Broken & Unloved - Tony Stark...

By tonyscupcake

180K 2.8K 1.9K

Ella Louisa Stark Unloved and unwanted. Broken from very young age. A controlled chaos. Fighting with mons... More

My life
I'm a father of a little girl
Her name is Ella.
I Promise
He believes in me
I love you too Daddy
I messed up
What the hell is Hydra???
I embraced my darkness
Pre & Post Serum Aesthetic
Back to Daddy
prologue + cast

Winter Soldier and his Dark Phantom

5.9K 96 71
By tonyscupcake

New addition in Cast

Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier

Ella's P.O.V.

"Don't you guys know how to welcome your guest???" I said standing up.

"Grand daughter of the biggest mass murderer Howard Stark. The illegitimate heir of Stark industries". He exclaimed.

Here we go again. I'm so habitual of these so-called titles now. I think when I'll die these words will be written on my tombstone.

"Thanks for all the compliments. I'm touched. I really am." I said cleaning the blood from my lip.

"We haven't welcomed you properly yet." He said.

"What the hell was that then?" I said staring him. I'm in deep shit right now. And there's nothing I can do. Literally nothing. I can only pray for my safety. Nobody can save me here except myself. So I've to keep myself calm and collected.



Are you kidding me???


"I'm sorry but that was nothing like snacks. Now cut the bullshit and tell me why am I in this shithole???" I asked.

"This shithole is one of the headquarters of Hydra. HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize is that if you try to take that freedom, they resist." He said with a little enthusiasm.


"Plz !!! I can't listen this lecture anymore. It's boring. Come to point." I shook my head.

He sighed. Finally, I succeeded in annoying him.

" You know how Steve Rogers became Captain America???" He questioned.

"By super soldier serum made by Dr Abraham Erskine" I answered.

" Many scientists tried to replicate that serum. Dr Zola created it. Which in turn gave us our Winter Soldier." He explained further.

"Excuse me but who's this winter soldier?" I interrupted.

"You'll meet him soon. You know who else replicated that serum successfully??? Your granddad Howard Stark." He exclaimed happily.


I never knew that!!!

Dad would've told me if he knew about it.

"He never told anyone. But we knew. When he was on his last journey. He had serum with him. Our winter soldier killed your grandparents and got it."


"No, it isn't possible. They died in car accident."

"Would you like to see the footage???" He said with a smirk.

And then I saw him.

Killing my grandparents.

They never died of accident. They were murdered. Daddy never knew. He always regretted his last encounter with grandad. He would've got his chance. I would've seen them. If they weren't killed by that winter soldier. For that stupid serum. Tears slipped through my cheeks.

"You f....." I was interrupted as he held my chin tightly.

"Don't interrupt me now." He warned.

I gave him a death glare.

"We tested that serum on our five elite death squad members. It worked perfectly but showed extreme aggression in them. They even turned against us. One of our scientists suggested using that last sample of serum on someone sharing Stark blood. As he believes Stark has used his DNA in that serum. You were the best choice for it. We were lucky as your step dad works for us. We offered him some money and he happily accepted. "

"Of course, that bastard can work only for you." I glared.

"The grudge between you two benefited us. Now look, here you are. Our subject 6. You'll be the new fist of Hydra." He said in a happy tone.

" Don't you wanna know who I am???" He said with a smirk.

" I don't give a shit who the hell you are." I said.

I can't take all of this.

Give me a break.

"Your sass isn't gonna protect you here."

He looks angry now.
That's what I want.

"Yeah no shit, douche bag. But it's gonna tease you, a lot " I smirked.

Trust me, if daddy was here, he would've shouted at me "LANGUAGE" like 1000 times.

" I wouldn't have said that if I was in your place." He is angry now.

He called a soldier in.

"Voz'mi yeye v kletku. My yeshche ne prinyali yeye dolzhnym obrazom. Nashemu soldatu tozhe nuzhna nebol'shaya razminka."

Take her in cage. We haven't welcomed her properly yet. Our soldier also needs a little warm up.

What is he upto???

"Meet our winter soldier."

A man with a black mask having a metal arm, held me by my hair and dragged me all the way to a big cage. The cage was then closed.

It was me and him now.

He punched me on my cheek. He's way too powerful due to serum of course. I fell hard on ground.

He then lifted me up by my hair and again slapped me. I cried in pain. But he didn't stopped. He kept hitting me. In stomach. In my back. My legs. My arms.

After a kick on my stomach, I fell on ground vomiting out blood. Everything felt blurred. I think I'm about to pass out.

He towered above my completely injured body, and held me by my neck. I started choking. I grabbed his hand and stared in his blue eyes.

