Secrets~(A Flash/Supergirl/Sh...

By LuckyJ111

99.3K 1.1K 561

Barry Allen has a secret. Kara Danvers has a secret. Ryder Lynn has a secret. Blaine Anderson has a secret. M... More

Getting the Guests
Barry's Secret
Kara's Secret
Bringing In Some People
Pepper's Secret + Videos
Ryder's Secret
Magnus' Secret
Unwanted Surprise
Memes and Videos
Oops, I did it again
The Best of John Constantine
Pyromaniacs Are the Best Maniacs
Here's Your Chapter *IMPORTANT*

Duet/Blaine's Secret

8.5K 110 207
By LuckyJ111

"Okay, guys, before this episode, I'm going to bring in some people. But first, Shue, don't freak out. The same goes for Team Arrowverse." Ally addressed the groups.

"What? Why would we freak out?" Will questioned her, confused.

"Technically, I'm bringing someone back from the dead, but, they don't exactly know that they are supposed to be dead." Ally explained, but he was still confused, perhaps even more so.

"Wait, are you bringing in Stein?" Barry asked, shocked. "How can you do that?"

"Hudson. Puckerman. Up." Ally deadpanned, while the two men stood. All of the glee members, plus Barry and Kara were shocked that they were there. Kara looked to Barry.

"Who's Stein?" Will asked. Ally, Kara, and Barry all started laughing.

"Let's just say... AWKWARD FATHER SON REUNION TIME!!!" Ally yelled.

"Did you time travel again?" Kara asked.

"It wasn't me this time!" Barry exclaimed. 

"Okay! Time for them to come!" Ally snapped her fingers, and 13 figures appeared in front of them. Team Arrowverse recognized them as Sarah, Ray, Zari, Mick, Nate, Stein, Jax, Captain Cold(a/n I'm just gonna call him Cold), Gary, Ava, Constantine, Charlie, in the form of Amaya, and Roy. Clark was surprised to see a familiar face in there.

"Jackson?" He called, wanting to see if it was true. 

"Ah, Derek, so good to see you after all this time. How's everyone else?" Roy, or Jackson as he was called by Clark, responded.

"Okay, Let's save your reunion for the other book.(where did that fourth wall go?) Everyone that just came in, introduce yourselves." Ally interrupted the conversation, getting everyone back on track. Everyone that just came in introduced themselves.

"Okay!! Now, time to start with 'Duet'! By the way, that's the name of the episode that I'm showing you, on my earth. Let's go!" (A/N I'm gonna just put what peoples input is like i did with the transcript)

Narrator: Previously on "The Flash" and "Supergirl" What just happened to him? Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. It's okay, we're going home. What Wally saw, it's gonna haunt him for a while. I proposed because I thought it would save you. -What does that mean?- I think we need some space. I owe you the truth. My name is Mon-El. I'm the former Prince of Daxam. I deserve better than being lied to. I've been looking for you. [Suspenseful music] Toodles! [Crickets chirping]

Tv:["Singin' in the Rain" playing] I'm Singin' in the rain

Mom: I told you. Everything's better in song. When you speak, it's just words. But when you sing, you open up your soul and let who you really are shine through.

Barry: Mom...

Boy: Thanks, Mom.

Mom: Hmm. I love you, my beautiful boy.

Boy: I love you too.

Tv: I'm happy again I laughing at clouds So dark up above

Cisco: This again? What, are you gonna spend the rest of your life sitting around on the couch? Come on. You've been doing this for days. Let's do something. Let's go out.

Barry: No, man, I'm sorry. I-I don't feel like going out.

Cisco: What is it with you and musicals these days anyhow?

Barry: Everything's better in song.

Rachel: True!

Cisco: Listen, dude, I know that you've been going through a tough time since Iris broke off the engagement, -or, I guess-, What? Technically, since you broke off the engagement. Whoever broke off the engagement, it doesn't matter, I just I don't know, man. I want to help.

All glee kids: Engagement!!!

Kurt: What happened? How did you propose? Did he say yes?

Barry and Iris: She.

Puck: She?

Barry: She.

Barry: Nothing you can really do.

Cisco: Really? I guess I'm just gonna have to let Mr Gene Kelly take over 'cause, lord knows, I can't do anything about that. 

Barry: [Scoffs]

Cisco: [Phone buzzing] It's H.R.

Barry: Yeah.

Background: [Whooshing] [Ominous music]

H.R: B.A., Someone's coming through.

Cisco: Could be Gypsy.

H.R.: Could be, or it could be

Breach: [Whooshes]

H.R.: Supergirl?

Unique: Marley, what happened?

Barry: Kara - What happened to her?

John: We don't know, but whoever did it, has come to this world.

Background: [Dramatic swell] [Lightning zapping]

Cisco: Her vitals are low. How long has she been like this?

John: A few hours.

Mon-El: Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her. I get to punch him first.

Barry: Who are you exactly?

Mon-El: I'm Mon-el. I'm- I'm Kara's friend. Well more - more than a friend. We've been kissing a lot.

Caitlyn: Oh, she never mentioned she had a boyfriend.

Jake: Boyfriend?

Mon-el: It's a recent thing, so

John: I thought you two broke up.

Jake: Good.

