The Step brother! || h.s

By Emma_OneDirection_01

252K 4.6K 704

Lily Jackson is a 16 year old girl and she gets bullied every day by a 18 year old boy named Harry Styles. H... More

Ch.2 another day at school Aka Hell
Ch.3 Movies with dad!
Ch.4 oh hell no
Ch.5 another day at School
Ch.6 Netfix with Niall
Ch.7 Dinner with my bully
Ch.8 clubbing with Niall
Ch.10 im sorry
Ch.11 church with Niall
Ch.12 leave me alone
Ch.13 dinner and Suprise
Ch.15 Apologize
Ch.15 gasp!
Ch.16 Wedding!!
Ch.17 2 weeks alone
Ch.18 night alone with Harry
Ch.19 OMG Thankyou!!
Ch.20 Alone and Lazy Day!
Ch.21 Starbucks! And jealousy!
Ch.22 Date night!!!
Ch.23 shopping with Niall
Ch.24 The Truth
Ch.25 Meeting Eleanor
Ch.26 Prank
Ch.27 Prank Wars and victory!!
Ch.28 Are you asking me out on a date Styles?
Ch.29 Telling mom and dad
Ch.30 The Boys Concert!!
Ch.31 Where am I?
Ch.32 Rescued
Ch.33 Going home
Ch.34 food fight
Ch.35 Oh my God!!
Ch.36 I could treat you better.
Ch.37 family night
Ch.38 Tour?!?
Ch.39 Plane ride
Ch.40 the special concert!
Ch.41 wedding Dress shopping!
Ch.42 Wedding!!!
Ch.43 Epoilgue
50k guys!!!!!
I was 13 when I made this.

Ch.9 I cant believe what happening

7.5K 144 23
By Emma_OneDirection_01


I woke up and I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I felt Niall holding my hair back and rubbing my back. After I was done I set beside of the toilet and I said "niall I hate hangovers" "yeah me too I already threw up twice this mornin come on let's get ready for school" "ok" I got up and took some Advil and then I got ready for school. Since it was cold out I put on a blue and white striped long sleeve shirt and then I put on some miss me jeans and but my hair up into a bun. After I was down niall was waiting for me at the door and he said "you feel alright?" "yeah the pain killers helped" "ok good"

We get to school and we get out of Niall's car and go inside of the school and I get my stuff and go to first hour.

After seventh hour it was the end of school so I was walking to Niall's car I don't know where he is though. Then I heard "hey snitch!" I hear Beau say. I turned around and I said "not today" "oh I will do this everyday!" Harry was beside her laughing at me and she pulled up my sleeves and said "look boys she cuts! You told one of my biggest secrets now I'm telling yours"

I can't believe her. She just smiled I totally hate that bitch. "Haha she is so weak she has to cut just to get some peace and quite!" Harry said and that's when I broke I cried and ran to Niall's car and niall was already in there and he said "what happened?!?" "Nothing just take me home"

I can't believe this just happened!

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