Return (GirlxGirl)

By SkylarJapera

753K 16.7K 2K

Only weeks after the big battle against Sue and the human hunters Violet and Chloe never expected for Chloe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 6

16.7K 350 35
By SkylarJapera

Hope you Enjoy :)

Chapter 6

It’s been five days since the confrontation with Victoria and Chloe was being very distant and Violet didn’t know how to handle it. It was like Chloe body was there but her mind was someone else. Violet had been asking Chloe what was going through her head but Chloe would just smile and brush it off. Violet was trying really hard to give Chloe space and time to think but Violet just hated seeing her wife like this. She honestly didn’t know how to get Chloe to open up anymore.

Violet wakes up in the middle of the night noticing Chloe wasn’t lying beside her. She slowly lifts up and turns to see Chloe sitting in the window seal. It seemed like she was in deep thought she slowly gets out of bed and pulls Chloe towards her whispering, “What are you thinking about?”

Chloe turns around and smiles, “Nothing…go back to bed I’m not sleepy.”

Violet sighs running her hand through her curly brunette hair and asks, “Chloe what’s up?”

Chloe fully turns around and replies, “Nothing.”

“Why are you lying?”

“I’m not lying Violet!” Chloe yells shocking the alpha. Chloe sees the hurt in her wife eyes and begins to bite her lip then says, “Honey I’m sorry I just need some time to think about…erm my father.”

Violet rolls her eyes knowing Chloe wasn’t thinking about her father. “I don’t understand why you can’t tell me everything.”

“I..” Chloe starts but Violet cuts her off and says, “I don’t want to talk about it unless you’re ready to tell me the entire truth. I told you Chloe before…I love you but this.” Violet points at Chloe and back towards her, “It’s hurting me.”

With that Violet grabs a pair of jeans and throws on her black hoodie and sits on the bed putting on her black and white converse.

“Where are you going?” Chloe whispers.

“Out.” Violet answers and then stands about to walk out the door until Chloe steps in front of her and asks, “Out where?”

“I don’t know.” Violet shrugs. “Maybe hunt…I need to think.”

“But…” Chloe starts and she can feel her eyes watering up. Violet pecks her on the lips and whispers, “I will be back I promise.” And with that Violet walks out their bedroom door.

Chloe break out into tears noticing she is doing nothing but pushing Violet away. She can feel their bond getting weaker and weaker by the day. She just need a little more time to try to fix things then she and Violet can talk about the bond. She grabs Violet red hoodie out the closet and lays on the bed putting it up to her nose taking in the scent. She cried that entire night and when the sun rose she notice Violet hadn’t return.


Cassandra burst through Virgil door to see two women half naked in his bed. One was a red head and the other a blonde. She would have taken in the sight if she wasn’t so damn pissed off and tears weren’t running down her face. “Virgil!” she sneers.

The older man throws the red head off of him then stands making Cassandra turn her head because he had no boxers on. Virgil smirks and walks up to Cassandra running his hand across her neck and whispers in her ear, “Nothing you haven’t seen before my darling.”

Cassandra turns around about to back hand the bastard until he caught her hand. “Remember the last time you tried to touch me Virgil. I wouldn’t try that again.”

Virgil smirks and shakes his head backing away. He liked the feisty Cassandra and it seemed she was even feistier than before. He licks his lips then turns around and orders the two women, “Leave once.” The two girls jumps up in a hurry grabbing their belonging and runs out the room.

Virgil sits on the end of the bed still naked. Cassandra frowns and asks, “Could you please cover yourself.”

“I think I liked the younger Cassandra better.” Virgil comments. “She was respectful and obeyed.”

“Sorry that little naïve girl grew up. Now I thought you were going to work on these stupid emotions I keep feeling things from Chloe. When she sad, I’m sad, when she is crying I’m crying.”

“When she is fucking you don’t seem to mind.” Virgil smirks.

Cassandra eyes go wide and hates that she is blushing red. She recovers quickly and waves her hand.

Virgil laughs, “What…did you think I didn’t notice that night when you we’re all red and sweating.”

“Shut-up….It’s not about the sex okay…they haven’t even had sex and if I want to bed Violet I could.”