Mon-el: Shh

H.R.: I'll tell you what, I know enough not to mention the break up between Barry and I-

Iris: H.R.

H.R.: Sorry.

Mon-el: [Clears throat] Look, hey, whatever's going on between me and Kara, I cannot leave her like this, okay? - I need to get her back.

Barry: We will, I promise.

Kara: Yeah, great job at that, by the way.

Iris: [sighs] So what happened to her?

John: An alien prisoner escaped our custody. He did something to her, put her in some kind of a coma.

Mon-el: And then he disappeared. We tracked him here and followed.

Iris: Okay, but why would he come to this earth?

John: Well, we believe for you.

Satan-I mean, Santana: Why for the Meerkat?

Barry: Would you stop calling me Meerkat?

Santana: No.

Barry: Okay, Satan.

Barry: Me? Why?

Mon-el: We don't know. But his last words before he disappeared were about finding the fastest man alive.

Cisco: Okay, well, clearly, we're talking about a breacher here. And if there's one thing I can do, it's find breachers.

CC: You can also make great Tech. Thanks for the Cold Gun, by the way.

Cisco: Man, you're supposed to be dead!

CC: I know.

Barry: So what else can you tell us about this guy?

John: Not much. It's like he just materialized out of thin air. 

Cisco: You mean like this clown just did?

Blaine: Hey!

Barry: I'm gonna go. [Whooshes]

H.R.: Wallace. I understand what you've been going through. Stuck in the Speed Force. Things you saw. I get it. I also know that sometimes, the old adage is true. When you get bucked from the horse, the best thing you can do is get right back on the damn thing and ride, Wallace. Ride!

Barry: [Whooshes]

Music Meister: Hello, Barry Allen.

Kurt: Blaine? Is that you?

Blaine: Yes. Yes it is.

Barry: How do you-

M.M.: Know your name? [Scoffs] I know a lot of things. And I can do a lot of things too. Whoa-ho-ho! Wally West made it here too. This is exciting. It's good of you to join the party, Kid Flash. I'm happy to have you.

Wally: What do you want with Supergirl?

M.M.: The same thing I want with both of you. To teach you all a lesson.

Background: [Ominous music] 

M.M.: Is that all you got, Kid Flash? I mean, you look a little scared.

Barry: [Whooshes]

M.M.: And your too slow.

Barry: [Grunts] [Groans]

M.M.: Ooh. Nighty-night, Flash.

All glee kids: BLAINE!!!

Blaine: What?!

Background: [Warbling] [Gentle piano music] [Soft overlapping chatter]

Kara: Moon

Barry: What the hell?

Kara: River, Wider than a mile I'm crossing

Barry: Kara?

Kara: You in style some day, 

Oh, Dream maker,

 you heart breaker, 

wherever your going,

 I'm going, your way,

 Two drifters,

 off to see the world,

 there's such a lot of world,

 to see, 

We're after,

 the same Rainbow's end, 

Waiting round the bend,

 My huckle-Barry- friend,

 Moon river, 

and me.

Winn: Wow Kara, you really have been holding out on us.

Alex: Yeah Kara, how come you don't sing any more?

Kara: Are you forgetting about Barry and Iris' wedding?

Alex: Oh, yeah.

Zari: Why? What happened at the wedding? *everyone looks at her* What!? I wasn't there!!!

Ally: I'll explain after Pepper's thing. Since she has the least scenes in both things, and out of everyone, I'll just add it onto her chapter.

Pepper: Okay?

Audience: [Cheers and applause]

Lady: What a singer, huh?

Barry: Yeah.

Lady: You know her?

Barry: Yeah, I do.

Person: Ladies and gentlemen

Kara: Barry? 

Barry: Hey!

Kara: Barry! It's you, Thank Rao! Oh, wait, it's really you, right?

Barry: Yeah, this is me, yeah.

Kara: Good.

Barry: What is- Where the hell are we? What's going on?

Kara: I was hoping you could tell me or maybe explain to me why I just pulled an Audrey Hepburn and sang in a night club.

Barry: Are we dreaming?

Kara: The same dream?

Britney: Brittany Spears Week!

Santana: Yeah! I'm still confused on how we had a shared hallucination though.

Barry: Yeah, That's- What's the last thing you remember before you got here?

Kara: I was at the D.E.O., they had just brought in an Alien prisoner. He got loose, and it was really weird. He had this, um, red

Barry: Pocket handkerchief?

Kara: Yes!

Barry: I saw you. On my earth. You were in a coma. Your Boyfriend brought you to us.

Kara: He is not my boyfriend. He... He's just a boy. Who is not my friend. He's my nothing.

Barry: Okay. All right, uh, well, whoever he is said that this guy whammied you, and then he escaped to my earth, he showed up at STAR Labs, I went after him to try to get him to wake you up

Kara: And then you got whammied.

Barry: Yeah.

Kara: So where are we?

Barry: I don't know. I mean, it could be a parallel dimension, or maybe just some elaborate illusion. We just need to figure a way out.

Kara: I guess I could click my heels together three times.

Barry: Yeah!

Kara: I was kidding.

Quinn: Not very smart there, are you Sebastian?

Barry: You try waking up in a whole different world, not knowing where you are or how to get out.

Roy and Clark: Been there, done that.

Barry: Okay, all right, well come on, let's

Barry: Your a really good singer, by the way.

