Twisted Souls || Michael Lang...

Από HouseofLangdon

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"He was consumed with darkness and I was his anchor, tethering him to the light." ~A story where two souls di... Περισσότερα

Chapter One: Curiosity Killed The Cat
Chapter Two: Walmart Employee
Chapter Three: Coffee, Cake, and Chances
Chapter Four: Edward Cullen, Who?
Chapter Five: Old Hag
Chapter Six: Is This A Scam?
Chapter Seven: The Alpha
Chapter Eight: The Drop of Death
Chapter Nine: Innocent Souls
Chapter Ten: Bad Ideas
Chapter Eleven: No Shit, Sherlock
Chapter Twelve: Human Glow Stick
Chapter Thirteen: Failure
Chapter Fourteen: Code Blue
Chapter Fifteen: The War
Chapter Sixteen: Bella Fucking Swan
Chapter Seventeen: Black Friday Shopping
Chapter Eighteen: To Hell and Back
Chapter Nineteen: Flowers and Skirts
Chapter Twenty: Area 51
Chapter Twenty-Two: Blood On Her Hands
Chapter Twenty-Three: When Blue Eyes Met Green
Chapter Twenty-Four: Bingo
Chapter Twenty-Five: Muddled Minds
Chapter Twenty-Six: Bad in Bed
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Best Flavor
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Burgers and Fries
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Sweet
Announcement: Feedback is appreciated!
Chapter Thirty: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Thirty- One: Havoc

Chapter Twenty-One: Goldilocks

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Από HouseofLangdon

"Nick, we talked about this." I sighed, saddened by the sight before me. My patient, Nicholas Bishop, cradled his head in his large hands. Eyes were clenched shut with frustration as he groaned. "You're not supposed to torment yourself by checking up on Angie."

Nick struggled with schizophrenia, as well as his extreme mood swings. When he and Angie were still dating, she was the one who brought him down to a stable level whenever he was drowning in his sorrow or burning with rage. However, when she ended their five year relationship two weeks ago, things went downhill for Nick.

"I can't help it." He sobbed and I reached over, giving him a box of tissues. The offering was taken from my grasp and Nick swiped at his tears before crushing the tissue in his palm. "I don't understand how she can be so happy, while I'm here... Like this."

"People move on differently, Nick, and checking her social media accounts isn't going to help you with that process." I clucked, leaning back in my chair. "You need to focus on what's good for you. Angie isn't included in that anymore. She is causing more harm than good."

"But I need her in my life!" He cried out. "She kept me grounded. Angie made all the monsters go away, but ever since she left me, they keep taunting me!"

A frown shadowed my lips as I noted that his visions were back. "You want her, but you don't need her. There's a difference and you need to realize that."

Nick lifted his head and stared at me, an empty haze clouding his pupils. His nose was red from crying, cheeks dampened by his tears.

"She was... is... my world. I love her." Nick whispered.

"Angie may be your world, Nick, but you are the universe. You control your life, destiny, everything. Not Angie." My voice carried the words in a leveled tone, knowing showing too much emotion wasn't professional. "It's okay to love and be loved. However, it isn't worth it anymore when you are being hurt in the process."

"It is also important to remember that before you begin to fall in love with someone, you have to love yourself first." I continued. "You have to make sure you are the best, happiest version of yourself before you start worrying about anyone else."

Nodding his head, Nick swiped at his nose, green eyes glistening with the tears brimming his eyes. Sunlight poured through the glass windows of my office and shone against Nick's black spiked hair. I adjusted the sleeves of my sapphire blazer, which blanketed my white collared blouse, before standing up. Nick, understanding that his session was ending, mirrored my actions.

"Okay, Nick, I'll see you in two days." A warm smile graced my red-tinted lips. "However, feel free to reach me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Estella." He grinned, a crack amongst his surface of sorrow.

"Also, I want you to stop checking in on Angie. Instead, go spend time with your friends or practice playing the guitar. Remember how much you enjoyed writing music?" Nick chuckled at the memory and agreed to follow my instructions.

I ushered him to the door and waved goodbye as he walked down the hall. Eyes glanced over the digital clock on my bookshelf and I grinned, knowing that my day at work has ended.

Time to go!

With my bag's handles cradled within the crook of my elbow, I strolled out of my office, files in hand. A quick wave was thrown towards the secretaries at the front desk and David, who was bluntly flirting with them all. He sent me a playful wink and I rolled my eyes at his actions before giving him a friendly smile.

Just as I got into my Mini Cooper and started the engine, my cellphone rang. I connected the device to my car's bluetooth before answering the call.

"Hello?" I asked, reversing carefully out of my parking spot. Round sunglasses were propped in front of my eyes, shielding them from the sun's intense glow.

"Estella! What are you doing right now?" Michael asked, his tone light with happiness. A giddy smile graced my own lips at the sound of his voice.

"I just got off work. What's up?"

"Do you want to hang out? No work, magic, or anything that has to do with our powers allowed. Just us being...." He grew silent as he attempted to think of the perfect word to describe his plan.

