roommates | yoonmin oneshot ✔️

By -hyunbyuns

461 33 214

jimin has a one night stand with his roommate. there are complications. aka, jimin loves yoongi and wants mor... More


461 33 214
By -hyunbyuns

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  r o o m m a t e s  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"no. fuck you. there is no way—"

"okay, then you're gonna go on a date with choi minhyun, because it has been a year since you've had a boyfriend, and anyone else would probably say that i shouldn't push you, but we all know you want a boyfriend, so you're gonna get a boyfriend."

hoseok crossed his arms and raised his brow, as if he were challenging jimin to speak against him. jimin opened his mouth, and nothing came out. he looked to seokjin, who is supposed to be his helpful hyung, but he didn't move a muscle.

jimin pouted, trying to appeal to their better nature. spoiler: it didn't work. "so i either go confess to yoongi-hyung, or i go on a date with minhyun?"

his friends nodded, all looking very pleased at their very great idea, jimin, you've got to hear this! jimin sulks. "i can't do either of those. that's a bad dare. i'll do anything else."

"anything?" jeongguk chimed, and beside him, namjoon got a look on his face that tells jimin that it's probably best not to let him continue. but how much worse could it get?

"anything," jimin confirmed, and the chaotic duo of jin and jeongguk exploded into little peals of laughter. "what's so funny?"

"you literally just dug your own grave," taehyung remarked, but the look on his face had no pity for jimin. his expression was that of pure, raw glee.

hoseok cast him an almost-sorry look. "you could have just taken my choices, you know? now your life is going to be fucked up for real."

the younger boy scoffed. there was no way that anyone could make a worse dare. a date with famously annoying choi minhyun? of course not. but exposing himself to his roommate (that he may or may not have the world's biggest infatuation with) that he has to live with for another year? and risk ruining their pretty stable friendship? that was even worse.

"i got one!" jeongguk exclaimed, and the table crowded their heads together to listen. "jimin-hyung is going to— trust me, it's a good one— go into yoongi-hyung's room and— oh my god i have a new idea! you have to go," and he started laughing. "sorry, this is ingenious— get this: jimin-hyung has to beat his meat in yoongi-hyung's room! isn't it great?"

there's a brief moment of silence and all eyes drifted to jimin's face before they burst into torturous laughter.

"that's evil, jeon," taehyung crowed the same time namjoon called it, "pure genius!" jimin, for once, completely and utterly disagreed with namjoon. there was nothing genius about it. how was it genius? it was stupid. what if yoongi woke up? and— oh.

he got why they're laughing now.

how would jimin explain himself if yoongi walked in? the unknown answer to that question is exactly why his friends thought it was hilarious. he, however, could not hate it less.

"there is no way—"

"you said that earlier too! and then you agreed to anything. so that means you have to now. or else we'll tell him ourselves," jeongguk said, the threat very clear and very terrifying.

jimin's brow creased. "you would not! " he huffed indignantly.

"we would too," taehyung remarked, nodding. "it's about time you guys got together. everyone can see he looks at you differently. he looks at you like he thinks you're dating," he said, gagging.

"you guys are so mean to jimin," seokjin pouted, squeezing jimin's hands between his own. "we should make it easier."

jimin nodded, definitely agreeing.

"how about you can start after yoongi is asleep?" seokjin suggested with a faux-innocent smile, and jimin wasn't agreeing anymore.

the group, on the other hand, have never looked happier. jeongguk started abusing namjoon's shoulder, slapping it as he laughed. jimin scowled. he always thought jeongguk sounded like a chicken anyway.

"better stay quiet, hyung," taehyung chirped, and jimin knew there was no escape once his friends were fired up. at least they let him do it while yoongi was asleep. there was a chance jimin could go without detection. and he'd rather take that chance than go on a date with that stupid, green-haired, obnoxiously nosy minhyun.

"fuck you," jimin cursed. "i'll do it."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

when yoongi got home, it was a bit past ten. they had very little conversation, due to the fact that jimin could barely meet his eyes without blushing at the knowledge of what he would do later on that evening.

they had dinner together like usual. jimin had made rice and a mushroom beef omelet (extra shallots for yoongi) with a side of kimchi pickles, a simple meal that his mother taught him before he left for university.

