Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppet...

De Animalover9

85.3K 2.5K 585

-COMPLETED- Everything is suppose to go smoothly in Akisha's life or at least that's what she wanted... But n... Mai multe

Graduation & A New Team
A Visit From The Sand Siblings
The Written Exam
The Forest Of Death
Passing The Forest Of Death
Preliminary Battles
Akisha's Fight
A Day Off?
The Final Chunin Exam
Truth Revealed
Itachi and Kisame
Knowledge Of The Felines
Meeting Tsunade
The Three Legendary Ninja Reunion
Never A Normal Day
Choji's Decision
For A Comrade
Don't Cry
It's Decided
The Free Clouds

The Free Clouds

24.6K 233 46
De Animalover9

-Cover by WolfQueenN. Much thanks!!-

Hello there! I've been having ideas swarm in my head for quite a while now, yet I haven't written them down... Until now! ^.^ 

So I Introduce to you~


(Wait for it)


(Keep on waiting)


!~Konoha's Own Blue-Eyed Puppeteer~!

Now, to get something out of the way, stupid little things like "sweat dropping" and "irk veins" are used in this story. I know some people hate that because it seems to dumb down the story but regardless I find it enhances the comical moments. So if you don't like those things, give KOBEP a try anyway, and if you really don't like it, please stop reading. If you don't care about those things, then continue on and thank you for your time! ^__^

Here's all the info about the main character of KOBEP!

And no, you do not have to read it. It's just setting up the story.

Name: Akisha Syerki 

Age: FlashBack- 9/10  Present- 12/13

Abilities: Good at Taijutsu. Terrible at Genjutsu. Moderate at Ninjutsu. Special abilities include Puppet Mastery.


Village: FlashBack- Suna  Present- Konoha

Appearence: (Picture to the side. Description is more accurate then picture.) Sandy brown hair that reaches down to her upper back. Bangs parted down the middle, resembling Sakura's bangs, but more tame than her's. A deep gray/black shirt with cut off sleeves and a baggy collar. Two fishnet gloves going to her elbows. Black baggy pants going down to her ankles. Normal ninja shoes. Light blue eyes.

*Story Start*

I sighed contently as the sun beat down on me. The middle of the day in Konoha was always nice and warm, warm enough for a nap. I can't understand how Iruka expects me to stay in class when it's like this out. I turned my head to my left to see Shikamaru with his eyes closed, laying down on the hill where as when I turned my head to my right I could see Choji was sitting up eating chips like normal.

This is the life...

We all decided to skip class for today. It was Shikamaru's idea, but Choji and I of course will follow along with just about any of his ideas. I mean, sure, we're all going to get hell from our parents and Iruka but that's not the point for right now.

"When do you think we should go back?" Amazingly, Choji said this sentence without stopping half way for a bite of chips as he always seems to do.

Shikamaru opened one eye lazily, his line of sight drifting over to Choji. "Back? Ugh no way, we're here. Might as well just stay." I nodded in agreement to his words. " Yeah, there's no point, Iruka-Sensei is probably just blabbing on about whatever." My tone was lazy and care free in the moment, no hints of guilt. After all, I was right too, the things Iruka would be teaching would go in one ear and out the other.

"OH, IS THAT SO!?"  A very, very angry voice yelled. An angry voice that no doubt belonged to Iruka.

I looked up at Iruka, a grimace clutching on to my face. It had been true, Iruka had 'magically' appeared and looked to be quite upset. I swear, he always appears at the worst possible times, like he knows when to mess up my day. I heard Choji gulp with fear. "I knew this would happen." He whined, making me chuckle nervously at the situation. "Eheh..." Despite my cocky and smartass comments in my head, I'm probably the most cowardly person anyone will ever meet, and sadly, everyone knows that too.

"COME ON! UP! BACK TO CLASS!" Iruka's voice was extremely over whelming and he had a large pulsating vein popping out on his forehead. That might have been a larger vein than when he's chasing after that one blonde. I let out a small sigh, this was bound to happen sooner or later. We do skip class quite often.

I dragged myself up and grabbed Choji's hand to help haul him up too. A sweat drop fell from my forehead, seeing the lazy Nara turned to his side, sound asleep. I nudged him with my foot, looking from the expecting Iruka back to him. "Hey, now might be a good time to wake up." A certain urgency to my tone. 