He in turn, stared in mine. And realized something.

He felt ashamed of what he did. I can see it as tears grew in his eyes. His grip on my neck loosened and he started pretending to choke me in front of them. As he's following orders.

"Eto vse. My yeye privetstvovali."

"That's all. We gave her a good welcome." He said.

He got up and left the cage. I coughed and coughed until i caught breathe. I gave a muffled cry. Every part of my body is bleeding. I lay down on the pool of my blood looking upward. I could see stars from a small window at roof.
Daddy where are you???
Are you seeing this mommy???
Your one bad decision brought me here.
My vision was getting more and more blurred. In a moment, I passed out.

"Where do we go when we die???"
He looked at me in shock. We both were lying down on grass, stargazing. But after my question, daddy is gazing me now.
"What happened birdie? Why did you asked this question ???"
"I've been thinking about it. Where did grandma and mommy go after they died??? Did their soul went to heaven??? Or they became one of these shiny stars???" I asked looking at him.
"I ... I don't know Sparkles. I've no idea. The only thing I know is that they are in better place now. Maybe they went to heaven. Maybe they became stars." He shrugged.
"But I want you to have your own believes. Believing is a good thing."
He said looking in my eyes.
I gave him a soft smile.
"And stop thinking about serious stuff. You look like 6 years old but talk like an 50 year old woman."

I giggled.

"It's dinner time Daddy." After a moment I said.
"There should be someone to take my birdie inside." He said making a serious face.

"Daddy, I can walk." I made up a fake serious face.
"You know what??? You got it. Plus stop making that face." He burst into laughter. I chuckled too seeing him laughing.
"I got what???" I inquired.
"A horsey." He exclaimed making a horse of himself.

"Oh my God!!! " I can't help myself laughing at him.
"What??? Am I a ugly horsey???" He asked smilingly.
"You are the prettiest horsey I've ever seen." I said sitting at his back.

"Oh my God!!!! My eyes!!! What am I seeing???" Rhodey said coming at us laughing.

"Hey platypus, wanna join your buddy horsey." Daddy said.

"Now I can say that I've seen everything in life. Tony Stark becoming a horsey for his kid!!!!"

"Whatever!!!" Daddy scoffed.
I chuckled.

" I want a ride of this horsey too. C'mon El give me some space too!"

"No, only authorized person can ride this horsey. This horsey is very special." Daddy said in a mocking tone.

Rhodey sat with me and then we all fell on grass laughing at each other.

I woke up, as someone threw a bucket of cold water on me. A guard shoved my almost lifeless body and took me to another room. I was thrown on a bed having a lamp above on it. A man who looked like a doctor attached a cannula in my right arm attached to some IV fluid.

After half an hour, the IV bag was empty, but as the serum entered my system I felt my body burning. This pain is the worst. So much worse than winter soldier beating me. I started screaming and crying. This is unbearable. Another soldier took me to another room. Tied me with belts on a bed.

"PLZ HELP ME!!! IT IS KILLING ME!!!!" I shouted.

He left the room.

With passing time, this pain became more and more unbearable. I screamed. I shouted for hours but no one came.

After some days, I grew habitual of it. This pain doesn't hurts me anymore. All I feel is aggression, coursing through my veins right now. I want to kill all of them. The door finally opens and as the guard tried to enter room I pushed him away. He tried to stop me but this time I picked him up and slammed him on wall like slamming a water bottle on wall. The serum has showing it's effects. I ran outside and he was standing.

Winter Soldier.

This time I punched him on face. He fell on ground. Before I hit him again, he stood up, held my neck with his metal arm, and forcefully took me to some other room. They confined me on a metal chair. A doctor adjusted something in my teeth. Then winter soldier came near me and bend my neck forcefully backward. A strange metallic thing suddenly covered both sides of my head. They gave me electric shocks. But I felt it throughout my whole body. I screamed and shouted with pain.

After all of this was over. I remembered nothing. Not even who I am.

I heard a voice saying:

"You'll be the new fist of HYDRA."

"You'll assist our Winter Soldier in his missions until you are not fully trained. Everyone will be terrified of you both."

"The Winter Soldier and his....."

"Dark Phantom"

Hello everyone!!!

Did you guys enjoyed the chapter? This chapter was really really tough for me to write. I went through real pain writing this one. I just hope you all liked it. Do vote and give me your feedback in the comment section. Thank you so so much for all the love you guys are showing. It means a lot to me. Have a blessed day!!! :)

Plus I just saw that Endgame deleted scene of Tony's death and I'm .....

I just....

I can't ..... I'm a mess rn.

I'm literally crying right now....... Can't Marvel just kill me once.... </3

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