Virgil frowns immediately and stands, “She is mines so don’t get no crazy ideas Cassandra.”

Cassandra laughs, “I’m sorry Virgil but I think Violet likes kitty and not…”

Virgil runs up and chokes Cassandra throwing her into the wall. “You know your place! Like I said she’s mines and little Cassandra you’re mines also and will always be mine and if I want to bed Violet and even you…you know I can do it…” Virgil squeezes tighter then hisses, “I think I need to remind you what your place is. You won’t even think of Violet again.”

Cassandra eyes go wide again and her heart begins to speed up as Virgil licks down her neck. She begins to get angry and wants to push Virgil back but the older man is to strong and is using there bond to keep her put. He rips her shirt open and stares at her perfect tone stomach and round boobs that sat in her lace blue bra. “I should have taken you a long time ago…but you see Cassandra I was weak then but I’m stronger now.”

Cassandra can feel the tears running down her eyes. “Stop…” she tries to say.


Chloe rolls off the bed and tries to breathe. She grabs her throat trying to scream for Violet or anyone but she can’t from the lack of air. She then feels tears running down her face and scratches on her hip. She doesn’t understand what is happening she hopes Violet can get to her in a hurry. ‘Violet.’ She cries through her mind link. ‘Please help I can’t breathe.’


Violet quickly stands and rips off all her clothes when she hears Chloe cries. She runs back towards the mansion passing every tree within a second. She feels guilty that she left and pissed that someone would even try to hurt Chloe. She phases back human and burst through the door running up stairs. Catherine and Olivia hear Violet stomping through the mansion they quickly rise from the table and follow behind the angry alpha. Violet kicks down the door to see Chloe on the floor grasping for air and red marks going down her beautiful stomach and bruises on her face and a spilt lip.

“What the hell.” she hear Olivia voice behind her.

Violet drops by Chloe side and doesn’t know what to do. She is confused. She tries CPR to get some air into Chloe lungs. She then turns around and yells, “Call Anne and go get Victoria.”

Olivia and Catherine leave the mansion doing as they order.


Cassandra is still pinned to the wall and she can feel air inside her lungs. ‘Violet.’ She thinks. ‘Chloe feels this.’ Cassandra kicks and coughs, “You’re hurting Chloe you fuck. You kill me you kill Chloe.” Cassandra has been killed by Virgil plenty of times for not obeying but she knew Virgil wouldn’t risk killing Chloe also… she was too important.

Virgil lets go of Cassandra making her fall to the floor. He kicks her in the gut once more and screams, “Go clean yourself up you dog.” And with that Cassandra picks herself up and walks out the room like she is told.


Chloe finally is able to breathe. Violet picks her up and lays her in the bed. She didn’t understand what had just happen but she had a lot of questions to ask.

“How...” Violet starts but Chloe coughing stopped her in her sentence. She runs and gets the kit so she can help Chloe with her bruises. When she comes back she sees Chloe trying to heal herself. Violet takes her hand and says, “Hey let me...”

Chloe nods her head and Violet applies the ointment making the witch hiss from the stinging she felt on her back. Violet blows cool air on it and then turns towards Chloe and wipes the blood off the witch lips. “Lay back.” She asks softly.

Chloe does as she is told and Violet applies the ointment to the bruises on her stomach and whips on her thighs. She hisses again hating the stupid cream. “It will help.” Violet whispers reading Chloe mind. Violet begins to blow it again and then kisses Chloe on the lips and promise, “I will never leave your side again.”


Cassandra was about to treat herself until her back start stinging then it would cool off. She smirks knowing it was Violet soft touch. Violet was everything she wished she could have… sweet and loving. She shakes the thoughts out her head knowing Violet was going to be Virgil’s when he was done with her sister. She lies back on the bed and takes in Violet soft touches and caresses. ‘Maybe when Virgil is bored with her then I can take her as mines.’

“I will never leave your side again” she hears in her head knowing that was Violet sweet voice. “I love you.” She hears again. She then begins to feel happy. She knew it was Chloe emotions but she felt good pretending that someone really cared for her.

