🔳Sweet🔲 Dreams🔳

By d_nim20

11.9K 317 95

♦️Played♦️ ♠️Deceived♠️ ♣️Betrayed♣️ In a blink of an eye, everything he had ever held shattered before him... More

Scene one
Scene two
Hidden scene 1
Scene four

Scene three

2.1K 59 4
By d_nim20

"Still no sign of him?"

The guards behind him shook, heads hung facing the floor at their failure to find the missing shield hero. Disappointment was obvious upon the bow hero before them. "Keep searching, the Queen is doing her best to keep Siltvet at bay." They nodded, with a respectful bow they left Itsuki to his own thoughts, staring at the beautiful scenery the balcony offered.

'Breathe in Itsuki. Nothing could get worse than-'

Steps moved towards him in a stammering manner, he knew that, Ren had something to tell him. "The mages sensed a massive use of magic towards North from here," he pointed. But the only place that lead to were the forest that had no path nor routes. 'Another dead end then?' . "We should start there." His green eyes followed his sigh, "Ren, that leads to nowhere. Not even a town." Rebutting, Ren confirmed that was their destination, their only clue to finding wherever the hell Naofumi was. It had been a dead strict demand from the Queen that they were to find him as soon as possible. They didn't have time to wait around for clues that who knows will surface or not. His impatience boiled, black gloves clenched into fists as his brows knitted together, but he tried to maintain a calm toned voice.

"That's where we're going. We surveyed the Ghost Town and the only thing we found were his belongings. He's unarmed and unequipped for battle out there. He might even be dead-"

"Shhh shhhh shhh! Are you insane?! Don't say things like that! Shadows are hearing and watching out every move" He ushered in a vivid and clear instruction. True, the Queen's personal spies had their eyes on them but if anybody from Siltvet knew they might have to face other problems.

The world knew how the Four Cardinal Heroes had different -objectifying- opinions ever since they were summoned and had resulted in the worst conflicts. Sadly, the world didn't know of any of their progress of overcoming such problems. 'See the bad in good but never see the good in bad' or however they put it. The aim was to not bring up more trouble than what they're worth. Like how Itsuki always was, a low profile was better in this case to avoid any sorts of rumours.

Itsuki had imagined multiple accusations the demi-human's country probably had of them. There had been multiple witnesses when the abduction happened, anything was possible by now.

'Three Cardinal Heroes Allow the Death of The Saint Shield Hero'

Articles of that would be everywhere, the minute if said hero were confirmed dead. With their background, such story would make a hit and every demi-human in that country would believe every word. Thus, they'll be after their heads. Itsuki had no doubt of that!

With whatever paragraphs of miss-directed hate aimed towards them, it was better to think beyond this and focus on finding Naofumi... Before the Bow heroes nightmares came true.

"Gee I knew you hated criticism but-" he received a shocking dead eyed glare from his shorter friend. "Uh... but yeah... we really should get a move on before any of that happens." Itsuki had a hero complex, everybody with a conscious mind knew that. "Motoyasu is gathering the others, we'll journey off after the sun sets." Once he had made his point, he turned to make his leave and start preparing.

Before he reached the handle of the balcony's entrance, he paused when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Everything will eventually work out... right?" Ren detected the hint of worry in his voice, right now, it was hard to tell wether or not Itsuki was worried more about his own reputation or Naofumi. Whatever it was, it wasn't right to condemn him for his own sense of wariness. The dark haired hero turned to face his friend, a small reassuring smile on his light features. One hand over the other, "it's the four of us or none. We'll find him, Itsuki."

The latter had put up a bit of a defensive gesture from the sword hero's reassurance. A flustered kind of defence, "Ju-just don't say does kinds of things anymore. It's bad omen."

"Okay, okay-"

"So! Are you two done bonding or what?" Came the loud interruption, making them turn towards the source. Itsuki shot the womaniser an offending glare as he came in unannounced, 'Damnit Motoyasu!' . Ren calmly walked over to said blonde and ask about any progress on their search. Unfortunately, what the mages had sensed was the last trace they had. If they want to find anymore clues, it's best to move.

