
By Nfl090899

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A collection of shorts showing Billy Adjusting to life with his new family. More

Chapter One- So How'd It Go With Your Mom?
Chapter two- What are Brothers for? Part one
Chapter Three- What Are Brothers For? Part two
Present exchange
New Lost Friend
World So Cold
Better Place Part One
Better Place Part Two
Better Place Part Three

What Are Brothers For? Part Three

138 7 0
By Nfl090899

Sorry for the wait been really busy moving to a new house and working, but I'm hoping to update more frequently. Enjoy!

When I came to, I heard a buzzing in my ears and saw a faint outline of a face. I felt whoever was in front of me, shaking me gently, "Billy? Hey Billy?"

It was from Freddie. I grumbled as my vision came back into focus, allowing a bright look at Freddie. "Fre..."

"Hey, man, how you doing?" Freddie said, sounding excitedly happy.

"I'm... not... fine," I said, slurring my words together.

"That's okay. You will be." I sat up and saw the rest of my surroundings. I wasn't in a place I recognized the walls had a faint tan color, and red accents lined the walls. They were some red-colored beds and plenty of cabinets over by a desk in the corner.

"Where... am I?" I quietly asked as the buzzing seemed to be dimming.

"You're in the nurse's office you fainted," Freddie explained.

"When did I..." I began to ask when the memory of what happened this morning came back to me. "Shit... the Bryers."

"Yep, they were pissed and wanted to pummel you into oblivion, but luckily Mr. Moran showed up," Freddie explained while breathing through his teeth. "He helped me get you here and brought the Bryers to the office, and they're in deep shit right about now." I smiled at that, but I still felt terrible for Freddie. I let him down.

"Sorry..." I said quietly.

Freddie looked taken aback and confused, "What are you saying sorry for?"

"For not being there for you I let the Bryers hurt you...again," I croaked out.

"Billy stop," Freddie said strictly," It's not your fault your sick."

"I know, but..." I began.

"But nothing. Your sick so stop worrying about me because I'm fine. I'm more worried about you," Freddie said, cutting me off.

"Okay," I said shortly smiling.

The Nurse was sitting at her desk and noticed that I was awake, so she came over. "Ah, you're awake, how are you feeling?"

"Awful," I muttered.

"Well you fainted, and your brother told me you've been throwing up since last night," She explained, pulling out a thermometer out of her coat. "Do you still feel faint?" She asked.

"Um..." I said, unsure of what she meant.


I did feel dizzy, and the world was lightly spinning. "Yes," I croaked out.

She nodded before adjusting the ear Thermometer, "I'm going to take your temperature now. Is that okay?"

I nodded signaling it was okay to proceed. She bent-over, causing me to stiffen not liking the close contact, but Freddie placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, making me loosen. "102.7," The Nurse read from the Thermometer, "All you need is some rest and fluids, and you should be fine."

I looked over at Freddie, and he seemed to relax, but I knew I wasn't out of the woods yet. "So, I'll just call your parents, and they can pick you up so you can go home. All I'll need is your school ID." I panicked at the request I wasn't going to make Rosa and Victor leave work to take care of me. That wasn't fair to them.

"You don't have to call them. I'll just stay here till the end of the day," I insisted.

"I'd much rather call your parents. Is there a problem with calling them?" The Nurse asked.

I assumed she was asking if Victor and Rosa were abusive or hurtful parents and that was the farthest from the truth both of them were the best parents I've ever had and truthfully there the only parents I've ever had.

"No, I just don't want to bother them, I'll be fine," I explained.

I thought the Nurse was going to say something, but Freddie beat her to the punch. "Can I have a minute with him please?"

"Sure, I'll be over by my desk just call when you're done," The Nurse explained before heading off. Once she was gone, Freddie turned to me and gave me a guilty look.

"What?" I scoffed shrugging my shoulders.

"You know what," Freddie said.

