Problematic High School


45 0 0


Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

Chapter 1:

27 0 0

I stopped my bike. Laying it on the ground, and stomping over to the garage.

Typing in the code to open it.

Opening silently. I walk into the house, I climb the stairs. The hallway was short and a door at the end of it. I stomp over to the door.


A boy in an oversized hoodie opened the door. Rubbing his eyes as tired as he was he spoke.

"What..." His voice was high pitched and scratchy.

I dragged him by the ear down the stairs and pushed him onto the couch. I hold up my hand as a signal of 'stay'.

I left the living room to the kitchen.

I poured the milk into a cup and heated it up in the microwave. Set up the cereal and pour the warm milk.

I walked over to the couch and placed the breakfast down. I grabbed the spoon. AND THREW IT ON HIM!

I hit him until he got the point.

"OW! GOD! Okay...okay. Jeez, Yooni I'll go get ready." he slouched back upstairs. I smiled and giggled a bit.

I ate the rest of the warm cereal. Waiting for him to come back down.


He came down wearing this:

I pointed at his shirt.

"Yeah yeah, it's a crop top get over it!" He smiled grabbing my arm and I dropped the spoon.

Taking me through the garage and out the front pressing the button to close it. I had already propped up my bike and he had hopped on it. I sat in the back as I would usually do. Riding off the sidewalk into the street toward school.


About halfway to, a bike had started to follow from a big white house.

"Maxwell! Yooni! Wait up." Her voice caught my attention. I turned to see the girl that had been in and out of problems with me since the first day of junior high. She waved anxiously at me. Her smile widened when she caught up to us.

"Han-Ye, you're back from India?" Max looked over for a second then back on the road ahead.

"Yeah, Papa thought it would be nice if I started school on the correct day. Aren't you happy?" Han looked at me, "Freshman year of high school is here, cant wait to see Lulu." She looked back swerved to the left with us.

"Lulu? you two are still friends?" Max spoke before I could, taking the words out of my mouth.

"Yeah? Why she's not a bother right..." She sped up in front of us. "No, not at all. Just...was a little surprised you and her are still friends after what happened to YoYo." Max said going faster to get to Han-Ye.

"Please, that wasn't her fault! It was totally an accident. She had already apologized." Han-Ye stopped to get off her bike at the bike line up. We stopped too.

After I and Max got off the bike and locked it onto the bike line we just went in without Han. Passing Luciana as she whispered, "Freak..."

If you didn't know already! Max is bisexual on the guy side, and I am all for it! "Don't listen to her YoYo. She's just a pain in the buttocks." Max smiled.

Max and I had different locker areas, so we split. Not knowing where to go after all I hear is squealing. I did hear that the kids of the big corporation of Liberty Entertainment came to this school, but I'm not into that new music crap. So I just went through the crowd to try to ignore any possible contact with the popular.

Note to self...Not a good idea.

I get pulled by my hood. The crowd stops squealing? Why you say, I have no clue. I just don't want to look up.

"You, why are you walking in the other direction?" A males voice had broken the silence. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Don't be so rude Jin!" A girls voice had butted into the conversation. "She might be new. Freshman even." Two soft hands touch my shoulders. They turned me around. I slowly looked up.

To see bright green eyes and a welcoming smile, "I'm Kim Jaenat. This is Kim twin brother. You can call me Nait!" She looked as if she was waiting for a response.

"You respond when she talks to you." Jaejin angrily spoke. I looked down, I'm very sensitive when people yell. It brings back bad things. "Fine, if you're not gonna talk." I could see Jaejin feet moving closer to me and Nait.

I could hear gasping as I felt a cold liquid getting poured onto me. I just sunk to the ground, my legs had no strength.

"You are so stupid!" I hear Nait yelling and the sounds of hitting. "I can't ever make friends around you and your temperamental self!" The clicking of her heels got louder. She bent over and grabbed my hands to pull me up. "Let's go get you changed." She said in a soft voice.

As we walked toward the locker room I could hear giggles and laughter.

"At least it was just Ice coffee and not steaming hot!" Jaejins voice raised over the others.


"Here," She handed me a set of clothes from her locker. "I always keep a pair of clothes if I spill. Now go change." She smiled as I got into a little shower area. I'm not changing in front of someone I don't know.

The clothes she had given me looked too nice. This is what I was wearing:

I couldn't wear this. It would feel like I'm stealing.

I walked out and finally spoke, "I can't wear this, and is the bag necessary?" I slouched.

She smiled, "Yes very! You look so cute. Also, I never got your name." I looked down at the cat boots. I didn't want to say, but it would be rude since she had already told me her name.

"Yooni," I spoke and looked up at her. " Jung Yooni." She looked really happy, "Are you named after the singer Lae Yooni?" I nodded.

"That's so awesome." She ran up and hugged me...TIGHTLY. She looked at me, "Also, my brother jin...hes a total jerkhead, but after a while, he'll come around." She flapped her and up and down as if to just push the thought away. "Anyways, I'll be sitting in the back with my brother. You can bring anyone if you want." She smiled, I nodded in agreement.

Hugging me again she ran off.

Looking down at the clothes she had given me I sighed. I don't need these. I could've just worn my hoodie and leggings still.


I walk into lunch after Third Academic looking around for Max and Han, but I see Nait in the back waving at me to come to sit with her. I feel a hand on my back. "There you are! Max and I have been looking for you. We were supposed to meet by the fountain-like in junior high!" I hear Hans voice from behind me.

"Nice clothes Coffee." A random boy walked back and high fived his buddy. I rolled my eyes and gestured Han and Max to follow me.

Sitting in the back with Nait I had introduced Han and Max. It's like we had our own little group.

