Sick Obsession | Drarry

By Jaguary0013

176K 5.3K 5.6K


You can trust nobody
Feelings for him?
Saturday games
Paper planes of love
What's up with you?
Tangled in the sheets
Seriously? Again?
Pansy's plan
Hermione's concern
Bickering girlfriends
That's what's going on
A gala?
Good ol' Quidditch
What? What's going on now?
Pandora's box
So not having it
No way! No way in hell!
Harry Potter and the chaotic timetable
Field trip
It's time to get you help
Feverish dream
Draco Malfoy and the conversation with his father
Love advice
Knowledge about Panini

I know what you fantasize about

5.1K 163 216
By Jaguary0013

»Undo me, baby,
undo me, baby,
I'll keep it on a hush as long
as you won't say sh*t.
She wanna f*ck,
I might just lick and tick it
and touch it and chew it
like she was the blunt.
I get in back of that body
like I was never tryna
be in the front.
I know that it's never enough.
When I'm puttin' the weed
and the blunt and the green
and cup.
And I'm open, you f*ck.«

Friday, lunchtime.
Harry hadn't done much so far today, except for teasing Draco a bit and talking to his friends.
The other students didn't know that he and Draco were dating, there were a few rumors about the hickeys that would be on Draco's or Harry's neck whenever the two had been seen together at the end of the day.
What also caused a lot of people to spread rumors was whenever Draco was forced to wear a turtleneck sweater for a week straight, because Harry had gone too hard on him with the hickeys.
But besides that, nobody was suspecting a thing.

"Harry, what are you doing after school today?", Hermione asked and Harry snapped out of his thoughts.
"Playing a match of Quidditch against Malfoy", he answered.
"Oh, okay. Did he challenge you?", Ron asked interested.
"Hm, kind of. And what are you doing after school, Ron?", Harry asked his best friend.
"Well", Ron stuttered, "I- I don't know yet. Maybe I'll play some chess with Finnigan later."
Harry nodded and continued to eat his lunch.

As soon as the last lesson was over, Harry went to his dorm to change into his Quidditch uniform.
On his way, Oliver Wood walked past him. He stopped, smiled at Harry and asked: "Hey Potter! Are you practicing on your own, huh?"
Harry nodded, he didn't want everybody to know that it was Draco Malfoy who had challenged him to play a match of Quidditch against him.
"Maybe I could join you. I need to show Flint who's the better Quidditch player anyway", he said, his facial expression softened up a bit when he mentioned Flint.
Harry cocked up an eyebrow at that. Weren't Flint and Wood enemies?

"Heh, well, I kind of wanted to practice alone. But I'll be there at practice next week. Maybe I can help you with getting better than Flint, or at least helping you prove it to him?", Harry asked he hated it to turn down hang-out-offers from friends.
Oliver nodded. "I'll see you later or on Tuesday", he said before he continued to walk towards the Gryffindor common room.
Quickly Harry continued going to the Quidditch pitch, not keen on being held back by another one of his friends or teammates.

As he was pushing himself off the ground with his feet, something yellow flew right next to him.
"Hey, Potter!", Draco's voice shouted from behind him, slowly flying towards the Gryffindor.
Draco looked around, making sure that no one was watching them before he bent forward and connected his lips with Harry's.
"And why in the world do I have to be here with you? Your girlfriend is waiting back at Hogwarts", an annoyed voice whined.
"Oh shut up, Ronald! I need to see if 'Operation Drarry' is making any progress without Pansy's and my help", Hermione hissed back, holding up her binoculars.
"I feel really bad for spying on my best friend, plus I didn't even want this!", Ron hissed back, he was so tired and just wanted to go back to his dorm. But Hermione had promised him some of her flavorful, homemade crumpets.
How should Ron refuse this offer?

"Look! They're playing now", Hermione informed Ron, who just nodded.
"See, they're getting along without us having to spy on them. Let's go back to Hogwarts now and eat some delicious crumpets", Ron said, he was beyond impatient now.
"Ugh, okay fine", Hermione gave in and the two quietly made their way back to Hogwarts.

Exhausted, but happy the two students flew across the Quidditch pitch, hands intertwined as they flew.
After a while, the two came back to the ground.
But instead of going back to Hogwarts, Harry suggested to lie down on the grass.
Limbs entangled, hair all messy and a fast going heartbeat.
"Good lord, Draco, I love everything about you", Harry enthused.
"The same goes for you, Harry", Draco replied with a warm smile on his lips.
"Especially how you look in your Quidditch uniform", Harry whispered, causing Draco to smirk.
"Yeah, you do? Now I know what you fantasize about", Draco said before he stood up.

Carefully he sat down on Harry's lap after the boy had sat up straight.
Their lips collided again, Draco's pink tongue gently brushed Harry's bottom lip.
Slowly, Harry opened his mouth, letting out a soft moan as Draco began to grind his leg against Harry's crotch.
Draco pushed himself against Harry and the boy leaned back.
Now Draco was hovering over the Gryffindor, their tongues were fighting for dominance and they both were moaning into the other's mouth.
"Grhh, f-faster!", the young Gryffindor moaned, gripping the Slytherin's shoulder tightly.
With a loud moan, they both came into their pants.

While they both were cooling down from their high, Harry pulled out his wand to get rid of the mess that was inside of his pants now.
Draco did the same.
"Remind me to make love to you in my Quidditch uniform one day. I'll try not to forget, but you never know what I'll keep in mind and what not", Draco said, a smirk on his lips.
"I'll definitely do that", Harry said, they both got up and made their way back to Hogwarts.
It was time to go to sleep.

"I'm so excited for the game evening tomorrow", Harry said as they were back inside.
"Me too. I'm a bit anxious, though. I mean, I'm still not keen on having everybody around us witness me having an orgasm. I mean, do you still remember our first time? I spasm like crazy right before I climax", Draco admitted shyly, a tame grin on his lips.
"I spasm as well, but not as bad as you. Your back arched, remember?", Harry said and Draco's cheeks reddened.
"Yeah. But I have to go now, you as well", he said, clearly flustered.
Harry pressed a kiss onto Draco's red cheeks before he waved Draco goodbye.
"Sleep well", he whispered.
"Sleep well too, sweet cheeks", Draco whispered back, causing Harry to smile wider than ever.

Tomorrow was going to be good, Harry just felt that.
He just kind of knew.

(Wortcount: 1111 words)

Yeet, yeet, I'm a sheep! 🤧🐑🤧
I hope you liked this chapter as much as I like sheep.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Undo" by RL Grime.
I'mma go now, byeee! 👋☁️👋

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