Kara: Hey, thanks. My sister says I put the "Kara" in "Karaoke".

Cutter: There you are!

Oliver: Merlyn?

Barry and Kara: *Laughs*

Everyone else: *Looks at them confused*

Barry: Merlyn

Oliver: Oh...

Kara: Who?

Cutter: Who?

Barry:  Malcolm Merlyn. Former head of the League of Assassins.

Kara: The what of the what?

Cutter: What the hell you talking about, kid? My name's Cutter Moran, I own this club, and both of you work for me.

Both: We what now?

Cutter: I pay you to sing, not pepper me with questions. And I hope you got something better in your songbook than what you were belting out up there, Blondie.

Kara: Hey! Don't call me Blondie!

Barry: Hey, look, I don't know who you are but obviously your someone who's quick with a knife.

Kara: You have to excuse my friend, he doesn't think before he talks.

Cutter: Yeah, I had a cousin like that. I had to slit his throat too.

Thea: That's my dad for ya.

Kara: Oh.

Cutter: Grady! Get these two set up. And nothing I've heard before. I want something original.

Kara: Barry, I don't have my powers.

Barry: Me neither.

Kara: Winn! Winn, you're here too?

Winn: Oh, so I'm in this too?

Barry: You're not the only one, man.

Grady: Who's Winn? The name's Grady. I tickle the keys around here. Say, you realize how he got the nickname "Cutter", Don't you? 

Barry: No

Grady: Because he likes to cut people.

Pablo: [Chuckles] You ask me, I think he's all talk.

Cisco: I'm here too!

Rachel: Yeah, I'm surprised that none of us are in here yet.

Barry: Your not in there at all.

Barry: Cisco! Not Cisco. Hello.

Grady: I pray that one day, you do not find out how very, very wrong you are, Pablo. Now go do your job. 

Pablo: All right. You see, Grady doesn't know this, but one day, I'm gonna be somebody. I'm gonna be somebody, and it's gonna happen right there on that stage. You'll see. I just need my one shot.

Barry: It's just curiouser and curiouser.

Kara: Yeah, yeah, it's like "The Wizard of Oz".

Barry: Yeah

Kara: "And you were there, and you were there"

Barry: Except, it's not really them. There all playing characters in a

Both: Musical.

Kara: Barry, where are we?

Barry: I don't know.

M.M.: Well, you know what they say.

Background: [Lights click on]

M.M.: The show must go on! 

Kara: Ah!

M.M.: Supergirl, I loved your rendition of "Moon River," such a beautiful song. You were a little flat in places, but I'm willing to let it slide just because you're so cute.

Barry: Hold on. What did you do to us?

M.M.: Oh, nothing much. Just put a little song in your heart.

Kara: [Scoffs] 

Barry: Put a little- Why did you bring us here?

Winn: He already told you, you dolt.

Barry and Kara: *Starts laughing* You'll see in a bit.

M.M.: I didn't bring you anywhere. We're inside your heads. You created this world. And we got lucky because it could've been a war movie or a space opera, but thanks to your love of musicals, what, with the countless times you watched, um, "Wizard of Oz," with your adoptive parents

Tina: Adoptive parents?

Kara: How did you know that?

M.M.: And, you, all those rainy nights watching Fred Astaire and Frank Sinatra with Mom. Well, where else would we be? 

Kara: All right, all right. [Grunts]

M.M.: Whoo!

Kara: [Gasping]

Everyone: *Laughing*

M.M.: Ooh! Swing and a miss! I didn't tell you. I'm not really here. See, I'm out there in the real world. Central City's mine for the taking.

Barry: Ah. We're gonna stop you.

M.M.: Yeah! You're welcome to try that. If you can get out of here.

Kara: How do we get out of here?

M.M.: Your in a movie musical. So all you have to do is just follow the

Kara: The Yellow Brick Road?

M.M.: No, the - the script.

Kara: Oh, yeah.

Barry: Script.

M.M.: Reach the end of the plot, and, Presto chango, you get to go home. One little detail, though, I should mention. If you die in here, you die out there.

Caitlyn: So that's why you guys were seizing!

Kara: Yeah.

Oliver: Lovely.

Barry and Kara: *Laughing*

Barry: Lovely.

Oliver: Wow.

Kara: I've reached my limit with magical creeps.

Roy: Haven't we all.

Charlie and Constantine: Hey!

Roy: *To Clark* Do they smell supernatural to you?

Clark: Nope.

M.M.: In the meantime, I hope your both ready to get the rust off those pipes of yours.

Finn: You used to love singing though.

Kara: We're not singing for you! 

Barry: No. 

Kara: Uh, Any anymore, I mean.

M.M.: Come on, now, maybe just one little - fun opening number just to

Barry: Leave your jacket on!

M.M.: Kick things off!

Barry: Where did it go?

M.M.: Think of your fellow man

Kara: Stop that.

Barry: It's not happening.

M.M.: Lend him a helping hand

Kara: It's not gonna work!

Barry: Were not singing!

Jeff: *Comes out of the dark corner* Stop resisting Bas!

Barry and Blaine: Jeff!

M.M.: Put a little love in your heart

Background: [playing "Put a Little Love in Your Heart"]

Grady: You see it's getting late

Oh, Please don't hesitate

Put a little love in your heart

Alex: That's it. We're having a Karaoke night when we get back. And the glee kids are welcome to join.

