The Sweet Spot - Strike Zone...

By lyonmom

606K 6.3K 1K

Keep the ones that heard you , When you never said a word. Nate Segler has spent most of his life in the spot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Family Tree
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

15.8K 488 52
By lyonmom

Thank you for reading Enjoy 😉

Chapter 2

      It's a ridiculously hot and humid summer day out. My shirt is sticking to my skin making me more uncomfortable than I already am. The bandage on my knee is soaked with sweat already. Those summer storms that hit us will be starting soon enough.
      My brother, Dillon, and best friend, Reese, decided to go with me this afternoon to get the MRI on my knee. Driving myself wasn't going to happen for me any time soon. Carson, our trainer, got me crutches last night and Dillon got me home, which was a good thing. I really didn't want to deal with Carla last night. I was hot, sweaty, in so much pain, and pissed over circumstances out of my control. It was much better that my brother dealt with me than her.
     Of course, Carla did call and tried to get me to let her come over. She made a few tempting offers of giving me some sexual distractions that I know my brother wanted no part of with her. He doesn't like Carla anymore than our sister Molly does but he was willing to leave me in Carla's incapable hands if I wanted her. I held firmly to my ground. I didn't, under any circumstances, want her to take care of me. It's not that Carla isn't good at what she was offering, she can handle herself just fine in bed but her bedside manner lacks desperately.
     She's not the kind of woman that everyone can handle. She's what I called luxury maintenance. On top of her needy nature, lately things between us have changed. When we aren't arguing over her red carpet requirements, it's over my traveling schedule. We don't mesh like we once did. We just been ... missing something. Maybe I'm just bored with her again and need a break. It's not like she doesn't have her own side piece. I know she has several who are waiting to use her to get in the spotlight. It goes with the territory of being famous. Carla and have had an agreement for a long time. No commitment, no ties. Exactly the way I like.
      This morning, getting up and heading to breakfast with Dillon was good for me. We talked about our plans for the Fourth of July, our parents are coming to town, Molly, who has begged us to see about helping her get a Physical Therapist in-training position for the team and then the dreaded conversation about the game. Neither of us want to approach the subject, but it's right there sticking out from under the dash.
     "How are you feeling? Any better?" Dillon wonders as we head to get Reese.
     I shrug, still annoyed at the situation. I don't look over but stare out the window. Watching the coast pass by, we head south down I-5 for Reese's place, just off the beach, and high on the cliffs. He's got a sweet house and no one is there most of the time. Like me, he has a hard time wanting a relationship with someone who you rarely see. We're on the road so much, we are barely home a good part of the year. The sweet nightly calls of phone sex always end up turning quickly to arguments over media photos that some idiot snapped of a fan kissing you. Most of the time there's nothing to it, but the seeds have been planted and it just goes downhill from there. 
     So single life is our choice. I've got Carla, an actress model, who likes her freedom but wants a man who is willing to accommodate her needs for a high profile date on occasion. She gets her hot date, I get laid without the strings, we're both happy. My parents, the team  and even Molly hate her. Which is why I keep them all separated again in their own corners.
     I never ask Carla to join me for family events - ever. Reese has the same kind of set up with some chick he sees too. She's a fan though, and follows us on the road. She tends to drive him a little nuts sometimes with it, but he takes a break from her when he needs to then goes right back to her when he feels the urge. No strings, no stress.
     Taking our time up the walkway, I limp along with the crutches as Dillon shoves his hands in his pockets and whistles along like he doesn't have a care in the world.
    Opening the door, Dillon calls out to him, letting him know we're here. We head into and hear him in the kitchen rummaging through the refrigerator. "Did you guys eat? I'm starving!"
