We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

172K 2.4K 4.5K

In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Two: An Invitation
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Seven: Stress
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time

2.9K 47 190
By After_Hours_Writer

Beacon Academy CCT Tower...
3rd Person POV

On the busy sidewalks of Beacon Academy; On the outskirts of one of Remnant's most important structures, Ryoma Nagare, Ruby Rose, and Weiss Schnee all stood at the front entrance, each one in new attire. The Tenno and Ruby, both, staring in awe of the place as Weiss began to teach the two its significance.

Ruby: Wooow! I forgot how big this transmit tower looks up close!

Weiss: You should see the one up in Atlas.

Ruby: That's the first one, right?

Weiss: Mm-Hmm.

Ryoma: I'm sorry to ask this, but...

Ryoma: Is there a reason we're here exactly?

Weiss: Were you not listening to our plan?

Ryoma: I was trying to, but between Piper distracting me with food and Ruby's extreme enthusiasm, it's hard to pay attention.

Ruby: Bah!

Weiss: I'll repeat our portion of the plan: We, the three of us, are here to extract the Schnee records about any other dust robberies or inconsistencies aside from earlier. Seeing as I'm in the family, this shouldn't take long.

Ryoma: Oh. Makes sense... And this tower is what, exactly?

Weiss: The Cross Continental Transmit System was designed by Atlas to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War.

Ryoma: A relay of sorts, it seems.

After hearing her statement, Ruby began to mock Weiss, acting high and mighty as she spoke.

Ruby: Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich! I'm in love with a Tenno boy!


Weiss: (-_-)

Ruby: Ha ha ha!

Weiss: Knock it off! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!

Ryoma: You're kidding, right?

Ruby: I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!

Reaching for her scroll, Ruby, in all her excitement, accidently launched the device out of her hands and onto the pavement. As it bounced along the cement pavement, the device stopped at the feet of a familiar face.

Penny: Oh!

Reaching down and grabbing the device,  she handed it back to Ruby.

Penny: You dropped this.

Ruby: Penny!?

Ryoma: Who?

Penny: Uhh....

Ruby: Where have you been? We haven't seen you for a long while!

Penny: S-Sorry. I think you're confused.


Ryoma: Very.

Penny: Uh... I've got to go!

As she turned to leave the three of them, Weiss was the first to ask.

Weiss: What was that about?

Ruby: I don't know, but I'm going to find out.

Running towards Penny, away from the group, Ruby yelled out to the two of them as she did so.

Ruby: You guys go make your call!

Weiss: Wait just a -!

Ruby: I'll meet up with you later!

As she left the group, Weiss sighed angrily before looking back at the Tenno.

Weiss: There goes our leader...

Ryoma: Yes, but she's doing it out of the care for her... whoever she was.

Wrapping his right arm around her back, the Tenno also noted.

Ryoma: Besides... it's just the two of us for now.

Weiss: Yeah, you're right. Who knows how long we'll have this time alone.

Ryoma: She can always call.

As the two began to make their way into the CCT, Weiss muttered to herself.

Weiss: I swear, if she calls right now, I'm gonna-.

CCT Tower...

Entering the CCT Tower from the ground floor, the two made their way past the central terminals towards an elevator near the back of the tower. Upon entering said elevator, the Tenno scratched his head in confusion as he quickly noted.

Ryoma: Where's the floor buttons?

In a manner similar to Cephalons, the CCT's A.I manifested from thin air onto the closest elevator panel.

CCT A.I: Hello.

Ryoma: What the-!?

CCT A.I: Welcome to the CCT. How may I help you?

Weiss: I'd like to go to the communications room, please.

CCT A.I: Absolutely. Could you please place your Scroll on the terminal to verify your identity?

Weiss retrieves her Scroll and places it as directed.

CCT A.I: Perfect! Thank you, Miss Schnee.

As the elevator doors began to close,  Weiss began to ask the Tenno about his sudden jump.

Weiss: Surprised?

Ryoma: Hmm? Surprised about what?

Weiss: The artificial intelligence, here.

Ryoma: A little... I just... I didn't expect to pull a move out of the Cephalon book.

Weiss: .....I'm sorry, what?

Ryoma: Nothing.


Ryoma: I'll explain later.

When the doors opened, the two exited the elevator, heading towards the center of the room. There, they were greeted by the CCT's A.I once again.

CCT A.I: Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center. How may I help you?

Weiss: I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas.

CCT A.I: Absolutely. If you could head over to Terminal 3, I'll patch you through.

Weiss: Thank you!

Ryoma: I'll stay right here for now.

In response, she nodded as she walked over to terminal 3 and began speaking to someone else. The Tenno, noticing a way to hack the tower and as curious as he was, began the process of doing so, entering the Tenno's hacking program within the center terminal from memory. Upon doing so, he discovered that the tower's software was very similar to that of the Corpus. The only major difference being....