The sun had set awhile ago, inky night covered every surface unsetteried by light. "It's now or never. Raphtalia-chan, Filo-chan are waiting by the halls. Let's go." Motoyasu turned towards the exit and the other two followed.

"Onee-san, we'll find Master soon. Right?" Filo was becoming restless while waiting in the halls with Raphtalia. 'What was taking spear guy so long?!'

"Of course we will, Naofumi, just wait for us. We're coming!"

Beyond their sight and vision, a certain redhead had her own plans to ensure their failure were locked and keyed. So focus with finding Naofumi, that damned shield devil, they forgot the thorn on their side. "Now, how should I make you suffer this time, Naofumi~?".


'What the hell?'

Falling, he remembered how gravity took its course and pushed him into the raw surface of the sea. Water covered everything and eventually his own vision blurred. He recalled, chocking on the salty water that entered his channels then he blacked out. However, this time, he was fully aware that he was still falling just slowly this time and he was not in mid air. Rather, it was more suited to be called drowning but he didn't taste anything nor feel anything wet on his skin. Eventually, he laid on what it seemed like the surface of the sea. And everything was cold.

'Was anybody there?'

'Would someone one day find him here?'

'Will he be able to save himself this time?'

'I'm tired,' he thought but despite this icy coldness, it wasn't half bad, whatever this place was it had quite a view down below. The aqua around, reminded him of an aquarium he once visited with his younger brother. "Say Nii-san, this kinda reminds me of that anime, Princess Jellyfish."

Right, that romcom that's been airing recently. It was entertaining, Naofumi admitted, unfortunately it didn't fit his taste of genre. But since his brother enjoyed it, they might as well binge it together when they get back. "Don't you have a quiz tomorrow?" He nudged the blonde's side, in a teasing tone he reminded the star student of his responsibilities.

"Screw the quiz! Let's just binge it."

'Whatever you say, you brainiac'

What a memory, was he dying? He missed the times he had with his brother. Somedays, he wants to see his parents again but... there was no way he will now, right? However, the real question was; was this really what death felt like? So calm, so cold, so alone-


"Naofumi! Damn it, take cover, Therese!" Close, that voice was too close and-

His eyes shot open, along with his senses all coming back to him. Stone, he was on the a hard and rocky surface, laying and when he turned his head- L'Arc. 'What was he doing here? Where the hell am l? Raph-' his thoughts were interrupted by a terrifying howl that rumbled through eardrums. In instinct, he covered them as he tried to stand up.

Sluggish, his body felt limp but luckily he could still move and his shield- still attached to his right arm, remained inert in its simplest form. Trembling, he forced his legs to stand straight as his arms felt the simultaneous strain. 'This wasn't good, there's a monster and-'

A blast of light caught his attention, "Naofumi-san, take cover!" He noticed that he had absolutely no armour on, just the simple attire he wore under it is all with his shield.

The monster they were facing was a dog-type giant, sharp fangs to match its deathly red eyes. It's dark fur stood up as it charged towards L'Arc, who swiftly blacked it. Raphtalia wasn't with him, he had no form to attack the beast with. Unless...

The hound was about to charge once more and it was running straight at them. Then he noted something, if he helped them will they kill him right away? No, there were tons of questions he had; he'll ask them later, if they let him live long enough. There were no signs of Glass, good.

"[Air Strike Shield]!" Solid green shield made of energy appeared over L'Arc, just before the hound could ram him. Crashing into the shield, giving L'Arc enough time to dash behind it and- Slash! Defeated, the short battle was over and Naofumi felt like he was intruding, maybe he should. "Thanks, kiddo!" Shit.

He had his back turned, this was not good. Danger! Danger! Danger! Enemy alert and he was their target. His stomach churn at the thought of 'so how were they planning to kill him?' Such mindset was stirred when the blue haired maiden approached him. "Eh? Naofumi-san, are you alright? Your face is-" he stepped back right into the other adventurer. "A bit blue, kiddo" L'Arc cheerfully voiced, behind him. Fuck.