"Normal?" I offered, earning a melodic chuckle from the blue-eyed man.

"Well, as normal as we can be at least."

"I'd love to hang out! Today's shift felt longer than usual and all I want to do is just relax." A sigh left my lungs at the idea. Disappointment enveloped me when I remembered my obligations for the day. "But I can't. I have to go grocery shopping! I barely have any food at the house."

"I can come with you! I mean-if you want me to?" His statement came out as an uncertain, sheepish question and I felt my heart burst with warmth at his shyness.

"Sure! I'll come by and pick you up, but I have to warn you: the place I shop at outside of the city. I get most of my groceries at organic markets." Heat painted my cheeks as I became embarrassed by my confession, expecting Michael to scoff at my preferences.

"I don't mind. Besides, it's great that you're into that kind of stuff. Ms. Mead doesn't believe me, but I'm pretty sure the fruits and vegetables we buy at the grocery stores are sprayed by cancerous chemicals." Michael explained and my eyes widened at his own revelation. "But, we're both alive and healthy, so maybe I'm wrong."

"Let's hope so." I chuckled, turning a corner. "I'll be at your house in twenty minutes."

"Can't wait!" He exclaimed cheerily before hanging up.

Neither can I.


"I swear, if you so much send an apple flying at that poor woman's head-" My mouth clamped shut when I saw Michael narrow his eyes at the vendor and I quickly grabbed his hand. "Michael Langdon! Let. It. Go."

"No! She's ripping you off! Six dollars for a pound of Granny Smith apples! That's a crime!" He hissed, his glare venomous. The old woman adjusted the straw hat displayed on her white curly hair, raising a brow at Michael. "And she had the audacity to give you the bruised ones too! If I hadn't noticed, you would be taking home overpriced, low quality fruit!"

I slapped my forehead in frustration, groaning at the scene unfolding in front of me. Michael's cheeks were red as a rose's petals, his beautiful pink lips curled in an angry scowl. A storm brewed within each of his blue irises and threatened to drown him within their wrath.

"Do you hear me, lady?! Your apples are wrinkly and probably extremely sour, just like you!" Michael spat and the vendor angrily threw one of her apples at him.

"Show some respect, little girl, and learn how to comb those curls of yours!" Her scratchy voice broke through the air in a shrill tone. "You look like Goldilocks before she took a badly needed bath!"

"That witch actually thinks I'm a girl, because of my hair." Shock briefly replaced the fury in Michael's eyes. "That's it! We'll see how tough she actually is once I light her booth on fire."

"Michael, she's practically blind, so her mistaking you as a girl is a mistake. Also, I doubt she chose those bruised apples on purpose. Do you see how she dressed herself?" I whispered, tugging him in the opposite direction.

Eyes glanced up and down the woman's outfit, which consisted of pink overalls over a polkadot, neon t-shirt and snow boots. "The poor woman can barely dress herself."

Noticing how his anger hasn't subsided, I sighed and tightened my hold on his hand. My thumb comfortingly brushed against his knuckles and I felt Michael gasp at the contact.

"I always buy from her, no matter the price, because her apples are the best in the state! They're perfect for apple pie or a simple snack." My voice came out soft as silk and quiet as the summer breeze. "I don't mind paying that much, really. Please let it go... For me?"

Michael's nostrils flared as he let out a deep breath before nodding his head. I took the opportunity to lead him away from the market. Grudgingly, he walked alongside me. Reusable grocery bags were held in his free hand as we strolled past the stalls, while our fingers were laced with one another.

"Okay, how do you feel about grabbing dinner before we head back home?" My mouth watered at the image of a steaming slice of pizza dancing in my head.

Michael hummed in satisfaction. "That sounds amazing. I saw this Italian café while we were driving here. We can stop by there, if you'd like?"

Just as I was about to answer, my phone rang. Giving Michael an apologetic smile, I retrieved the ringing device from my purse.


"Estella! I can't do it anymore!" Nick screamed in desperation and I felt my blood immediately run cold. "I-I can't live without her!"

Michael grabbed my elbow as I took a step back in shock, concern evident in his eyes.

"Nick... Listen to me, where are you right now?" My voice shook slightly as I tried to remain calm. Already, I was digging through my purse for my keys.

"At my apartment. Estella, I'm confused, I-I don't know want to do." He sobbed and the line crackled as he moved around on the other end. "Maybe it would be better if I..."

"No, Nick, stop. Don't think that way." Feet pounded against the concrete ground as I sprinted towards my car. Michael trailed behind, a confused look in his eyes. "I'm going to come see you, okay? We'll talk and help you get through this."

"The only way I ever got through anything was because of Angie, but now... Now that isn't possible." Nick hung up the phone right as I slid into the driver's seat. My eyes widened in panic and I quickly dialed 911, alerting the police on the current situation.

The engine purred to life and I sped out of the parking lot, hands clenching the wheel. I conversed with the emergency crew the entire drive, advising them not to provoke Nick to do anything that may trigger him. It was vital they waited for me to arrive, while making sure Nick was not harming himself.