Ryoma: (O_O)

Ryoma: HOW THE FU-!?

Weiss: All done.

Quickly shutting down the program, the Tenno turned back to see Weiss standing behind him, her eyes focused on the data on her scroll.

Ryoma: Already?

Weiss: Yep.

Ryoma: Well then... we still have some daylight, so.... wanna go out into town before it gets dark?

Hearing that, she looked up from her scroll at the Tenno. A smile forming on her face.

Weiss: That'd be nice.

Grabbing the Tenno's hand, she began to head towards the elevator with him.

Weiss: In fact, I know a place we can go to eat.

Ryoma: Neat.

La Crémaillère...
On the Outskirts of Vale...

Ryoma: What in the name of-?

Weiss: We're here!

Ryoma: I see...

Standing at the entrance of one of the most prestigious restaurants in Vale, Ryoma and Weiss both waited for a someone to take them to their seats; The former, buzzing his eyes around in fascination and wonder as he saw the aquarium style walls and glass chandeliers. A fireplace heating the restaurant in the center, as well as a small band of violinists and pianist beside it. 

Ryoma: What kind of wealth does it take to make such a place.

One of the waiters approached them, a fairly older gentleman, introducing himself with a slight French accent.

Waiter: Welcome to La Crémaillère.

Ryoma: La what?

Waiter: Just the two of you?

Weiss: Yes.

Waiter: I can take your coats if you like.

Looking back at one another, the Tenno shook his head as Weiss nodded.

Ryoma: I'm alright, thank you.

As the waiter took her coat, he gestured for them to follow him to their seats. Doing so, they were led to a small circular leather booth. Beside them lied an panel of fish in the aquarium.

Ryoma: Reminds me of my living quarters... only with prettier fish.

As they sat down, the waiter performed his shtick, giving them a menu alongside a few beverages before taking their order. Weiss, being familiar with these kinds of place, ordered her meal with ease. The Tenno, on the other hand...

Waiter: Will you be having what she's having, sir?

Ryoma: What did she order?

Hearing this, Weiss began to giggle a bit, knowing very well that he would have no idea what was said, let alone what it is. And she was right.

Weiss: Oh, this'll be good...

Waiter: Confit de canard.

Ryoma: Com fit-.

Waiter: No, Confit de canard.

Ryoma: Confit de canard.

Waiter: Confit de canard, yes.

Ryoma: Again, what's that?

Weiss: Pfft.

Waiter: Duck.

Ryoma: ....

Waiter: You know, "quack quack"?

Ryoma: I know that. How is it cooked?

Waiter: It's-.

Ryoma: Oh, nevermind, I'll just take that.

Waiter: .....very well. I'll be back with your food shortly.

Upon leaving the two alone, the Tenno commented on the waiters behavior.

Ryoma: Well then.... he's a rude one.

Weiss: They're not used to people like us coming in here.

Ryoma: They're not used to people like me coming in here.

Weiss: Still... he was a bit too rude for my liking. Hopefully the meal makes up for it.

After a few minutes of waiting and chatting, Weiss began to overhear some chatter from the other guests as the Tenno took a few sips from the dark liquid in glass that was his beverage.

Guest: That's Jacques' daughter, isn't it?

Guest: With that mess of a hooligan? I believe so.

Weiss: Oh, get out of here you bunch of degenerates!

Ryoma: Is this wine?
Ryoma: I taste wine.

Fifteen Minutes Later...

Weiss: Other than the staff, that wasn't too bad, was it?

Ryoma: It was actually pretty good.

Finished with their meals, and waiting to pay the check at the entrance of the restaurant, the two wrapped their arms around one another. While waiting, the Tenno asked,

Ryoma: Where to after this?

Weiss: Beacon.

Ryoma: Tired?

Weiss: Very.

Ryoma: I don't blame you a bit.

Weiss' scroll began to vibrate in her pockets, causing her to reach for it. Upon opening it up, and emergency message from Blake was relayed to them.

Weiss: Ryoma.

Ryoma: Hmm? What?

She played the message on speaker, causing many of the patrons to focus on them instead of eating.

Blake: Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-


Ryoma: Oh boy...

Weiss: C'mon!

Sprinting out the door, the two began to head towards Blake's location. Outside the restaurant, the waiter yelled out to them.

Waiter: You forgot your bill!

Ryoma: Oh! Uhh...! Here!

While running, the Tenno pulled ten platinum coins out from his jacket and tossed them at the waiter, one of them landing in the man's face.

Waiter: What the-!?

Ryoma: SORRRrrryyy....


As the two lose sight of the restaurant, the Tenno yelled out one last time.

Ryoma: Don't worry...!

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