Nyctophobia - Sirius Black

By GeorgiaIvoryEvans

294K 7.8K 3K

Ruby Snape vowed to protect her younger twin brother to the very end, but when he goes to Hogwarts, she is st... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Q & A?
Q&A answers
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Sequel is Out!!!

Chapter 8

10.9K 289 76
By GeorgiaIvoryEvans

Ruby didn't feel it when a hand grasped her wrist tightly, pulling her and the first year out of the water. She didn't feel anything when a hand felt for her pulse. She didn't feel it when she was carried into the hospital wing and placed on a bed, her skin pale, her eyes closed. She didn't feel it when they forced the water out of her lungs. She didn't feel a hand take hers, or tears fall on to her hand.

Ruby didn't hear the screaming voices begging for someone to help when she was laid on the grass at the edge of the lake. She didn't hear someone telling everyone to make way for Madam Pomfrey. She didn't hear the nurse fussing over her, or the people crowded around her bed. She didn't hear her brother's sobs, or his pleas for her to wake.

Ruby didn't see the bright blue sky above her, or the green grass and white flowers below her. Ruby didn't see the faces crowding around to see her. She didn't see them move away to let Madam Pomfrey come closer. Ruby didn't see as she was carried into the castle and to the Hospital Wing. She didn't see the nurse try to shoo everyone out, only to eventually give up, insisting she would make them leave if they bothered her. Ruby didn't see her brother stay when everyone else finally drifted away as their hunger grew or their curiosity was satisfied. Ruby didn't see when Amaris and the rest of Sev's Slytherin friends came in to bring him food and spend an hour with him until they had to go to class. She didn't see Professor Slughorn come in and try to convince her brother to come back to class, only for him to shake his head. Ruby didn't see anything but darkness.

Ruby didn't smell the flowers when she was laid on the grass. Ruby didn't smell the chemicals from the Hospital Wing as she was carried in.

Ruby didn't taste the dark water that was forced from her lungs. She didn't taste the disgusting potions that were forced down her throat.

Ruby lay in the bed for five days, like the dead before slowly her senses began to revive. First, it was the stinging smell of chemicals in her nose. Then it was the bright light shinning on her, making her see red behind her closed eyelids as it tried to pierce through. Then she felt a cold hand in hers. Then she heard slow footsteps coming closer.

"Hey, Severus. I brought you breakfast. I really wish I could stay, but I've got classes." Her brother didn't reply, and the person slowly walked away.

Ruby let her eyes flutter open, groaning when the light stung her eyes. She felt her brother shoot up, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I thought you were dead." He cried. She wrapped her arms around him, a few tears rolling down her face.

"It's okay, Sev." She said soothingly. "I'm alive. I'm not going to leave you." He calmed down after another minute. "Besides, we both know that if I did die, I'd just come back as a ghost." She joked, before suddenly becoming serious. "Christina. How is she? Is she alive?"

"She's over there." He motioned to the bed next to her. Christina looked fragile laying there frozen. "She's breathing. They're not sure she'll make it, but she's alive for now."

"I hope she lives." Sev nodded.

"Her family's staying here until she wakes. They're at dinner now, but they'll probably be back afterwards. They keep thanking me over and over, and it's kind of weird."

Ruby laughed a little. "Well, I'm awake now, so I can deal with it for you. The Marauders haven't been pranking or bullying you, have they?"

"Thankfully, no. I think it's because I've been in the Hospital Wing the whole time, and Madam Pomfrey would kill them if they tried. They'll probably go off with a bang when I leave."

"Well, then you're not leaving until I'm well enough to protect you."

"We should probably tell Madam Pomfrey that you're awake." Ruby agreed, and Severus went to tell her. Ruby almost regretted letting him tell her, because the woman was fussing and having her drink several potions that tasted horrible. She kept going on about how Ruby was so heroic, but she really shouldn't be doing things like that, and Ruby found it a little annoying, although at the same time, she wondered if this is what it would feel like to have a mother.

Sure enough, Christina's family came back to the Hospital Wing a few minutes later, and began thanking Ruby so much for saving their daughter. Ruby wondered if they knew Christina might not survive. Her heart clenched at the thought. She didn't want her new friend to die.

Ruby replied that she was just glad she could help.

It was another day before Ruby could get out of bed on her own, and another before she deemed herself strong enough to leave. Madam Pomfrey had said she could leave as soon as she felt up to it, and although Ruby could have left the day before, she didn't want leave until she was positive she was strong enough to protect her twin.

She left the Hospital Wing, asking Madam Pomfrey to let her know as soon as Christina woke. She wasn't going to consider the other possibility.

The Great Hall became silent as soon as she walked through the doors. She walked to the Slytherin table, pretending the whole school wasn't staring at her, and ate a little. Narcissa threw her arms around her, the others all said they were happy to see she was okay.

Several students came up to thank her, which Ruby thought was awkward because she had never met these people before and had no idea who they were. She did know two of the people though. Stanley and Jasper threw their arms around her, saying they were so glad she was okay and thanking her for saving Christina.

Ruby eventually made her way down to the Slytherin dorms, deciding she'd rather stay with her brother tonight.

She was immediately glad of her decision when the door was closed.

Suddenly, she felt like she was back underwater, clawing at the water around her, hoping she would reach air.

"Lumos." She gasped for breath, coughing. "Ruby. It's okay. You're safe. It's okay." Sev rubbed her back comfortingly.

"Don't turn off the light." She gasped.

"I won't. I won't." He hurried to reassure you. She calmed slightly, eventually laying back down. Sev opened the door slightly to let in the light from the common room, and she drifted off. He fell asleep not long after.