His eyelids opened up, a tired expression hung on his facial features. His sights crossed from me to Iruka, a wheel of thought starting to spin in his head. It's like he was debating his options, but I could never tell what Shikamaru was really thinking, he's a hard guy to figure out.

Finally, he dragged himself up to his feet, stretching his arms and yawning. Iruka turned around for us to follow him to the academy. I took one step in Iruka's direction before Shikamaru grabbed my wrist and ran away pulling me with him. "Choji! Come on!" Shikamaru yelled, making Choji's hestitant feet snap into motion, running right behind us.

"HEY! HEY! WHAT-" I tried finishing my sentence, yet my words wouldn't keep up with my mind as he tugged me through Konoha. "STOP!" All of us could hear Iruka yelling the distance, none of us dared to look back at the angry man though. "Shikamaru!!" I hissed, him still tugging me along.

Suddenly he stopped, almost making me crash into him. He looked back at me with a plain look. "Do you really want to go back to class?" I scoffed at him, however, I was unsuccessful at hiding my tiny smile. "No, not really."  He nodded affirmatively. " That's what I thought." He stared on behind, then turned back, starting to run again. He stopped running, turning back again to grab my wrist and pull me along again. "Agh! Seriously!?" "You weren't running."

He made a sharp turn and ran into an apartment building, I knew it to be the one where he and Choji often hung out, I never really watched the clouds here, I preferred the grassy hills. He continued pulling me along up the stairs, much less fast than when we ran through Konoha from Iruka. My wrist was starting to ache in pain from the constant tugging. He couldn't have grabbed my prosthetic arm, could he? That would have been much less painful.

Eventually he stopped tugging me along and we were at the roof of the building where anyone can see the puffy clouds fly on by, no care in the world.  "Did you really have to tug me so hard?" I asked with a small whine while rubbing my now red wrist. My face slightly scrunched up in pain.

He sighed over dramatically. "Troublesome girl... Let me see your hand." 

My eye twitched in annoyance. "How does this make me troublesome? You did it! ...Couldn't you have grabbed the hand that can't feel physical pain?" I murmured the last part but he heard anyway. He got out a roll of bandages that us ninja mainly keep on us from his pouch and continued to explain how I'm troublesome, "Because whenever a guy hurts a woman, on purpose or not, the women always has to hold it against him, or he's the bad guy, or-"  

He stopped when he saw me rolling my light blue eyes in a circle. "Seriously, you should know me by now, I don't care about those things or however you wanna describe them. Although your sexism does get annoying from time to time." My last sentence came out like a belittling observation to him.

Now his eye twitched. "Just let me see your hand." 

I stuck my injured wrist out for him and looked around, a sweat mark appeared as he wrapped up my hand. The realization built up in me and so did the little guilt. I cleared my throat gaining his attention. "Uhm, Shikamaru?"

He looked up at me, motioning me to go on. 

"Where's Choji?" 

His eyes widen up before his head darted around. Choji to be no where in sight. "Damn... He must have got caught. What a drag... " Shikamaru said, rubbing his neck in his own guilt.  I looked at my bandaged wrist before looking to the edge of the building, as if I was trying to search for Choji. "Should we go help him?"  Shikamaru shook his head, his guilt suddenly gone. " Nah. It wouldn't do any good. He'd be back in class by now."

I nodded, an understanding look to my face as I laid down on the roof top, my sandy brown hair spreading out around my head and my bangs obeying gravity, falling to the sides of my face. My eyes drifted to stare at the clouds above me. I felt Shikamaru lay down beside me. The calm setting made me yawn. "The clouds are so nice-" "So free."  He finished my sentence for me, jumping ahead to his own conclusion. "Yeah... Yeah they are." I said, agreeing.

Feeling even more relaxed, my mind seemed to wonder off. The time I first moved here... It was a strange time, being in a whole new place... Luckily I met Shikamaru and became friends with him and Choji pretty fast. It was only when I was around ten years old, not that long ago, although I do feel like I've been friends with Shikamaru and Choji forever. 


My room... It's never looked so...


It was entirely empty... Like the rest of the house. A fresh set of tears rolled down my cheeks. I was born here. My friends are here. My training is here. Everything I have is here. Now I have to leave? All because of father's stupid job. But I'm not entirely upset about this move...

I heard my door creak open, yet I didn't look up. "It's time to go.." This was my mother's quiet, sweet voice unlike her normal loud voice, she was being sensitive, as she knew how upset I was. Even with her caring tone, those words had made me freeze.