Cassandra closes her eyes and smiles taking in Violet soft touches and words’ imagining that it was really her Violet was talking to. She then feels her bruises being completely healed. She smirks, “Must be the witch.”


Chloe finally is able to sleep. Anne and her mother had just left a few hours ago and now it was just her and Violet. The alpha sits on the end of the bed and asks, “Do you know what just happened Chloe.”

Chloe shakes her head no and lifts up. “I think…It was the bond.”

Violet looks confuse and Chloe explains, “There is this other bond I’m feeling and I think when this unknown person feels pain I do to…I thought it was Virgil at first but… let’s just say I know it’s not.”

Violet nods her head and says, “We can go by the cabin tomorrow and talk to Victoria.”

Chloe nods her head and turns back over. Violet bites her lip noticing Chloe was being distant again and wanted to be alone to think. She runs her hand through her hair and stands saying, “I will go get you some breakfast.”

Violet walks downstairs and walks into the kitchen to see Catherine sitting on the table with Olivia kissing her hard running her hands up the red head girl legs. Violet rolls her eyes and growls, “Can you two please get a fucking room.”

Olivia jumps back hearing the alpha voice but Catherine just smirks jumping off the table saying, “Sorry is Chloe okay.”

Violet sits at the table and buries her head in her hands and groans. Olivia grabs some orange juice then pecks Catherine on the lips and whispers, “I will let you two talk.”

The red head watches Olivia walk out the kitchen and then sits at the table across from Violet. She begins to play with her finger nails and asks, “What’s going on between you and Chloe.”

Violet lifts her head and stares at Catherine then shrugs, “Nothing.”

Catherine giggles and says, “You can’t lie to me Violet. Plus you and Chloe have been very distant.”

Violet groans again and explains, “It happened after she visited her stupid mother. She won’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“Well maybe she needs a little space.” Catherine suggests. “Then she will tell you when she is ready.”

“I did that.” Violet argues. “I have given her space. It’s like she doesn’t want me to know. It’s like she is pushing me away. It’s like she doesn’t want this anymore.” The brunette cries.

Catherine stands and rubs Violet shoulder and whispers, “It’s going to be fine okay.”


Later that day everyone is out doors ready to go visit Anne at the cabin.

“So Olivia and I are going to run there and see if it is safe first.” Violet says. “We don’t want any surprises. Catherine you and Chloe can ride in the car.”

Catherine roll her eyes but agree and then kisses Olivia on the lips then walks towards the car. Violet orders the pack to get ready and then walks up to Chloe and asks, “Are you feeling better?”

Chloe smiles then says, “Yes am fine…just in deep thought.”

“You have been like that a lot lately.” Violet comments. “I don’t understand…”

“Violet please just give me time.”

The brunette bites her lip and then crosses her arm and whispers, “I don’t get it.”

“Violet.” Chloe warns. “Please.” She begs.

“Fine…” Violet agrees. “Later tonight.” The brunette then leans in to give Chloe a kiss before she leaves but the witch turns her face and Violet runs into her cheek. Violet steps back surprised at the jester but doesn’t question it and tries to hide her emotions because she was hurting really bad inside.

Violet walks away and phases taking off into the woods with the pack following behind her. During the run Violet starts thinking about Chloe and the past week. It was like talking to a stranger she had never felt so insecure and scared in her relationship. They haven’t had sex in about two weeks and at night it was like a chore sleeping with the witch. They didn’t sleep as close as they use too and Chloe always woke up earlier before Violet can question anything. It was like she was running from something.  Finally they make it to the cabin and she orders her pack to take watch outside. Olivia and Violet turns back human and puts on their emergency clothes and walks into the cabin to see Catherine and Chloe sitting in the front room with Victoria.

Violet leans on the wall across from Chloe and listens closely.

“We’re here to ask about what happen to Chloe yesterday?” Catherine starts off.

Victoria stares at Chloe but the younger witch turns her head. Victoria sighs and answers, “I think it’s Virgil. The faster we find Virgil the faster we can break this bond.”

Everyone in the room nods and then they talk about where they would think Virgil would be hiding. Everyone came up with the conclusion that Virgil was in the old mansion across the lake where Catherine got hurt. Finally they all came to an agreement that the sooner they check it out the sooner everything can be back to normal.