"how was work?" jimin asked, and yoongi set down his chopsticks with a sigh.

"tiring, as always," he replied. "the teams got in a bit of an argument today over which cover design will gain more attraction and get more sales. one design is more metaphorical and deep, very relevant to the album itself. the other is definitely more eye-catching, sure to get a lot of money. but it barely relates to what the album has to say. and i have to be one of the tie-breakers and my choice affects our entire label."

jimin's eyes softened as he pat yoongi's hand. "whichever choice you make, it'll be the right one. you're a smart person, hyung. maybe you could talk to the teams about their priorities. something like if they care more for the sales or for the album?"

yoongi smiled warmly. "you always know what to say," he tells the younger fondly, and jimin has never disagreed more.

at twelve-thirty, he received a group call from jeongguk, taehyung, and hoseok.

"so is operation get jimin dick a go?" jeongguk snarked, and jimin was so grateful for earbuds.

"i'm waiting until he's asleep completely," jimin replied under his breath. "gotta be completely safe and sure."

hoseok and taehyung weirdly smiled in sync. "good luck, jimin," hoseok said, and taehyung continued with something like you'll need it.

jimin turned off his phone and waited until he could hear yoongi start snoring.

around one ten, the apartment was almost completely silent. through the paper-thin walls, jimin could hear the rumble of yoongi's snores. he tiptoed down the hall, gazing into the older's room through the crack in his door.

a few minutes passed before he worked up the courage to push the door open, and from there it was almost a blur. jimin lowered himself onto yoongi's bed, mattress dipping as he sank into the pillows propped against the headrest.

he was going to do it all the way. go big or go home, he figured. part of him just wished he crawled into yoongi's closet, or even under his bed. but he wasn't a chicken.

jimin stared at the wall for forever and then some. his hands fidgeted with the drawstrings of his (pink, sanrio) sweatpants. they were discarded on the floor when he started to touch himself through the cotton of his underwear.

"what the fuck," he whispered to himself, cheeks dusting pink as he glanced over at his sleeping friend.

it felt wrong. it felt so so wrong. he was violating yoongi's privacy, for one. it felt like some stupid porn plot and he didn't like the feeling of it. there was just something not right with a guy jacking off next to his asleep friend. 

two, he didn't even know if yoongi was attracted to guys, so in case he were to wake up, it'd be a very strange scene. hell, even otherwise it would be strange. what would any sane person do in that situation?

yet he didn't stop, easing himself out of his underwear, knowing that it could go mortally and fatally wrong. he knew the consequences, so he'll try his best to avoid it. there was no going back by then, with his underwear pulled down towards his ankles. he seriously considered sitting on the floor.

he could barely focus, mind racing a million miles with every passing second. he knew his face was a shade close to scarlet from the heat of embarrassment. yet the pulse in his wrist was faster than he had ever felt, and he felt like his heart might have burst if it continued at its rate.

when he touched himself it hurt, even the gentlest strokes punching heavy breaths out of his lungs. it had been too long since he last touched himself, and it ached within him. he didn't have to work hard to make himself hard, though, as the presence of the older excited him halfway there, and painfully so.

jimin felt the exhilaration in his bloodstream, an addicting rush. the fact that yoongi, the boy he had secretly loved for so long, could open his eyes and see him in such a vulnerable position, made him feel a cocktail of emotions. he was halfway between fear and shame, yet he could not help but feel excitement like molten lava in his veins.

on a good stroke, he had to bite his lip to hold back the sound that threatened to leave his mouth, eyes brimming with tears at how good he felt. how blissful it was to feel this way beside yoongi.

he was mortified at how perverse he sounded. this surely had to be wrong on multiple levels.

yet he still imagined someone else's hands. long, elegantly curled fingers, the way they glided so effortlessly along the keys of a piano. he thought of the performance he did not want to go to but ended up loving. 

the night he fell in love with yoongi.

yoongi, leaving the stage, reappearing after the gig was over, a check in his hand. his face was blank, even through all of their friend's compliments. he insisted that he just needed the money.

when he noticed jimin, he smiled. before that, it had been nods, the barest of gestures. jimin had never been on the receiving end of the older's smile, and he still remembered how the air was caught in his lungs when yoongi smiled so tenderly.

