Circles | K.J

By kendallsbitch

262K 2.9K 925

A gxg story about Kendall Jenner in high school & a few years after šŸ‘ = Smut Highest ranks : #1 in kyliejen... More

VII šŸ‘
X šŸ‘


58.2K 335 263
By kendallsbitch

"Kylie, you fucking bitch!" I squealed as I woke up to her pouring a bottle of water on my face. I'd always stayed over at my best friend's house every Saturday night since before I could remember, we'd been really close for all of our lives because we went to kindergarten together and I couldn't imagine my life without her now.

"Come on, it's sunrise!" She hissed

"What are you, 8?" I grumbled and got out of the bed. She giggled and pulled me down the stairs and out of the front door and we ran down the street and up to the hill to watch the sunrise. "Golden hour" I joked and took a shitty photo of her, making us both cackle with laughter. I set it as my wallpaper and she took a similarly bad photo of me and did the same.

"We have to grow up" she said

"No, we have two more years to adulthood" I shrugged "do you wanna go watch Toy Story 4 with me?"

"Sure" she laughed "Kim has it already, do you wanna just go to her's and watch it?"

"Ok, as long as your asshole sister isn't there" I said. I used to get on with Kendall and we used to hang out in a group of three when we were younger and when she got to about 8 she decided that she was cooler than us and found some friends away from her family, who are now all druggies and emos.

"Which one?"

"The asshole one" I said and she sniggered

"Kendall's probably out doing crack with her cool friends right now and she won't be out of bed until 5pm" she said

"She's so scary" I said

"No she's not, she's hilarious. She thinks she's so amazing cause she's tall and skinny, but really she's a loser and a crackhead lesbian" she said

"Wow" I laughed

"No, she's not that amazing" she said "I wanna see what you'd be like together locked in a room together with just a bottle of vodka"

"We'd probably ignore each other" I said "I don't like her, no offence"

"None taken, she's an asshole" she shrugged and we started strolling back to the house "school starts again tomorrow, I'm literally gonna kill myself"

"No, who's gonna drive me?" I asked and she laughed

"Fuck" she muttered and pulled me in between two trees

"What the hell?"

"Kendall" she said and peeped out of the bush and a car drove past really fast and the person driving gave her the middle finger out of the window "fuck you, junkie!" Kylie yelled. The brakes screeched and Kendall rolled down the window. She was wearing sunglasses, but her lips were swollen and she was extremely pale so it was safe to say she was high.

"Woah, chill" I laughed and she pulled me out of the bush and ran over to the parked car

"Get in the car!" Kendall shouted

"Why? You gonna dump us in a quarry somewhere?" Kylie asked as we got closer. Her sister had a cigarette hanging out of her mouth, something I thought was definitely her most unattractive habit, she always smelled of cigarettes and definitely had a nicotine addiction. She was listening to some rock music and Kylie rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm gonna take you guys home" she said with a smile and took her sunglasses off to check me out "your friend looks nice today"

"My friend is straight" Kylie muttered and opened the car door for me to get in and I was hit by the smell of weed, chemicals and cigarettes all in one. I sighed and sat down next to a bag of weed and a few grinders, and there was a massive box of beers in the middle seat. "Jesus, do you need any more drugs and alcohol?"

"What's back there?" She asked and turned around to see what was there "Oh, pass the crackpipe"

"You're not smoking crack and driving"

"I know, I just need to hide it cause that's totally gonna trigger dad again if he looks around in here" she said and Kylie passed her the pipe and she put it in the glove box and locked it.

"Sorry about her crackheadness" Kylie sighed

"It's cool" I shrugged

"Told you I was cooler than you Kylie" Kendall said and started driving while she smoked

"Can I take a few beers?" Kylie asked

"Yeah, just not too many" she said

"Thanks" she smiled and got four beers out. It was only a short drive to their house so we were out of the weed ridden car as fast as we'd got in, and Kendall busied herself with hiding everything in there "thanks for the ride"

"No problem" she shrugged and stamped the cigarette out on the floor then picked it up and put it in the trash can

"You're not meant to do that" I said, gesturing to the bin and she frowned

"Oh. Where do you want me to put it?" She asked confrontationally

"Sorry, it just says on the-"

"Forget it, she's a bitch" Kylie said and took my hand, leading me away as Kendall eyed me up and down like I was a piece of meat. We went back into the house through the garage and her parents were already up. It was only 6am on a Sunday.

"You guys are up early" Kris said as she stirred her coffee with her usual sweet smile

"Yeah, we went to watch the sunrise up on the hill" Kylie said

"Cool, I could have given you guys a ride. Did Kendall go with you? I went to her room and she wasn't in there" Bruce said

"Yeah" she said shortly and we went into the back yard with her dog Norman and talked "so there's this guy I've been talking with and he's really nice and stuff but I don't know if it's gonna work"

"Ooh, who is he?" I asked

"I dunno" she shrugged

"You like this guy but you don't know who he is?" I smiled

"No, he's a rapper" she said

"Lemme guess... Tyga" I said. They'd been hanging out a lot recently and I found it super gross that they were doing that, considering they had an eight year age gap.