"No, I don't. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you won't let us get Rosa and Victor, which is what I should have done last night, so please tell me why you don't want to call them?" Freddie argued. Freddie made sure to make me feel guilty, and part of me knew he was right, but I didn't know how to ask for help, and I'm not sure I could.

"Well?" Freddie asked. I took a deep breath before caving in. "I don't want to call them because that's going to make me a bother and then Rosa and Victor are going to get rid of me just like all the rest." Freddie was shocked by what I said and gave me a pitying look. And as I explained this, I felt my throat get tight, and I felt tears starting to form, but I was able to keep most of them in.

"Billy, why didn't you say something earlier? Victor and Rosa would never do that. And I know you haven't been here for long yet, but Rosa and Victor would walk thru fire for any of us," Freddie explained putting a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder. I smiled at that and nodded. "So, don't think if you need help you're a bother because you're not. You can ask for help from any of us because that's what we're here for." I smiled at Freddie and felt an embarrassed wave wash over me, realizing how stupid I was. For some reason, I thought I could do this on my own, but I didn't need to. "So can we please call Victor and Rosa now?" Freddie pleaded.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Awesome," Freddie said smirking.

I dug my wallet out of my back pocket and pulled out my school ID before handing it to Freddie. Freddie squinted his eyes before smiling, "That's your picture. Really?"

"Shut up," I said lightly punching Freddie in the arm. Freddie laughed before heading over to the Nurse. He handed her my ID then came back over. "So she called Rosa she's on her way," Freddie said, handing me back my ID and sitting back down. "Was Rosa mad?" I asked worriedly.

"No, she was worried."

Sometime later

I was about to fall asleep when I heard the door slam open, followed by Rosa and Victor. They both looked worried as they scanned the room for me, and when their eyes settled on me, they ran over. I was anxious as hell I didn't know what to say, but Freddie had that covered. "Rosa! Victor! Thank god Billy's really sick."

"We know the nurse explained everything over the phone," Victor commented as they rushed over to us.

"How are you feeling?" Rosa asked with worry as she put a hand up to my forehead. I tensed up at the contact at first, but relaxed when I felt Rosa's warm and soothing touch.

"Crappy," I mumbled. Rosa and Victor threw me pitying looks before turning to Freddie.

"The Nurse also said you've been throwing up since last night. Why didn't you tell us? We would have let you stay home," Victor asked. I took a deep breath and looked down to my fiddling hands. I didn't want to talk about it especially after the shitty morning I've had I hoped they got the hint. Luckily they did and dropped it before sharing me a smile and a nod. Victor walked over to the Nurse, and after a few words, he came back with her.

"So, Billy should be okay he just needs lots of fluid and plenty of rest, you're free to take him home once you sign him out at the front desk," The Nurse explained handing me a cup of water. She told me to drink, and I gladly did my mouth was dry.

"Don't worry, he'll get plenty of both," Victor assured, looking at me sternly. I felt a pain of guilt. I think they were upset, that I didn't say anything and even more worried. The Nurse nodded before instructing us to sign me out and for me to get plenty of rest.

"Ready to go?" Victor asked with a calm expression. I quickly nodded. Freddie got off his seat and moved out of the way so Victor could help me up. He slung my left arm over his shoulder before turning to me, "Can you walk, or do you want us to help ?" I wasn't confident I could walk on my own, but I didn't want Victor to have to help me that would make me look weak and vulnerable.

"I'll be fine," I uttered. Victor nodded before letting my arm go. I shakily stood up and was barely able to keep my feet before I stumbled into Victor.

"Rosa grab his other arm," Victor said calmly but urgently. Victor threw my left arm over him while Rosa did the same with my right. My vision was cloudy, so I could barely make out Freddie's worried expression. Victor asked me if I was ready to move. I gave him a weak nod before the uphill trek began. As we started to make our way to the door, I heard Victor talk to Freddie. "You need to get back to class Freddie you've missed enough time already."