"jimin, you came," he had said, disbelief clear in his voice. he had sounded so shy, so unsure. "hoseok told me you would but i wasn't sure. honestly, i thought you didn't like me. i thought you thought i was a bad roommate." he laughed, a gentle rumble that set jimin's nerves alight. though the hall was buzzing with conversations, he only heard yoongi.

jimin's hand quickened, his heart so loud in his ears he was afraid that yoongi would hear it. he's embarrassed but he could not stop. not when his mind was racing with images. he felt ashamed. he didn't know if he could look any of his friends in the eye if he saw them tomorrow. he didn't know if he could look at yoongi ever again.

yoongi had driven him home after their friends got celebratory dinner— for yoongi's first gig, namjoon had said, but they all knew it was because it had been too long since they last all ate together. they had been so happy. yoongi even let jungkook take a sip of his soju (which he spat out).

jimin had the highest alcohol tolerance of the group, everyone knew that. even after several of his own drinks, he was sipping alcohol from taehyung's and hoseok's cups when they weren't looking.

if it hadn't been for yoongi and jin, none of them would have made it home alive. they took turns driving each of their friends home, taking maybe an hour to cover everyone. by the time jimin was in bed, it had been past one thirty. yoongi had tucked him in and laughed, called him an idiot for stealing alcohol. jimin, piss drunk, begged the older to stay. held onto him like a baby would hold its mother for the whole night.

yoongi wasn't there when he woke up.

jimin heard yoongi shift in his sleep, rolling over to where he would be able to see jimin by just opening his eyes. maybe he had a thing for being caught in the act because part of him hoped that yoongi would hear. hoped that he would wake up and see jimin so vulnerable, a crying mess for him. just for you, he thought, whimpering into his hand.

the thought makes him hurt, his body aching with need for release. jimin's hips raised unconsciously as the tempo of his hand rises, evenly timed strokes. the silence was only a childish wish now. he heard the bedsprings bounce and squeak, imagined yoongi touching him, imagined yoongi whispering in jimin's ear with his deep voice. god, his voice.

jimin let out a whine in frustration and covered his mouth when it was too late. he didn't hear yoongi's snores anymore and his blood ran cold. he turned his head and felt the way his heart shuddered when he saw his hyung's open eyes.

"yoongi," jimin spoke after a pause, his voice breathy, needy. "please," he continued, knowing exactly what he wanted but not knowing how to form the words.

the older swallowed, adam's apple bobbing. his eyes were pried wide open, so far from his sleep now. "jimin," he said, and that's all he dares to say. his gaze traveled to jimin's hand, still touching himself.

jimin bit back a cry. "hyung, it hurts," he breathed sharply. "it's not enough, hyung— i want you, need you," he whined, words incohesive. he didn't even register his own speech.

he felt the bed dip when yoongi sat up, his brows creased in concern. "jimin, fuck," is all he said for a long time, but he licked his lips and it made jimin go near feral. "god, jimin— are you drunk? what time is it?" he glanced over at his alarm clock. 1:28 AM. "god. do you even know what you're—"

"yoongi-hyung," jimin interrupted. "i know exactly what i'm doing." and then—

"please, touch me."

after a second that felt like an eternity, yoongi moved toward jimin, discarding his clothes in the process. it took a moment for jimin to process it, as it felt unreal. but yoongi only got closer and jimin let go of himself, a pent up sigh leaving his mouth. he knows his hyung will take care of him. he just hoped that part of yoongi wanted this too, whatever this was.

he knew he's the first yoongi has had in more than a year. the older rarely went out, never went on dates, not even the ones jin-hyung and hoseok-hyung had so desperately tried to set him up with. it made jimin feel special. special because yoongi would touch him and only him. jimin wanted to kiss him but he also didn't want to go too far. so he let the older touch his skin, face conflicted and confused yet curious, all at once.