Glee kids: Yes!

Kara and Barry: No!

Cisco: Why not???

Pablo: And the world (and the world)

Will be a better place, and the world (and the world)

Will be a better place for you,

Cisco: Yeah I'm not singing at Karaoke night.

Barry: We're not doing karaoke night.

Grady: And me

Pablo: You just wait

Grady: And see, Yeah!

Cutter: If you want the world to know,

We won't let hatred grow,

Put a little love in your heart

M.M.: And the world

Kara: Ah!

M.M.: Will be a better place,

And the world, 

will be a better place for you (for you)

Grady: And me (And me)

Cutter: You just wait, And see

Grady: You better take a good look around

Oh, when your looking down,

Put a little love in your heart

And the world (and the world)

Pablo: Will be a better place

Cutter: Oh the world, (Oh the world)

Will be a better place

For you (For you)

And me (and me)

All: You just wait,

And see,

Put a little love in your heart (Put a little love, put a little love!)

Put a little love it your heart (Put a little love in your heart!)

Put a little love in your heart (Put a little love!)

Put a little love in your heart

Come on and put a little love in your heart! 

Background: [Music finishes]

Barry: Where'd he go?

Kara: I don't know.

Barry: Come on, let's find him.

Kara: He's gone!

Barry: Yep.

Kara: So what do we do now?

Barry: I don't know. I mean, I guess we just- We do what he says, right? We- we have to figure out what the plot of the musical is, we follow the story.

Kara: Okay, Uh, so, what do we- what do we know so far?

Barry: We're singers.

Kara: And apparently we work for a gangster.

Barry: Yes, who wants us to perform for him. I mean, it's pretty strait-forward.

Kara: Right?

Barry: Yeah.

Background: [Guns clicking]

Barry: H-Hello

Kara: Ha-ha-ha-h-I miss being bulletproof.

Jeff: Bullet proof?

Guy: Your coming with us.

Barry: Says who? [Grunts]

Stein: Says me.

Stein: Wha- How and I in this?

Barry: I don't know, it's probably because of the whole Dominators thing a couple weeks before.

Background: [Ominous music]

Ally: I hated writing these scene changes. At one point while typing up the transcript, I literally wrote "Oh my Rao why are there so many scene changes" I was just so done.

Kara: Barry, are you okay?

Barry: Oh, please stop yelling.

Kara: I'm not- yelling.

Barry: Wait, where are we?

Kara: I don't know

Barry: Alright well, I sure everyone at STAR Labs is working on getting us out of this.

Caitlyn: We were.

Kara: Yeah, I'm glad they brought me to your earth.

Barry: Mon-el seems like he really cares about you.

Kara: [Chuckling] Mon-el only cares about himself. He lied to me about who he really is for Nine Months. I can't shake it. I thought it was gonna be something special, like what you have with Iris.

Barry: That is... Off track.

Kara: Oh, I'm sorry.

Barry: I asked her to marry me.

Kara: You did! That's great! Did she not say yes?

Barry: No she said yes. But, I guess I did it for the wrong reasons and, I love her, but I was trying to change the future. Then I pushed her away so I could focus on saving her and it's just a mess now. Everything's so simple when I'm running.

Kara: Or flying.

Jeff: Flying? Running? Bas, you could never run. You were so slow!

Stein: Shut up! Both of you.

Barry: Stein?

Stein: Who-who's Stein?

Barry: Right.

Digsy: This them?

Joe: Now I'm in here too!?

Stein: Yeah.

Digsy: Do you know who I am?

Barry: Not Joe West, I'm guessing.

Digsy: Digsy. Digsy Foss. I run this town.

Kara: So your the Mayor?

Joe: Cool.

Digsy: The Mayor may have gotten the vote, but I got the power. I got a situation, that you two are gonna help me with.

Joe: Oh...

Barry: We would love to help you with it.

Kara: Really love to.

Digsy: My daughter, Millie. She's missing. The last she was seen, she was heading into Cutter Moran's place. Have you seen her in there?

Barry: Millie, did you say?

Digsy: Yeah. Why?

Barry: We haven't seen- I haven't seen her.

Kara: I haven't seen her.

Barry: We haven't seen her.

Digsy: She is the only thing that is good, and decent, about my life. If anything happened to her, this town would run red with blood.

Stein: Starting with yours.

Sam: That's violent.

Barry: We wouldn't want that now, right. So, how can we help you?

Digsy: You two sing for Cutter?

Kara: We sure do.

Barry: Yes we do.

Digsy: You could poke around, see if you can find her. So, are you gonna do this for me?

Kara: What are we gonna do?

Barry: Follow the script.

Digsy: Hey!

Barry: Hey. We're gonna find her. Sir.

Digsy: Good.

Ally: Those Goddamn scene changes...

Pablo: Okay. This is the place. Apartment 4b.

Barry: This is where we can find Iris?

Kara: Millie.

Barry: Millie? Right?

Pablo: Yeah, she's in there alright. Now you two listen to me. Don't go tellin' anyone I showed you this.

Cisco: Guessing I shouldn't have been doing that.

Barry: Yep.

Kara: You could say that.

