Scarlet Love

By Tanis_The_Freesia

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The one who has eyes on her. The one who is hiding from him. The one who needs her. The one who lusts her. Th... More

|1| Leaving them
|2| Fayth Williams.
|3| Trouble meets trouble.
|4| Meetings.
|6| First Rain.
|7| Curiosity
|8| Decisions
|10| Embarassed
|11| Save me.
|13| So friends?
|14| The Start.
|15| It's Her.
|16| The Royals.
|17| The Rules of The Fate.
|18| She Descended.
|19| The Connection
|20| The saga of them.
|21| Hide and Seek.
|22| The First One.
|23| Him and I.
|24| Someone like her
|25|Déjà vu
|26|The Party
|27| The Party II
|28| Consequenses
|29| The House of Cards
|30| Yuanfen
|31|The Intruder
Nolan Walker
Fayth Williams
Aiden Alexander
|32| The Intruder II

|5| Manipulator.

187 22 9
By Tanis_The_Freesia

“And he looked at me,
Like there was something in me
worth looking at.” - Unknown.

Third-person POV:

All the thinking will be in Italic font.

Fayth felt emotionally drained because of the recent incident and the fact that she met Vanessa and Selena. On top of that, Selena did not take any liking toward Fayth, the opposite of that actually.

Fayth could see it, even though they only had eye contact for a second.

According to Noah, they are the powerful people here. They can harm her effortlessly. She is scholarship student on top of that- no one to have her back here was pretty risky.

She was missing Noah and Violet. If they both would have been here then maybe-

Fayth shook her head to get rid of negative thoughts.

From tomorrow. I would not involve myself with any of them.

If that means that, I have to change my room then I will do that.

Fayth took a long breath to calm herself down but jumped in shock when she felt a hand on her waist. She was ready to throw the person on their back but then she remembers, she is a student and should not do anything which can give headlights on her head.

So, Fayth tried to do what any other girl would have done. However, before she can scream a hand covers her mouth.

Her heart dropped and she fisted her hand. Not now. Then calculated her surroundings. No one was here besides them.

There were two people in total,
One of them has grabbed her but she can sense another physique behind her.

Fayth observes them, they both looked healthy, a bodyguard kind of way. With six feet in height and muscles.

She pursed her lips,
Someone has sent them here.
That was obvious., but who?

Who is her opposer here besides them? And if she thinks logically,
Which she is. Then these people are not who she thinks they are. Because no one knows that she is here in the first place.

Then who are these?

By judging their mode, She can guess that they were taking her to the person who has ordered them.

Fayth has no problem with that, so she obliged.

But when one of them set a sellotape on her mouth and the other placed her on his shoulder.

All of her reasoning went out of the window and she starts to wiggle frantically.

Put me down. I can walk just right you potato shacks!

The person beside her unexpectedly grabbed her shoulder.
"Don't make this difficult for you as well as for us kid, we will not harm you until you make us."

Kid!? Who? Me?
Are you kidding me! Let's meet on the mat then you will know who is kid!
Fayth humphs.

One of the bodybuilders, snickers at her And was rewarded with a glare from Fayth.

"This kid is cute" he muttered to the other one.

"I'm not cute!" Fayth let out but it came out more like "immnntctt"

"Aww, so cute" the person cooed at her.

Fayth calculated, as after three right then one left turn they entered a room. And installed her on a chair. In front of someone.

Someone, who possesses a lot of power in the Academy as well outside.

Fayth has only one thought, don't be them. Even when every fiber of her essence wanted them to be here.

Fayth blinked rapidly to remove the dizziness.
After regaining her balance, she noticed her surroundings.

She was in a big room, the room had everything in blue and white color, and everything was modern., but then she notices someone in front of her.

Then like a flash, she stares at the female in front of her.

She was the last person Fayth was expecting.

The burned mark was still visible on her forearm. The girl was none other than Selena Sawyer.

What in the world! Did she send these watchdogs to me?

Slowly all the pieces connected. Now, she was feeling both, Relaxed and Anxious.

Relaxed because they were not the people she had expected and Anxious becuase the person was Selena Sawyer.

One of the boys takes off the sellotape from her mouth in one go.

Fayth gritted her teeth and glared at the person.

Selena stared at Fayth,
Like she was looking at the dead cockroach. Her hands were folded nicely on her lap. One leg on top of the other. Her Back-straight. Ponytail-high. Eyes-narrowed. Lips-pursed. And smile-fake.

Selena always gets what she wants and right at the moment she wanted to remove the being of the girl in front of her.

This girl is a nerd and probably new.
Selena scrunched her eyebrows, and looks toward the documents, which were placed neatly on her side table.

The girl in front of her was new, so it wasn't hard for Selena to gather her documents.
But she has seen all of that, and if she tells anyone about what happens there then it would create a trouble for me.

