Misfits // the vamps

By laurynlawleypop

16.6K 583 60

In which a group of friends deal with life one step at a time. More

MISFITS. (The vamps)


482 34 2
By laurynlawleypop

Dedicated to rebecca aka the best queen bee in the world - happy late birthday you little shit words cannot express how much I love you! You're also finally seventeen and that makes me happy bc 17 birthday buds 💃 Here's a chapter just for you
That was the most accurate word to describe how tristan Evans was currently feeling.
He was alone . On his birthday . Something which he wasn't used to that's for sure , stumbling around he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sighed.
He knew his mom would be expecting him around twelve so she could say happy birthday but part of him didn't want to go and see her.
She was the only person he was pretty damn sure he loved more than anything on this world and to see her so sick... so ill .. Physically destroyed him.
He was thirteen when his mother had told him the news and he cried for weeks .
He was fifteen when her operation had solved everything.
He was seventeen when the breast cancer came back and this time he knew she was getting weaker everyday. It pained him that she wasn't there when he woke up to sing him happy birthday, a big plate of his birthday breakfast sitting delicately on a tray.
Today on his eighteenth birthday which should of been a big day in his life was the most heartbreaking day for him as realisation told him there wasn't enough time.
He made his own birthday breakfast - vodka and coke and got quickly changed into his blue work overalls.
Due to his mother being so ill , tristan had to quickly learn that now was the time for him to grow up and become the man that his father never was.
He had found himself a job when the bills started to pile in , one that he was surprisingly good at.
Martins was a small mechanics business run than no one other than Martin Harper himself . To say tristan was lucky to have convinced the small Scotsman for a job that he had very little experience with , was an understatement.
But tristan was grateful none the less and he found himself after a week of very hard training to be actually pretty decent at the job.
It paid good and he found himself somehow managing to push the debt collectors away.
As he made his way to work his phone rang out and he found himself accepting the call without even glancing at who would call him at this hour in the morning.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TRISTANNNNNNN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Three voices sang out almost causing tristan to burst his ear drum.
He knew who they were immediately his frown turning into a small grin
"Well good morning to you too , ladies." He chuckled as he returned the phone to his ear .
"Hey evans happy birthday you knob" Freya's voice rang out and if tristan wasn't mistaken she was intoxicated.
"It's Sunday morning miss Langdon! Bit early to be on the booze don't you think?"
"I haven't slept" she replied bluntly
"Did brad keep you up all night?" He smirked . It was fun to take the piss out of his friends after their little hookup on his balcony earlier on in the month and from various sources he knew they still proceeded to see each other.
"Fuck off." She shouted before a new voice that Was sober as could be ,replaced Freya's.
"Happy birthday buddy!" Chloe's voice chimed and he felt himself smile.
"Um thanks I guess."
"Are you having a great birthday so far?" He could practically feel her smile on the other end of the line and if he knew better she was playing with the phone cord.
"Yeah it's been great" he lied , he didn't want anyone to know how shit he felt this morning and most definitely did not want anyone to find out about his mum.
"Well it's gonna get better!" She exclaimed "after work come meet me at costa for a birthday drink - infact because it's your day I'll even pay."
"You spoil me rotten Thompson " tristan laughed "I'll talk later okay? Make sure freya doesn't get into your fridge - she'll eat everything in that state and oh tell Livvy loo I said hi."
"How'd you know it's Liv?"
"Because Rebecca doesn't give a shit. I'll see you later ok?" He sighed
"Trista-" she began before he quickly hung up the phone
As if he didn't have enough problems on his plate he wasn't going to let the one problem involving a certain blonde girl ruin anything for him.
He was going to move on and he most Definitely did not need her.
Yet why did he crave her touch and her love so badly?
"Right 20-50-100-150-200" Tristans boss exclaimed shoving the wad of notes into his hand at the end of his 8 hour shift.
"Martin this is almost 100 extra I can't take this-"
"Nonsense lad it's your birthday and you've been working really hard lately.
Plus with what you told me has been going on with you lately ... you need someone and I would like that someone to be me" Martin glanced at tristan a small smile on his lips as he patted the tall boys back and chucked his jacket at him.
"Martin I don't know what to say man... thank you so much" he whispered pulling his boss in for a hug.
"Right now go get smashed you're 18 I'm sure someone's wants to do something with you - I'll lock up."
Giving his boss a nod , tristan made his way home just in time to get changed and showered before receiving promised text off Chloe.
From : chlo
Remember drinks on me, Meet me in 10? X
Sending a simple reply back tristan grabbed his trusty beanie to cover his wet hair and made his way out his messy flat for the second time that day, his boots squelching with every step he took.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Chloe squealed instantly upon seeing the tall blonde boy and running towards him. Her feet standing high on her tip toes and her arms wrapped around his neck.
"Thanks Thompson " Tristan smiled . A real genuine smile for the first time that day.
Normally he would have received a hug off him his mum but this birthday was different and Martin wasn't really a hugger so having something like this put him in a good mood almost instantly.
As she pulled away her facial expression changed into a small smirk causing tristan to raise his eyebrows
"We didn't come for coffee did we?" He laughed taking his beanie off and running a hand through his hair .
"Unfortunately not." She grinned Intwining their hands and setting off a warm buzz in the pit of his stomach "come one Peter Pan it's not time for you to grow up - at least not yet."

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