By Jikook_Lams_

107K 2.8K 2.1K

Where Jungkook falls for his new teacher More

Q&A (answers)
11 1/2
14 - final chapter
-dIsClaImEr i GuEss-


3.7K 130 172
By Jikook_Lams_

Jungkook pov

Jimin picked me up,I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist as I giggled and kissed him "ready to go home?" Jimin said as he put me down and smirked

I hit his chest playfully "calm your hormones" I said as I imitated Jimin and smiled "don't use my words against me" Jimin said as he slapped my ass making a slight whimper come out of my mouth

"But yes I am ready to go home" Jimin nodded as we grabbed out things and left

At jimins house

After we put out stuff down i squealed in shock when Jimin picked me up bridal style "Jimin-oppa,where are we going?" Jimin didnt respond and just smiled then went to his room

Jimins room

Jimin laid me on the bed as he kissed me,but this kiss was different,it was filled with love instead of lust,I kissed back then we both pulled away

"I love you" I said panting"I love you too" Jimin said as he rested his head on mine and smiled

We changed then went to sleep while Jimin was cuddling be from behind

Monday 😑

I woke up and Jimin still sleep,I looked at him and kept looking for a few minutes "how long are you gonna keep staring?" Jimin asked with his eyes still closed

I blushed as I snuggled my head closer to his chest as he chuckled "aww don't get shy now" Jimin said as he lifted my head from his chest with his finger,making my blush more visible

"Aww your so cute" Jimin said as he pecked me on the lips "good morning.." I mumbled "morning princess" Jimin said

Jimin and I got ready for the day then went downstairs

^jungkooks outfit^

^jimins outfit^

Jimin was making breakfast as I stood beside him "princess?" Jimin said " yes? " I replied "can I have a kiss?" Jimin asked I nodded and pulled a Hershey's kisses out of the freezer and have it to Jimin

It took a few seconds for Jimin to get the joke after he did he smirked at me and ate the chocolate,I started walking away but gasped in shock when Jimin pinned me to the counter and smashed his lips on mine

Few kissed for a few seconds before I pulled away giggling "your lips taste like chocolate" I said as I licked my lips ,Jimin smiled and continued cooking

After eating

Me and Jimin got ready and left the house,heading to hell,I made sure I grabbed my bag,phone,charger and other shit that I'm gonna need for hell

after School✊✊✊✊✊

Me and Jimin went back to his house and cuddled while watching movies,Jimin got up to get snacks when his phone buzzed "oppa! Your phone!" I yelled " can you get it for me? The password is '9-1-97'" when I heard his password I froze

"My birthday is your password?" I asked as I looked in the direction of the kitchen "yea" Jimin responded

I opened his phone and checked the text message,but what I saw made my eyes tear up

Mina:hey baby

Drama! Dun dun dunnn

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