꧁༺Shared Trauma- Stranger Thi...

By 1980Bitch

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Where one girl falls for two boys at different times over shared trauma .... Violet Henderson is not your ave... More

Shared Trauma
Billy and Steve
Authors Note
~Side A~
The Start Of Something
Mad Max
Mad Max Part 2
Trick Or Treat Freak
Trick Or Treak Freak Part 2
The Pollywog Part 2
Will The Wise
Will The Wise Part 2
Dig Dug
The Spy
The Spy Part 2
The Mind Flayer
The Mind Flayer Part 2
The Gate
The Gate Part 2
Our Sins
The Snowball

The Pollywog

336 7 2
By 1980Bitch


"Morning Jonathan, I don't need a ride to school today. Okay. See you later. Bye" Violet's voice rung through the house as she sat on the kitchen counter on the home phone to Jonathan Byers. Looking over her shoulder a sulking Steve Harrington stared down at his toast.

Last night was tough for him and maybe Violet added more salt then what was necessary to the wound Nancy Wheeler cut open but she couldn't lie to the boy- she had too much respect for him to do that...
" Come on Steve you need to eat" Violet pushed the plate towards him.
"I'm sorry, I'm being such a mope" he said picking up his toast taking a little bite off one of the corners.
"Don't worry about it. I would be the-"
"Okay what's going on here and does mom know he stayed." Dustin walked into the room with a look of seriousness as he looked between the two teenagers.
"Nothing Dustin and no she doesn't so keep your voice down she is still asleep." Violet scolded her younger brother- slightly annoyed at how nosey he was being. But if this was the other way round Violet would of hit the fan. He was just being a good brother...
"Dude I swear to god if you slept with my sister I'll-"
"Dustin!" Violet quickly hissed at her brother.

To Steve this little morning scene at the Henderson's was beyond amusing and he couldn't hold his laughter back anymore.
"Steve it's not funny. My brother thinks I'm sleeping around"
" that's because you are! Why else would he be here? You do know he is supposed to be Nancy Wheelers boyfriend" Dustin pressed on making Steve laugh even more despite the topic of Nancy coming up.
"Dustin I'm not sleeping around with Steve Harrington for fuck sake!"
"Then why were you so quick to get rid of me last night? Huh? The proof is in the pudding V and your glowing. Actually glowing"
"Okay okay enough" Steve laughed " Dude I'm not sleeping with your sister. I was... upset last night and she was making sure I was okay"
"Really?" He asked looking between Steve and Violet
"Yes!" Steve and Violet said at the same time.
" I swear if you ever hurt my sister-"
"Right that's enough. Come on Steve let's get going" Violet quickly interrupted as she basically dragged Steve out if the house and into his car.


As they drove to school music played at a low volume in the background giving Violet a safe and comfortable feeling- like she couldn't be hurt. It was nothing like being in Billy's car in fact it was the complete opposite yet Violet found her self strangely liking both scenarios...
" glowing. I'm glowing? Was he actually being serious" Violet asked almost laughing at her brothers stupidity. Steve quickly glanced over at her face taking note of her complexion.
"You are glowing today" he said seriously making Violet laugh. 
"Sure I am Steve. That's the affect alcohol has on me..." she joked sarcastically
"So you normally get rides with Jonathan" Steve stated as he turned into the car park.
"Yeah- You know how much of a bad driver I am right?"
"Yeah. I think everyone in this town knows how much of a bad driver you are V"
"I'm not that bad..." Violet lied knowing the full extent of her driving skills- or lack of. The car fell into a heavy silence as the pair waited for an appropriate time to go into school. Violet wanted to ask him about his thoughts on Nancy and the whole situation but stopped herself realising she might of pushed it too far last night...
"Vi I can basically read your thoughts. If you want to ask you can. Your my... Best friend"
"I'm sorry if I was too harsh last night" she started " but where is your head at with this whole situation"
"It's all over the place. I love her and I love our relationship but I don't know if she feels the same. I want to stay with her but I don't want to be some safety net for her just to run back to. Do you get where I'm coming from?" Steve's gaze at Violet was pleading for good news but Violet had very little to give when it came to their relationship so just decided to keep herself out of it.
"Look Steve the only way your going to get your answers is if you talk to Nancy. People say and do stupid shit when they are drunk so the best thing for you to do is just talk to her." Violet said as she started to notice more people piling in to the school. She questioned whether her and Steve looked suspiciously close in the car but brushed her worries to the side as she focused on Steve who reached out and grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze.
"Thank you Violet for this. For last night. Your a really good friend and I'm sorry I pushed you away last year I was a dick and I just-"
"Steve. It's fine. Your here now" Violet gave him a tight smile making the 'king of Hawkins' smile back.

As the two got out of the car Violet got a itch to turn around. It was like some magnetic force tempting her body to rotate.
"Hey V, I'll come and pick you up tomorrow Okay?" Steve said coming to her side of the car. Violet was going to decline his offer not wanting to change plans with Jonathan but knowing that Steve probably didn't want to lose another thing to Jonathan she gave him a nod in response. Steve turned around and headed into school but Violet didn't move as she still felt a strange sensation urging her to turn around so she did.

She turned around scanning the car park for anything or anyone that might of wanted to grab her attention and there he was, lent up against his blue camaro basically burning holes into her face as he didn't remove his eyes from hers. Violet once again felt a electric impulse surge between the two causing sparks in her body. It was like her body was telling her to move to him-to get closer and closer until their bodies were touching and there was no room left. But her brain told her otherwise and made sure she stayed put. She wanted to move; to move her body, her legs, her eyes. But she couldn't. It was like he had had a controller that stopped her from moving, stopped her eyes from moving off his ocean blue ones where she found herself getting lost.

He was toxic. One little look and you couldn't stop. A sinister smirk graced his plump lips as if he knew she was struggling to move and he started to waltz over to where she was stood. And yet again Violet tried to move but she was under his control and he kept her there. Stuck.
"How was Harrington?" His angelic voice cut through the air as he towered over her.
"I-em-I" Violet stuttered at first causing Billy to let out a chuckle at how flustered the girl was. "Wait what?" Violet finally managed to find her words.
"How was he? Harrington. You did leave with him last night and now the morning after you are clambering out of his car" Billy teased her and his voice carried a sense of jealousy but Violet didn't pick up on that as she was beginning to get angry at people jumping to conclusions about her and Steve
"I wouldn't know" she spat " I didn't do anything with him last night. We didn't do anything."
"And I really don't see why that's any of your business anyway" Violet huffed
"I'm better then him you know?" Billy said lowly like he didn't want anyone hearing what he was saying and he started to lean his body closer to hers immediately causing goosebumps to form all over her body.
"What?" Violet barely got out
"If you really wanted a good night you should of just come to me baby. I'd please you in so many more ways" his voice was seductive and sensual as his mouth hovered over her ear whispering what he would do to her if they were ever in such a situation .

Violet didn't know what to do. She froze. He had somehow managed to freeze her still- so still she couldn't move her body. But somehow he also managed to ignited such a roaring fire inside of her that burned for his touch. She wanted him closer to her. She yearned for his lips to be on hers. But snapping back into reality Violet shoved the Hargrove boy away.
"In your dreams Hargrove" she said as she walked away from him
"Oh but you are in my dreams sparky" he called after her "and soon they will become my reality" he muttered to himself before pulling out a cigarette lighting it up and taking a drag...

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