   "Yep!" I pop the 'P' when we walk into the kitchen seeing his head in the fridge.
     "That means I need a drive thru run. I've got no food in here. I've got to hire someone to stock me up. Do you guys use any of those services?" Reese asks, grabbing an apple and water.
     "Molly takes care of mine." I remind him.
     Running my hand through my hair, I adjust the ballcap on my head. I'm trying to not get noticed today. The last thing I want is to have to be nice to fans when I'm still fuming over the hit I took. I'm dressed down in shorts and a Cubs T-shirt with a Cubs hat on. Who's gonna believe it's me wearing another team's logo, right?
     "Mine, too." Dillon nods as we follow Reese out the front door and back to the car. We climb in and start down the drive.
     "Think she'd do me?" Reese asks, causing both of us to glare to the back seat where Reese is sitting. "What? I need to be fed, too." And then he catches it. "Aw, shit! That's not what I meant! I mean... not that Molly isn't hot, but she's family, like a sister."
     "Yeah, you keep it that way, too. You think of her as a sister and we're fine. My sister is off limits to you, Reese. Don't even go there... like ever." I warned him once again. Every so often I need to remind him, he's never going to be good enough for my sister, no matter what anyone else thinks.
     He knows Molly isn't one of his girls that follows him around and wants to play with him. She's off limits, completely and utterly, off limits for him and every other guy in sports. I know the mindset of these guys, none of them are worth her time, it doesn't matter what the sport is. I won't let it happen. And Molly hates me for it. I'm okay with that, too.
     "Anyway, you think she'd shop for me, too?" Reese gives us his cheesiest grin.
     "Why don't you ask that chick you're always hooking up with? I'm sure she'd do you." Dillon asks, getting a chuckle from me.
     "Hell, no! She's good in bed, but I don't want her to know where I live!" Reese growls, like he's the one in pain.
     "Wait! Doesn't she already know that?" I ask, confused. Carla is in and out of my place all the time. I'm okay with it, except if we're taking a break. She is usually pretty good about understanding the boundaries though.
     "I don't tell her that, man. We go to her place for anything we do. That chick would never leave me alone. I've got enough trouble with her, that would just be asking for more." Reese shakes his head then shivers. "No, Molly is good. I can handle Molly in my place."
     "You are not gonna do anything with my sister, anywhere!" I grumble at him again. I swear, he says this stuff on purpose. Dillon is laughing as he pulls up into the medical center. He drives up to the front door and stops.
     "Are you good at getting inside on your own? I'm gonna take Reese for food and come back." Dillon tells me so I'm not late for my appointment. I know what he's doing though. "I want a cheeseburger and a coke, dude."
     Butthead! He thought he would sneak a burger in without me.
     I get out with my crutches in hand, limping slightly before I relent to using the stupid things and head into the building. I'm not looking forward to this. Taking the elevator up, I get a few pitying looks from a few ladies who recognize me, a couple of call outs from a couple guys who saw the game. Just what I wanted this morning. Giving a polite wave Molly would be happy about I head down the hall to the doctors office. After going to the front desk and checking in I wait my turn.
     "Mr Segler?" The girl at the front desk calls me and smiles sympathetically in my direction.
     The last thing I want is sympathy. I want to know I'm going to play again. I want to not have to explain myself to every fan who sees me. Just once I want to be anonymous I get through the day without being asked questions or posing for pictures.
     She gets to her feet so she can see me better because I refuse to stand up again. Her big blue eyes look over at me, I'm already irritated by the attention I've gotten. I'm in no mood for anything more to screw with my day.
      I notice the large coffee stain on the front of her blouse. Guess she's not having a good day either. "We're running a little behind today. I'm sorry, we'll call you as soon as we can." She lets me know before I can get to my feet.
     Well shit! Now everyone is staring at me, knowing exactly who I am. So much for staying low today.
                                 ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

