Beautiful Goodbye

By eeisoptrophobia

894 16 3

“Be mine.” I asked her resting my forehead on hers trying to catch my breath. “What?” she asked me slightly c... More

Chapter One - Day 1
Chapter Three - Day 3
Chapter Four - Day 4
Chapter Five - Day 6
Chapter Six - Day 13
Chapter Seven - Day 14
Chapter Eight - Day 15
Chapter Nine - Day 16
Chapter Ten - Day 17
Chapter Eleven - Day 18
Chapter Twelve - Day 19
Chapter Thirteen - My Secret Place
Chapter Fourteen - Lovely Lunch
Chapter Fifteen - Movies with Bæ
Chapter Sixteen - Day 79
Chapter Seventeen - Turn of Events
Chapter Eighteen - Day 80
Chapter Nineteen - Day 81
Chapter Twenty - Day 83
Chapter Twenty-One - Party!
Chapter Twenty-Two - Day 143
Chapter Twenty-Three - Day 147

Chapter Two - Day 2

62 1 1
By eeisoptrophobia

Tuesday morning and I've never been so exited to come to school. I just wanted to see Stacy. As I walked down the halls I spotted her at her locker. She was wearing a big black Lowes jumper that hung at her hips in that really attractive way and a pair of ripped skinny jeans and converses.

"Hey Stace, you look really pretty today."

"Hi Tony, how are you?" She asked blushing, putting her books inside her locker.

"Im good thank you, what do you have first?" I asked trying to keep the conversation running. She had the sweetest voice.

"Maths with Mr Devenro. Everyone says he's a down-right prick."

"Hey! Thats my class! Yeah I think he's got some kind of anger issues."

Okay, this is good. Stacy is in my class and this gives me the perfect opportunity to get to know her more! As we walked to class together I noticed the weather getting warmer and asked if she was hot underneath the jumper but she quickly assured me that she was fine. When we entered the class we all took our seats and I sat next to her. She giggled every time I said something stupid or something didn't come out properly. She had the most amazing smile, it practically lit up the room and her laugh was so contagious that even people who didn't know what we were laughing about laughed along with us.

"Okay class, stop being a nuisance and shut up and start paying attention, I already know all this you don't!" Mr Devenro ordered turning around to us with a stern face.

Mr Deverno was a weird soul, he was the kind of person that really felt the cold and had the heater on up to 90 degrees. everyone started sweating and begging him to turn it down but he refused. Stacy was the only one in the whole class that was still wearing a jumper.

"Hey Stace, why don't you take off your jumper? Aren't you over-heating?" I asked concerned. Jesus she was going to fry.

"No I'm fine, thanks." She replied rather quick, it seemed a bit strange

It was about 20 minutes into the lesson that I realised she was becoming more and more pale. I really wanted her to take off the jumper before she fainted or something! Just looking at her made me sweat. The weather was about 25 degrees which is really rare and should be taken advantage of but no we were stuck in bloody soul-sucking school, and Stacy was wearing her fricken jumper!

"Stacy, Its really hot. Please take off your jumper. Please, Im begging you" I told her hoping she would cave in. I saw the sweat coming from her brow but she wouldn't budge!

"Tony, Im perfectly alright. Please stop." She responded with an annoyed voice.

The bell rang just in time to save her. She ran out the door with her bag and sprinted down the hall before I could get a chance to talk to her. It got to fourth period just before lunch and Stacy didn't show up for class. Where is she? Was it something I said? The period was slow and felt like it would never end until the bell finally rang for lunch. All the boys were sitting at our usual table throwing food into one another's mouth and cheering.

"Hey guys, have any of you seen Stace?" I asked them

They all just shook their heads. As I looked around the room to find anyone that she would talk to but then I realised, I hadn't ever seen her sit with anyone, let alone even seen her at lunch. Oh my god, what if she doesn't have any friends and sits all alone in the bathrooms or something! Lunch passed ever so slowly so I decided to ditch last period and go to her house. When I parked my car in the drive way I opened my door and hopped out and walked to the front door. As I knocked the first time the door creaked open with no one behind it. Hmm must have forgot to close it.I walked through the house calling out Stacy's name hoping to hear an answer. It was then that I heard a small giggle so I followed the sound and it led me to her room which was right down the end of the hall. Again I went to knock on the door but it just opened. The first thing my eyes met was a high Stacy lying on her bed staring at the roof giggling every five seconds. I looked on the floor to see an empty syringe lying on the ground. My eyes suddenly widened at this sight and I went rushing to Stacy's side.

"Stacy what did you take!?" I asked yelling hoping she could hear me let alone understand me.

"Hehe, oh Tony you're so sweet and cute! Lay down on the bed with me."

"No Stace, Im taking you to a fricken hospital."

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