"What about Billy?" Freddie asked, making eye contact with me. "He'll be okay me, and Rosa got him," Victor assured.

"Okay," Freddie said sighing in defeat before turning to me, "You gonna be okay, Billy?" Truthfully I didn't want Freddie to leave I've had him by my side taking care of me basically since midnight last night and him leaving my side scared me more than fighting the seven deadly sins again, but I didn't want Freddie to miss school anymore on my behalf, so I gave him a nod. "Alright, I'll see you after school. Just be careful," Freddie instructed.

"I will," I muttered as my vision improved. They walked me to the front desk where Victor signed me out before heading out to pull the Van around. Rosa stayed with me and kept her constant warm smile while looking casually worried. Once Victor pulled up, Rosa helped me into the Van. Once I was settled in I began to buckle in when Rosa grabbed the buckle from me.

"Lay back and relax Billy I got it," Rosa explained. I could only smile and be thankful she was here and Victor too. If this had happened at any other foster home, I'd be dealing with this on my own. I'm so used to being alone that adjusting to having brothers, sisters, and even parents that care about me is taking some time to get adjusted.

Once buckled in Rosa reached around my feet and pulled up a plaided fleece blanket. "Cold?" She asked. I nodded, signaling I was. That chill I got last night was back, and the quilt along with the warmth of the car I assumed would comfort me. When Rosa draped the blanket over me, I guessed right.

"Comfy?" Rosa asked, noticing my new relaxed state.

"MmHm," I mumbled with a watery smile.

"Good," Rosa smiled before messing with my hair. Rosa climbed in next to me and placed a comforting hand on my knee before Victor asked if we were ready. As we drove, I felt my consciousness begin to slip, and I knew I was about to fall asleep. But before I could, we went over a pothole jostling the entire car and my stomach. I knew what was about to happen, and if Victor didn't hurry, I might do it in the Van.

Victor pulled into the driveway, and I knew it was showtime. I yanked the blanket off and snapped my seatbelt away before stumbling out of the car. I landed with a thud on the snow-covered pavement expelling whatever I could into the snow.

"Billy!" Rosa yelled in panic and worry. I heard both Victor and Rosa scramble out of the Van and come to my aid. But as I slumped over face-first into my vomit, I passed out.


When I woke, I was groggy, and my hands and knees burned. I began to panic, unsure of where I was until I felt a warm, rough hand on me. I turned and saw the calm expression of Victor. He was wearing reading glasses and reading the newspaper. "Easy son, you're alright," He assured.

My breathing returned to normal, allowing me to look around I was in Freddie's bed in our room. "How are you feeling?" Victor asked once my breathing returned to normal.


Victor nodded before scooting his chair closer to me. He put his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature I didn't tense up this time. "You still feel warm, but you look better," Victor admitted.

I saw movement in the doorway and saw Rosa. She was carrying some bandages, crackers, and a water bottle with a straw in it. "Good, Billy, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Okay," I repeated.

"Good, Rosa said, smiling. She sat down on the bed, placing the bandages and crackers on the bed while setting the bottle on the end table next to the bed. Rosa grabbed my left hand. Bandages wrapped both my hands most likely from when I feel. "What happened to my hands?" I asked, confused when they got wrapped up.

"You scrapped them when you fell, we were worried they might get infected, so we bandaged them," Rosa explained. She unwrapped the bandage gingerly and began applying a new one she soon did it to the other one. As she did this, she gave me a questioning look, " So Billy me and Victor were upset when the school called and told us that you were sick and had been throwing up since last night..."

I immediately felt guilty I wasn't trying to upset them I was trying to do the opposite. Rosa noticed my facial reaction and backtracked, "No, no, I didn't mean we were upset with you. We were upset that you were sick and not feeling good." I let out a big sigh of relief. "But we are wondering why you didn't just come to us. You know we wouldn't have been upset or hurt you; it's our job to take care of you kids," Rosa explained caringly.

"I know," I quietly said this as I stared at my hands.

