🌻 When The Darkness Comes |...

By skllington

36.7K 699 50

(edited for spelling and grammar.) Bellamy and Clarke had a relationship on the Ark, and are reunited on the... More

First and Last
We Aren't Alone
Got Ya, Princess
Slay Your Demons
It Was A Silent Killer
A Right To Know
I Need You
Trouble Ahead Pt. 1
Trouble Ahead Pt. 2
Save Her
So Close, Yet So Far
Your People. My People
Holding On
Before The Storm
This Is War Pt. 1
This Is War Pt. 2

One Year

4.4K 68 1
By skllington

Clarke was looking around her cell for a new place to draw. Oh, how she wished she had some paper, though it was scarce on the Ark, her father always found a way to get some for her. It was probably because her father was the chief mechanic and her mother was the head doctor and a councilwoman. Now, these days being locked in the Sky-Box, she only has the walls and floor, and the chalk her mother brought to her the one time she visited within the past year.

On the Ark, every crime, no matter how small, was punishable by death, unless, of course, you were under eighteen. Juvenile offenders get locked up until they turn eighteen, then their case is reevaluated, to see if they should live, but they mostly end up getting floated. That's the way of execution, you are put into a small chamber, then the door behind you is opened, and then, you are sucked out into space.

She looked to the floor and sighed, then knelt and began drawing the night sky, with mountains and trees, and the moon. She smiled at the thought of maybe one day seeing them for real, instead of from re-runs of old t.v shows and movies. She took a deep breath. As she was finishing the drawing, the door to her cell flew open.

"Prisoner 319, face the wall." A male guard said.

"What is this?" She asked standing up.

"Quiet. Hold out your right arm." Another guard said.

"I don't turn eighteen for another month." She spoke, as she moved to the wall.

"Take off your watch." The first guard ordered.

"No! It was my fathers." She argued.

When the guard advanced towards her she panicked and pushed them into each other and ran out of her cell.

"GO!" One guard yelled to the other.

"Clarke! Wait!" A female voice called from behind her.

Clarke turned around. "Mom!" She cried, then hugged her. "What's going on!?" She asked looking around, seeing all of the other prisoners being released from their cells.

"They're killing us all, aren't they? Reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?" Clarke asked, sobbing.

"Clarke, listen, you aren't being executed." Her mother, Abby explained.

"What? Then what's going on?"

"You're being sent to the ground. All one-hundred of you."

"What? But it's not safe down there! No! No!" Clarke started panicking again. "We get reviewed at eighteen!"

"The rules have changed. This gives you a chance to live. Your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody, before yourself, just like your father. But you have to be careful. Okay? I can't lose you too. I love you more than anything." Abby spoke looking her daughter in the eyes.

"But..." Clarke was interrupted by a small needle being shot in her back, she quickly fainted into her arms.

"Earth, Clarke. You get to go to Earth." Abby said slowly moving to the floor, with Clarke still in her arms.


Clarke slowly came to, looking around and seeing bored teenagers, strapped into seats, mumbling about things.

"Welcome back." A male voice said to her left.

"Wha...? Wells?! What the hell are you doing here?" She asked the African American teenager next to her.

"When I found out that they were sending the prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested. I came for you." He explained.

Clarke didn't know what to think. This boy she thought she could count on, betrayed her. And now he was telling her he came to protect her. She was shocked beyond words.

The dropship they were in shook ferociously.

"What was that!?" Clarke asked looking around.

"The atmosphere," Wells answered.

Suddenly a few screens in the ship came to life, with the face of Chancellor Jaha. Groans and boo-ings were heard throughout the second floor of the ship. Well's sighed.

"Prisoners of The Ark, hear me now. You've been given a second chance. And as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see that this chance is not just for you, but a chance for all of us, for mankind itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better, we would've sent others. But, considering your crimes, you have been made expendable. And, whether you live or die, those crimes will be forgiven. Your records will be wiped clean. The drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mount Weather was a military base built within a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough non-perishables to sustain 300 people for up to two years. Be careful and safe travels." Chancellor Jaha spoke, then the screens went black.

"Your dad's a dick, Wells!" A boy from the other side of the floor shouted.


"Whooo! Spacewalker!" A female shouted as a long-haired boy in a dark blue coat started floating through the second floor.

"Go, Finn!" A male shouted.

"WHOOO!" Another screamed.

"Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all." He chuckled at Wells, who just turned his head.

"You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." The Chancellor's son spoke.

"Get back in your seats!" Clarke yelled at two boys removing their seat belts.

"Hey, you're the traitor, who's been in solitary for a year," Finn said to Clarke, ignoring Wells.

"And you're the idiot who wasted a whole month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk." Clarke retorted.

"But it was fun." He smirked. "Name's Finn."

"I know your name, now get back in your seat." She glared.

Suddenly the whole ship was shaking, everyone was screaming and the lights were flashing on and off. Finn and the two other boys began to be thrown around, the room.

"Retrorockets should have fired by now!" Wells yelled to Clarke.

"Okay! Everything on this ship is at least a hundred years old, right?" She asked. "Just give it a second."

"Clarke! There's something I have to tell you. I'm sorry I got your father arrested." Wells shouted.

"Don't you, DARE, talk about my father!" Clarke exclaimed.

"Please! I can't die knowing you hate me!" Wells shouted back.

"They didn't arrest my father, Wells, They executed him! I do hate you!" She spat.

Once the ship finally stopped moving Clarke and the other kids began unstrapping themselves. Clarke looked over and quickly moved to the body of one of the three boys that had been floating around.

"Finn, is he breathing?" Clarke asked looking over to him from her position by the other boy.

Finn simply shook his head and closed his eyes.

"The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go!" A boy announced, opening the hatch to the first floor.

"Wait! We can't just open the doors!" Clarke yelled after them and quickly followed them down to the first level.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." A male voice, that Clarke recognized all too well, ordered.

"The air could be toxic!" Wells spoke up while climbing down the ladder.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway." The man replied.

Clarke stepped forward, and she locked eyes with the man. His eyes went wide, while hers went soft.

He was here, but that could mean that... No. Clarke thought to herself.

Bellamy just stared at her, the girl he was once completely in love with and trusted with his biggest secret was here.

A prisoner.

God, she looks so beautiful. He thought. But why is she here? What did she do? Did she also hear about Octavia and wanted to protect her? No. That wasn't it. It couldn't be. Clarke was the one who turned Octavia in.

As she went to open her mouth to say his name a female voice said it for her, one that she also recognized.

"Bellamy?!" The long-dark-haired girl jumped into his arms.

Octavia was found out. But how? Clarke questioned, in her head.

"Look at how big you've gotten." Bellamy smiled at his younger sister.

Octavia smiled then looked at the blonde next to her. "C-Clarke?" She asked, clearly confused, but threw her arms around the girl who was the only one besides her brother and mother to know of her existence.

"'Tavia." Clarke smiled, hugging her back.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Clarke, you knew about her and you didn't tell anyone?" Well's asked, angry and slightly confused.

"Unlike you, Wells, I know how to keep life or death secrets." Clarke hissed.

"Wait, what? Clarke, what happened to you? Why are you here?" Octavia continued to ask.

"Did you hear? She was arrested for treason." A female teenager, named Stix, replied.

"What?" Bellamy asked.

"Who the hell are you?" A kid in the back asked.

"Do you mind?! I haven't seen my brother or my best friend, in a year!" Octavia called out.

"No one has a brother!" Another kid shouted.

"That's Octavia Blake! The girl they found hidden in the floor!" A female announced.

Octavia tried to attack the girl, but both Clarke and Bellamy held her back.

"Tavia! Stop!" Clarke exclaimed.

"Come on, O. Let's give them something else to remember you by." Bellamy offered.

"Like what?" His sister questioned.

"Being the first person on the ground in one-hundred years." He smirked, causing his sister to smirk back.

Bellamy turned and pulled the lever to the door down. It slowly opened, crushing the plants and grasses underneath it. The sun was bright, and it took a few minutes for everyone's eyes to adjust. Once they did, everyone gasped. It was more beautiful than any of them could have imagined, breathtakingly so.

Octavia slowly walked down the ramp, that the door was acting as and paused at the edge. She looked around and took in a deep breath. Then she hopped off the door, her feet planting firmly onto the ground. She threw her hands up into the air and yelled,


Everyone started cheering and running out of the dropship. Clarke hopped off of the side of the door, and smiled, taking everything in, little did she know Bellamy was staring at her, wondering why she betrayed him and beginning to believe that the treason she was imprisoned was the fact that she knew that someone, his mother, had a second child.

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