jimin searched yoongi's face for any sign of emotion but came up with nothing. he knew he shouldn't expect anything big, yet part of him still hoped. that maybe...maybe yoongi saw something between them too.

yoongi's hand went to jimin's thigh before pulling away like he touched fire— then he touched him again, like a moth returning to the light that burns it. it worries him, that yoongi might reject him.

yoongi was gentle with him, testing the pitch-black waters. he must have thought jimin to be insane at how he fidgeted at the barest amount of contact. but even the feather-light brush of fingertips on the inside of jimin's thigh made him weak, head faint and dizzy. he still was not sure if he was truly awake. so he dared not to blink, in case he was to wake up from a dream.

it took too long and jimin only grew more frustrated. yoongi was being too careful, like a person handling an injured bird. jimin's fingers curled around the older's wrist, and they share a look. yoongi swallows visibly.

"hyung, do you want this?" he asked, and his voice felt like chalk. he didn't know what he would do if yoongi told him no. he would tell yoongi it was a dare, he would understand. but he would never be able to look at his friend in the eye again.

"i—" yoongi's nails dug into the soft of jimin's thigh. "i don't want to hurt you."

"and you won't, hyung. i promise," jimin said, brushing up his arm. "i want you, hyung, i always have. and i want you now, need you now." he had tried not to sound needy, but it had been impossible. impossible because there was nothing that he wanted more. "i need to finish this, yoongi, and i promise i'll make you feel good. just— just help me first." he paused.

"but only if you want to, hyung."

yoongi did not reply. after a painful minute, jimin's hand drifted to himself again, and he was chasing friction. yoongi grabbed his hand and pinned it away from him. the look in his eye was dangerous, and for once, jimin was scared of the older. he had never once heard yoongi be with someone, much less have sex with them. would he be gentle? sweet and loving? or would he be animalistic? would he fuck jimin into a sobbing mess? the unknown was terrifying yet enticing, both at once.

jimin didn't know which one he wanted more.

"baby," yoongi said tiredly, after a long silence. jimin's chest filled with scorching butterflies, a painful, fluttering sensation. he couldn't help but love the way the older said it with so much endearment. jimin almost believed that he was something more than a one night stand.

"i promise i'll take care of you."

jimin felt the prickle of tears, pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth to keep them from spilling. crybaby even before sex. how pathetic. he nodded and watched yoongi roll over to retrieve an item from one of his drawers.

"when was the last time you did this?" yoongi whispered, the bottle of lube going from hand to hand in a nervous manner.

jimin answered honestly. "i haven't for a long time," he responded, partially embarrassed but partially proud that yoongi was going to be the one to restart jimin, to be the first one to touch jimin in so long. "almost a year."

yoongi looked at him with awe, maybe, and something else. "god," he said. "why me, of all the people you could have asked?" his hand touched jimin's sensitive length, and jimin felt a tear roll down his cheek. he let out a small sound, leaning into the touch. the older was staring, and if jimin could think properly, he'd probably be embarrassed.

jimin felt bashful when he answered. "i could— i could ask you the same thing," he replied, inhaling sharply when yoongi stroked him, thumbpad feeling heavenly sinful against the slit of his member. "hyung," he hiccuped, knowing he didn't deserve yoongi's kindness. not when everything was a dare. it shouldn't have been this way. 

the realization scorched his chest.

the older boy nodded wordlessly, moving forward and grabbing jimin's leg right under the curve, pushing them apart as he settled himself between them. "hyung's gonna make you feel better, okay?" he tells jimin gently, and it sounded just like when jimin came home from dance with a headache from his cold. yoongi had made him chicken ramen and practically tucked him in, checking in on him every thirty minutes. it made jimin's heart clench with adoration for yoongi. they weren't close yet the older always cared for him.

jimin felt yoongi's slick finger, twisting and turning inside of him, so tentative and careful that jimin forgot the pain as he stared into yoongi's face. he tried his best to hide the heart eyes that he had and has for yoongi. how could you have a one night stand when there were strings attached? he had to be realistic— yoongi was going to forget him when the sun rose. as much as he wished otherwise, his hyung wasn't one for commitment. 

at least, that he knew of.

one finger became two and jimin became more than ready to be one with yoongi. yoongi kissed his chest and paused with his lips on jimin's thundering heartbeat. he pulled away like it was death, a look of pained fear on his face. he must not know, jimin thought, so he distracted him.

jimin touched yoongi's hand and guided it into his palm, never once disconnecting their eyes. "i want to be yours, yoongi. i want to be one with you."

