A twist In My life *completed...

By MilaZenHarmony

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"You know, to think about all I just said. I'll reiterate some stuff. In the beginning, I wanted help. But th... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (last official chapter)

Chapter 42

98 1 0
By MilaZenHarmony

"Daya, your babies are cry-"

"Throw them out or ask Dani to attend to them." I trained my focus on the object in front of me.

"Girl, they're hungry! She's not here and I don't see any of the milk you pumped out."

"She put them up and it's not really important to me right now... or any at all." I heard Dani's car pull up outside. "See, she's here."

Bella huffed and began to stomp out all the flames from the lit candles, causing me to fall and the object to drop with a loud thud.
I got up and glared at her in an infuriated manner. I held back every urge to slam her against the wall and just stepped towards her.

"What. The. FUCK, Bella! I was in the middle of getting in balance with myself and my energy-"

"In balance, or imbalanced? Cause it looks like you forgot the difference now."

"And it would be nice if you weren't up my ass every fucking minute for the past week." I whipped back around to put up the somewhat ruined candles.

"All I'm trying to do is saying it wouldn't hurt to be a mother for six months."

"How many bloody times do I have to tell you, I don't give one fucking shit about those things. No matter how pretty they are, or peaceful they can be when they're not hungry. I don't care. Just focus on building your career, Bella. You have a shoot to do in less than two weeks. And you know how that set of people act."
I just need her to get the fuck out of my room before I throw something at her. Staying calm was as hard as it could be.

"Aren't you just a lovely couple?" A sarcastic voice teased from the door and I rolled my eyes before looking at her with arms crossed.

"Really Dani? How long have you been sta- Wait, the preemies aren't even crying?"

"Well, I tagged along and now I'm helping." Shawn stepped into my view; he held one of the babies that was sucking on a bottle of milk.

"Great, you brought the dipshit."

"Met up with him when I was buying the babies' stuff. Here's your credit card by the way." She tossed it to me. "By the way, some stuff will be delivered this afternoon."

Bella stifled a laugh as I looked at her, dumbfounded. This bitch really used my money to get those stuff- bruuuhhh. I flipped her off and pushed them aside to go downstairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To mind my fucking business bro. I'm getting a puny snack." I grabbed a snack from the cupboard and proceeding to open it before scrolling through my phone.

"Where's the remote!?" Shawn yelled from the living room.

"Can't a bitch fucking rest around here!? It's right on the ledge of the fireplace! On Tammuz, you're despicable!" I snapped

"So are you, babe, I don't know what you me-"

"Hey! No calling my babe, 'babe'!" Bella yelled from the room.

"Will you guys put a sock in it!? Trying to multitask here!" Dani yelled and we just snickered.

I got a yoghurt and sped up to my parents' room. That's where the nursery was. And I just walked in on that to see that side of the wall was decorated with lotus flower designs. The only reason I wasn't complaining was because it included the colours black and red. I began to run my hand across the decorations of the crib, somewhat adoring it until I realized what I was doing. The speed I retracted my hand would make one think that it got burned or hurt.
I trotted back down and walked around the house aimlessly. I had nothing at all to do. I'm not gonna feed until a week from now, and boy did I actually missed the thrill of killing someone. No one has been doing me wrong. I had no one to torture, I wasn't feeling sexual. It felt like being bored in hell.

"Ugh, can someone give me something to do!?" I groaned and sat on the floor. Then laid down. "And don't say sex."

"Well, you can look after you-" I cut Bella off before she could utter another word.

"I rebuke that in the name of satan. Burn it. I don't wanna take care of kids. Next option!" I called out.

"Well, y'all can go to the carnival?"

"The carnival isn't fun anym-"

"I haven't been to there in ages! I wanna go!" Bella demanded. I could already hear her approaching me.

"Bell, nothing you can do will get me to go."

"No cuddles, or lovemaking for five months."

I looked at her and saw her face looking as serious as ever.

"Nice try. Not falling for that." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll make Shawn increase your training hours every day if you don't comply." She smirked.

"Not happening."

"I'll get that priest to dowse you in ho-"

"Shawn, if you do that, I'll castrate you and give it to you to eat... now what time is that carnival again??"

"Exactly what I thought." Bella smirked "it begins at three o'clock but we're going later. And come back before midnight. Oh, Dani!" She clapped her hands. "Tonight's a full moon, you might not wanna forget to do that ritual."

"Oh, trust me. I won't."

"Wait, which ritual? Things are sounding interesting now." I sat up and looked directly at her.

"One is to help Bella with something. The other, to help and guide me. And the last one, to help with the babies." She smiled and blew raspberries on the baby's stomach.

Oh. Okay. Good, I guess? Whatever man.

"Shawn, please don't try that on the baby you got there, you might just rearrange his internal organs." Bella pinched her nose and he shrugged.

"I'm gonna watch a documentary on Ted Bundy or something. See ya at 5, y'all." I got up and treaded upstairs, doing just that.


"I wanna go on the Ferris wheel!"

"You're such a kid!" I snickered. "Aren't you afraid of heights?"