     For the first day of work, I've had much better ways to start out. I spilled coffee all over my shirt as soon as I walked in. I've already messed up scheduling for tomorrow, and I apparently am not supposed to let people know when we're running late. I just got chewed out for politely letting a patient know we're running late. I was trying to be professional, but I guess being polite doesn't work in a medical office. What else can go wrong today?
      So I hid in the back file room, putting away files and straightening up for the last hour of my day. I need this job and really can't afford to screw this up. As the clock hit five, I slipped out of the file room, wanting dinner and some quiet. Going back to the desk I grab my purse and start down to the elevator. No one said goodbye as I left. No one seemed to notice that I wasn't at the desk for the last hour. Same old story I guess. I'm that forgettable.
      I head out to my beast for a car. The door creaks as I open and slam it hard, getting it to latch closed. It sounds like it's gonna fall off. It's like a sauna in here and I'm the wicked witch of the west. "I'm melting." I laugh to myself in my best witchy voice as I turn the key and nothing happens.
      "No." I say and try again. Nothing, no clicking, revving, zip. It's completely dead. I don't have money for this. I can't afford to get it fixed. I haven't even gotten my first paycheck yet. "No! no! no!" I repeat beating my hands on the steering wheel.
      Getting out I pop the hood and look down at the motor. Not that I know what I'm looking for. Hoping it's something obvious like something came undone, I look for something that seems out of place. Not that I know anything about cars or engines. I'm not sure I will know what I'm looking for, but I'm trying. I hear an engine behind me as a car pulls into the parking spot and the radio is blasting but no one gets out. I'm not wearing anything special but it's the nicest outfit I have for work. I'd really like to not ruin it with grease stains.
     It's not like I own anything fancy. No name brands for this girl unless I find it at Goodwill. I'm in a decent pair of dress pants and what was a white dress shirt with a giant coffee stain on it. The coffee stain I can get out.
     Wishing for help, I glance over my shoulder and see the fancy SUV and two guys sitting there chowing down on burgers watching me. My stomach rumbles with hunger at the thought of food. I don't have the money to eat out and will make due with the handful of popcorn I brought with me.
     Making eye contact with one of the guys, I look away and back to my engine. Pressing my lips together I contemplate asking for help. Looking over my shoulder again at the SUV, I wonder if they would help. Catching the passengers eye, he smiles and waves.
     Yeah, enjoy the view, it's all you're gonna get. I can't ask them for help.
      Turning my back to them, I deal with my dilemma and begin tugging and touching the hoses and belts and all searching for the culprit. I don't know what I was thinking. I have no idea what I'm looking for. A door opens from the building and I hear footsteps.
     Great, just what I need today. It's probably my boss wanting to lecture me again. I'm so over my head here. I don't know what I was thinking I could just start a new life here. I am what I am, I can't change that I'm a klutz. Or that I don't have any skills.
      Just then I hear someone coming up beside me. I know it's not one of the guys from the car. They haven't moved. Then I hear the doors open from the SUV, the music stops, the engine continues to run. It must be who these guys are waiting for.
     "Need a jump?" I hear a smooth, silky voice next to me ask.
     Turning, I see a good looking guy on crutches and the two from the SUV join him. All three are nice looking, one looks like a movie star or something, the other two are a bit scruffy with dark features and bright blue eyes.
      All three of them are dressed in name brand clothes and look like they're heading out for a night at a bar. I rub my neck and look at my engine then up to the guy on crutches again. I recognize him. He was the one I told we were running late. I'm not sure if I should agree with jumping my car or not. I don't know if it will work.
      "I don't know. I think I killed it." I'm not joking, I can't keep a plastic plant alive. The one on crutches chuckles at me. "I'll see about getting a tow. Thanks though." I don't want to owe anyone anything.
     "Okay." He accepts that and hobbles over to the other two.
     "Nate! It's starting to rain, dude. Really?" I hear a mutter from one of the guys then a low resigned sigh.
     "We can drop you somewhere." He calls over to me, getting me to turn around to see all three looking at me. The rain is starting to come down harder and I know this white shirt will be see through soon. They look like movie stars or athletes standing there. "It's no big deal."
     I know all about stranger danger. I'm not a fool. Accepting a ride from three big guys, strangers who look like they could easily overpower me wouldn't be a good idea. I know better.
     "I'm not sure .... I just live a few blocks away. I can walk it." I softly explain and the movie star steps back and waves for me to join them.
     "Come on, babe. It's not a big deal. We won't bite, I promise." He says and steps to the front seat before getting in and closing the door, like he just decided I'm going with them.
     The other two are just looking at me waiting for me to join them. Am I really going to go with them? Is it really a smart choice? They don't look like murderers.
     Okay... so I grab my purse, locking up my car and hoping no one tries to steal it. I walk past the other guys and get into the fancy SUV. The one on crutches follows me, while the other guy gets in front to drive. I put on my seatbelt and look up as all three are looking at me again. What the heck?
     "Where to?" The driver asks me.
     I can feel the heat fill my cheeks and I look away. What a shitty day for me to run into these guys, not that any of them are going to give me a second thought. "Down I-5 to Pacific then right. I'm the first condo building on the corner."
     "Nice area. Great waves. You surf?" The other one up front questions me. I just shake my head and look out the window. This feels weird, taking a ride with strangers. I'm not used to people doing something nice for me without wanting something back. Shit! Is that it? Do they want me to.... "I'm Reese, by the way. Your driver today is Dillon and the gimp next to you is Nate."
     He interrupted my thoughts and I don't know what to think. I look at each of them as he introduces them. I'm so awkward with people. Realizing they're waiting for a response, I quietly reply. "I'm Kayleigh. Thank you for the ride. I appreciate it."
     "No problem." The driver, Dillon, murmurs in a low baritone voice and pulls out of the lot.
     "So are you a medical student?" The guy next to me asks softly. I shake my head again. I'm really not comfortable talking about myself. "Most of the staff there are students doing internships. I just figured you were too." He explained his question as he kept trying to get me to talk to him.
     "I'm just a secretary. I work at the front desk. Answer phones, set appointments, check people in, that stuff. Someday maybe I can do more." I give him that much. "I just started."
     "Yeah? Are you here for classes to start this fall then? Our sister Molly is at the end of her physical therapy program. Maybe you'll run into her. Molly Segler?" The driver, Dillon, cheerfully volunteered her name.
     "I'm not registered for classes. I'm sorry... I haven't gotten there yet." I tell them softly, embarrassed by the fact that even if I wanted to, I can't afford it. Not yet. I don't want to talk about myself anymore. I'm uncomfortable with the attention they're giving me. Maybe accepting the ride was a bad idea. I should just get them to stop. I can walk the rest of the way. "This is fine here. You can just drop me here."
     "It's pouring out. Your building is the next light. It's not like we're not going that way." Dillon says and goes through the light then turns into the parking garage. "So you're good here? We can call the tow for you?"
     "No thanks, I'm good. Thank you for the ride." I opened my door and started to get out.
     "You don't want an autograph or picture, tickets or anything?" The one up front turns to question me. I shake my head, closing the car door and quickly head up to my apartment. Why would I want a picture? I don't even know them.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