Naofumi took a few steps to a side, creating more distance between them. That's when he took full breath of their surroundings. The only source of light illuminating them from complete darkness were the glowing crystals above them. A cave? "Hey, What's the meaning of this?!" Shield up, and taking more steps back. 'Raphtalia and Filo aren't here' He started thinking of a plan of escape.

"Nothing you have to think about, Shield Hero." L'Arc had started. "It's not like you have a lot of options here." He couldn't grasp most of the context the redhead was saying, his head still wasn't so clear after just waking up in a cave. And to an attacking beast, might he add. He was also confident that not all of his energy had restored. Glancing up, he was right. Plus, none of his party members were in range. He was alone.

"What do you mean by that?!" He urged, frustrated that his questions weren't given answers. Green eyes locked onto the two in front of him, boring misplaced anger and confusion. "Woah, woah. Relax kid-"

"Where are the others?!"

L'Arc's eyes rose from his nonchalant expression to a rather sickened one, his sudden turn of mood caught Naofumi off guard. Or more so getting him more defensive. "We could care less about what happened to the others." Malice, their lives had meant nothing to him. It didn't matter if this whole world burnt to the ground. Based on first hand experience, Naofumi used to think similarly as well. "So we didn't bother to see what happened after-" Therese nudged his sides, cracking him out of the serious tone that had started to run ice down the other man's spine.

'Memories, they make you weak!' The horrid growl made the shield hero take a few steps back.

"L'Arc! That's no way of asking for anyone's assistance!" Therese scolded, hands on hip as she gave L'Arc a knitted look. Assistances? What were these two blabbering about? "What are you two-"

"Oh come on kiddo. I know that you're smarter than the that!" Said scythe wielded, was starting to get onto Naofumi's nerves. "You still haven't answered my question? My friends?!"

He received a sour look from L'Arc at the mention of his allies, a saddened one from Therese. He still didn't know why though. "Rest assure that, we did no harm to the people we've left behind. All we ask of you is your cooperation." She told him in a calm and gentle manner as if she were assigning a quest. But-

"And what if I refuse?!" He urged, dissatisfaction was clear on both his features and tone. Yet, none of that mattered to them. A cat like grin stretched upon L'Arc's sharp face, "Simple, you'll die." His defences rose, evolving into using a higher levelled shield. A sharp glare met his opponent's red ones.

A grin still glued to his face, he had already planned everything out before Naofumi was even conscious. Naofumi did not have the upper hand this time, one wrong move and it's over. "You see this cave? You were out for a pretty long time and we're already in deep. The beast we just defeated, you'll run into a dozen more if you turn back." He knew. He knew that Naofumi can't hold off that many on his own. He knew that Naofumi couldn't do a lot of damage to his opponents if it didn't meant draining himself first. He knew that... Naofumi was worthless without his allies. Alone again, huh?

"Get to your point already!" Tired, he was sick of being looked down upon. Especially since he was at the end of the ropes to this 'negotiation', if he could even call it that. "I want to form a temporary alliance with you, and since I knew you'd be uh... difficult, I had to take farther measure." That desperate, Naofumi couldn't see any of this benefitting him. L'Arc had taken the right measures but, why him? "It's because-". Therese took over, "You see, there's an item that we have to retrieve here but it seems to be sealed by the previous legendary heroes."

'So they need me to unseal it. Then what?' A far memory that he kept at the back of his mind started resurfacing.

'The only way to save our world, is for you to die'

'They'll kill me, for sure.' That item was probably just a triumph thing. They weren't that desperate to have it, all that mattered was killing two birds with one stone or at least gaining one from this rubbish quest. If Naofumi agreed, they'd have what they wanted and he's open for them later. And if he doesn't, he won't make it out of this cave alive. ' A dozen, huh?'