"you don't mean that," yoongi said, but before jimin could complain, yoongi had begun shifting into jimin, earning a sputtered gasp from the younger.

"hyung," jimin said, just for the sake of it.

"jimin," yoongi replied, squeezing the younger's hand. he rocked his hips against jimin, the speed mind-numbingly slow. he felt full, complete. there was a weight to the feeling and it didn't feel wrong. it felt like it was meant to be that way.

jimin bit down on his lip as a groan struggled to escape. he barely noticed how tight he was holding onto yoongi's right hand. when he did, it was because yoongi had brought it up to his lips and pressed a kiss against it, whispering a sorry as his strokes deepened, prying jimin open and cleaving his soul apart in a feeling straddling the fence between ecstasy and pain.

jimin could have cried then, but he held it back, tasting the metallic tang of blood on his tongue from where he bit his lips raw.

"jimin," yoongi whispered, demanding eye contact. jimin swallowed and looked yoongi in the eye. jimin imagined that he could see his soul, and he stared, caught in an inescapable rapture.

he smiled in a way that could be seen as lovingly, splitting jimin's heart in two. "let me hear you," yoongi said, and jimin had never heard a command said softer. he nodded. he only had once chance to be with yoongi like this. he would do anything for him, to make their moment last just a little bit longer.

yoongi let go of jimin's hands and gripped jimin's waist as he adjusted his pace to something quicker, hitting somewhere deep inside jimin. he reached a place that made jimin feverishly mad with every second stroke. "i'm sorry if i'm hurting you," he said, echoing his earlier apology. he seemed to flinch every time jimin moaned. the faster he went, the longer the cries became, bleeding into one.

"you could— you could never hurt me," jimin said breathlessly. tears blurred his vision, and he fought to blink them away when yoongi reached up to wipe them with a thumb. it felt like a promise, and it did nothing but make jimin cry more.

"yoongi, i'm sorry," he choked out between guttural cries, feeling the familiar build. it was like nearing the drop in a slow roller coaster— jimin knew it was the best part, but it would also be the end. he wasn't ready to finish. he wasn't ready for what came after.

"you have nothing to be sorry for," yoongi said, dipping his head to press a chaste kiss against jimin's collarbone. jimin could have scoffed if he didn't feel so euphoric. to yoongi, this was just sex. he didn't know how much it meant to jimin.

"i wish— hyung, god—! i could tell— tell you," he said, never quite finishing, pushing himself up, hands grabbing yoongi's neck as he straddled his lap for a better angle, chasing release. a honeyed moan spilled from his lips as he felt yoongi, fucking into him with so much care, the love something like fool's gold. he bit yoongi's hot skin to silence himself, fingers threading into his hair. "you make me feel so good," jimin told him through tears.

he felt it building, body going cold, his breaths getting shallower and shorter, his voice at a pitch too high to be normal, his moans far from sweet and so needy— because he craved the release and yoongi was providing him with exactly what he needed.

"hyung," he whispered, once, maybe twice, his mind empty. "hyung, i'm so close, i'm so—" it neared the edge and jimin's chest dropped as he spiraled into intoxicated oblivion.

and he felt it, the spilling feeling. a cry was wrenched from his body, drawn out and the pitch rose with every breath. it left him breathless as his body tensed, feeling like he had been hit with a white-hot bolt of electricity. pleasure spread across his body like an inkblot would on canvas. yoongi thrust his hips into jimin's sated body, clearly not finished yet. it hurt so good, jimin thought, as another broken cry ripped free from his throat. he was unable to stop himself, hold it in.

