GUN has official ownership over him, using him as a weapon seems foolish and reckless. Another reason I am glad that he has sentience now is that he will not be a mindless soldier, programmed to follow orders. I will make sure of that. I may be getting a bit protective over him, but now I feel responsible for the project. I can't allow him to be manipulated by a corrupt organization. I honestly only agreed to do this to help Maria, but now I have two people to look after. Both Maria, and him.

As I begin infusing more chaos energy into him, I will need to create a power-regulation system, to keep his power under-control. A body can only contain so much energy at once, that was partially why I created him so compactly, to concentrate in his stores as much chaos energy as possible. This will give him enhanced strength, speed, and many chaos-based abilities as well, which would be more spread out were he larger. I'm not sure exactly how many abilities he will have or how many he can gain, but I need to work on a regulation system first, before I begin more infusions.

Medical update: #278

Patient: Maria Robotnik


I took Maria to see Project Shadow today. She was ecstatic. She adored him as soon as she saw him. I have to say the white chest fur seems to have paid off, as she was in absolute delight when I showed him off. Though, to my surprise, she has decided to name him Shadow. In all honesty I was surprised, she had no idea of the name for the project. At first I was skeptical, so I asked if she named him just because of his dark fur, and she replied, "A shadow can show you where the light is." She was so excited, and with the coincidence of the project name, how could I refuse? It's good to see her happy again. Now, she's even more excited to see Earth, now that she knows that Shadow can help me find a cure. I know this was supposed to be a medical report, but in all honesty, I think seeing Shadow today has improved her health more than ever. She's happier and more lively. She has even started playing tag with Abraham, a game where before she was always tired too easily to play. If this is how she is now, I can't wait to see how happy she will be when I awaken Shadow.

ARK Log Report #76

Date: 05-09-3184

I finally managed to create a power-regulation system for Shadow. I modified power rings, strange gold rings found on the planet Mobius that are known to store chaos energy, modifying them slightly; instead of releasing power when coming into contact with a Mobian, they store and syphon off extra energy that can't be stored in Shadow's chaos energy caches in his body, as to not overload his CPO. This and I have given him the traditional gloves of a Mobian, more of a formality really, but it should hopefully make relations more comfortable with him at least wearing some form of clothing. I am also working on a personal project for him, to allow him to go at impressive speeds. I'm thinking of calling them "Air Shoes." To reduce the friction from the ground, the shoes will need to hover just above ground in order to get the right effect. I will make the shoes to match the gloves, at least to look formal in GUN's eyes. As for his development, after I created the dubbed "inhibitor" rings, I began the chaos infusion process again. I had to order more chaos drives from GUN a few weeks prior. His body has grown to the approximate Mobian age of 15 physically--I should begin the neuro-transfers soon.

Medical update: #279

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 05-20-3184

Maria's NIDS therapy is going well. She has begun studying Earth again, and has recently started reading by one of the windows, one that views Earth. Sometimes she spends hours there, not only reading but trying to view more of the planet below. She says she's trying to see the people down on the surface. I tried to explain to her a bit more about Earth, but with Shadow taking up most of my time, along with another project I am working on, I barely have any spare time anymore. I looked through her test results again, her NIDS has somewhat slowed its progression but has not stopped. I need to finish her cure soon.

ARK Log Report #77

Date: 06-07-3184

I have always thought the Black Arm's desire for the seven chaos emeralds was strange, and to trust strangers with that much power is foolhardy. They must be planning something, and in order to defend the Earth I must use the power of the emeralds to protect this planet. I developed the Eclipse Canon in order to protect this planet, as a fail safe if the Black Arms decide to use that power maliciously. I made contact with them, if anything happens to the planet because of my mistake, well, I don't want to think about what could happen.

On a lighter note, I began Shadow's neuro-transfers; this is as close to schooling the hedgehog as we'll get. The neuro-transfers will teach him everything a grown Mobian needs to know, from the basics of life to some minor Calculous, I may even add a foreign language or two. The neuro-transfers will take about a week or two to fully sink everything in without overloading the poor hedgehog's brain. Then, perhaps, I can awaken him.

In the meantime, I've finally finished the Air Shoes, utilizing jets of air at the soles, they can now successfully hover above ground. I designed them to somewhat match his ongoing color scheme, from his stripes, to his gloves and now his shoes, it makes me wonder if Shadow is going to act like a rebellious teenager. I hope not, for GUN's sake. Something strange to note, in tissue samples I've taken, whether due to the chaos energy or the Black Arms DNA, the cells' aging process has come to a complete halt. I was shocked. With the Biolizard's constant growing, I thought that was partially due to the chaos energy, however seeing how these factors have made Shadow's aging process stop, perhaps it was due to the Biolizard's genetic structure. It would cause quite a ruckus if Shadow had started to grow constantly like the Biolizard.

Medical update: #280

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 06-10-3184

I've mentioned the good news to Maria that Shadow will be awakened soon, and she was overjoyed! Her NIDS is still slowly progressing, but her therapist has run a mental health check (mandatory aboard the ARK, apparently many scientists before me went mad, they are starting to call it "Spacial-Social Disconnect Syndrome," as apparently the lack of 'normal' human interaction one would experience on the planet's surface tends to drive one slightly crazy) and Maria is doing much better since their last session. I ran a few tests to check up on her NIDS, and incidentally found her endorphin levels are slightly higher. She is much happier now, and it shows. The other scientists have noticed and it has livened up the ARK abit, at least in my laboratory section. She is continuing to run around with Abraham, the two of them laughing and playing together. He sometimes frustrates her though, not unlike a younger brother. However, Abraham continues to get into trouble, he nearly snuck into the lab yesterday. If he had seen Shadow, I know for a fact that the boy would've caused trouble. Shadow is so close to being ready, I can't let that boy ruin this.

