
By OriginellatheWriter

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Harry Potter and Severus Snape have never been particularly close, but that changes his sixth year after Prof... More

Chapter One: The One Who Had It All
Chapter Two: The Master of My Fate
Chapter Three: I Never Needed Anybody In My Life
Chapter Four: I Learned The Truth Too Late
Chapter Five: I'll Never Shake Away The Pain
Chapter Six: I Close My Eyes, But He's Still There
Chapter Seven: I Let Him Steal Into My Melancholy Heart
Chapter Eight: It's More Than I Can Bear
Chapter Nine: The Trials of Love
Chapter Ten: The Fading of the Light
Chapter Eleven: So Far Beyond My Reach
Chapter Twelve: He's Never Out of Sight
Chapter Thirteen: Torment, Calm, and Hurt Me
Chapter Fifteen: I'll Think Of All That Might've Been
Epilogue: Waiting Here For Evermore

Chapter Fourteen: Wasting In My Lonely Tower

4.2K 134 15
By OriginellatheWriter

Christmas Eve had arrived, and Severus decided it was an opportune time to clean out his private chambers at Hogwarts, with special focus on his potion vials. Now that he was free of first-years and their incompetent potion skills—and he considered putting that lightly—he could do a deep clean upon them before the second term began. Perhaps, Severus reasoned, under his own tutelage for their next six and a half years of school, they could become adept enough at potion making to make Exceeds Expectations on their OWL's.

When Severus had just finished on the final row of vials, it was getting late in the afternoon. The sun had fallen from the sky and was just on the brink of the horizon, and a light snow had just begun to fall on the grounds outside. The fire was burning brightly in the hearth, just beside Severus, thus keeping the room plenty warm that cool Christmas Even, but it was the sudden spark from within it that caught him off-guard. Despite his years of spying, Severus had had to do no such thing in the near year that Voldemort had been killed, so, despite himself, he was a bit lax in keeping up with his surroundings.


Severus turned at the sound of Minerva's voice emitting from the hearth; he levitated the now-clean final vial into its proper place and made his way closer, seeing her face in the flames, and gave her a small smile. "Good evening, Minerva."

"Good evening, Severus," she said, smiling back at him. "I was wondering if you would join me in the headmaster's quarters for a light supper?"

Severus nodded. "Of course. Shall I come through now?"

"Yes. I've just sent the house-elves for the meal, and it should arrive shortly. Do come in," she said, and moved out of the way.

Severus stepped through the flames, straightening himself up on the other side, and casting a customary cleaning spell so as he did not reek of ash and soot. "To what to I owe the pleasure of such an invitation, Minerva?"

Minerva hesitated for a moment, before a table appeared in the center of the room as if by magic, with two chairs, and two plates, covered with silver tops. A smaller table appeared just beside the larger one, and Severus assumed that the covered dish upon it contained their pudding. "Why don't we sit down?" Minerva asked, and the pair of them crossed the room and took their seats across from one another. Minerva took off the dish cover upon her plate, revealing a beautiful chicken pot pie, and smiled at Severus's own roast dinner, for she knew how much it pleased him to have his favorite meal.

"Thank you, Minerva," Severus said softly.

"It is no trouble at all, Severus..." Minerva hesitated for a moment, before casting a silent warming charm on each of their meals, and her colleague raised his eyes to hers. "I confess, I didn't merely invite you up here for supper..."

Severus nodded, leaning back in his chair. "I suspected as much," he intoned, no hostility in his voice, and Minerva only detected contemplation. "To what do I owe the pleasure, then?" he asked for the second time that evening.

"Dougal McGregor," she said quietly.

Severus blinked, unaware of the name. "I'm sorry?"

She let out a little sigh then, and Severus detected some sadness associated with the name that his old friend had just coughed up. "He was my fiancé—for a day, mind you—when I was eighteen-years-old. I was in love with him, to put it bluntly," she went on, and Severus felt his eyebrows creeping upwards at that.

"What happened?" Severus asked.

"He was a farmer's son, a Muggle," Minerva explained, squaring her shoulders. "My mother married a Muggle, you see, and had to put her wand away and forget all about magic. My two younger brothers, Robert and Malcolm, were wizards; Robert was killed during the First Wizarding War," she put in softly. "Anyhow, Dougal and I... We were so happy. I'd graduated from Hogwarts, and had been offered a position at the ministry, and went home for a final summer with my family. That is how I met Dougal."

"He loved you?" Severus asked.

Minerva laughed aloud. "Well, I can't speak for him, but I certainly hope he liked me, based on his marriage proposal to me," she said. "But, I'd seen how my mother was—envious of myself and my brothers, about how we'd been given the freedom to use our magic. I didn't want that for myself, so, after one day of delirious happiness, I... I broke off the engagement."

Severus blinked. "You did?"

"I did," Minerva affirmed. "I never even told my mother and father about it. And, when I did go to break it off, because of the secrecy statute, I couldn't give Dougal a reason why I was breaking my promise to marry him. He must have thought me so cold," she said quietly. "I left for London three days later."

"I am sorry," Severus said. "I didn't know." He hesitated for a moment. "And what about Elphinstone?" he asked.