"No, I'm a thrill seeker! How would I be afraid of such a thing!?"

"This thing is gonna break down when we're near the top. And I'll have the pleasure, of calling you a wuss."

She smacked my arm and hesitated to further step towards the Ferris wheel.

"We're going! I'm gonna show you that you're wrong!"

"And if you don't keep your composure —the entire time,— you're gonna have to sleep with-"

"Zendaya, we're in public for fuck's sake! I know- knew what you were gonna say!" She covered her blushing face.

I wasn't even acknowledging the people passing by. I just shrugged with a smirk and we proceeded to the large contraption. I paid the man and he gave us instructions and whatnot, then we got in. We secured ourselves to our seats and waited as the machine began moving. Too slow for my liking, might I add. I huffed in boredom and decided on looking around... on the fairgrounds that is.
I saw the typical couples, group of friends, families roaming about deciding what to do next. Having a dandy old time, not worrying about anything else on Earth. Just the present moment. Then the people getting off of rides, hurling or gripping onto the person juxtaposed to them for dear life. Some outright looked like their cerebellum grew feet and left them- trying to walk like a fawn, miserably failing. Some drunks were about, harassing and flirting with people; some couples where they had major problems of their own. But obviously, no one gives a flying fuck. It's a carnival. Or fair or whatever. They're supposed to act like everything is well.

I looked at Bella when we'd reached the top. She had sure managed to keep a calm look on her face. But her palpitating heart begged to differ. I mean, she was trying to prove a point but anyway it ends up, would be beneficial to either of us. I should taunt her, it would be sooo fucking entertaining.

"So, here we are. Like a hundred plus feet from the ground." I looked at the distance below. "That's quite a fall."

"Z. Please. Just, why?!"

"I'm bored. Look at the clooouudds. We're much clo-"

"Yeah, clouds. Clouds are nice." She slowly looked down. "Oh, my gosh. It really is getting repaired. I'm not going on this for the second spin, I wanna try another ride or a booth or something." She tried to sound as nonchalant as she could.

You need to develop those acting skills just a little bit more, honey.

"So, you getting nervous?" I smirked and leaned towards her.

"Stop trying to intimidate, I'm doing fine!" She breathed out and looked at the other attractions about the place. "I'm never riding a Ferris wheel this high again."

The wheel began to move as per normal and the moment we stopped to get off, Bella ran. As in, straight off the machine as soon as she unbuckled herself from the seat. She swore that she'd never go on there again and grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards a game booth.

I've never seen her that eager to play games.

We came across a balloon dart type of game. The man in charge explained and demonstrated how to line it up. Then it was time for her to work her magic.
She focused on the ones in the outer skirt first. Luckily, she had excellent precision. The first two hit the ones she aimed for, but she quickly became uneasy when she began to aim for the one in the middle. Must've known it wasn't fully inflated and the last dart surely wasn't near sharp. And just like that, the dart just bounced right off the balloon.

"This has just reconfirmed and reminded me why I hate balloon darts, or whatever this is called." She rolled her eyes then we walked away.

We kept walking until we came across another game booth. It was a throw as many balls into the bucket kinda game. The man in charge illustrated, giving it the first throw. Ok, first of all, we're not standing from that distance, he was closer so it would be easier to aim for him.

"Ok, uh. Are you gonna remove that first ball, or??" Bella trailed off.

He only motioned to go ahead. She sighed in defeat and began to measure up. First ball, almost bounced out. Second, landed in. Third, no luck. At. All. But she got one more shot. And that didn't play out any better.
"This game is rigged." She groaned

"You can try again if you'd like." He prompted.

"Fine." She really wanted that giant stuffed dolphin. "I need that to come home with me tonight, so hit me up." She pointed to the thing and he nodded, recollecting the four balls to give her.

The first one got in, then the second, then the third. She could've stopped right there. But he told her to go for four in order to win the item. More like challenged.

"That's not fair. The default is three." She furrowed her brows and deeply inhaled.

The fourth ball, I shit you not, got in, but something caused it to bounce right back out.

"Wow, just fucking wow." She shook her head and began to walk away.

However, when the man turned his back to the stall to count his money, I teleported it to my room. I smiled in amusement from a distance when he turned back around and looked for the dolphin in confusion. Ah, there we go. Everything's as it should be.
I held Bella's hand as we navigated around the carnival grounds, scouting out new attractions for her to try.

Along the way, a guy bumped up into Bella and almost brushed her off, till he saw it was her.

"Bella, wow you look amazing. How've you been."

She stepped to the side as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Oh, you're with that crazy bit-"

"Kenton, if you wanna keep that tongue of yours, I suggest you move along." There was no emotion in my voice at all.

"I wasn't talking to y-"

"Just go." Bella cut us off and pulled me away.

"I hate that guy," I muttered as her pace quickened.

"I know. You aren't wearing your contacts." She deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes in response as we entered a surprisingly empty bathroom.

"So are you gonna put in your contacts or??"