Ark Log Report #78

Date: 06-19-3184

Black Doom made an unexpected appearance today, before I awakened Shadow. Apparently, he was here as an insurance policy to make sure that Shadow has turned out alright and is not a failure like the Biolizard. I allowed him to see Shadow awaken (not that I had much of a choice). It was successful, and I was amazed--I had done it! I had created a new lifeform!

When Shadow awoke, he was incoherent and confused by his surroundings. He probably won't remember the first part of his awakening, but that should be fine, as he won't need to worry about Black Doom for awhile yet. I should prepare something in case I can't tell him in person about the Black Arms. As soon as he saw that Shadow had awoken, Black Doom was satisfied enough that he teleported out of my laboratory. I need to see if that is within Shadow's abilities.

After Black Doom left, I decided to release Shadow from his tank, where he has been growing and developing all this time. At first he was coughing up the fluid from the tank, which I expected and prepared for. After a moment he was fine, and ready to discover this place. I had Maria wait outside until I thought it was alright for the two to get acquainted, when Shadow was accustomed to being awake. Maria gave Shadow a hug at first sight, to Shadow's surprise. The two seemed to immediately become friends.

I performed the necessary examination upon Shadow before allowing Maria to give Shadow a tour of the Ark, of the authorized area of course. I was impressed with the results; he is at peak physical performance of a Mobian Hedgehog, and he hasn't even been awake for an hour! To say I was impressed would be a gross understatement! I haven't even started on finding out his chaos-based abilities! That can wait though, for now I shall let the two of them enjoy themselves.

Medical update: #280

Patient: Maria Robotnik

Date: 07-23-3184

Maria's health has improved significantly, I began her NIDS tests for this month and found that her NIDS progression has stopped! It's not gone, but it's stopped spreading! I haven't even received new treatments from GUN! The only new factor that I have introduced aboard the sterile ARK is Shadow. Perhaps, it's a long shot, but perhaps Shadow, somehow has halted the NIDS progression. I'll need to conduct further tests to be sure but, perhaps the cure for NIDS is closer than I thought. In the meantime though, both her and Shadow are having a ball, she has taken quite a teaching role when it comes to Shadow; she acts somewhat like an older sister to him.

ARK Log Report #79


Upon GUN's demands, I began training Shadow in his Chaos-based abilities, so far, I found that he can form a concentrated bolt of Chaos that he dubbed Chaos Spear, as well as rudimentary Chaos Control in the form of fire. It took awhile for him to not set anything on fire, but luckily it's not hard to find a fire extinguisher aboard the ARK. I trained him on how to use his Air Shoes, and the next thing I knew he was up and down the halls, zipping around. The scientists around the ARK have started to call him the "Ultimate Lifeform." I agree that he is powerful, but I'm afraid that title may go to the hedgehog's head. However, along with the chaos abilities already present, I think perhaps he can learn or gain more as he becomes more skilled. GUN has also demanded that I start training Shadow for hand to hand combat as well. He is very coordinated, so this was not hard to do. In training, I tried to teach him the Mobian hedgehog technique of spindashing, and, after several failed attempts, he finally did it! It's very unusual to see a red and black ball of spikes bouncing off the walls, literally. I've also had him take an intelligence test, and found his intelligence is above average. In all honesty, that is what I hoped for, for him to be intelligent enough to resist any GUN manipulation, yet malleable enough to develop and grow. He has also proved very skilled when we went through the vehicle operation simulations, and now he should be able to operate most any vehicle.

I can't help but feel like I'm now bonding with Shadow, watching him learn and grow. It's like watching Maria enjoy herself; it's exhilarating and liberating from my tiring work. I can't help but feel a protective instinct over him, much like being a parent again. Now, though, I fear my time aboard the ARK is up. Somehow Abraham has let out to his father about a "Black Evil Monster" and how I was in contact with it about Shadow. At first no one believed him, he is a child after all, but then apparently the government found my transmission records to the Black Comet and are now planning to shut down the ARK. I need to finish my recording to Shadow about the Black Arms, and I need a plan for when they do come back here in the future. I think one of the reasons why they kept us up here for so long was to hope to get something out of their living weapon project. Now that they know Shadow is part Alien, I think they might imprison him, or worse. I can't allow this to happen, but I need more time to act. First thing is first, finish the recording to Shadow. Then come up with a better plan.

ARK Log Report #68

Date: 09-06-3184

Recorded Message

Subject: Eclipse Cannon

Logged and stored under clearance codes access

Send to GUN?




Data Entries: Corrupted

Backup Files: Copied, secured(?), deleted.

Recent files

Memory Implantation

Genetic Synthesis

DNA Gene Manipulation

Life Support Stabilizer


New Entry?

Yes   No

Ark Log #80

Date: 11-15-3234

The Black Arms have been defeated with the Eclipse Cannon.

Thank you, Professor.

Goodbye forever,

Shadow the Hedgehog

End Logs

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