Minerva smiled at the mention of her dear husband, who had been gone fourteen years. "He proposed to me several times over the years, you know," she said softly. "We would meet in Hogsmeade and would frequent Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop."


Minerva let out a small sigh then. "I couldn't say yes, not for a long time," she admitted. "I think a part of me believed it would be seen as disloyal to Dougal, even though I certainly had no intention of contacting him again. But, I..."

"You still loved him," Severus guessed.

Minerva raised her eyes to his. "I did, yes," she admitted. "But after I heard the news about his death... Things changed. Elphinstone and I went for a walk along the lake, here upon the grounds, and he asked me again." Minerva got a far away look in her eyes, almost as if she was revisiting that memory for the first time in a long while. "Perhaps it was the different setting, or perhaps it was Dougal's death, or... Well, I'd always cared for Elphinstone, and it certainly helped that he was a wizard as well. Perhaps that friendship turned into a semblance of love, which is why I accepted his proposal." She hesitated for a moment. "For three years, we were a happy pair, but then one false move with a Venomous Tentacula biting him and all was lost for me in matters of the heart."

Severus hesitated for a moment. "Why are you telling me all this, Minerva?"

Minerva smiled then, never taking her eyes from his. "I don't want you to make the same mistake that I did, Severus. Giving up Dougal was very painful, and not saying yes to Elphinstone due to my own pigheadedness... Well, suffice it to say, Elphinstone and I could have had many happy years together if I wasn't so afraid."

Severus shook his head. "You're a Gryffindor."

Minerva grinned. "Yes, but I could have been a Ravenclaw—Hatstall, you know," she said, and Severus looked shocked at this confession. "I'm telling you this, Severus, because I don't want you to make the same mistake I did."

Severus blinked. "Mistake?"

Minerva sighed, reaching forwards and gently covering her hand with his. "I'm not blind. I know a man filled with fear when I see it; it was the same look I gave myself in my looking glass in my bedroom, right before I went to see Dougal, to tell him that the engagement was off. I didn't want to hurt him, and that outweighed the pain in my heart, at the end of it all."


"No, Severus, please listen," she said, gently but firmly. "I need you to hear this. It is very rare to see such love between two people; I myself haven't seen such a love many times in my life. Lily and James, for one; Neville and Draco for another. But you and Harry? Well," she said, and squeezed his hand, smiling as she let it go, "it's easy to think that you're too different from one another, and that your pasts may not mesh well with your future..."

Severus looked away. "Minerva..."

"I've not yet finished, Severus," she said gently. "I know you love him. Now that the curse has lifted, you're free to be with him. What is holding you back? Is it truly fear?"

Severus swallowed. "That is some of it, yes."

"And the rest of it?"

Severus hunched his shoulders. "I believe myself unworthy, I suppose," he said quietly. "That, combined with the way I treated him during his formative years..."

"Has Harry affirmed his feelings for you of late?"

Severus nodded. "He has. But..."

"Then what is stopping you, Severus?"

Severus sighed and looked up. "Another man."

Minerva blinked. "Another man? Who?"

"Charlie Weasley," Severus said softly. "I've seen them together..."

Minerva shrugged. "And? The Weasleys practically adopted Harry from the time he first entered Hogwarts, Severus—you know this. What is the problem with a simple interaction?"

"It is not the interaction, Minerva, but the way Charlie behaves."

"How does he behave?"

Severus shut his eyes then, remembering the heat behind Charlie's expression during the Thanksgiving celebrations at the Burrow, and his frequent quests to get Harry alone with him. It hurt Severus deeply how much he'd brushed their interaction off; he thought initially it was because Harry deserved a way out. But, it was then that Severus remembered the expression in those beautiful green eyes of Harry's—fear. Not just fear of losing him, but fear of his own past, and what had happened at the hands of that uncle of his...


"I couldn't admit to him my jealousy," Severus whispered, his eyes slowly opening. "I didn't want to seem like some petty teenager, but..."

"But what, Severus?"

"I suppose I didn't take the entirety of the situation into account," Severus said. "I mean, Harry's past was no walk in the park..."

"Similar to yours," Minerva said.

Severus nodded. "Yes, but his was worse. My mother and father neglected me, and my father would hit me, but he never..."

Minerva nodded. "I understand, Severus."

"I didn't take into account Harry's fears based directly on Charlie's actions," Severus said, and dragged his fingers through his hair. "If only..."


"I think, perhaps, if the curse hadn't happened, then..."

"Severus, think about it," Minerva said softly. "If the curse hadn't happened, what would you have done if Harry made his plans known to track down Voldemort on his own?"

Severus's hands curled into fists without hesitation. "I would have done everything in my power to stop him," he said quickly. "I know he had to have been the one to kill him—Dumbledore kept me apprised of the prophecy—but I couldn't have just let him go out on his own like that. Sure, the mission was accomplished by the help of the Elder Wand, but one false thing happening to him and I would've..."

"Not to mention the fact that Harry was already carrying Lily at the time," Minerva said, and Severus immediately put his head into his hands. "He did it for you, Severus. He wasn't thinking of the Wizarding World or the greater good any longer. He deliberately sought out Voldemort and killed him and several of his key followers for you. He even proposed marriage to you before he left, as his last act, and promise to you, letting you know of his love."