Already? Time to go? I looked down at my arm, the one that could no longer feel pain. The puppet arm. It wasn't my fault, I fell... The monster made me fall... That's a plus, I'll never see the monster again when we move.

Rough hands turned me around, shaking away my thoughts. This was father with his same bright blue eyes, but my father's eyes dimmed with his age, no longer twinkling like mine. I kept my head down. I didn't want to face him. "Akisha... You wished to be a ninja here... I told you no. Don't you see how hard it is to-" He spat out the word ninja like it was venom and then slowly traced off, not able to explain what he wanted as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut.

However, I could still feel that fatherly aura around him. If he wanted to hug me, the idea of my disobedience disturbed him too greatly so he never did comfort me with a big hug, the hugs I used to get all the time... Used to.

He hated the idea of me being a ninja and when I say hated, I mean he loathed the idea, and he's never even explained himself, he cuts off what he's saying, just how he did now. Why? Why can't he accept? Why do I have to leave? Leave everything...

More tears fell and I couldn't help but to sob a bit. 

"Shh!" My mother yanked him away, her sandy brown hair swaying besides her body. My father sighed irritably, his own deep brown hair falling in his face and blocking his unreadable expression. He turned and left the room, the door being slammed behind him. I felt my mother sit next to me and hug me from the side. "Sweetie-" She started with her favorite name for me. "-Moving is a part of life and we always move in some kind of way-" I shook my head cutting her off. 


She removed her hands. "No what?"

I looked up, taking a deep breath to ready my explanation. "When we move... It's... No one can tr-rain me with my puppets and-and I-I'll... Father will be right...... I'll fail." More tears fell as I explained. It was true. Here someone who was only a year or two older took it upon themselves to train me to be a Puppet Master but no one in Konoha is a Puppet Master that I know of. My head slowly lowered to the ground again.

"S-sweetie! Oh! That's what you're worried about!?" I looked up sharply at Mothers loud, cheery voice. She was smiling and laughing, choking over her first word with laughter.

She embraced me again but this time whispered in my ear, " I know you can do this, I've seen you with those puppets, such amazing chakra control at your age. Trust me, your father will understand. And you'll understand him." She let go of me and stood up. Even though I didn't exactly feel better, I had to act it. For her sake.

"IT'S TIME TO LEAVE." My father's voice boomed through the hollow house and I followed my mother out the door, turning back one more time. "Goodbye." I spoke softly, sniffling back the last of my tears.


I sighed, almost frustrated at the passing memories. It wasn't the greatest nor the worst I've had in my life, though it still triggered an annoyed feeling that pulsed through me. My relationship with my father never got better, only worse. It's at the point where we can't be in the same room together anymore. "What's with the sigh?" Shikamaru's voice was dull as ever, it barely had a hint of curious.

"I was just thinking about when I moved here-" He cut me off by scoffing loudly. "Troublesome girl you are."   I arched an eyebrow, wondering where this random sexism came from. "How so?"

"Man... Do you know how confusing it is going to your favorite hill in town to gaze at clouds and some girl is in your spot?" His tone held a kind of whine to it while mainly holding something else. It could have been considered humor, like he was joking but I doubt it. A sweat drop appeared on my forehead. "You know, you could have easily asked me to move? Besides you're the one that gave up and laid down next to me, what's with that? Hm?" 

He sighed for the millionth time in his lifetime. "It wasn't worth asking you to move." Wasn't worth it? True words of a lazy ass. I can't totally blame him on that, I've become quite lazy over the time I've spent with Shikamaru. Influences really do affect kids.

A fluffy cloud passed on by, making shade cast down on to our bodies. The shade brought upon a moment of pure silence that seemed to stretch through out Konoha.

I closed my eyes contently at the peace before turning my head to him, opening my eyes again. "So if I was so troublesome, why'd you give me your name when you left that day?" Some curiosity in my voice. It was true, after the clouds passed on that day, Shikamaru got up and simply gave me his name before walking off.

He looked back at me. "I guess you weren't that troublesome." 

And thanks to Shikamaru, a sweat drop mark appeared right back to my forehead again. "Gee, thanks." 

He nodded with a tiny smile. "No problem."


I jumped, flinching at the bell in the distance, signaling that class at the academy was over. Shikamaru got up to his feet. I stayed where I was, dreading to get home. I'm not sure if my father will be home, he's always working on some new job for his carpentry, but I don't like the chances of it. Shikamaru nudged me. "We should go now." I shook my head. "I really don't want to." 