This cave seemed very massive form a far cry, maybe he'll find a way out of here somehow around those two. He grunted, "Fine, What happens after the seal is removed?" Escape alive, that was his main priority and everything else can wait later. L'Arc gave him a petty glance as he turned and expected Naofumi to just follow, "We'll see how everything plays out, Naofumi." Never once he thought that hearing his name could send an ominous nerve through his veins. 'L'Arc, what a dangerous person so be enemies with'.

Reluctantly, he followed. Knowingly, he knew he wouldn't last long if he went back alone deeming the redhead's words were true. "You don't have to do any of the fighting, we'll handle it." Therese nodded to this, "Right. We need you because you have the shield. Not because you wield it." He glanced at the small shield stuck on his right arm, 'Are we really that weak compared to them?' However, were they so confident in their abilities that the hero was less than useless in this case?

"Don't take any offence to that, kiddo. It's just that... we're already asking so much from you." L'Arc had gotten to close for personal space -like always- and too close for comfort. From all the threats and brutal things he's said to him, now you're feeling sympathetic? 'What the hell is wrong with you?!' Naofumi shoved him away, quietly he walked faster before he resulted with his emotions. Exploited, the last thing he ever wanted happening. What next?


It wasn't long before they ran into another wave of monsters. All having higher levels than any average beast, that would bite off the head of any foolish adventurer who would come here unprepared. "Naofumi! Protect yourself!" He did, creating all sorts of defence from any attack coming his way. Though, with the lack of armour he still felt the impulsive forces the shield couldn't protect him from. Maybe it was natural hero reflexes that whenever L'Arc or Therese were close to getting pummelled, a shield would appear in a snap. Eventually, he fell off his own defence.

Luckily, the battle had ended shortly after he did. Seeing the shield hero had fallen, L'Arc took the decency to offer a hand. Which had been instantly slapped away, 'Naofumi's not in the mood'. He frowned as he saw Therese struggling to heal Naofumi who rejected any form of assistance.


Naofumi saw absolutely no openings to escape . This cave seem to be well thorough with not many holes he could crawl into. L'Arc and Therese had their eyes on the back of their heads, one odd step and they'd turn. But then he heard cracking-


Rumbling started and it came from above as they realised giant bundles of heavy rocks were rolling their way. "Watch out!" He tried to use his shield to prevent them from receiving any damage, resulting in him absorbing most of the force. "Naofumi!" He collapsed, going down from knees until his whole body was on the cold stone floor. Surprisingly, he accidentally pushed himself too far though this never happened when he was with his party. Vision started to blur, but he felt arms hold him after he fell. 'Raphtalia'- "I got you, kiddo. Hopefully we don't run into anything like that anymore." Slowly, voices started dissipating as everything went dark. 'Maybe I should rest for awhile'.

"Poor thing. I feel sorry for what we're putting him through." Therese expressed her sympathy towards the unconscious man they had forced to cooperate. L'Arc leaned Naofumi's head close to his chest as he heaved the lad to journey forth their quest. "That's the shield hero for you. Nothing like the outrageous rumours we heard." He sighed at the unaccounted information they received about said hero in his arms. Taking a closer look, there were definitely dark circles under his eyes that were obviously noticeable on his ghostly pale skin.

"He still thinks we're going to kill him after this." Therese said, a hint of sadness in her voice that L'Arc knew clearly was because of the time they spent before that wave. Naofumi had been cautious around them but he still played his part as the shielder in a party. Very aware that if anything happens to them, he'll face trouble twice as difficult alone. "Isn't that our goal? To save our world." L'Arc glanced at her then at the unconscious figure he was carrying. "Say Therese, is it just me or does kiddo here look kinda thin?" Throughout their whole journey to and through the cave, L'Arc found no difficulty in carrying any of Naofumi's weight. Therese had turned back to examine Naofumi's unconscious body, by lightly placing her hand behind his neck with a dim light radiating from it. Once she was done, her attention went back to L'Arc who was curious... or was that worry?