"I love him," Severus said, dragging his hands down his face and staring at Minerva. "I love him so much, Minerva, but..."

"No 'buts', Severus," Minerva said firmly, crossing her arms. "You've got to understand that love has no agenda, but life does."

Severus's brows came together then. "What do you mean?"

"Well, do you honestly expect someone as amazing, kind-hearted, intelligent, respectful, and handsome as Harry Potter to wait around for you forever?"


"I am not speaking about physicality, Severus."

Severus sighed. "Right."

"But you still didn't answer the question," she said, a small smile playing at her lips. "Just allow yourself to truly think about it for a moment."

Severus nodded, his shoulders deflating from the moment reality began settling in. "No. I don't expect someone as amazing, kind-hearted, intelligent, respectful, and handsome as Harry Potter to wait around for me forever."

"That's a good start, then," Minerva said. "Now, what's the next plan of action?"

Severus swallowed. "Well, we've got Christmas at the Burrow tomorrow—for some reason, Harry has requested my presence there."

Minerva laughed aloud. "It is because, despite everything he has been through—including what you have put him through—Harry is so unfailingly kind that he sees past that."

Severus permitted himself to smile slightly then. "He gets that from Lily."

"I don't doubt it," Minerva replied. "He also inherited her ability to love. And love, he does. He loves you, Severus. Why can't you allow yourself to see that?"

"I can see it, Minerva. I think it's just reluctance to believe that someone as amazing, kind-hearted, intelligent, respectful, and handsome... Well, you get the idea," he said, and Minerva grinned across the table at him. "I suppose it also has to do with the conditions I was raised in. I did not inherit the ability to love from anyone, and when I finally had a sister—Lily—she was taken away from me by my one enemy."

"James," Minerva said softly.

Severus nodded. "Yes. James. And I suppose, at first, I believed that Harry was like him, that I thought I had an obligation to hate him, but..."

"He was Lily's child, too, and you saw that, I know it."

"I did. But his fifth-year, during Occlumency lessons, I saw a different side of him. He was truly compassionate when he viewed my memories without permission, and a wave of understanding came over his features. It was a look I'd never expected from him, and I was able finally to separate him from James."

"It must have been difficult for you."

"It was, especially because I developed feelings for him just before the following school year began, when Dumbledore informed me that, in order to save the Wizarding World and defeat Voldemort, that Harry must be a casualty as well."

"That is what woke you up, so to speak?"

Severus looked up at Minerva. "So to speak, yes. I realized that I'd been lying to myself, and that I cared about him, and I lost control that Christmas, when all the walls came down and I just had to kiss him...."

"I really wish I hadn't taken a walk," Minerva said, and Severus smiled guiltily at her. "But I can understand it, Severus, and I do."

"It was only Harry, I swear," Severus told her, and Minerva nodded. "I think it will only ever be Harry, but..."

"No, Severus," Minerva said, her voice taking on that firm quality again. "Do not doubt yourself, not like I did. You need to be strong, and tell him how you feel, and what you want."

"How will I know if—?"

"You won't know anything until or unless you ask him," Minerva said, before nodding down at his portion of roast. "Now, eat your supper, and figure out what you'll say to Harry at the Burrow tomorrow. It's Christmas, the season to be merry, after all."

. . .

Severus arrived at the Burrow at the same moment Harry did via the Floo Network, and as Severus stepped inside, he caught sight of the man holding their daughter. Severus managed a smile as he shut the door behind him, and as Molly Weasley stepped forward to greet him, he presented to her a high-priced bottle of elf-made wine that made her gush. She put an arm around his shoulders, bringing him into the living room and everyone either stood or waved to greet him accordingly, and Severus found himself enveloped in warmth and acceptance. Severus noticed the great pile of gifts beneath the beautiful Christmas tree, and put his own pile—which he had shrunk down to put into his pocket—beneath the tree as well, once they'd become the right size again, of course.

"You can sit with us, Severus," Hermione said, and waved him over to the couch she occupied with Ron.

"Thank you," Severus replied, and slowly crossed over to sit with them. "How much longer until the child is born?" he asked.

Hermione beamed, and Ron looked quite proud of himself. "The doctors say by the end of the week we'll likely see something," she said softly, running her hand along her swollen stomach in a moment of motherly pride.

"Do you know the sex yet?" Severus asked.

"It's a girl," Ron said quickly, putting an arm around his wife's shoulders. "We've decided on the name Rose for her."

"A beautiful name," Severus said with a nod.

Molly bustled into the room then, informing everyone gathered that dinner was ready to be served at the extra long table. Severus got to his feet and fell in line with the rest of the guests at the Burrow that evening; other than him, Harry and Lily were there; Ron and Hermione; Luna Lovegood and her husband, Rolf Scamander; Neville and Draco, who kept a good grip on baby Scorpius; Ginny Weasley and her fiancé, Dean Thomas; Remus and Nymphadora Lupin, as well as their son, Teddy; Bill Weasley and his wife, Fleur Delacour; plus Charlie Weasley, on a visit home from Romania, and Fred and George, the mischievous twins, who had closed their shop in Diagon Alley for the Christmas holidays.

