the used to be soldier!Izuku...

By AssassinDeku

15.4K 326 248

Izuku Midorya.Just about a week into UA was picked by the army to go to war.He is coming home now battered an... More

Coming home


6.2K 131 46
By AssassinDeku

As Izuku sat down the other students started looking at the bags he has and his clothes."Hey Midorya!What's with the clothes and bag?"Kirishima asked."Oh these?Well my old clothes were ripped due to training and this bag has Dvds they are music videos that I've done I was thinking of Playing them when school's over and we go to the dorms."Izuku said as the lunch bell rang for no reason at all.

As Izuku sat down he got wierd looks from the other classes due to his appearance,but he just ignored them cause he thought that nothing was going to ruin his day for he is big boy now...Oh boy how wrong he was.He was minding his own business sitting with class 2-A when a plate was thrown at him.Izuku just moved his head down as he heard a satisfying noise from the plate hitting the wall.Smirking he lifted his head and turn to his attacker.His attacker was a blond man with a cocky smile with a group of other students behind him."I dont know if you know this but....This is my school and you 2-A losers are sitting here.Also who do you think you are dodging my plate hitting you!?Also Why are you sitting with my bitch!?"The man said as he pointed to Uraraka and the others Coward away and Bakugou and some others frustrated.Izuku hearing what he said stood up angered.Uraraka grabbed his sleeve and Izuku looked back at her."P-Please dont Izu-"Before she could say anything a hand came down and smacked her."Shut up you stupid bitch!"The blond said.Izuku having enough went to punch him but someone grabbed him and The blond retreated behind a crowd of students."Teach the new guy a lesson you servants!"He said with a cocky smile.The whole cafeteria room stood up ready to fight accept Class 2-A with frustration and pity for our soldier of a cinnamon roll.Izuku just sighed and took off his jacket and his shirt sitting it down showing his scarred body and his tattooed arms and a tattoo on his back.Izuku looked up at everyone who was looking at him with a glare."I took my shirt and jacket off so...well your blood won't stain on it..."Izuku said with his glare send shivers down everyone's spine.Class 2-A looked at Izuku with awe as he reminds them of All Might.Izuku started to walk towards the group of other students as they stood their scared but ready to fight.Izuku dissapeared and reappeared behind some guy and hits him into the wall breaking his arm and blood spilled onto his bare skin and basically melting on his skin from him being in full kowl mode.

  The students were shaking now scared but they knew if they didnt fight they'd be punished severely by The blondie."Well then?...Are you coming to me or am I coming to you?"He asked but no answer as they came closer to him."I see..."Izuku said and dissapear reappearing behind a girl with orange hair hitting her in the back of the neck making her pass out.

Timeskip cuz I'm to lazy to explain.

Izuku looks to the blond boy who still has a cocky smile."What are you grinning at you abusive Dick?"Izuku said surprising class 1-A.The blondie gets pissed and touches Izuku and punches Izuku who was sent flying but the blondie's arm is broken."GAHHH MY ARM!!WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARM!?"The blondie asks as he's on his knees crying.Izuku is getting up out of the wall bleeding "Its called...Not experienced with the quirk."Izuku popping his arm back in place and walks to The blondie."This is gonna hurt....alot..."Izuku says with venom in his voice and his eyes almost glowing as he uppercuts the blondie not using Ofa and it sends him into the ceiling knocking him out as the blondie fall to the ground.Izuku walks to 1-A as the teachers run un seeing Izuku bleeding and students knocked out.Izuku was holding Uraraka close to him due to she was terrified for him."Shh...I'm here...dont worry..."The class 1-A gang explained what happened and then Nezu expelled the Blondie and the other students apologized to Izuku and Izuku said they shouldn't he was the one who was sorry.Izuku and class 1-A went to their dormitory.