"He doesn't seem to have achieved the average weight for someone around his age." She placed a thumb under her chin while she tried to explain in a way L'Arc could understand.

"How old was he again?"

"20, in a few months maybe 21."

This somehow caught the redhead silly, '20 huh? That's four years younger than me.' Falsely, he had assumed Naofumi to be a bit more younger than him when they had first met but they were fairly close to age at this point. 'Sorta explains his distaste of me calling him 'kiddo''. "His diet seems unstable, lack of several elements. Did something happened during his time in Melromarc?" The information they initially had couldn't be trusted, so it was best to wait for further answers once Naofumi had really woken up. "Well, let him rest for now-"

"Could it be, L'Arc that... he's being mistreated by the people there?"

That somehow didn't fit the description of being a hero -L'Arc and Therese would know for a fact- fighting for their country- no world. Especially with Naofumi being as he was, kind -when he wanted to- and negotiable. Why would the country he was from treat him badly -the only hero L'Arc and both Therese and Glass acknowledged?

An unfamiliar feeling had boiled in him at the thought of the things this kid was put through outside his knowing. Abuse wasn't a stranger where he came from and it was dealt with heavily and strictly -he made sure of that- . Yet, he felt sick to the stomach and stranded. What could he possibly do? When he himself had a goal to take his life. It wasn't in his rights but-

Therese saw the conflicted look L'Arc had given as he stared down at Naofumi. This wasn't about eliminating the shield hero anymore, a person -a hero- was being mistreated and they had no power to do anything. She was starting to feel the same mix of emotions. "What are you planning to do, L'Arc?"

They were nearly arriving at their destination and L'Arc debated wether or not he should wake the sleeping hero. After all, this was what they brought him here for and then... 'Then what?' He gently shook him until he stirred awake. Still a bit groggy, faint green eyes opened as he mumbled something. "Yuu?"

'Yuu? Who's that?' He wondered but decided not to ask. "Naofumi, wake up."

Once he was fully conscious or at least awake enough to stand on his own, Therese had lead him to some rough cleaved part of the cave. Dashes of light slipped through the cracks but it seemed to be contained by some kind of magic. "As you're aware, gems are my specialty but this seal" She lightly touched the cracks which reflected by stinging her with a jolt of sparks, "won't allow me to go any further." Naofumi took a careful look at the cracks, his screen wasn't able to identify what it was so he concluded that it was just a high level type of magic. "Why do you want to free something this powerful?" He didn't have an image of them being power hungry, they were already roughly strong for Naofumi and his party to handle alone.

"These gems, something like them with no owner nor purpose would only be missed used if placed in the wrong hands." She explained. "So you think they're better off in yours?" 'This meant helping them get even stronger' "I don't plan to misuse them" she said sternly. Having not much of a choice, he knew where his options laid. Caressing the stone surface, he examined whatever he could do to break the seal. Surprisingly, an option came up 'the heart that will always guide you' what ever the hell that meant. 'Opt to release?' 'granted'

A burst of light blinded them as soon as the request was granted. The cracks were no longer glowing and instead placed in Therese's hands was a pendent. "All that trouble for a pendent" he started down at the object and questioned why such a trivial thing needed a seal. 'Were the old heroes that paranoid?'

"It's not like were knew what we were getting, right Therese?" He said in a nonchalant tone that his blue haired companion nodded to, still mesmerised by the jewellery she received. As if at instinct, she swiftly grabbed the shield hero's hand and started thanking him like before. "It's so beautiful! We couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much!" Naofumi awkwardly stepped back from the strange nostalgia. "The exit's up north, let's go."

Naofumi tailed behind them as he felt himself drained. Maybe from removing the seal? 'How troublesome but-' A look at Therese washed away such thoughts, he made her happy and she did promise to not miss use it... Wait, was using it on him counted as misusing? Through his train of dilemma, was stopped when a hand had reached out towards him, assuring him to grab hold so L'Arc could pull him out of the small hole. 'Reminds me so much of Alice in Wonderland, just without the rabbit.' Once he was heaved up, he was finally bathed in the light of day. Was it morning? The afternoon?

