Business On The Next Level

By JenniferFarrell817

8.4K 123 6

The muscular body leaned against the door frame, watching me with a seductive glare. Making my blood run hot... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 7

501 10 0
By JenniferFarrell817

After running my bank account dry, I urgently needed money. So, I did the only thing I could, steal.

The event came in flashes. First, water, splashed straight across my face. It was sick joke they played. It kept me alert long enough to get into the van we were going to commit the crime in. Second, screams, as a result of the gun shot my partner fired into the roof. What made little sense to me is that we weren't in a bank but at a mall. Third, a voice, his voice, "I got it girl! I got the rolly!!" I looked down to see a shiny diamond watch in his hand. "Run, there coming!!"

Me and my partner made it to the van with time to spear. I always knew I was with somebody, but I was so high I couldn't remember who it was. As we drove away my heart eased, and I felt safe and secure. My eyes became heavy. It felt like a second but when they opened again, I was in a hospital room, handcuffed to the bed with an office sitting in the chair next to my bed, waiting for me to wake up.


"You lied on your application Miss", she looked at me like if I were crazy. "Even if it weren't about your criminal record, you would have lost the companies trust and we still would not hire you."
"Burn in hell!" I busted through the door filled with rage.

"Can you please tell us everything you remember once entering the house."
This first encounter with the police only created a long chain of endless meetings.

I was emotionally unstable and each question the police asked, I pondered over, trying to remember the specifics like if it happened years ago. I was questioned harder and harder which made me think that they believed that i was the one who committed the crime.
My mind knew that they were only doing there job but my heart began to fill with anger. My tears were endlessly falling and i looked more like the dead than my parents.
The minute they left i walked over to Will to ask about his experience.

"Now I know whypeople say they hate the police."

Dont forget to read my other book . TWO FOR TWO. Thank you guys.

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