Severus was motioned by Molly to take a seat beside Harry, and he moved to do so, although he was uncomfortable when Charlie put himself on Harry's other side. Severus stared around the table at the offerings, as Molly sat at the foot of the table and her husband, Arthur, sat at its head, and they all told everyone that they were thankful to have them there that Christmas. Severus looked around at the beautiful array of food, which included a giant turkey as the main entrée, which Arthur Weasley was currently carving. Along the table, other beautiful dishes boasted roast potatoes, stuffing, pigs in a blanket, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, cranberry sauce, Brussel sprouts, mince pies, and a Christmas pudding, which had been placed upon the sideboard behind the table, likely to be eaten later.

The plates were passed around the table, to ensure everyone got their fill of everything, and when the final plate was finally lowered to the table, Molly and Arthur encouraged their gathered company to eat, and to eat their fill. Severus remembered how much he'd disliked eating when serving Voldemort, likely due to the fact that the effects—on him, at least—of the Cruciatus Curse caused him to vomit. He'd then taken to eating nutritional supplements, plus only one big meal a day. Voldemort would usually summon him by nightfall, and the meetings would only be once a week so as not to draw suspicion. Now that he was finally gone, Severus had a new joy of eating, and would eat three healthy meals per day, and could finally say—as could Madam Pomfrey—that he was at a healthy weight.

"Coffee or tea, Severus?"

Severus looked around then, suddenly very aware of how lost in his own thoughts he had been, as everyone had slowly migrated from the table and back out into the living room. "Coffee, please, Molly," he said.

Molly smiled. "Of course," she said, squeezing his shoulder gently. "Now, run along out into the living room with everyone else. The tea and coffee should be ready in time for the Christmas pudding, and we'll be opening gifts beforehand."

Severus nodded. "Very well," he said, getting to his feet and making his way out into the living room, spotting Harry immediately, still holding Lily, although Severus found himself angered that Charlie was sitting at his other side, pressing himself against him.

"Well, well, well," Arthur Weasley said, commanding the room as he stepped into it, and made his way over to the massive Christmas tree. "Molly has given me permission to oversee the gifts, so let's get right to it, shall we?"

Severus bit his tongue, but allowed himself to smile when Hermione waved him over to sit with her and Ron again. "Thank you," he said softly to her.

Hermione patted his arm. "Don't mention it," she said, and followed his gaze to where it rested on Harry and Charlie. "You've got nothing to worry about, you know."

Severus blinked. "What?"

"You love him," Ron said with a smile, and Severus swallowed at the implications that Ron was drawing from one look. "Harry knows that. He wouldn't want to ruin it, trust me."

Arthur began doling out the various gifts—Luna and Rolf received the latest informational source on Magizoology; Remus and Tonks got a weekend away, with Molly and Arthur volunteering to watch Teddy if Tonk's parents were unavailable; Bill and Fleur got a gift certificate from a leading designer in the Wizarding World to re-decorate Shell Cottage; Ginny and Dean got a meeting with Kingsley Shacklebolt to promote their cause; Ron and Hermione got a whole slew of baby things; Neville and Draco got on the wait-list for a wizarding primary school in their area; Fred and George got a new employee for their shop, who turned out to be Remus, who they welcomed with open arms; Charlie got a research book on dragons that Hermione had considerately picked out for him; Molly and Arthur announced that they'd gotten property in America, that they intended to build a new house on; Severus got the latest edition of Book of Potions; and Harry got lots of knitted garments from Molly for himself and for Lily, and even a lovely little jumper for Kreacher.

"That'll be the drinks," Molly said, once the gift-wrapping and announcements to that subject had commenced, and she got to her feet. She returned a moment later, levitating the pudding, server, and plates for it, as well as the pots of coffee, tea, and mugs. She set these down upon the coffee table in the living room, before summoning cream and sugar from the kitchen. She was able to slice the thing by magic, and handed off pieces to everyone, followed by mugs of tea or coffee, whatever anyone requested.

Severus cut into the pudding when it seemed polite to do so, the spicy plums a lovely thing to meet his tongue, and he accompanied each bite with a sip of coffee. Everyone seated around him was involved with their own conversations about various things, and as Severus chewed, he listened in on various ones. Clearly, Luna and Rolf had something to share with the company gathered that evening; Neville and Draco were over the moon about Scorpius beginning primary school in the near future; Ron and Hermione talked about which side of the family they believed the baby would look more like; and so on and so on.

It was then that Severus caught wind of another conversation, which made the plums quickly turn sour in his mouth.



"You think you'll ever get to Romania?"

"Dunno. Maybe one day."

Charlie reached out then; Lily had migrated into Molly's arms, leaving Harry to eat his pudding and sip his cup of tea. "I really hope you'll come over there one of these days," he went on, his voice a purr, as he caressed Harry's leg.

Harry's cheeks reddened. "Charlie..."

"I know, I know, shit's complicated right now. But the war's over, isn't it?" he asked, reaching out and turning Harry's face, so that their eyes met. "Why don't you live a little, eh?"