Barry: Oh, yeah, we promise. 

Pablo: Word to the wise. You go digging around in this dirt... you might not like what you find. 

Cisco: Is this gonna appear to some hidden drug deal or something?

Barry: That would have been better than what actually happened.

Barry: Okay.

Kara: Okay, so remember, she might look like Iris, but she is not Iris.

Barry: I know. This is gonna be weird. 

Kara: Yeah, tell me about it. I'm glad we haven't seen someone who looks like Mon-el. I'd probably just punch him in the face for the fun of it. 

Millie: [Screams] Oh, my God!

Iris: Am I getting murdered?

Barry: That's her. Sound like she's in trouble. Here, stand back, I'm gonna kick the door in.

Kara: No, you stand back, I'll kick the door in. 

Barry: Well, I didn't mean, like, a gender thing. I just wanted to kick it in--

Kara: Barry!

Barry: All right, together. All right? One, two...

Both: Three!


Millie: [Gasps]

Barry: What the hell is going on?

[Light music]

Millie: All right, you caught us. 

Tommy: We're in love. 

Iris: Ugh, gross.

Kara and Barry: *Laughing*

Kara: Ugh, gross. 

[Scene change to star labs]

[Monitor beeping]

Caitlyn: Guys, we have a problem. Well, another problem. The Speed Force levels in Barry's cells have been severely depleted, as has the amount of solar radiation in Kara's body.

J'onn: What exactly does that mean?

Caitlyn: They're being drained. The guy who did this to them... I think he's stealing their powers.

Jeff: Powers?

[Central City Bank]

M. M. Power up.

[Star Labs, Cortex]

Mon-el: We gotta bring him in.

Wally: No, not we--me. I'm the reason Barry got whammied.

Cisco: We win and we lose as a team. I'm coming with you. 

J'onn: I'm coming too.

Cisco: Look, J'onn, uh, I respect this whole special agent situation you got going on, but this problem right here needs someone with... Green skin and a sick-ass cape.

Jeff: WOAH!!!

J'onn: Call me the Martian Manhunter.

Mon-el: I think you'll find that J'onn's a lot more than just a pretty face. 

Caitlyn: Guys! Hello. Also, Barry and Kara's vitals are all over the place. 

Wally: Let's go. 

[Outside Central City Bank]

Ally: I hate these fucking scene changes.

Steve: Language.

Cisco: All right.

Cisco: All right. 

M. M.: Hello, friends! Kid Flash. Oh, I'm so glad you could join the party. I'm such a huge fan of your work, but I have to say, recently, your work's been a bit off. You know what I'm talking about? I think maybe it's just that you're little scared from what happened in the Speed Force. Is that it?

Wally: No, and I'm not afraid of anything. 

M. M.: Prove it.

Iris: Uh, Cisco, they're headed towards 4th and Aspen.

Cisco: Got it. This way. All right, J'onn, how do you feel about a little one-two combo?I'm gonna open a breech, you be ready to hit something really hard on the B side.

J'onn: Hitting hard, I can do.

Cisco: Wally, get ready to do the same thing on the ground level.

Wally: Copy.

Cisco: Now!

Wally: [Chuckles] Ah... Nighty night!

[Back in the Dream World]

Tommy: Hey, who are you? Your names, now. 

Kara: I'm Kara. This is Barry. We're singers at your dad's nightclub. 

Barry: Yeah, Millie, your dad thinks you've been kidnapped.

Millie: Well, clearly he's mistaken.

Kara: He really wants you to come home.

Millie: Listen, I am never going back there. 

Joe: Rude...

Tommy: Mm-mm.

Kara: Why not? There's no place like home.

Millie: Tommy Moran... is my home. 

Tommy: And besides, if our geezers ever caught wind of this, they'd go to war. It'd be the end of more than just us, huh? 

Millie: Yeah, Tommy's right. Our fathers hate each other. Our love is forbidden.

Barry: This is just like "West Side Story."

Magnus: WEST SIDE STORY!!!!!!!! That musical was great!

Ally: I SWEAR I DIDN'T GIVE HIM VITAMIN D!!!! If I did then I would have asked Alec to tie him down.

Kara: I was thinking more like "Fantasticks," but...

Millie: Look, the point is... We ain't telling nobody nothing. And neither are you, capisce?

Kara: "Capisce."

Barry: Can you give us a second?

Kara: Oh, uh... [Stammers]

Millie: Sure.

Barry: Okay, look, he says we need to follow the script. 

Kara: Uh-huh.

Barry: We're in a musical.So I think if we convince them to tell their fathers that they're in love, maybe that'll get us out of here.

Kara: And back home to being... single, yay...

Barry: Oh no...

Barry: At least we'll be single together.

Kara: Saying that never made anyone feel better.

Barry: Debatable.

Kara: [Clears throat]

Barry: Okay, so look... Your fathers aren't perfect, right?

Kara: Love isn't perfect.

Barry: No, but you can't let your love for somebody cause you to be afraid of what might happen. You gotta take the good with the bad, no matter what.

Kara: Right.

Barry: And that includes... telling your fathers how you two feel about each other.

Ally: Stop ranting Barry...

Millie: All right, you make a convincing argument.

Tommy: You do.

Millie: We'll do it. We'll tell them about us, right?

Tommy: Well, we should go now. 