"Yo Midoribro can we listen to a couple of you're songs?!"Kirishima asked Izuku who just smiled and nodded.Almost immediately There was a gust of wind and most of Class 1-A were sitting in the living room in front of the TV."What are you waiting for Deku?!"Bakugou yelled smiling and laughing sitting beside his boyfriend Kirishima who was laying their head on  Bakugou's shoulder.Izuku just laughed and came into the living room sitting the bag if CDs in front of class 1-A and laying his head against the couch where Uraraka was sitting and running her fingers through his hair as he sighed in relief because he can finally relax."You guys can take turns choosing the music but...."Izuku quickly grabs a disc that says Talk dirty to me."Not this one..."He says embarrassed...Without him noticing he was lifted into the air by Uraraka's quirk then a invisible girl grabs the disc."Noooo!Uraraka you've betrayed me."Izuku says acting like he was wounded."You'll get over it Deku."She said putting the disc in.

The video started off showing Izuku looking happy as always with a stubble causing some women and guys to blush"Uh...Hey....This is Captain Izuku Midorya or known as "Breakpoint" of The  assault squad in the 27th battalion which consists of both American and Japanese soldiers."Izuku said.

"Midoribro you look so Manly!"Kirishima said smiling and Izuku smiled back"Thanks Kiri"Izuku said.

"This song...well this is a song there's two parts the one you're about to see and the other I Hope you wont...Oh?...Well ima get my ass kicked if she sees this.Well anyways this is a song dedicated to all the woman and Gays(sorry) out there I'm sorry if I offended anyone but the song is called"Talk dirty to me"As it says....It that it is sexual....Well here you go."Video Izuku said.

The others look at Izuku confused.

I'm that flight that you get on, international
First class seat on my lap girl, riding comfortable

The girls' blush and Uraraka is not mad surprisingly

'Cause I know what the girl them need,
New York to Haiti
I got lipstick stamps on my passport,
You make it hard to leave

Been around the world, don't speak the language
But your booty don't need explaining
All I really need to understand is
When you talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Get jazzy on it

Iida gives Izuku the 'look'

You know the words to my songs
No habla ingles
Our conversations ain't long
But you know what is

I know what the girl them want,
London to Taiwan
I got lipstick stamps on my passport
I think I need a new one

Been around the world, don't speak the language
But your booty don't need explaining
All I really need to understand is
When you talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me

Uno, met your friend in Rio
Dos, she was all on me-o
Tres, we can menage a three though
Quatro, ooh (2 Chainz!)

Class 1-A was confused by the name then heard another guy start singing

Dos Cadenas, close to genius
Sold out arenas, you can suck my penis
Gilbert Arenas, guns on deck
Chest to chest, tongue on neck
International oral sex
Every picture I take, I pose a threat
Bought a jet, what do you expect?
Her pussy's so good I bought her a pet
Anyway, every day I'm trying to get to it
Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"
Anyway, every day I'm trying to get to it
Got her saved in my phone under "Big Booty"

The girl's blush and look at Izuku who isair swimming away."Where are you going?!"Iida asked."Oh you know places to be hammers to find Knock myself out you know."Izuku Said as the girls' whisper about him liking sex

Been around the world, don't speak the language
But your booty don't need explaining
All I really need to understand is
When you talk dirty to me
Talk dirty to me (you you you)
Talk dirty to me (yeah yeah)
Talk dirty to me (talk to me)
Talk dirty to me (oh yeah)
Get jazzy on it

Izuku walks back into the room and runs to his room to find it is not his room anymore but a storage area."Where can I sleep?!"He asks."In my room Izu!"Uraraka yells and he goes in laying on the ground."We're definitely watching the other one right?"Toru asks.The girls nod as the boys go to their rooms to sleep.The screen shows up showing Izuku again

"This is actually not the song but in case you need to..."relieve" yourself from the song this will show nudes of me feel free to "relieve" yourself.

The girls' blush as the screen shows mude pics of Izuku and they start doing....unspeakable things....After a while they go to bed and Uraraka goes into her room."Izu get into my bed ok?"She says waking Izuku up who just sighed and nodded as he layed on her bed with her both falling asleep peacefully.

Guess who's back!Yeah its Sorry for not updating much I am trying I promise but anyways bye have a good day or night ove you guys and gals hope you know you are loved!

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