My Witch (Edward Cullen love...

By JaspersWife2

1.3M 22.2K 1.9K

What happens when the Cullens go to Hogwarts? See what happens when Edward Cullen finds his true soul mate. More

Main Character
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Emmett's pov
Crystal's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Carlisle's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Hope's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Hope's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Esme's pov
Harry's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Hermione's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Author's Note

Ron's pov

6.7K 123 13
By JaspersWife2

I was going to make cupcakes with my little Sammy and Esme today.I ran down stairs and into the kitchen,I smiled when I saw Sammy talking to Esme in a pink cupcake dress.She didn't know that I was there,so I snuck up behind her.I smiled and picked her up and spun her around. 

Me: "Ah,what is this?A talking cupcake." 

Sammy: "Yes! I'm a talking cupcake!" 

Me: "Well this cupcake better watch out because I love cupcakes." 

I playfully growled and kissed her all over her face.She started to giggle. 

Esme: "Alright you two, time to make some cupcakes."

We got done mixing the cake mix,then we laughed at Sammy who was covered in flour.

Sammy: "Grandma,Wonnie flour bad!Flour needs to go in the corner!"

Esme cleaned her face and went to get Sammys pajamas ready.A few minutes I got hit with flour,I looked at Sammy who looked away trying not to laugh.

Me: "Sammy?"

Sammy: "Yes,Wonnie?"

Me: "Why did you hit me with flour?"

Sammy: "Who,me?"

Me: "Yes,you."

I was smirking the whole time.

Sammy: "I didn't do it,I'm innocent." 

Me: "Ok,but I think this cupcake could use alittle more flour."

I sprinkled alittle flour on her head causeing her to giggle more.

Sammy: "Bad Wonnie!"

She threw more flour at me.

Me: "Oh,this is war."

We ran around the kitchen throwing flour at each other laughing.

???: "What are you two doing?"

We stopped and saw Esme and Carlisle in the door way smiling.

Sammy: "It flour war!"

We all laughed then Carlisle picked her up.

Carlisle: "Alright you messy girl,time for you're bath."

Sammy: "Yay!"

They walked upstairs with her singing 'bath time' over and over again.

Esme: "You better get cleaned up also."

Me: "Ok."

I smiled and ran upstairs and took a shower.


I was in my room reading a book when someone knocked on my door.

Me: "Come in!"

When the door opened I saw Sammy standing there in her pajamas.

Sammy: "Wonnie,can you read me a story?Please."

Me: "Alright." 

I got up and picked her up and walked to her room.I tucked her in and sat down next to her. 

Me: "What story do you want to hear?"

Sammy: "Cinderella please." 

I chuckled. 

Me: "Alright."

After I got the book and started reading it I saw she fell asleep when I just got to the second page.But I continued to read then after awhile I felt my eyes starting to get heavier.And eventually I fell asleep.

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