Our eyes met and he showed... Sympathy? For a split second at least. Shikamaru is a good friend, even if I'm one of the things he detests the most, a girl. I chuckled at my own dramatic thoughts making fun of the Nara until he nudged me again. I groaned, pulling myself up to my feet. A yawn escaped my lips as I began walking to the stairs that led down through the building to the village. 

I turned around to see Shikamaru standing there, taking one last look at the sky before he walked over to me. We slowly descended down the stairs and saw kids from class running home. Shikamaru walked right by me, waving goodbye without looking back. "See you tomorrow!" I yelled to him, bidding him his own goodbye from myself.

I looked to my left when I heard Choji. " Hey Cho-" I stopped my words when I saw Choji being dragged by his ear, unable to escape his mother's rough hold. He let her drag him along with tears streaming down his face. There's not a doubt in my mind of the terrible wrath Choji's received when his mother was informed of the class skipping we did today.

I paled seeing them start walking my way. I turned away swiftly and walked off to my home whistling a nice nonchalant tune when a yellow flash zoomed past me. Most likely that troublesome Naruto causing problems for Iruka or really anyone in the entire village. I don't know why he has to cause so many problems, or why he acts so stupid.


I flinched at the loud yell- No, more like a loud screech. Not surprisingly, Iruka ran by me chasing after Naruto with steam pouring out of his ears. Iruka's entire face was tomato red from anger, still trying to reach Naruto. 

"Knew it was that idiot." I murmured to no one, continuing my little journey home.


I reached my house after a short amount of time. Instead of going through the door, I opted for my window, something I began to do lately, I doubt I'll keep it up in the future. Quickly and surprising agile, I jumped up and slid through my window of my room on the second floor. I grinned at my success of making it to the window.

As I stepped one foot in the room, the other decided to hook onto the window panel and I fell face first in to the floor making the loudest noise that doesn't even seem humanly possible for a girl of my weight and height.

I banged my head in to the floor in defeat. "Damn it." 

"AKISHA? IS THAT YOU!?"  My mother's voice called up to me.

"YEAH!" I yelled back feeling irked at the moment.


"AKISHA! I SAID IS THAT YOU!?"  My mother again called.

A vein soon grew upon my forehead, throbbing in useless anger. I got up and started walking downstairs. "Damned woman... Making me go down stairs... Already answered her..." I grumbled to myself, not happy about more movement. I know it's stupid of me, but I can't help my own feelings.

My mother came into view with a face reeking of soon impending death. "What was that, SWEETIE?"  

My eyes widen with fear of the woman. "N-NOTHING MOM! LOVE YOU! " I spun a one-eighty angle and made a run for it, but she grabbed me by the collar, catching me midway. "That's what I thought!" I face palmed at her sudden change in mood. That's... That's my mom alright. "Anyway," Her voice got more hesitant. "I wanted to tell you that your father is at the shop working... And he'll be there tomorrow too." 

I looked up to her. Surprise etched into my face as her own face had an echo of guilt and sadness. "But... Tomorrow I graduate from the academy..." She nodded sadly. "I know Sweetie, I'm sorry. Why don't you hang out with your friends tomorrow? You know, celebrate with them!?" She tried to make it sound exciting, as if she and my father weren't abandoning my graduation.

I hid my disappoint with a smile. "Sure! Sounds good!"  My father would have hated going to this anyway. That's probably why he is working tomorrow. He can be so annoying like that, I swear he's a bipolar teenage girl. One minute he'll be fine, the next he hates me.



An awkward silence filled the room.



"Umm, I should go train." I pointed to where the nearest training grounds direction were and my mother smiled to me. "Okay. Be safe, Akisha."  "I know, of course." I said, reaffirming her.

I walked out the door feeling... Well... Sad. Simply sad.

He won't even be there... That means she won't be either... I let out a frustrated sigh. My hands went to my neck and I pointed my elbows out, titling my head back.

My eyes looked about at the dimming blue sky. It was deeper in color now, the sun setting.

"Those clouds are so nice.....

.....So free."


Ah I love the song to the side, probably one of my most favorite Naruto theme/end songs =3= So guys! What do you all think? Continue it? ^^" Please keep in mind, I am a simple Naruto fan, I'm not too skilled at writing, but try my best!

Well please vote! Fan! And most importantly:

COMMENT!!  ^___^



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