Millie: Okay.

Tommy: Gee, thanks, kid. For you.

Millie: Thank you.

Kara: Okay, uh... convincing people in musicals is... really easy.

Barry: Yeah.Let's hope getting out of one is just as easy.

Stein(Still have no idea what his name is lol): Digsy! She's back!

Digsy: Thank God your safe.

Millie: Oh, of course I'm safe. Barry and Kara told me that you sent them to find me.

Stein: We were concerned.

Millie: Dads, there's no reason to be concerned.

Joe and Iris: Dads?

Blaine and Kurt: You got a problem with that?

Barry: *Laughing*

Barry: "Dads"?

Digsy and Stein: You got a problem with that?

Joe, Iris, Blaine, Kurt: Oh wow...

Barry: No. I love musicals, so...

Millie: Okay... Look, Dads, there's something that... I need to tell you. I'm in love! [Chuckles]

Digsy: Who is the, uh-- the lucky boy?

Millie: Um... Tommy Moran.

Stein: You--you mean Cutter Moran's kid?

Millie: Dad, look, we're in love.

Digsy: The hell you are.

Stein: He's a hooligan! His father's a hooligan.His mother is--



Digsy: Hey! Not in front of the girl. And your not loving that boy.

Cutter: Have you lost your mind? She is the daughter of my enemy. Digsy Foss is a dirty, rotten scoundrel, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Tommy: Dad, if you just let me explain.

Cutter: There's nothing to explain, Tommy. [Sighs] I knew you were keeping something from me. I never imagined it was something like this!

Barry: She isn't your little girl anymore. Well, she isn't. She's an incredibly brave, strong woman. One look, and you can see that. And she wants to be with him. No matter how scared she was to tell you, no matter how dangerous it is to be with him, all that matters is, they're together. And when you find a love like that, well... you gotta hold on to it. No matter who's trying to stop you. That's clear to me now.


Kara: I think your being a little tough on your son. 

Cutter: Excuse me?

Kara: Well, it's obvious why he didn't tell you right away. I mean, look at the way your reacting. Maybe if you just listen and-- and hear his reasons and try to see things from his point of view... maybe-- maybe you'd understand why he didn't tell you... before now.

Digsy: Baby doll, it's just-- you'll never understand what it means to be a father.

Stein: Millie, my darling, we've always taken care of you. We just want you to be happy. 

[Gentle guitar music] [Playing Paul McCartney's "More I Cannot Wish You"]

Digsy: Velvet, I can wish you

For the collar of you coat

And fortune smiling all along your way

But more I cannot wish you

Than to wish you find your love

Your own true love this day

Stein: Mansions,I can wish you

Seven footmen, all in red

And calling cards upon a silver tray

But more I cannot wish you

But to wish you find your love

Your own true love this day

Both: Standing there

Gazing at you

Stein: With the sheep's eye

Digsy: And a licorice tooth

Cutter: Music I can wish you

Merry music while your young

And wisdom when your hair

Has turned to gray

But more I cannot wish you

Than to wish you find your love

Your own true love this day

Stein and Digsy:  With a sheep's eye

All: And a licorice tooth

And the strong arms

To carry you 

Cutter: Away

Stein and Digsy: Away

All: And the strong arms

To carry you away

Winn: We are SO doing a karaoke night when we get back!

Digsy: Thanks for telling us the truth Baby.

Millie: I love you both so much.

Both: We love you.

Digsy: Thanks.

Barry: Okay... [Clears throat]

Stein: So what do you want to do?

Digsy: Gather up the boys. We're going to war.

Stein: I had a feeling.

Ava: Of course...

Cutter: I appreciate your honesty, son.

Tommy: Thanks, Dad.

Cutter: Come here. [Walking away] Get the boys. We are going to war.

Ray: *sarcastically*How did we not see it coming?

Roy and Clark: Shut it, Stilinski.

[In the pipeline]

M. M.: Well, well, well... If it isn't the two people I was hoping would visit me the most.

Iris: Fix them. Now.

M. M.: I'm sorry. I can't.

Mon-el: If you ever want to get out of that cell, that's exactly what your gonna do.

M. M.: [Chuckling] You don't get it. You don't understand, big guy. That's just not how it works. My powers dont work that way.

Mon-el: What do you mean? You're the one who did this to them.

M. M.: Yes, but... they are the only ones that are in control of what happens to them now, as are the two of you.

Iris: Us? What do you mean?

M. M.:How much... do you love him, Iris? And you, Mon-el, how much do you love her? So the question is: is that strong enough to save them? You want Kara and Barry back from the world they're in, you can go get them yourselves. You have that power. 

Both: How?

M. M.: Ah, I can't tell you. Sorry, you gotta figure it out yourself. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna just chill in this wonderfully decorated little cell of yours. Bye, guys! Good luck. Love will find a way. You can do it. Power of love and all that. 



Barry: What do we do now? We got-- we got Millie and Tommy to tell their fathers they're in love.

Kara: Which, I know we're in a musical and everything, but seeing Mon-el in love with someone else was-- 

Barry: It was hard to watch. I know. Anyway, I mean, what are we... supposed to do? What do you think this... Music Meister needs us to do now?

Kara: Uh... 

Grady: Ah, there you are! You two ready?