Everyone will think that Vanessa is above her. That, she had lost to Vanessa. A fire went through her veins at the thought. she would never let that happen!

Suddenly, She smiled at Fayth and it was a smile that made Fayth regret her decision of not running when she had the time.

"You are Fayth Williams right?"

Her voice was soothing, opposite of what fayth had heard some moments ago.

Fayth squirmed in her seat."Yes, I am"

Knowing how influenced Selena is, Fayth did not dare to question her sources.

"So fayth you know, why are you here?" She asked while examining her nails.

Every nail was manicured and polished. But as she takes a closer look. One of the nails was crooked from the side.

Damn it!! My nail!

Of course, Fayth knows that Selena would not leave her alone after she had witnessed her humiliation. Even Venessa had warned her.
but...not this soon nor this dramatic!

Someone give me a freaking break.!

"Yes, I know," Fayth responded.

"Oh, really." She raised her eyebrows and asked mockingly. "Then, enlighten me, why?"

Fayth calculated her options, Should she say the truth or play dumb?

"You have something to say to me about that...." Fayth gulped. "that bathroom incident?"

"Hmm, you are quite right" Selena nodded. "I have something to say to you". But at the end of the sentence, her expression changed.

Fayth noticed but it was late.

In a blink of an eye, Selena pushed her chair closer to fayth's and yanked her hair.

The force was strong enough for Fayth that she screamed.

"Now listen nerd." She tightened her hold. "If a word goes out of your mouth, then I will cut off your fingers and parcel them to your parents"

That's not that easy.
Fayth closes her eyes in pain while cursing the girl in front of her in her mind.

But Selena continued,

"Don't even remember that incident in your damn mind. You know what? now you are in my stare. I'm watching your every step"

Fayth's breath hitched at her words.
No, that's not good.

Fayth doesn't want to be in anyone's watch, she doesn't want anyone's attention, let alone Selena Sawyer.

No way in hell!

That's why fayth suddenly blurted out. "You are my Ideal model."

Selena released her grip from fayth's hair in confusion and shock.

What is this nerd saying?

Fayth closes her eyes,

What the hell I am saying! Fayth groaned internally at her plan But it was too late to take back her words so.,

"You are beautiful, you are intelligent, you are brave, you are everything I want in my Ideal type. from now on I want to become like you and I know that- that's impossible cause you are perfect in everything but now I'm your biggest fan in this entire world!."
Fayth announced everything in one breath and with such sincerity that even a lies detector wouldn't be able to find a lie here.

I must be going crazy.
Fayth opens her eyes and looked into Selena's eyes.

Selena was looking a little confused but has that smirking and arrogant smile on her face.

Fayth relaxes at her expression.

Selena scoffed, "What nonsense are you saying?"
Of course nerd, you want to be like me.
I'm everything people want.

Fayth took a deep breath. She was not sure should she praise her lying skills or curse her ridiculous outcome?

"I'm saying that I'm your fan. I would not even think about what happened there and I hate that other crazy girl!"

"Hmm, but what if you open your mouth to gossip?" Selena implored.

For God's sake, I'm not interested in your catfight., I have so many things on my plate already.

"I swear on my Name, I would not tell anyone."

Now, just let me go. You crazy rich bitçh!

"Okay, then you can go but if you do something that you should not., then you know...."

Selena started but fayth answered the rest.

"I know."

After that fayth left the room, but it took her thirty minutes to find her dorm.

Marley was already in the room,
When fayth entered and went directly to the bathroom.

Marley observed her appearance.
"What took you this long?"

"Nothing, I was just wandering around but then forgot the direction.
That's why." Fayth answered simply as she washed her face.

"Oh, ok. I know this Academy is so damn big, anyone can forget the directions., by the way, what are you doing?"

"I'm not feeling well, that's why I'm gonna take some rest"

Marley shrugged, "Okay, suit's you nerd."

Fayth smiled even though it was fake.

nd went to her side of the room, it was pretty big.

She laid down on the bed and started to think about all the things which have happened.

Selena and Vanessa.
I could predict Selena but Vanessa is an odd one. But both of them are dangerous.

Fayth understood, Things are not in her favor, but from now on she would be more watchful, more careful. She can't be making any mistakes. She doesn't have time for that.

I'll end this as soon as possible.

Fayth nodded with newfound determination.

I must...

Slowly, the pressure increased on her eye lids and she drifted into sleep.

But oh, how careful a person can be?
When they are making A house of cards,
Which are bound to fall,
One by one...
or all together.


Beautiful Readers,
So, here's the chapter.
If you like it then don't forget to vote and share.

Thoughts on chapter?

Once again English is not my first language, so there would be a lot of grammatical mistakes, please bear them with me.😆

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