"Charlie..." Harry tried again.

Perhaps, if Severus had been in Gryffindor, things could've been different, and he could've literally flown over there and demanded that Charlie take his hands off Harry. The blood boiled inside of him, and before he could contain himself, he found himself Apparating away.

Harry turned his head then, jaw dropping at the notion that Severus had left. He pulled away from Charlie, and set his pudding aside, motioning for Molly to return Lily to him. He settled his daughter in his arms, a wave of calm flowing through him then as she leaned back into the warmth of his embrace.

"Well," Rolf said, clearing his throat and standing up, gently pulling Luna up after him. "My wife and I have an announcement."

"I'm due to have a baby in six months," Luna said, her eyes shining with happiness.

Molly let out a shout of joy then, and Ginny promptly ran to Luna and embraced her, while Hermione did her best to waddle over and hug her as well. Harry found himself smiling at the proclamation, but he still felt the heat behind Charlie's expression, and it was then that he couldn't stand it any longer.

"I've tried being nice, because you're Ron's brother, but enough is enough," Harry said through his teeth, and Charlie looked taken aback. "I'm in love with someone else; I told you as much at Thanksgiving, but you chose to ignore me. Now, if you ever touch me inappropriately again, I won't hesitate to hex you. Are we clear?"

Charlie gulped then, but nodded. "Loud and clear."

"Good," Harry replied, keeping his eyes narrowed. "Now, I highly suggest you go and sit somewhere else, because you're invading my personal space."

"Right," Charlie said; he'd gone white, and as he got to his feet to find another place to sit, he stumbled, and Harry covered his face to prevent himself from laughing aloud.

. . .

Harry felt the lump forming in his throat as he handed over Lily to Kreacher, newly garbed in the Christmas jumper from Molly, which the house-elf insisted that he loved nearly as much as 'Mistress Lily'. Harry smiled, watching as Kreacher rocked back and forth in the chair, positioned beside Lily's crib, and lulled his daughter to sleep. He hesitated for a moment, and shuffled from foot to foot.

"You'll know where I'll be?"

"Yes, Master Harry," Kreacher confirmed, smiling up at him and wiggling his ancient ears ever so slightly. "You will be at Hogwarts, speaking to Professor Snape."

"Er, yeah," Harry said, swallowing slightly, not knowing what he would do if Severus attempted to turn him away. "I'll try to be quick about it."

"No, Master Harry. You must be gone for as long as it takes." Kreacher hesitated for a moment, and looked down at Lily. "He is Mistress Lily's other father, isn't he, Master Harry?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, Kreacher."

"And Master Harry loves Professor Snape very much?"

Harry sighed. "Yes. As much as I love Lily, in a different way, of course."

Kreacher smiled then in understanding as he cuddled Lily close to him. "Well, rest assured that Mistress Lily will be quite all right with Kreacher. Kreacher loves Mistress Lily."

Harry nodded a second time. "I know you do, Kreacher." Harry wandered towards the door of the nursery, checking the house-elf holding his daughter one last time, and knew that she would be safe. Nodding to himself, he headed downstairs, towards the massive hearth in the living room, and gathered up a healthy amount of Floo Powder into his fist. "The private quarters of Professor Severus Snape, Hogwarts," he said, and tossed the powder into the grate, and the flames instantly glowed green.

Harry stepped into the grate and was temporarily swallowed up, before he could see the outline of the Potion Master's rooms at Hogwarts. Once the image became clearer, Harry stepped inside of the rooms, nearly tumbling to the floor. He got to his feet then, casting a cleaning spell to himself and to the soot he'd managed to get onto the carpet around him, which is when he felt a pair of eyes on him.

Harry looked up then, and gazed at Severus unblinking for a few moments, before the silence became torture, and he forced himself to speak. "Severus."


"I came here because you should know by now that nothing could ever go on between Charlie and I," Harry said quickly, and Severus swallowed. "I think I've made it abundantly clear how much I love you, and your negativity towards the situation is, quite frankly, draining. I mean, for Merlin's sake, I asked you to marry me before I left to go and kill Voldemort, and that was before either of us knew that Lily was a possibility, but that shouldn't matter. I wanted to marry you before I got pregnant—I said as much in Sherwood Forest nearly a year ago. I don't think I have to do anything else to justify my feelings for you, Severus, and if you're feeling insecure because another man gives me attention, you've no cause to do so," he continued, and Severus raised an eyebrow at that. "I told Charlie Weasley, a second time, mind you, that I'm in love with someone else, and since he refused to take the hint the first time, I vowed to hex him if he steps a toe out of line a third time, but I doubt he will."

Severus smirked slightly at that. "Rather Slytherin of you, Harry."

Harry sighed. "Makes sense, doesn't it?" he asked, and Severus looked curious at the question. "I mean, we frequently take on the traits of the ones we love, and since I'm in love with a Slytherin, it had to happen sometime." He stepped closer then, and gently took ahold of Severus's robes in between his fingers. "Last I checked, Charlie Weasley was no Slytherin."

Severus's hands came upwards then, gently cupping Harry's face as he stared into those rather intoxicating green eyes of his. "Harry," he whispered, "I'm so sorry."