Barry: Ready for... 

Grady: For rehearsal, you dolt. Mr. Moran told me that you got more songs in your repertoire.

Barry: And that's why we started laughing when you called me a dolt, Winn.

Winn: Ohhhhh...

Barry: Ah.

Kara: We have to finish the musical.

Barry: Yeah.

Kara: Uh, do you... do you happen to know anything original?

Grady: As a matter of fact, I've been working on something all day.

Barry: Wow. Things really are easier in musicals.

Kara: Yeah.

[Gentle melody playing]

Barry: All right. 

At times like these

When life is getting me down

and the world seems like its gonna end-ship

Kara: Mm-mm-mm?

There's at least one power

That we both still have

And that's the power of...

Kara: Friendship?

Barry: Yeah, that's exactly what I was gonna say.

Kara: Yeah, it's an easy rhyme. (Guys I spent, like, a solid minute trying to remember how to spell rhyme)

Barry: I'm your Super Friend

Your Super friend

I'll be there in the nick of time

If your ever in a spot

Kara: And if your not there in time

You can just go back in time

And give it another shot!

Barry: Actually I'm not supposed to do that anymore.

Kara: Oh okay.

Barry: Sing!

Kara: I'm your super friend

Super friend

Barry: Oh crap... Clark please don't kill me.

Clark: Why would I kill you?

Ally: Yeah, please don't go all sourwolf on him.

Clark: Shut it, Stilinski.

Ally: Stiles isn't here.

Clark: But your acting just like him.

Barry: When you need

A compliment I can

Rattle off a dozen

For instance, I have to say I'm not impressed...

By your more famous cousin

Barry: That's why you would kill me.

Clark: Oh well that's not that bad. I mean, You don't even know half of what I can do soooo...

Kara: Thank you! No one ever says that!

Barry: Oh, he's all, like "I'm Superman. Whoop-di-whoop-di-whoo."

Barry: And that...

Clark: I probably deserved that...

Roy: You really deserve more than that Derek.

Kara: [Laughing] That's a really good impression.

Barry: Thanks!

Both: I'm your super friend

Super friend

Kara: When it comes to buddies, pal, your the best

Barry: I love you more than the lightning bolt 

I wear on my chest

Kara: If your ever sad I'll

Bring you flowers

Barry: And you can list soprano as

One of your powers

Kara: If your ever broke

Barry: I've got the cash

Kara: On my couch

Barry: You're welcome to crash

Kara: And if you ever need a hand

Barry: I'll be there

in a flash

Kara: Barry!

Barry: That was funny!

Both: I'm your super

That has a double meaning


Background: [Cheers and applause]


Digsy: Hello, my friend. It will be a cold day in hell before our daughter marries any son of yours.

Stein: Like he said. A cold, cold day.

Cutter: [Chuckles]  You took the words right out of my mouth.


[Back inside]

Background: [distant gunshots]

Barry: Come on.

[Outside AGAIN]


[rapid gunfire]

Barry: Stop! Agh!

[MORE rapid gunfire]

Kara: Barry! Oh, my God. Agh!

[Back to Star Labs] 

[Monitor beeping rapidly, both grunting]

Iris: What's wrong?

Caitlyn: I think we're losing them.

J'onn: Can you stop it?

Caitlyn: Not if I don't know why.

Wally: What are we gonna do?

Iris: Um... We need to go to whatever world they're in.

Will: How are you gonna do that?

H. R.: How are we gonna do that?

Iris: Look, he said, if we loved them enough we could save them, wherever they are. Cisco, you can vibe us there.

Cisco: I don't think it works that way.

Iris: You sent me into the Speed Force. You sent Barry and Wally into the future. You can do this too.

Rachel: What?

J'onn: What is she talking about?

Mon-el: What's a vibe?

Cisco: I'll explain later. Come on, just... grab on to my shoulders. Let's hope this works.


[Oh my Rao why are there so many scene changes]

Kara: Barry, Barry...

Barry: [Weakly] Kara...

[Energy whooshing]

Iris: Barry!

Mon-el: Kara!

Iris: Oh, no.

Mon-el: No.

Iris: Hey, it's me. It's Iris, I'm here. Hi.

Mon-el: Stay with me. I'm gonna get you out.

Kara: There's no time.

Mon-el: We have to go. We have to get them out!

Iris: Come on, Barry. Barry! No!

Mon-el: I'm so sorry I lied to you.

Kara: I forgive you. [Gasping]

Unique: She can't hold a grudge, even when she's about to die.

Kara: Not true. I still haven't forgiven Jake.

Jake: Still? Marley, It's been, like, 5 years.

Kara: Still.

Barry: I love you.

Iris: No, Barry, Barry, you're gonna be okay. [Gasps] No. I love you.

[Heroic music]


Barry: Iris?


[Mon-el kisses Kara]


Kara: Mon-el?

Barry: Hey.

Iris: Hi.

H. R.: They're back!

Ally: No shit, Sherlock.

Dr. Strange: *Portals in* You called?

Ally: No, it was a joke at the fact that on my earth Sherlock is played by both the guy who plays you and the guy who plays Tony.

Dr. Strange: Okay bye.*portals away*

M. M.: Bravo. Round of applause. Standing O. It was so good! That was a hell of a show. And you two... I guess your love really was strong enough after all. Beautiful.