jimin's fingers curled against the older's back, pulling him closer, his legs encircling his waist with a possessive nature. they fell into each other on the mattress, jimin pinned beneath the older. and yoongi did the unthinkable— he kissed jimin sweetly, too sweetly and innocently for what they had just done, hips stuttering, strokes becoming uneven, bringing painful pleasure to jimin's overspent, overstimulated body. jimin felt the warmth bleeding inside of him when yoongi came undone inside of jimin. he cried with pain but there was nowhere he would rather be than in yoongi's hold.

they met eyes and jimin's mind blanked. the moment lengthens and jimin could hear nothing but the pulses of their heartbeat. if jimin hadn't known that it was just sex, the heat of the moment— he would swear that they were making love. "yoongi," he whispered, dropping the honorific, making the moment so much more intimate. "yoongi." he savored the taste of his lover's name on his tongue, the melancholic bitterness of an impossible dream.

jimin slid his fingers along yoongi's jaw, cupping the older's face as he guided them into another kiss. yoongi tasted like yoongi, something like stars and ambrosia. something that makes his mind go fuzzy and was absolutely aphrodisiac. he tells himself this is what love feels like. but he knows it's an illusion and sooner or later, yoongi would be mad at him. so he kissed him as if he would never kiss him again.

because that was the reality of it.

yoongi didn't allow jimin the opulence of another kiss.

the older turned his head away, features crinkling in what jimin could only decipher as pain and regret. yoongi searched jimin's face cautiously before cursing.

jimin's heart froze in his chest and he didn't know what to say, felt like crying. yoongi's eyes were wide with concern, but it took a moment before he said something. it took a moment before they started breathing, or anything.

"jimin," he began, but he never seemed to finish. "jimin, what were you thinking?" was the first thing yoongi said after an eternity and jimin's heart splintered into fragments. "god," he said, and curses. "we can't— you can't do this!"

the younger was speechless, and he sputtered when he tried to form a sentence. "why not?" he demanded, and it comes out shakier than he wants it to. he steadied himself, but only so much steadying was possible. "why did we even— was this just fun for you? i thought— maybe i imagined it— i thought we were enjoying ourselves! i thought i was making you feel good," he hushed, voice quieting into unsureness with each word. he didn't try to conceal the liquid fire tears that were escaping his eyes.

yoongi seemed to get angrier the more jimin spoke, and jimin didn't know why. "sex makes everyone feel good, jimin! did the others tell you to do this? did they tell you?"

"alright, it was a dare!"

there's silence in the room. betrayal flashed on yoongi's face, and it bled into shell-shocked pain. jimin didn't dare speak. he realizes he's never seen the older cry.

jimin bit at his lips, unsure of what to say next. "i lost a bet, okay? and they knew— they knew what i would say no to and they made it unfair!'

there was a moment of silence and an intake of breath. yoongi's face softened, stone-cold marble to melting ice. "what did they hold against you?" jimin shook his head, wiping at his eyes furiously. "jimin..." jimin slapped yoongi's hand away from him.

"they knew that i fucking love someone so they told me to— they told me to fuck around in your room because they knew i would be scared. but it was that or go on a date with minhyun and i— i couldn't do that because i have a stupid crush on you, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?"

it felt like the calm before the storm, so silent but electricity tensed in the air around them. yoongi reached for him but jimin snapped his hand away from the older. "that's all i have to say, yoongi, can you please let me have a minute? it may have been just sex to you, but it was more than anything to me. i love you, are you happy? i really love you."

"give me your hand," yoongi whispered. jimin blinked, pain contorting his features.

he stared at yoongi with disbelief. he felt like he had been shot. "what is wrong with you? i'm crying over you and you're making fun of me?"

yoongi held out his palm, right in front of jimin's face. "give me your hand."

jimin briefly looked at yoongi, searching for a reason to trust him, but instead could not find a reason not to. jimin rolled his teary eyes and placed his hand into yoongi's open palm, sniffling his tears away. yoongi guided jimin's hand, pressing it against yoongi's chest.