Meanwhile, Michael stayed silent, only observing me through his long, thick lashes. There was a brief moment when he held my hand as he sensed my panic increase.

Finally, we arrived at Nick's apartment building. Outside, a police car and ambulance idled within the parking lot. I sprinted past them and up the multiple staircases that led to Nick's floor. Hands knocked vigorously on the metal door of his home, only for it to open up slightly, signaling that it was unlocked.

"Stay here." I instructed Michael, who had followed me upstairs. However, he shook his head stubbornly, determination clear on his features.

"I'm not leaving you alone, especially in a situation like this." Michael stated and I sighed. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I tiptoed through the doorframe.

A dimly lit living room greeted me, the blinds closed and the lamps exuding a haunting orange glow. A few feet away was the small kitchen space with its blinking ceiling lights.

"Nick? I'm here! Where are you?" Slowly, I walked past the two rooms and crept down a nearby hallway. The carpeted floors silenced my footsteps, but it felt as if the sound of my heart beating was echoing past the walls.

Michael and I reached a partially opened door where we heard heavy breathing. I held my hand out in a sign for Michael to wait. Taking a deep breath, I eased the door open all the way and stepped in.

"Oh, Nick." I frowned, saddened by the sight before me.

Nick was curled up in a ball at the edge of his bed as sobs tore through his chest like a storm. He shook violently with each breath, his pain evident through each tear.

"What happened?"

"I-I went to the coffee shop around the corner, because I w-wanted to feel like I was moving on. I wanted to do something normal." He explained in between puffs of air. "But, when I walked in, I saw Angie... She was holding another g-guy's hand and when she saw me... She turned away and kissed the guy on the cheek."

What a bitch.

"Nick, I'm sorry you had to see that. I don't know why Angie is acting like this, but you shouldn't torment yourself by focusing on what you saw." I inched closer to him and he looked up. His eyes were red and swollen while tears continued to stain his porcelain cheeks. "It isn't good for you."

"I don't care what's good for me!" He snapped and Michael barged in the room behind me with a frantic look in his eyes. Too consumed by his own agony, Nick didn't notice his presence. "What's the fucking point on trying to get better?!"

"Nick, stay with me, okay? Just breathe." My hands were held up cautiously. "You deserve to live a good life, where you're happy, even if it doesn't include Angie. Do you remember what we talked about the other day?"

"What else makes me happy?"

"Yes! What did you say? Can you tell me that?"

"Going to the movies with my f-friends, having dinner with my p-parents, and the smell of coffee in the morning." He blinked numbly.

"And there's plenty more things that make you happy. There will be people and situations in life that will try to bring you down, but those things, they will raise you back up even higher." I was a foot away from him now. Nick slowly sat up from his spot, long legs dangling off the bed while his hands stayed behind his frame.

"It isn't enough. It will never be enough!" Nick screamed, but I didn't even flinch.

"Estella..." Michael called out my name. A hint of fear and worry could be detected underneath his strong voice.

Nick let out a tormented scream, the sound shredding his vocal chords and the air. "Angie was my everything! She defined happiness for me! Nothing can measure up to her!"


"No! You should've seen the way she looked at me, Estella! It was as if I was a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe!" He exclaimed, eyes wild with frenzy. Sweat beaded his face and neck, mixing in with his salty tears. "It was as if I was nothing.... Maybe I am nothing..."

"No, you are not nothing." I said urgently. "Everyone means something to somebody."

"Just leave me alone, Estella. It was a mistake calling you." He growled, but I stood my ground. "I said leave me alone! Are you deaf!? I don't want anymore help! Now get out!"

"I'm not leaving." Something flashed in his eyes, triggering the release of his anger.

"That's exactly what Angie told me and look at what she did! Angie lied to me! She left me and that is exactly what you're going to do one day! You two are the same!" Nick's hand darted out in front of him and grabbed my wrists, violently pulling me towards him. He spun me around and forced me to face Michael, who had a look of utter horror on his face. "Both of you deserve to suffer for pretending to care about me!"

"Nick, I'm not pretending, trust me!" His fingers slithered up to my neck and grabbed the area just below my skull. They pressed down on my skin, constricting the air passing through the muscles below.

"Let go of her!" Michael seethed and took a step forward. His eyes burned with fury and a dark cloud passed over his features.

"No! If Angie can't pay, then I guess Estella will have to suffice." Nick sighed and his other hand retrieved an item from his back pocket. He pressed the object onto the bottom of my chin and my heart froze.

The gun was cold to the touch and raised goosebumps all over my body as Nick pressed it further onto me. His other arm moved from my neck to wrap around my arms, holding me in place.

"Just one pull of the trigger and it's all over."


Author's Note: My longest chapter yet! I don't like making them this long, but since it took two weeks to write this chapter, I thought you guys deserved a longer chapter. What do you think of Nick and him wanting to kill Estella? How angry do you think Michael is right now? Plus, did you guys love that market scene? Because I did. Tell me what you think! Until next time....


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