Cisco: Man, how did you get out of the cell? 

M. M.: Cisco, do you really think that cell is gonna just, like, hold me?

Barry: No, I'm sorry-- what's going on? Why did you do this to us?

M. M.: I did it because I believe in the good guys. I told you when we first met. It was to teach all of you a lesson. 'Cause I see everything, and I saw two people... with two broken hearts. 

Kara: So the lesson was...

M. M.: Love, Supergirl. Love is about... letting yourself be saved. It's not just about saving other people. Even if you are superheroes. Anyway, I'm sorry that I had to, like, mess with you a little bit. I was just trying to get you to play the game, do the song and dance.

H. R.: Are you, like, from another--[mumbles] Earth - Multi-verse-- Universe, something?

M. M.: [Sighs] Yeah, you--you wouldn't even understand where I come from.


Blaine: The what?

Ally: On my earth, all y'all are fictional. Glee is-was- on Fox, The Arrowverse shows are on DC/The CW, Avengers is a movie franchise called Marvel, and Shadowhunters is on ABC Family. I refuse to call it FreeForm, even though that change happened, like, two years ago.

Tony: Ooookay this place is officially weirder than New York.

Barry: Wait, I'm sorry, that's it? You're just gonna teach somebody else a lesson?

M. M.: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Barry: Oh.

M. M.: Think of your fellow man

Lend him a helping hand

Put a little love in your heart

[Light music]

Joe: [Chuckling] Wait, so, let me get this straight. You got whammied by some guy named... 

Barry: Music Meister.

Joe: Damn, Barry, I'd have paid good money to see you singing and dancing.

Barry: *Holds out hand to Joe* Money please.

Joe: Fine. *Hands him a 10*

Barry: No. [Chuckles]

Kara: Well, he's holding out on you because Barry has an amazing voice. 

Caitlyn: He does!

Barry: Uh-uh.

Caitlyn: I've actually seen him sing.

Cisco: What? You have? How have we not made a gif of that?

Barry: Well, technically, I'm not even the only one here who can sing.

H. R.: Thank you, B. A..

Barry: What? I was talking about Kara.

H. R.: Wait, shh-- oh, you too?

Cisco: Kara. Of course Kara can sing.

Iris: Well, her name is Supergirl. It's kind of implied, right?

J'onn: Well, we better be getting going. I promised Kara's sister we'd get her back in one piece. We couldn't have done this without you. Thank you.

Barry: Thank you. How are you guys doing?

Kara: Yeah, I think we'll be okay. Although, if you lie to me again, I will drop a mountain on you.

Mon-el: Wow. [Clears throat] You mean figuratively?

Adam: I hope she means figuratively.

Kara: No, I mean, geologically.

Magnus: That would be a mess to clean up.

Mon-el: Okay.

Kara: [Chuckles] What about you guys?

Barry: We'll see.

[I am so done with these scene changes]

Barry: You didn't change anything when I moved in with Cisco.

Iris: I, um, couldn't bring myself to do it. You know, we've been through a lot these last three years, but, um... getting stuck in a musical?

Barry: Music Meister... said that, you know, it could have been anything, that I created that world because... 

Iris: You were watching them. Because of us.

Barry: My mom used to always say that musicals have the power to make everything better. 

Iris: Did it work?

Barry: Um... [Clears throat]

[Gentle Piano Music] 

Barry: Can't say

How the days

Will unfold

Can't change

What the future

May hold

But I want you in it

Every hour

Every minute

This world can race by far too fast

Hard to see while it's all flying past

But it's clear now

With you standing here now

I am meant to be

Wherever you are

Next to me

All I want to do

Is come running home to you

Come running home to you

And all my life I promise to

Keep running home to you

Keep running home to you

And I could see it

Right from the start,

Right from the start

That you would be

Be my light in the dark,

Light in the dark

Oh,you gave me

No other choice

But to love you

All I want to do

Is come running home to you

Come running home to you

And all my life I promise to

Keep running home to you

Keep running home

Home to you

Can't say

How the days will unfold

Cant change

What the future may hold

But I want you in it

Every hour

Every minute

Iris West, Will you marry me?

Iris: Yes. Yes.


(Back to NORMAL Typing!!!)

After that, everyone was silent. Of course, Gary was the one to break it.

"I was fangirling the ENTIRE time!!!" Gary exclaimed.

"Who are you?" Barry asked, speaking for Kara, Oliver and himself.

"I'm your biggest fan." Gary said to them, almost squealing.

"Oh, yeah, that reminds me, I'm gonna show you guys a video after I send the Avengers home after Pepper's thing." Ally said to the group, making them confused.

"What video?" Nate asked her. She smirked, and said two words.

"HayWorld commercial." She said. Gary, Sarah, and Nate all went wide-eyed, and looked to the trinity of superheroes.

"Please don't kill us." Gary said, his voice an octave higher than normal.

"Okay, onto Pepper's secret!" Ally said, making Pepper pale slightly.



Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. I had to write up the entire transcript from scratch, and that took a LONG time. But, it's up now! I just started school, so updates are gonna be a little slow, but I hope it's worth it! This is a really long chapter, at almost 7000 words. Wow! 

Well, remember to vote, comment, and add to your library!

See you in the next one!


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