Gaze - [h.s.]

By controlhaz

792 38 1

I could see the studious glow of his green eyes from across the room; even with the flashing neon lights and... More

☓ Prologue ☓
❖ Chapter 1 ❖
❖ Chapter 2 ❖
❖ Chapter 4 ❖
❖ Chapter 5 ❖
❖ Chapter 6 ❖
❖ Chapter 7 ❖
❖ Chapter 8 ❖

❖ Chapter 3 ❖

81 5 0
By controlhaz

"Ooh, this is cute!" Kira squeaks as she holds up the shiny black and silver dress from the clearance rack. I nod to her as I walk aimlessly around the store, oblivious of its contents. I've already got my outfit for the party, which is tomorrow. Kira decided last minute that she needed new 'party wear', and asked me to go shopping with her to find something. I didn't really want to go, but I did, since I needed to pick up some early Christmas presents anyway.

Kira continues to gawk and gush over the short and expensive dresses while I follow her around like a lost puppy. She runs from rack to rack, squealing when she fully examines the dresses. In the end, she has picked out at least 5 dresses, and decides to purchase them all.

She walks toward the cashier counter with her arms full of colorful dresses, and once the cashier rings them all up and tells Kira the total cost, I almost feel my heart dropping to my ass.

"$1846.87, please."

Kira proudly whips out her credit card and hands it to the cashier. I'm still shocked when her dresses are bagged and we're walking out of the store.

"Holy shit, Kira," I gasp. "You could afford that?!"

"It's called a job, Candy, and yes, I could afford it."

I laugh softly at her and we continue around the mall until dinner time. I end up finding presents for my mom for Christmas. I also found a few things my father would've enjoyed, but decided against buying them. It's not like he would be there for Christmas anyway, at least not in person.

I wanted to start buying Christmas presents early so I could save money and time. I could buy all of my friends and family their presents separately, instead of waiting until last minute and buy all of them at once. This is what I do every year, and I quite enjoy it. I could work and get paid two weeks at a time, but around Christmas, I won't be flat-ass broke. Sure, my family is apart of one of the most richest mafias in the world, but it doesn't mean we have hundred-dollar-bills coming out of our ears.

When I get home from the mall and taking Kira home, my mom is sitting at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in her hands, and a book sat open in front of her. She notices that I've arrived and she quickly smiles at me, turning back to her book. I know not to bug her while she's reading, so I go upstairs to put the Christmas presents into my closet and dress into pajamas.

I had already eaten dinner at the foodcourt in the mall with Kira, so there was no need to go back downstairs and retrieve a plate of what mom cooked tonight. Instead, I could just eat the leftovers tomorrow for lunch or something. I lay on my perfectly made bed, and stare at the ceiling. Maybe, just maybe, I could go to the coffee shop again tomorrow, and see if HARRY S. is working.

I couldn't keep him out of my mind all day long, it's like he was controlling my mind, consulting my thoughts to orbit around him, like he was the sun in the universe.

I actually had a dream of him last night, of him speaking in a language I didn't understand, but looking straight into my eyes and his lips delicately moving to fit his incoherent words. It was as if I could actually feel his presence in front of me, like I could reach out and touch him. I woke up wanting him to embrace me. That, I know, was not my intention. There's no way I could just randomly want a stranger boy in my space. I would certainly never be able to do that.

I shrugged off the weird feeling of curiosity, and instead started thinking about the party tomorrow. I would have to pick up Kira around nine-thirty; since the place where the party is was quite a while away. I pulled away from my thoughts as I hear a light knock on my door. Normally, I would get up, walk over to the door, and open it myself. But in this case, I was half asleep and delirious on my bed and I didn't plan on moving anytime soon unless it was to slide upwards to climb under the covers.

"Come in," I say loud enough for them to hear. I hear my door open, and I look up to see Brandon walking through. He comes over to my bed and sits on it, rolling up one of his sleeves to his elbow.

"So," he starts, "I told Mom about the party. She says it's cool, as long as there's a designated driver, also known as yours truly."

"Cool," I mumble. I close my eyes again, feeling really worn out and droopy.

"Hey," Brandon reaches for my shoulder. "you okay?"

I open my eyes slightly, and stare up at him.

"Yeah, I'm just worn out. Don't feel like moving."

He then stands up, and grabs one of my arms. He slowly and gently drags me upwards, until my head is on the pillow.

"Wow," I say. "how brotherly."

I hear him chuckle slightly as I close my eyes again and soon enough, I feel my duvet being placed over me.

"Night, sis," He whispers. I could then hear footsteps leading away from the bed, until he flicks the light off and shuts the door. My eyes droop shut and it's almost as if I can feel them rolling to the back of my head. I quickly fall asleep, dreaming of a boy with bright green eyes and a radiant smile.

A/N: okay guys so it's late ish and omfg i'm so tired like writing this i wanted to be in candyce's position ok lol but yeah so it's a short chapter but i needed to update and yep so please comment/vote/share or whatever it is that you do to get this story out there :)))) good night guys i love you a lot

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