"Hey Coffee." I heard a deep voice in my ear next to me. I whipped my head to the sound and saw a couple of inches away...Jin. Naits twin brother. He smirks, "A little close their coffee." He backed away without breaking eye contact.

"What do you want, Jaejin." I nearly growled.

"She speaks." He chuckled. "Nothing coffee, Nice clothes, by the way, did Nait give it to you?" He pulled on the sweater. "It's not really your style." she shook his head. I looked away toward Nait who was having her own conversation with my friends. I didn't bother.

Jin grabbed my chin and made me look at him. Then let go. "Here coffee I don't want this," He stuffed a half bitten cookie inside my mouth. I could see the bitten part. "Hope you enjoy." He smiled and butted into Naits convo.

I spit the cookie out onto the table and just sat in silents the rest of lunch.


"Yooni! Yooni. Yooni?" I hear the clicking of heels behind me and now next to me.

"Ah, Yeah Nait...Minhae, I was in my own little world." I apologize. She shakes her head. "No need to apologize, but I do want to ask you a question." She looked ahead. Opening the school front door for me. "Do you want to sleepover at my house? No need to bring anything. You can ride with me too!" I looked at her shocked.

I hadn't been to a sleepover in years. Let alone with a new friend. I nodded unsure what to say and she smiled. "Great follow me to the car!" A CAR?

I followed her to a back limo. I wouldn't call this a car, not even close. She opened the door and scooted to the other side so I could get in. I hopped in to already see another person on the other side looking at a phone. I closed the door.

"Jin, say hello." She threw a piece of candy at him.

"Hi, Nait." He placed his phone in his lap to open the candy.

"And..." Nait threw gobstopper at his head. "Ow! And hello Coffee! Better!" He rubbed his head mumbled something to himself.

I rolled my eyes. "I have a name you know." Looking at him as he looks up at me and Nait. "And that is Coffee." I grabbed three gobstoppers and threw it at him. "Ow! What is it with you girls and throwing?" He said trying to block himself.

"Its Yooni, you Pabo." I smile at the abusement of him rubbing the spot on his arm and leg from pain. "Okay, but why are you in my car?" He snarled. "I mean our car...Looking at Nait who was about to grab more candy. She pulled her hand back.

"Because she's sleeping over!" Nait smiled. He rolled his eyes and popped a piece of gum into his mouth.

The driver opened a window curtain to the back of the limo, "We are home, Sir and Ma'am." He closed it. Jin opened the door and stepped out to walk away leaving it wide open for us. We both got out of the car and started to the house.


I couldn't believe I was gonna be sleeping HERE!

She guided me inside. It looked to spacious. I just could believe my eyes, the ground was a soft oak-like color wood. The living room was lit with the tint of yellow. It was beautiful.

As we walked upstairs down the hall we made it to her room. The color was a light grey not fully white making her room appear bigger. She had posters and hanging fairy lights with little polaroids around her room. She took me to her closet... it looked like a runway. with a little makeup mirror area, and clothes galore.

"Here pick whatever pajamas you want. I'll be downstairs cooking dinner with Mr.Pig." She smiled and left. Leaving me in this big closet.


I picked what I wanted and headed down. All I hear going down is laughter.

I looked around and finally found the kitchen. Nait and Jerk brian was in the kitchen making dinner and laughing.

"I'm telling you, you so like him!" Jin said hitting her playfully on the shoulder with a big spoon. "No, wait you LUVV him!" He laughed.

"So not true!" She giggled. "Why would I like him! It's not like I'm ever gonna see him. Jeez Pig" She spun around and saw me. "Ah, there you are! Hurry come get a bowl of the best chefs soup!" She smiled.

"Awe thanks Coconut head!" Jin rubbed her head making her hair a mess. "When did I ever say your name Pig!" She playfully punched him. She then got a bowl and Jin took it away. Filling it with his soup.

"Here you go Coffee!" He said. I took it and sat down at the Island. Nait then got another bowl and poured her soup into it. "Tell me who's is better!" She smiles, "Be completely honest, we can take it."

I took the spoon and took a bit of broth from Naits. I slowly sip it. COUGHING!

"Jesus, what did you put in here?" I question her. I could feel my face turning red from the heat.

"Oh, nothing just some pepper..." She smiled and got me some water and patted my back until I could finally breathe again. I look at Jin and he smirks, "Try mine now..."

I slowly took a sip of his soup. The flavor wasn't bad at all, but something was off. He had a big smile on his face. He must've done something to the soup.

"What did you do?" I said. He looked at me confused. "What did you do to the soup."

"I made is good so I could win...I did nothing bad to it if that's what you think Coffee." He looked like he was telling the truth. I gesture him to come closer. I take a bit of the soup onto the spoon. Then...I put it in his mouth to see his reaction.

"How do you like getting food shoved into your mouth Jerk Brain." I smile. He swallows the soup, "You know we used the same spoon sooo, does that mean we kissed?" Jin smirks and gets a little closer to my face.

I push him away. "Just for doing that I think Nait wins!" I turned away from him. "HAh, you hear that Pig I WON!"  she started to dance around the island.

Jin grabbed me and pulled me off my seat, "Wait, Did you call me? Jerk Brain?" I nodded, "Well Coffee, do you wanna new nickname at school. I can make that arranged.

"Okay, I don't know what I did to you Airhead, but new nicknames don't bother me." I smiled and grabbed Naits arm. "I'm heading back upstairs...Imma go take a shower." I said to her in a happy tone. She nodded.

I walk upstairs and take off the pajamas. I walk over to the wall mirror and look at myself. I sigh and get into the shower with hot water steam was already lifting from it. I get in.

Purple you guys <3

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