However, now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. He failed to escape, ended up helping them retrieve some sacred pendent and now they were done with him. He felt his stomach sink in. Only an idiot would think about fighting them two-on-one and for another reason was that he didn't have offensive abilities. Added, not a lot of energy left either. Running would be the only option then. They were starting down at him, he knew those eyes. Once they got what they wanted, he was good as dead to them. He believed- no knew that better than anyone else. "Listen Nao-" Just as he was about to make a quick run for it with whatever strength he had left, his path was blocked by pointy crystals that created a wall in his way. Trapped, his heart dropped, like that time they had him-. Adrenaline started pumping rapidly as he was reminded that this all happened before. And many times after. A horrifying surge of memories made him cough his breath, an enemy was right there and he was having this now? Damn it all!

'{there is nobody to trust

All they ever do is hurt you}'

L'Arc had gotten close as he noticed Naofumi struggling with himself. "Naofumi". "Get away from me!" He shouted, catching the other half-off guard. The lad had never been one to raise such flare like this other than when he was using that shield. But no, this wasn't for that reason at all. Last time he faced that cursed shield, it was full of wrath and rage but beside that, could it also be filled with pain from its user? He hadn't been that cautious since Naofumi was down and his shield hadn't transformed into any shape , yet the same cursed flame still burst in front of him. A warning to stay away from its user but L'Arc wasn't having it.

Nobody deserves to face this kind of hatred alone. "L'Arc watch out" Therese warned, the flames were closing in. Naofumi was holding himself, all alone. That was the source of this burning hatred. That should've hurt more. "He's scared, Therese. Nobody he trusts is here." She gave him a look, he sounded like he had a plan. "Then, what do you suppose we do?"

"Just be there"

These flames of hatred stung, but he kept walking through until he reached the young shield hero and kneeled to his level. Naofumi intended to jolt back, surprised that L'Arc managed to go through the fire, but more surprises came after the other. Held tightly in strong warm arms that suppressed the heat of hatred around them. A sincere hold meant to usher a person with contentment, reassurance and safety. This wasn't right, though he tried to release himself out of the locking hold he still failed.

"What is it with you?! I told you to go away! Get lost! Leave me alone!" He cried, and that only made the one holding him tightened. Still,there should be no point to this he thought it was all just a meaningless delusion, a trap. Resisting, he fought against the hold. "Let me go!" Hitting and kicking aimlessly while he heard the ushers L'Arc whispered into his ears.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Repeatedly, he ushered in a soft voice despite all the assault the raven he held gave him. "I-I hate this so much"

Until, the other ran out of spite and the flames died down. Therese came running over to check on L'Arc's wounds but the redhead was still holding him as he heard series of sniffles. The mage, saw how hot streams of tears went down each of the hero's cheeks and how her redheaded friend only but caressed his messy black hair down all the while letting him dry his tears when he pulled him against his chest. Whispering sweet nothings to calm him down.


The sound of thunder had the mage tilt up as she felt drops of liquid fall onto her fair features. Rain. Not long it started pouring but the two before her were still in the same position they were in before. "L'Arc, maybe we should find an inn or something." A nod was all it took. He still hadn't let the hero go, just carrying him out of the rain as he followed suit with Therese's directing. They found a small village and rented a room in an inn to stay for the night.

With the abundant use of energy, Naofumi had again gone out cold earlier. Since his equipment were the ones that helped him enhance his physical durability, without them he was easily drained. Even the shield mercilessly took a lot of his mana. "I've been asking you this for awhile now, L'Arc. What now?"

"This world" she noted that his calm and patient demeanour from before had slithered away. Replacing it was a grim and awful one, tone now deep and upset , "doesn't deserve him". Resting on the bed was none other than the missing shield hero, sleeping peacefully under the warmth of the blankets with one hand out being held protectively by the scythe hero. The grip tightened but not enough to wake Naofumi. Lightly, she pressed a hand onto the other's shoulder and repeated, "what now, L'Arc?"