      "That was different." I mutter as the blonde heads to the elevator. I'm used to women telling me how great they are and what an awesome time I'd have if I went out with them. They ask for autographs and pictures and beg for tickets to a game just to watch me pitch because they think I'll put them in my section. The section where the wives and girlfriends sit. Where they think they will be treated like something special. This girl wanted nothing from us. She's literally running away from us.
      She is nice to look at though. Long blonde hair, dark blue eyes and that delicate sun kissed skin. She has a hot little body too. I wouldn't mind hooking up with her. It's too bad she didn't seem the least bit interested in any of us.
     Looking in the mirror, I caught Nate sneaking a longer look at her too. She didn't look like a lot of the girls that come out to see us. Maybe because she was just coming from work or something but she certainly didn't have that high maintenance air to her that we are used to.
      "I don't think she knew who we were." Dillon says, pulling out of the garage. "You should ask her out, Nate."
     Looking up at his brother then back to the direction the girl disappeared to, he seems frazzled. "Why me?" He wonders, looking out the window toward the door where Kayleigh disappeared through.
     Giving a shrug, Dillon pulls out of the garage. "Why not? Carla's a bitch and only with you for the bump to her career when she needs it. This chick, she's completely opposite of Carla. Quiet, shy, there's almost an innocent quality to her." Dillon reminds Nate of exactly what he has complained about with Carla.
     The red carpet ego strokes, the needy high maintenance, self absorbed narcissistic ways. Dillon is right this girl is the opposite of Carla. I'm not sure she has a clue who we are. I do know she doesn't care that we are who we are. It means nothing to her.
     "That chick is hot and I bet she surfs." I make the assumption as I turn to take one last look at the building. Turning around in my seat, I see the glare I'm getting from both of the brothers. "What? She was bent over her car, she's got a nice ass, her chest isn't bad either. Her shirt got wet, I noticed. Don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing."
     "I didn't say I was, that doesn't mean I was gonna say anything about it. I'm just not a horny jerk all the time like you." Nate frowned, pouting because I called him out. He was thinking exactly what I was, he just didn't like knowing I was thinking it too. I've known him too long.
     "No you're just a horny jerk when a pretty girl's around. Pizza?" Dillon offers with a smile, ending the argument.
     "You get the pizza, I'll get beer." Changing the subject, I make the deal as we head to my place for a rare night at home. "Hey, what did they say about your knee?"
     "I have to go back for the verdict. This just sucks, not knowing and having to wait. I'm not that patient. " Nate growls.
      I know him, his temper is eating at him. Not playing ball this week is gonna be hard on him, but the coach won't even let him practice until the doctor clears him. In no way is Nate a patient person. He wants what he wanted yesterday and he usually gets what he wants. Just not this time.
     "You gotta go see Carson or this guy?" I ask, wondering what exactly he needs for care.
     "Back here. I'm grounded until I hear something!" Nate literally growls behind me, kicking at the seat just as a child would when throwing a temper.
     "Look at it this way, you get to see Kayleigh again." Dillon smiles, wiggling his eyebrows and turning up the coast.
      He always looks at things as the glass is half full. Those rose colored glasses get his heart broken more times than I can count. But he does have a point. That is something worth looking forward to.

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