"Okay well, why didn't you come to us?" Victor asked, taking off his glasses.

I didn't want to get all sappy and emotional with them, but I told Freddie, and I needed to tell them it was the right thing to do.

I exhaled before beginning, "I thought if I asked for help, you would have gotten rid of me after all the other mistakes I've made since getting here." Their expression changed rapidly from worry to pity. "And I don't want to leave this place I love living with you guys, and this place has felt like home the first that I've had in a long time, and I didn't want to throw it away," I continued rambling.

Rosa looked like she was on the verge of tears, and I could see the sorrow Victor felt for me. I felt guilty that I made both of them think this way, but Rosa washed that away. She leaned in and hugged me almost as tightly and warmly as Darla. "Billy, please never think that way we would never even think about getting rid of you, your our son now and always," Rosa explained releasing the hug and wiping her tears away.

"We love you and no matter what you do that will never change," Victor promised.

"But what about when you yelled at me?" I asked.

"That was me being a Dad making sure you knew what you did was wrong, and from what has happened today, you learned that lesson."

I smiled at that happy to see I made him proud of something I did even if he wished I hadn't.

Rosa had stopped crying and placed her hand on my knee, "So Billy promise us," Rosa motioned towards her and Victor, " if you have a problem you need to talk to us about please come and talk we will always listen."

"I promise," I said, smiling.

"Thank you. That is all we ask," Rosa said, smiling.

Once she finished the bandages, she picked up the water bottle and handed it to me, "Drink up, we need to get you hydrated again."

I nodded and took a few sips allowing the cold liquid to soothe my throat. "Thanks."

"Your welcome," Rosa said before picking up the crackers, "You should eat something too."

"I'm not hungry and won't I just throw it up," I asked.

"No, you'll be fine, and you need to eat," Victor explained. There was no authority in his voice, just parental feelings. Most foster dads filled their voice with power like a drill sergeant.

I reluctantly nodded, tearing up the plastic and nibbling on a cracker. It hoarsely went down but not as bad as the toast this morning. I slowly ate both crackers as Victor and Rosa stayed there watching me ready to come to my aid if need be. When I finished, Rosa stood up and threw out the wrapper in the trashcan by the desk.

Rosa turned back and smiled, "You should get some rest, Billy, you look exhausted."

I did feel tired, both physically and emotionally, and was happy to hear Rosa's suggestion. I nodded and closed my eyes, loving her idea better by the second.

"Wait!" Rosa said, popping my eyes open. "Change into your pajamas first you'll be more comfortable."

I hadn't noticed before, but I was still in my school clothes, and the idea of getting into comfier clothes sounded perfect. I slowly climbed out of bed and grabbed the sweat pants and grey shirt Rosa held out for me. Rosa asked if I needed help. I assured her I would be fine. Both her and Victor left giving me privacy. They instructed me to call if I needed anything, I thanked them again before they left happy to know they were here to help.


I woke up a few hours later feeling much better than I had earlier. I thought I was alone in the room until I saw Freddie drumming a pencil against the desk.

"Freddie?" I said sleepily still waking up.

Freddie whipped his head towards me and brightly smiled, "Billy! You're awake!"

"Yeah, thanks for noticing," I sarcastically remarked.

"HaHa," Freddie said as he began to crutch over. "Do you feel any better?"

"Yeah, thanks to Rosa and Victor."

"See, I told you they would help," Freddie boasted.

"Sorry I didn't take that advice earlier I was stupid," I said, shaking my head in disgust.

"Don't worry about it Billy, but you should start listening to me more I'm almost always right," Freddie said grinning ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes, but Freddie was right; his advice almost always worked out. "I'll work on it."

"Good but we both know you won't."

I laughed at the comment, but I had a sinking feeling he was right. I'm too stubborn to listen to my brother's advice, but I knew Freddie would always be there for me as I would be for him.

Thanks for reading please leave feedback any is appreciated.

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