"I don't have them with me. Besides, stop worrying. No one's gonna pay it mind. We have 1(one) hour. What do you wanna do?" I changed the subject. I also tried to get some emotion into my voice but that failed, seeing her reaction.

"I don't know if you're impatiently asking or genuinely asking. I'd say just take a walk in the woods. But it's getting dark-"

"Then just use your phone light. Plus I have excellent vision at night. You're safe." I shrugged.

"Whatever I guess. I'll have to go back to whatever part of the woods when it's time to. So yeah, let's go... after I use the bathroom. Gosh, the smell of those food makes me sick." She walked into the stall and proceeded.

"Wait, Bella are you on your period?"

"Wow, you ask it so casually Z. But no. It isn't to come for another week."

"Did a scar re-open?" She had to get stitches for the cuts she had.

There was silence then the sound of an item opening. I'm guessing she put gauze and bandage tape(??) on the area before she flushed and exited.

"It's fine now," she washed her hands then dried it. "Let's get going."

I quirked my brow but led the way.


"I'm so glad I was barely using my phone." Bella sighed in relief before the flashlight flickered a bit. "Really, Z!?" She exclaimed startled.

I just laughed and shrugged as we kept walking. A few moments of silence passed before she began to ask questions. Just using the opportunity since we were far from people or whatever.

"Do you ever.. take back anything you did? Like, —"

"You mean if I was ever remorseful. For basically being 'cannibalistic'?"


"Nope. Not at all. Gotta do what you gotta do to live."

"Was it always people? How long have you been doing it?"

"No. Animals at first but, killing some people. Then I resorted to getting rid of people that I believe don't deserve to be alive a couple of months in. It's going on for less than a year I guess."

"Do you... do you ever think of the consequences? Or where you're gonna end up when you die-"

"If. If. I die. And no. I think we all know where I will end up when I die. And I honestly couldn't give six flying fucks." I care less and less every day.

"Oh. Uh. What else was I gonna-"

"You read up on demon possessions, didn't you?" I stopped walking and tilted my head slightly. A bit of fear radiated off her as she hesitantly nodded.
"Take off the flashlight," I commanded when it flashed near my eyes for a second.

"But I won't be able to-"

"Just take it fucking off!" My voice boomed and she nervously took it off.

I walked over to her and gently pushed her against the nearest tree; then I pressed against her, breathing on her neck. I could hear her failed attempts at hiding her whimpering. I knew she was confused. She hadn't done any wrong.. to me. I just wanted to have a little fun. The fear gave me joy. I brushed her hair away from her neck with my right hand as my left began to caress her body. Her whimpering became slight moans as both my arms roamed her torso. She removed her arms from the tree and put them on my hips. I smirked against her neck as I bit her. A light scream escaped her throat as a bit of her blood ran onto my tongue and I bit harder. All she felt was bliss though. She unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down my undergarment...


"I could've sworn you were mad. You didn't even sound like yourself before we.."

"I know."  I smiled as we finally made it back to the sidewalk. "Any more questions, Nancy drew?" I snickered.

"As a matter of fact, yes." She laughed and rubbed her neck. "Do you ever... like harm yourself?"

"All the fucking time."I laughed and her smile dropped. "But it feels like bliss. And I know not to do it when I'm hungry. It heals right back up when I'm full."

"What the fuck, Z!" She exclaimed and hit my arm.

"Ooh, so you wanna go for another round? Gonna have to wait till Monday."

"The hell is happening Monday?"

" I Haven't mentioned this to anyone but I'm moving into my own house. Deeper into the woods. Not the same one we were at just a moment ago." I looked at her agape mouth.

"Please say sike," she panicked, and I slightly chuckled. "Oh my God! Stop playing with me!"

My ears rang loudly and I stopped walking. Pretty sure my eyes looked black by now and I clenched my fist.

"Would you stop doing that! Fuck! It's actually next month." I was already on the verge of fury.

She wore an apologetic look that I brushed off. I just huffed and continued to walk home.

"I'll just ask her some more stuff when she's not being a bitch." I heard her think, but it surely didn't phase me.

We arrived at the house and she and Dani made their way upstairs immediately to get their paraphernalia together. I went straight into the kitchen and washed off my face before going into the garden.

As I stood in the wind, having it swirl around me, I pulled out my phone and opened a new text from Camila.

Camila: I did what you wanted. I got rid of the fetus.

I smiled

Me: better that way.

Camila: its heart was already beating. The doctor asked me many times if I wanna do this because the baby was a miracle to have even occurred. Dinah found out and cried.

Me: wow. Sad story. You'll get another chance. Does she know about your secrets?

Referring to her developed abilities.

Camila: suspicious but hasn't figured out yet. They haven't put the pieces together.

Me: better keep it that way. I gotta go now.

Camila: you're so not the Zendaya I knew.

I snickered and shook my head.

"The old Zendaya is almost gone," I muttered as I typed it and sat on the ground, practising more magic I'd manifested.

Wow... 3152 words also I didn't spell check so I hope there are no errors and I hope you enjoyed it! Vote and comment! (plz❤️)

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