She woke in the morning, green light coming in through the window. She dressed in the bathroom. Someone had brought in her shoes, socks and robes. Her tie was still in her dorm. She had yet to wear it.

She sat at the Slytherin table and ate a piece of toast. She wasn't expecting any mail since she had no one outside of Hogwarts, but unfolded the note.

She's waking up.

Ruby jumped up, startling the people around her. Sev glanced at the note, and quickly followed her out of the Great Hall. Ruby dashed into the Hospital Wing to see Christina sitting up, her family crowded around her.

"Hi, Ruby." She grinned, waving a little. Ruby smiled, and walked up.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She said, realizing how true the statement was. She really was glad that she was okay.

"I'm glad too." Christina said, laughing a little. "Madam Pomfrey says I'll be out of here by lunch."

"That's great."

"We can't thank you enough." Christina's dad said.

"Thank you so much for saving my baby!" The girl's mother said, tears in her eyes. She pulled Ruby into a hug, and Ruby froze. Mr. Abbot seemed to notice and he looked at her with pity before gently removing his wife from the girl.

"I'll be back at lunch, okay?" Ruby said to Christina, before turning to her parents. "And really, I'm just glad I could help."

Ruby had gotten her OWLS results while she was unconscious, and Sev handed them to her after they left the Hospital Wing.

Ancient Runes - O

Arithmancy - O

Astronomy - E

Charms - O

Defense Against the Dark Arts - O

Herbology - E

Potions - O

Transfiguration - A

Ruby was relieved to be able to drop Transfiguration, also glad that that wasn't a class Slytherins and Gryffindors shared. It was the only class she had to drop out of.

Ruby went to Potions with her brother, and they sat together. Ruby was fully prepared to send the Marauders back to the Hospital Wing the entire class, but found it was unnecessary.

After potions, they seperated, Severus going to Care of Magical Creatures, and Ruby to Ancient Runes. The class was a mix of all four houses, apparently not having enough students to have more than one class.

Ruby connected her magic with her brother's so that she would know if he was in danger. She guessed that Potter and Black, at least, were in his class. Lupin was in Ancient Runes with her, which meant that he wasn't in Care of Magical Creatures, but that didn't account for the other three.

Sure enough, she felt the rising fear coming from her brother's end of the magical twin link, and quickly pushed a considerable amount of magic to him.

She felt the impact of several jinxes, and pushed them away from him with her magic.

The Professor noticed that she was distracted, and took the opportunity to ask her a question.

"I'm really sorry, Professor, but my twin's in trouble. I promise I'll be right back." Ruby followed the pull of her brother's magic, finding him in a matter of minutes. Her magic shield seemed to be protecting him, but Potter was constantly throwing more spells at it.

Ruby lifted her hand, palm outstretched towards her brother's attacker, and sent a strong wave of magic that sent Potter flying into a tree. The magic held him there, as Ruby walked towards him, a murderous glint in her eyes.

She stepped closer, punching him several times. Blood gushed from his nose, and he whimpered in pain.

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" She shouted, throwing him violently into another tree with her magic.

She released him, only for him to fall several feet to the ground.

Sev's eyes widened as the magic in her hands turned a bright sickly green.

"Ruby, no!" He shouted, not daring to take a step forward. She glanced at him, before putting her hands down, letting the deadly magic surge into the ground instead killing the grass.

"No one hurts my brother." She growled, before turning to her brother. "He didn't hurt you, right?"

"No, Ruby. I'm fine. Your shield worked fine."

"Oh, good." She sighed in relief. "I've got to get to class, but I'm still looking out for you. Don't forget. Learn everything, be careful, stand up for yourself and have fun."

"I know Ruby. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later." Ruby ran back to class, apologizing as she sat down. The teacher waved away her apology.

"It's about time someone stood up for people like him." Was all she said before continuing the lesson.

Ruby sat next to her brother in Charms, boredly enlarging and shrinking a rock. Flitwick was busy helping the students who hadn't managed, and Ruby, who had completed the charm before anyone else, had nothing else to do.

It seemed several other students were equally bored, including her brother, Black and Lupin. She had already sent Black a warning glare, and was now stretching the rock in all different directions after turning it to putty with her magic.

"Are we going home for Christmas?" She asked her brother suddenly.

"There's nothing there waiting for us." He shrugged.

"We could go through all mom's magical stuff that's in the other room. There's no one to keep us out of it now."

"That sounds fun." He smiled, "but there won't be much food."

"So? It'll be just like before."

"You starving and insisting that I eat the little food we actually got?"

"Not what I meant, and I wasn't starving. Besides, we'll have more now. Whether you go back or not, I need to work so I can stay at Hogwarts, and I'd feel better about it if I knew you were safe."


"You know, away from the Marauders. Home is actually safer than here now."

"I guess you're right."

"The factory is closed on Christmas and Christmas Eve, so we can spend those days together at least."

"What should we do during the Halloween ball?"

"We could... I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"We could study."

"I don't know what else, but I feel like we should do something more fun. We could go to the kitchens, maybe, and have our own little feast there. And we could read some non school books from the library."

"That's a good idea." Sev agreed. "We'll do that."

"Can you believe Halloween is tomorrow night?"

"It's just because so much has already happened."

"Speaking of the Halloween party, I know you're not going," Narcissa whispered. "but I was hoping you could help Lucius and I. This is our first year going, because we've always had a Christmas party at home. It's literally tomorrow night, and we have no idea what to wear."

"I'd love to help." Ruby agreed.

"Thank you so much." Narcissa smiled. "I'll help you with your hair." Ruby hadn't realized it, but her hair was greasy again. She smiled, and Narcissa hugged her. 

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