Harry nodded, pressing a chaste kiss onto Severus's lips. "For what?"

"For my treatment of you, when you attended Hogwarts, and during and after the curse," he said, the words falling from his lips. "I should've known, even after the curse, that you would do anything for me, but..."

"It's all right, Severus. Tell me."

"I am afraid I am not a Gryffindor, for I lack courage completely," Severus replied, and it was now Harry's turn to raise his eyebrows. "I was afraid, based on my past treatment of you, that you would realize how truly unworthy I am of you. I was also afraid to lose you, when you reached that inevitable conclusion..."

"Hey, hey," Harry said, his tone gentle as the tears came down Severus's face. "You've got nothing to apologize for, Severus. You're only human."

"Harry, don't throw my apology away like it's nothing," Severus said. "I'm unforgivable for my actions towards you, and I'd do anything to take them back."

"I'm not throwing anything away, Severus. I'm merely saying that I understand how you're feeling right now, because I'm bloody scared, too."

Severus blinked. "You're scared?"

"Of course!" Harry cried out, laughing. "Why wouldn't I be? You're who I want to be with Severus, always, and if you came to the conclusion that I was too young for you, too famous, too rich, then perhaps you'd..."

"Never," Severus said then, dragging Harry the rest of the way towards him and devouring his mouth then, before slamming him up against the opposite wall, his fingers going to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them hastily as he bent his head to taste the younger wizard's collarbone. "I love you so much, Harry James Potter," he declared.

Harry felt his toes curling then, as a moan escaped from his lips. "I love you, too, Severus Tobias Snape," he said, nipping at his lower lip to prevent himself from crying out completely, as he lowered his hand and found his former professor's erection, literally rising for the occasion. "Oh, Merlin, you feel incredible..."

Severus chuckled then, finding Harry's from inside the younger man's trousers. "It seems as though someone has missed the love of their life..."

Harry laughed aloud then, his eyes locking with Severus's. "The feeling's mutual."

Severus grinned, grabbing Harry around his middle then and carrying him, down the hallway, and into his private rooms, the beautiful ebony bed that he'd made love to Harry in during his tenure as headmaster now residing there. Severus laughed aloud at Harry's moan of longing, and laid him out in the center of the bed, banishing their clothes, looking hungrily up and down the younger man's body.


"Severus?" Harry whispered, parting his legs for Severus then, and yanking him forwards; preparation be damned, he needed his lover inside him now.

Severus grunted slightly upon entering, and slammed his mouth onto Harry's in an effort to comfort him against crying out. "I love you," he whispered, pulling back slowly as he eased in and out of his younger lover, tears streaming down his face.

Harry swallowed then, feeling his own tears escaping his eyes. "I love you, too," he whispered back to him.

. . .

It was all over The Quibbler—and, to a lesser-extent, The Profit—that Harry Potter, the savior of the Wizarding World, and Severus Snape, Potion's Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, were officially a couple. Also, Xenophilius Lovegood had gotten the exclusive story, with an inside-look at Grimmauld Place, as well as photographs of Harry, Severus, and Lily together. The whole of the Wizarding World was shocked at the age difference, however, one look at Lily Potter silenced them, and they immediately turned around and said that she was the most beautiful baby they'd ever laid eyes upon.

It was after midnight on the first of January when Harry returned to Grimmauld Place, and found Severus sitting in the living room, reading the Book of Potions that Harry had bought for him. He immediately put it aside, however, and summoned a cup of tea for his exhausted boyfriend, who rested his head on his former professor's shoulder.

"You all right?" Severus asked.

Harry sighed. "Yeah, of course. Ron and Hermione just wanted me to be there when Rose was born. Thanks for helping Kreacher tonight with Lily."

Severus nodded. "Of course," he said, putting an arm around Harry's shoulders as he perked up, sipping his tea. "And how is the latest Miss Weasley?"

Harry grinned. "Absolutely gorgeous," he reported. "Red hair, and Hermione's convinced she'll have her brown eyes, but we'll have to wait and see."

Severus chuckled. "Yes, I suppose we'll have to."

Harry finished his tea, before levitating the cup and saucer and banishing it back to the kitchen, and turned to regard Severus. "Are you happy being back at Hogwarts?"

Severus shrugged. "I'm a Potions Master."

"No, not professionally," Harry said, shaking his head. "I meant, you know, living there."

"Never gave it much thought."

Harry carded his hands through his hair. "Well, I only ask, because I have yet to unveil your final Christmas present," he explained awkwardly.

"Harry, the book is brilliant," Severus assured him. "I need nothing else."

Harry laughed aloud then, pulling Severus to his feet. "Too late—it's already been done," he informed his lover, and pulled him out of the living room and towards the basement door. "I spent my bedrest when I was pregnant with Lily drawing up plans, and Kreacher, Ron, Neville, Draco, Bill, Fred, and George, and even Rolf, even came and had it built for me." Harry unlocked the door with his wand, firing on the lights as he pulled Severus down the basement stairs, and, finally, turned on the final light below. "Well?" he asked.

