Clipped Wings

By PrettyLittleQueenA

2.1K 87 169

Everyone knows that a bell rings every time an angel but what happens when an angel looses her wings? Harper... More



31 1 0
By PrettyLittleQueenA

July 15th

The swimming pool had long been closed , the moon shining bright in the sky as Finnegan dragged Harper to the gates. The whole way here she had been saying she wasn't going in but Finnegan reassured her he would chuck her in if need be. Finnegan searched for an opening he clearly knew about pulling the metal fence creating an opening big enough for each of them to crawl through.

"You've done this before haven't you." Harper questions and Finnegan rolls his eyes

"What do you think. After you. You know ladies first." Finnegan states holding his arm out for her to go but she shakes her head.

"Come on. Hurry up my arm is going to go to sleep in a minute." Finnegan whines and Harper takes a deep breath bending down so she was on all fours shimmying through the small opening praying she didn't snag any of her clothing on the metal fence.

Finnegan slapped her butt as she went through and she gasped in shock turning to face him her face beet red.

"Did you just ..." Harper starts but can't seem to finish she was in so much shock

"Yes I did Sue me for having a bit of fun." Finnegan says as he heads through the hole himself catching him on the leg as he went making him jump.

Harper and Finnegan stood next to each other looking at the swimming pool rippling in front of them the lights still on inside it giving a little bit of light to the two of them but not much. The two of them looked at each other as Harper started giggling.

"Right last one in is a rotten egg." Finnegan states not bothering with the buttons on his shirt ripping it off in one go throwing it to the floor.

Harper gasped and turned away from him hiding her eyes as she heard him go for his belt buckled. Finnegan scoffed at her prudish tendencies what did he expect she was still a pure angel even if she had done some bad things as of late.

"Oh come on Clancy. Its just a bit of skin for god sakes not like you haven't seen someone other than yourself naked before." Finnegan mutters like a disappointed mother who had brought their child to the swimming pool and they were refusing to get changed into their swim wear.

" umm ... actually I ... haven't." Harper mumbles her voice muffled by her hands which were firmly covering her face as if she had super glued them on.

Finnegan had finished taking off his trousers leaving him in just his boxers , shoes and socks. God knows why he didn't take his shoes and socks off first he just decided to do it that way refusing to get his feet dirty until the last possible moment of cannon balling into the water.

"As I live and breathe. Harper Marie Clancy has never been with another angel." Finnegan whispers as Harper's cheeks turn bright red.

"Alright ... alright .. don't rub it in. I just haven't ever you know..." Harper mumbles making patterns in the floor with her shoes feeling really set conscious right now. It didn't help Finnegan was stood behind her almost naked.

"Well will you let me have the honour of being your first ... I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I am not gonna force you." Finnegan softly asks as Harper turned round her to face him her hands still firmly placed on her eyes.

Her heart racing like it was in some formula one race , if it began beating any further it might pop out of her chest onto the pool floor. Her face burned it touch as she got even more flustered , if that was even possible. Finnegan held both his hands out for Harper to take unsure of what she was going to do.

Harper felt safe with him there was no doubt about that sure their friendship had some bumps in the round but she knew his deepest secrets and he hers. There was no doubt they had some form of a connection otherwise the bridges of their friendship would have burned to ash by now. She thought for a moment about what to do she wanted to , to get out of her comfort zone but at the same time was she ready to take that big of a leap. As much as he infuriated her she adored him , she adored his love for life and being spontaneous even if it meant he got get in trouble. She wasn't gonna deny wanting to pull her hands away from her face to see what Finnegan Ridley looked like , already knowing his cheek bones where probably glowing like he had the best highlight in the world. His skin already a beautiful milky white colour which would only look even more perfect in the blueish tint the swimming pool lighting would give him. Taking a deep breathe she tried to calm down.

"I am going to pull my hands away from my face now." Harper mumbles and Finnegan's heart begins to race also.

"Are you sure? I haven't pressured you have I?" Finnegan questions clearly concerned he was a selfish person but he didn't want to cause her any more pain after what she did.

He also couldn't deny a connection he had with Harper when he realised he adored her was at the ball when she stood up for him. But he couldn't admit it to himself he didn't want the same fate as Lilbeth heck he almost did give her the same. He needed this. He needed her by his side he couldn't have him leave her now even if she knew about his past. It made him feel even more connected to her.

"No .. no I want to.. If not with you then who. No pure angel my uncle will introduce me to will ever. besides it means nothing. Its just a bit of fun. right. An I'm sorry so we are even again. Right." Harper rambles trying to not talk herself out of it but also wanting some more reassurance from him.

"Course. Just a bit of friendly fun to even out the score again." Finnegan lies his heart felt heavy the moment he said the word friendly did he want it to be friendly he wasn't sure. It was that stupid kiss he thought.

Slowly Harper pulled her hands away revealing a little bit of Finnegan at a time. Harper lost her breathe in awe of the man that was stood in front of her his dark black wings casting a shadow over the both of them. Harper looked away from him and down to her shirt.

"Turn around you perv I didn't watch you." Harper snaps jokingly and he laughs

"Anything for you Miss Clancy." Finnegan retorts making a big deal of turning around.

Her hands shaking profusely as she took hold of the first button on her shirt when she got to the last she had a little pep talk with herself hoping Finnegan couldn't hear her. Pulling it off she dropped it to the floor gasping at the feeling of the crisp evening air on her bare skin. Her skirt was next then her flats all piled up neatly on top of each other.

"Ok ... I'm ready.. But can we not go completely naked I don't think I am ready for that." Harper questions her voice small as her hands come straight to cover her body as Finnegan turns around.

"Course." Finnegan states as he stares at her in the same amount of awe she had done moments ago. Her long blonde hair being tickled by the wind she looked like a goddess to him even if she didn't feel like it right now.

Holding his hands out for Harper to take but she shook her head.

"No .. I look horrible. I probably have the shittest body you have ever seen. You're probably used to air brushed supermodel bodies. but mine is a little wobbly in places. I can't do this." Harper mumbles as her insecurities bubble over and spill out of her mouth.

"hey .. hey don't put yourself down. I only look like this because I work out for a stupid amount of hours a day. if I don't I hear my father's voice in my head telling me I won't be good enough. What am I saying you probably know that you went into my head. You're beautiful regardless Harper I Promise you now when you're ready let's do this." Finnegan states and Harper nods wiping away a stray tear that fell down her cheek.

First her left arm grabbed onto Finnegan revealing a little more of her stomach which was absolutely fine she was stunning. Then her right fell to her side as the two turned to the swimming pool counting down they ran in on three. The water splashing around them both giggling.

"This is amazing I feel alive." Harper remarks as Finnegan watches her face go through a range of emotions.

"Thank you Finnegan." Harper whispers running over she pulls him into a massive hug almost crushing him

An uncontrollable giggle escaping Harper's lips. Unsure if she had ever been this happy. Finnegan himself couldn't help but smile her happiness was so infectious.

"Did you not learn last time." A voice mutters in Finnegan's head.

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