"what the hell, hyung—"

"—do you feel it?"

jimin stopped. he moved his fingers, searching for a heartbeat. and it was fast, maybe even faster than jimin's own. he looked for an explanation in yoongi's face. yoongi smiled tiredly, exhaustion clear in the dark under his eyes.

"baby," he said, the single word doing more than a million things to jimin's heart.

the struggle of admitting it was clear. "do you feel how much i love you?"

the younger's face twisted, heart swelling but ears refusing to believe. "that's not funny, yoongi. that's not!" yoongi let out a gentle laugh, the one jimin loved so much.

"it isn't," yoongi agreed, pulling jimin back into his lap, facing yoongi. jimin could've counted his hyung's lashes from where he sat. "why do you think they would have told you to mess around with me in particular?"

jimin blanched. "because," he said slowly. "because you were the only one not there."

"because they know i'm the only one that would be okay with that," yoongi said, hand pressed against jimin's cheek. "because they know we're idiots and they know i'm head over heels for you. how did you never guess?"

yoongi lifted his hand to brush away jimin's tears. "i could never afford to even wish," jimin says. "i just thought it was another stupid crush that could never come true."

the older drew closer. "well," he said. "you're not a stupid crush to me, park jimin. i could really fall in love with everything about you."

"you're so fucking cheesy," jimin said, blinking hard against tears while smiling, pushing forward to lock lips with yoongi. jimin could feel how yoongi smiled against him. it was chaste, it was sweet, and they both laughed when they pulled apart.


✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

please leave a vote if it was good hehe !

revised on 110719

- bro how did i jack up verb tenses so badly... i literally had

"said" and "says" in the same paragraph. thank u ap eng for

giving me actual solid writing skills bc.. this was NOT it...

i wrote the smut for the first time in the notes of my

ipad but it turned out really well! so i took the smut

and fitted it with one of my old drafts, this little

roomates au where jungkook dares jimin to do

something stupid and it results in yoongi falling for him.

but instead of just something stupid, i made him

do probably the most idiotic thing in the world

bc it needed to be short and i wasn't sure on how

i was gonna get them to do the dirty without it

taking a whole year.

speaking of the deed, how was the smut? i have

always like softcore better than like mindless

every-other fic smut. bc the other smut where

it's just held-against-the-wall and lots of

unnecessary moaning is uh. not what i'm going for.

they're in love with each other but they don't

know that. so they're extra careful and extra

gentle and yoongi just wants to be a good hyung.

and that shit hurt so much to write. like i would

read it over and over because it had to feel real.

it didn't take long to write the whole thing but

it took weeks for me to edit it. i hope you like

the end product because i love it!

while you're here, i'll let you know about my

future books, all coming soon!


jimin has a crush on his mailman, a guy around his age who has the job for the summer. an accident brings them together. spoiler: it includes a badly wrapped dildo. shit ensues.

aka jimin orders a dildo and his mailman yoongi is intrigued. there is smut.


yoongi wrecks his bike and his leg miles away from his city. he finds himself stranded on a beach, and the only other human life is a strange boy that acts as he had never seen another person before. his one goal is to get back to the city, but the longer he stays, the less sure he is.

a serendipity!jimin + agustd!yoongi au that came to me after THOSE muster photos. jimin has been alone for most of his life and yoongi is the first person he has seen in a long time. basically, they teach each other how to love.

swan lake—

when he is only a child, prince yoongi is arranged to marry the eldest daughter of the park household, a neighboring royal family. his father sends him to spend one summer at their estate, and makes quick friends with the princess and her siblings. except for her youngest brother, who seems to hate him for no reason.

years pass, and it is time for yoongi to marry. yet between the time of a masked ball and his marriage, he finds that his heart wishes for someone other than the princess.

and right when he is about to be happy, his beloved is taken from him by a fire-breathing beast of night— a dragon.

prince yoongi faces a LOT of hardships just to be with jimin. but when things start to look up for him, jimin is stolen from his life. he will do anything to kill the witch behind it all.

that's all i have for now! i may or

may not have a taegguk/taekook

fic coming out soon?? i have drafts

but since i'm a yoonmin acc, i just

didn't post it. idk. thoughts?

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