Inside the basement was a state-of-the-art potions laboratory, more innovative than St. Mungo's could ever hope to have, so much so that even his paltry lab at Hogwarts seemed lacking. It took Severus a moment to find his feet, and he stepped forward hesitantly, the book still gripped in his hands, and looked over the tables, cauldrons, vials, beakers, storage spaces, and everything else in Harry's basement at Grimmauld Place.


"Do you like it?" Harry asked, his voice unsure again, and, obviously the excitement had worn off, due to Severus's silence. "If you don't like it, or want to change anything, just let me know, and we'll have someone down here immediately..."

Severus turned around then as Harry spoke and shook his head, a light chuckle escaping from his lips and crossing over to Harry, kissing him. "I absolutely love it."

"Good," Harry said, breathing a sigh of relief, "because it's for you. Just you. You don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to."

Severus grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Also," Harry said, speaking quickly, likely for fear that he wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to ask this again, "I was wondering if you'd like to move in."

Severus blinked, still holding onto Harry. "Excuse me?"

"Well, I love you, and you love me, and we're together, with no reason for us to part ever again, until the event of our deaths, that is," Harry went on. "I mean, if you'd like to..."

Severus dragged Harry back towards him then, and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Yes, I would love to move in," he whispered.

"Good," Harry replied, wrapping his arms around Severus's neck. "Oh, and just so you know, this lab is for potion-making only."

Severus laughed. "So, nothing else?" he asked, and Harry's mouth went dry at what his lover was insinuating in that moment. "What if I wanted to suspend everything on that table in mid-air, and have you ride me?"

Harry cleared his throat. "While that would not be objectionable," he said, finally managing to find his voice again, "I meant that this does not double as a bedroom. Sexcapades aside, I would want you to sleep in the master bedroom with me."

Severus nodded. "I suppose that is doable." He hesitated for a moment, allowing his hands to hover downwards and cup Harry's arse. "Now, what about my proposal?"

"What proposal?" Harry asked stupidly, already melting at where Severus's hands had decided to migrate to.

"About you riding me on that table?"

Harry's lips slowly formed into a smile. "I think I can get on board with that."

Severus took his wand and levitated the various cauldrons and vials off the table he'd indicated while Harry locked the basement door and covered the windows. "Come along," he said then, and vanished their clothes quickly, before manipulating their bodies into position.

. . .

Gringotts hadn't been very crowded that afternoon when Severus had bribed the goblins to let him in on a Sunday. Given that Valentine's Day was considered a big deal, Severus knew that he had to go into the Prince family vault and search for something, and find something he did. It was a simple platinum ring, with shards of gold imbedded in the band itself and, if one were to shine it in the light just right, one could just make out rubies inside the gold itself. It was a perfect ring to present to Harry, when, he still didn't know, but he knew that the time to plan his marriage proposal to the love of his life was nigh.

Harry came through the Floo shortly after Severus had arrived home earlier that afternoon, and Severus was quick to hide the ring inside his robes as Harry stepped into the kitchen. "Hey," he said brightly, embracing Severus and kissing him. "Where's Lily?"

"Kreacher took her upstairs for a nap about twenty minutes ago."

"Great," Harry said, sitting across from Severus at the kitchen table. "Listen, I met with a realtor today..."

Severus blinked. "For what purpose?"

"I want Lily to be raised in the country," Harry confessed, and Severus raised his eyebrows at the confession. "I found a beautiful country estate, and I think it's perfect."

Severus nodded. "Can it be hooked up to the Floo?"

Harry grinned. "Of course."

"And where is this perfect estate?" Severus asked.

"Devon," Harry told him. "It's a seven-bedroom detached house, in Lee, Woolacombe, and it's just lovely. It's got a massive yard, stables, cows, and it's close to the sea. We'll have a lovely place for you to do your potions."

"And the lab here?"

"We can always transfer it, or simply build you a new one, if we decide to keep Grimmauld in the family," Harry said with a shrug. "Of course, we'll be taking Kreacher with us. I think he'll have fun, once I tell him he's in charge of the cows," he joked.

"Did you get pictures?"

"Of course!" Harry said, digging into his rucksack for the disposable camera he'd bought at a Muggle shop the day before, and showing off the polaroid's he'd taken. "Well? What do you think of it, Severus?" he asked.

"I think it's lovely," Severus admitted, looking up at Harry. "When can we put an offer upon it, then?"

Harry let out a happy shout, before throwing himself into Severus's arms and kissing him. "I'll place a call to the realtor in the morning," he told him.

. . .

The months rolled by, and soon, spring had ended and summer had begun. Harry, Severus, Lily, and Kreacher moved to Devon and into the estate on the first day of March. Luna gave birth to hers and Rolf's twin boys—Lorcan and Lysander—at the beginning of June, and now, they had all gathered at the Burrow, eight days before Harry's nineteenth birthday, to see Ginny and Dean get married.

Seamus and Lavender Brown came for the occasion; the pair were now married, as they'd had lingering feelings for each other since attending the Yule Ball together during fourth year. Their one-year-old son, Aiden, was with his grandparents that day, along with their twin girls, Valencia and Valerie, who were just nine days old. Seamus, as Dean's Best Man, waited around with Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, and Rolf, who were serving as Groomsmen.