His mind was made up, Therese could see it in his face. Not having to worry since he knew she would've agreed anyways, "Then it's final, Naofumi will-"



"The weather sure is heavy today, huh?" Commented the Spear hero as he assisted in arrangements for camp. They've successfully made shelter under a short hill that was fortunately hollow and spacious enough to fit all four parties. After searching high and low, they reached a dead end around every crack in this no-road-forest. "I miss Master's cooking" pouted the young filolial queen when she sipped in her part of the stew. Seeing Filo like this had Motoyasu a bit down as well knowing how bad it feels when someone that meant so much being taken away so quickly. 'Maybe I should consult-'

A peering eye caught his attention as it tried to get away, "Myne, where are you going?" With the air being this heavy, it wasn't wise to be separated without a solid reason. "I'm just going to the nearest village, Motoyasu-sama. You know, to gather information about the shield hero's whereabouts." She said sweetly, in the same tone she used to trick and manipulate everyone, including him. But 'doubting her in these moments seems unreasonable'. "You're going alone? I think you should take someone with you." Easily, he said a word of advice he hoped would pass through. Hopefully, she took it. "You're so kind and caring, Motoyasu-sama. Alright, I'll ask anyone here to accompany me. No need to worry about me." She turned, her red hair bouncing as she exited their hideout. 'Ah, what am I supposed to do with her?'

"Everybody!" That voice, Raphtalia and her party had returned and requested everyone to gather. Itsuki was eager to share the information they had, almost unable to convey how relieved he was. "A few miles North from here before the storm even started, there had been a huge red flash coming down." 'A huge red flash?! But that's-' "Naofumi-sama's cursed series, I recognised it anywhere." Raphatlia confirmed.

Then Ren spoke up, "We've got no time to lose. We should pack up and head North." Hurriedly, the others began collecting their things to go. "This is bad. Naofumi-sama doesn't have Fitoria's enchantments. He'll be exposed to the curse." She ruffled her already soaked head, thinking about her master and how he might not survive... or worse. Motoyasu put up the decency to offer her a towel and tried to lighten the mood. "Naofumi's used it before, hasn't he? I'm sure he'll be fine." Both Ren and Itsuki dejected that statement.

"He's been striped of all his armour, remember?"

"Who knows what that curse might do to him bare."

"You guys, you're making Raphatlia more upset and worried."

"It's the truth though, the more reason we should fasten our steps"

They left to their respective parties to help them finish quicker. "I'm sorry about them, Raphatlia." She shook, a faint smile on her lips. "It's okay, they're trying their best as well. You too"


"This better not be a scam, you old hag." She had left behind her other party member the moment she had the chance and ran straight towards the black market she knew of. "Now, explain to me again how this spell works."

The witch sighed at such horrendous attitude of the former princess. "First, you have your target consume this." With warty hands she held up a magenta coloured material. 'Wouldn't be a problem since that devil's shield would absorb anything.' The witch continued, "Their heart will eventually fade from their body and into this bottle leaving an empty shell behind." She held up a small well made glass bottle that's shaped as a crystal, small enough to be a pendent. Myne tied it around her neck. A satisfied smile plastered on her face.

"Might I warn you, there will be after effects of this spell."

"That's none of my concern." Naofumi, I truly hope you're ready for true despair.


To my fellow readers;

I offer my sincerest apologies for the delay. As an apology, I made sure this chapter was twice as long... I hope that's okay😅

Tell me if you think the story is progressing well. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm open for ideas too so don't be afraid to leave a review

Oh and check out another ROTSH book I'm setting up called Daily Lives of the Four Cardinal Heroes . It will be a collection of one shots and potential ideas.

I encourage the community to write and give out their thoughts as long as they don't overstep boundaries.

Chill and enjoy what you do.

That's all from me, peach .

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