“So if you could guess Chloe who would you think this second bond belonged to?” Olivia asks.

“It’s Virgil clearly.” Catherine argues.

“Impossible.” Olivia says. “Virgil is powerful…Chloe was choking to death yesterday. I doubt anyone got close to Virgil to choke him and I doubt he would hurt himself. It can’t be him.”

“Olivia is right.” Victoria agrees.

“Of course I’m right.” Olivia shrugs. “So Chloe who would you think it is.” Everyone in the room turns towards Chloe for the answer and the witch sits in front of everyone and plays with her wrist from the nervousness. She didn’t know how to explain it. She had a guess but if she answers the question more questions would be asked she was not ready to answer.

‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to.’ She hears in her head.

‘But…I want to I just can’t explain it.’

She loved her bond with Violet and hated it was slowly fading away. She liked communicating through their minds. She stares at her wife who is leaning on the wall across from her with her arms cross over her chest.

‘You’re nervous.’ Violet replies. ‘What are you nervous about? Is it your mother?’


‘I can ask her to be removed if you want.’

‘No.’ Chloe replies then begins to play with her bracelet something she did when she was really nervous and Violet saw and felt this emotion.

Violet growls and then says out loud not catching herself in time. “You don’t want me here!”

Chloe look apologetic and Violet face expression begins to soften. “Why?” she asks again. “Did I do something?”

Chloe stands and walks towards Violet ignoring the confused looks they we’re receiving. “That’s why you been distant these past few days. Because I did something wrong?” The alpha asks. She was really starting to get aggravated at Chloe dodging her questions.

“Chloe answer my question I want to know. I need to know. I deserve to know. I’m your wife for Christ sakes.” The brunette yells making her anger and frustration slip and blue flames were slowly erupting from her hands. Victoria stands quickly she still didn’t trust nor like the alpha.

“Violet calm down.” Chloe whispers and touches Violet arm in comforting. “We will talk later I promise.”

“I’m tired of waiting Chloe!” Violet growls again. “How you think this makes me feel.”

Chloe just stares not knowing what to say. Violet just sighs and runs her hand through her hair and says, “I guess you don’t care do you. Whatever Chloe keep your stupid secret to yourself.” The alpha then charges out the door slamming the door behind her.

Catherine gets up about to run after Violet but before she does she say, “You know how she is about secrets Chloe. She does get insecure! You need to talk to her instead of pushing her away.” The red head then walks out screaming Violet name. Olivia stands and says awkwardly. “Umm…I think I should go. So ummm…you can erm talk. Goodbye.”

Chloe waves but Olivia just shakes her head in disappointment and walks out the cabin. Chloe then falls to the floor crying. She hated what she was feeling. She loved Violet so much and after what her mom told her a few days ago was hurting and scaring the shit out of her. She begins to chew on her lip. There was a chance that Violet could leave her. She didn’t want to believe it but she felt the bond fading away slowly and someone else bond replacing Violet’s.


Two hours later Olivia and Catherine arrive back at the mansion and the red-head yells, “Olivia she wouldn’t run off like that.”

“Maybe she and Chloe are talking at the cabin.”

“No.” Catherine argues. “Something is off.”

Olivia hugs Catherine and says, “Let’s go to sleep Violet and Chloe are talking at the cabin and working things out like they always do.”

“Violet isn’t with you.” They both hear a voice behind them. They both turn their head to see Chloe.

Catherine steps out of Olivia embrace and asks, “Violet is not with you?”

Chloe shakes her no and explains, “I waited at the cabin but since she never showed up I came here thinking she was here.”

“She’s not here.” Catherine replies.

“I messed up really bad this time.” Chloe cries.

“No.” Olivia argues. “She will be back in the morning.”

“No she said she wouldn’t ever leave again.” Chloe yells.

“She wouldn’t just leave.” Catherine says. “Call the pack and her parents Olivia. Violet is missing. You really did fuck up this time Chloe.” The red-head finishes and brushes pass the witch and run off back into the woods to search for Violet.

Please Comment.
What you think happen to Violet and do you blame Chloe like Catherine does.

Thanks for Reading :) 

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