"Hey, you all right?" Harry asked, looking over at Draco, who appeared peaky.

"He will be," Neville said indulgently, summoning a goblet of water for his husband, who drank it greedily.

"Whoa, slow down, mate," Ron said quickly. "You don't want to get sick."

"Vomiting water would be an improvement over my mother's cooking," Draco said, a semblance of color returning to his cheeks.

"What's wrong with your mother's cooking?" Seamus asked. "I was always told the Malfoys had a proper chef."

Draco laughed aloud. "We do. But Mother likes to spoil me."

"We knew that already," Neville said, squeezing Draco's shoulder.

"Are you hiding something from us?" Rolf asked.

"I was just thinking the same thing," Harry put in.

Draco sighed, looking over at Neville, who gestured him that he could share their news with their circle of friends. "Neville and I will have another child come Christmas."

"That's brilliant!" Ron shouted, punching the air.

Their conversation—filled with good-wishes and mock-leering eyes—was interrupted when Seamus, who was serving as the lookout, said that it was time. Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, and Rolf assumed their positions, waiting to escort their partnered bridesmaids out. The bridesmaids were as follows: Lavender, Hannah Abbott, Gabriella, Fleur, and Luna, while Seamus, as Best Man, would escort Hermione, as Matron of Honor. Once Harry, the rest of the Groomsmen and bridesmaids, had all fallen in line and gone up the aisle, Seamus and Hermione started up and, once they'd finished, Dean emerged from the front flap of the tent.

Arthur Weasley's eyes were red as he carefully walked Ginny up the aisle, and they all smiled and nodded at the various relatives who had turned up that day. Ginny was radiant in an A-line wedding dress with a scoop line neckline, and her white heels were covered by the long skirt. As she and her father approached Dean and the wizard justice of the peace, Arthur kissed his only daughter on the cheek, whereupon he shook Dean's hand, before he made his way to the front row of the bride's' side to sit beside Molly, who was dabbing at her eyes.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Dean Gerhard Thomas, and Ginevra Molly Weasley," said the justice of the peace, and Harry turned, giving Severus a smile, leaving the Slytherin to wonder if the Gryffindor knew something he did not.

. . .

The celebration of Harry's nineteenth birthday at the Burrow eight days after Ginny and Dean were married and headed off for their honeymoon in Spain was a lovely affair. With Lily being tended to by Kreacher at their new estate in Devon, not too far from the Burrow itself, Harry and Severus were quite pleased to have some adult time. Now that Charlie seemed to understand that Harry and Severus were a serious item, he kept an appropriate distance, and even mentioned that he and a colleague of his in Romania had begun seeing one another.

Harry and Severus slowly broke away from the party, and walked along the grounds of the Burrow just as the sun began to set. Their hands were tangled together, and Harry would periodically rest his head upon Severus's shoulder. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, Harry let out a small sigh of contentment.

"I'm so happy," he said.

"Are you?"

"Yes," Harry replied, looking up at Severus. "I love you, and now that I have you, I feel like the next adventure is just beginning. We've got a healthy, beautiful daughter in Lily, a lovely home, job security... What more could we want or need?"

Severus hesitated, knowing that the time had come. "Perhaps we might want or need a more permanent arrangement?" he asked Harry.

Harry blinked. "What are you saying?"

Severus smiled down at Harry then, never letting go of his hand that he held, as he reached into his trouser pocket and removed the box which held the ring from the Prince family vault. "I fetched this on Valentine's Day from Gringotts, and I was waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring it out," he said softly, and opened the box, and Harry gasped aloud. "Harry James Potter, I love you more than anything in the world. Will you make me the happiest wizard in the land and consent to being my husband?" he asked.

Harry felt the tears suspending themselves in his lashes, and soon the jerky movements of his nodding managed to come forth. "Yes, yes," he said, his voice cracking from sobs. "I will marry you, Severus Tobias Snape."

Severus grinned, not knowing what he would've done, had Harry said no. He slipped the beautiful ring onto Harry's finger, and a shock wave went through him as Harry lowered himself then. "Um... Harry, perhaps we could wait until we return home...?"

Harry laughed aloud then as he moved onto one knee, so as Severus would see that his impure thoughts had no place there, for now. He reached into his own trouser pocket then, and produced his own box. "This was in my own vault at Gringotts," Harry explained as he slowly opened the box, revealing a platinum band, its inner workings filled with Celtic knots, while the outer part of the band featured a combination of understated emeralds and diamonds. "Severus Tobias Snape, I love you so much. Will you be my husband?" Harry asked.

Severus let out a gasp then, hardly knowing how Harry had managed to keep the ring hidden from him, but, of course, he'd done the same. "Yes, Harry," Severus said, finding that the task of nodding had become difficult as he held out his hand towards him. "Yes. I'll marry you and be your husband."

Harry let out a relieved shout then as he put the ring onto Severus's outstretched finger, before he was pulled upwards and kissed with such passion on the lips, that Harry thought he would faint right then and there. "Forever," Harry whispered, pulling back so as he could look properly into his fiancé's eyes.

"Forever," Severus agreed, tipping his head downwards to kiss Harry again.

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