"Yeah" she sighed

"Doesn't he have a kid? Doesn't he have a girl?" I asked

"Yeah but he wants to break up with her"

"Ky, I love you but don't you think you should leave it until you're a little older and he's not with his baby mama?" I suggested

"Maybe" she said "I'll think about it a little longer"

"Has he asked you out or anything yet?" I asked

"He's asked me if I wanna go to dinner with him" she said "but there would be paparazzi there so his girlfriend would know about us going out to dinner"

"Just do what feels right for you. I know you'll make the right choice"

"What would you do?"

"Me? I'm a virgin, I don't know shit about boys" I laughed "but I guess I'd rather live my teenage life than be with someone who's an adult"

"I guess" she sighed. She was clearly conflicted about this and I wanted to help "who do you like?"

"Finn in the senior year. We talk a lot" I said. He was on the football team and he was quite popular so I decided he was a good person to see so I went for it a few weeks ago. He was a little annoying though, he was really hot and he knew it so I had issues with that but so did I, so we must have been a match made in heaven.

I got a text from my brother Matty that my mom wanted to speak to me. That was never a good sign. "I'm gonna have to go home, look at this text" I said

"Shit, I'll take you now" she said and we went to her car "what do you think it is?"

"I dunno, but when she wants to talk, she means shout as loud as possible" I said. We got into her Range Rover and Kendall's was blocking her in, so Kylie called her downstairs and Kendall groggily pushed past her younger sister out of her way wearing just some shorts and a sports bra and moved her car.

"You suck Kylie" she groaned on her way back inside "bye Sofia"

"Bye" I said shyly and she winked at me then shut the door behind her "she just winked at me, why is she being creepy?"

"Cause you're hot, she has a little thing for you and I didn't wanna say in case you didn't come over anymore, but be nice to her no matter what happens. She might be an asshole, but she's my sister and I don't want her to get hurt" Kylie said as she pulled out of the driveway "I mean if you're gonna reject her, don't be all like 'no, I don't like you' be more like 'thanks for asking, but I'm straight' cause she takes shit personally"

"She has a thing for me? Since when?" I asked

"Since the new year, I don't know" she shrugged "she's always said you were pretty since we were like, fourteen, but I think that you only became her thing when you got big boobs"

"So she likes my boobs, not me?" I laughed

"I don't know, I don't speak to her about girls cause she's either really closed off or she talks about them like they're a piece of meat"

"Can you find out?" I asked "I kinda wanna know what she thinks of me"

"Why? She's a total asshole" Kylie frowned

"I don't know, I just wanna know" I shrugged

"Sure, I'll find out if you want, but I don't think it'll be nice. The last time I asked her about a girl she said that she wanted to ride her face and choke her until she swallowed" she said. I wanted to know how Kendall felt about me, but I didn't know why I cared at all. I could have most boys I wanted at school and I was focusing on a girl who was in with the junkies in the senior year.

"Gross" I said

"I'll tell you exactly what she says, this is so exciting" she said

"Is it?" I frowned

"Yeah, my sister and my best friend tea... what do you think of her?"

"I don't know. I know she's gross and a crackhead, but I think she could be sweet"

"Are you bi?" She asked

"I don't think so. I don't know. Do you ever think about girls?"

"I did for a while once, but it passed quickly. I think I was fourteen and I fantasised about getting with Stass for a few weeks but I guess it was a phase" she said

"What's your body count?"

"Four" she said

"Four more than me" I laughed and she patted my shoulder. When we got to my house, my mom, Matty, and Marcus were all sitting in the living room in silence.

"Sofia!" My mother smiled and hugged me

"What's going on, why are you hugging me?" I asked and sat next to Matty. I didn't want to sit with Marcus, he'd always made me angry and I didn't know why. He was only 30 whereas my mom was 41, and he'd got her pregnant five months ago so I wasn't incredibly happy with that either, having another sibling was going to be shitty, Matty was already enough.

"Come on Sofia, be nice to your mom" Marcus said and I smiled at him so he wouldn't be hurt that I disliked him. I couldn't help it, I just hated him.

"So I have some great news" she started

"We know you're pregnant, do you have dementia too?" I said and Matty sniggered. He was also mad at my mom for getting with another man after dad and for letting him into our home after what our dad did to us.

"No. Marcus and I are getting married!" She said

"Why?" I asked and Matty pinched my arm

"Congratulations guys, can I talk to Soph for a moment?" He asked and dragged me out of the room and into the family room. "What the hell? Mom's finally getting married to someone she loves and you're asking her why? You honestly disgust me sometimes Sofia"

"Fuck off, you might think you are cause you're the only man left in the house but you're not my dad!" I shouted and stormed into my room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't believe it. My mom wouldn't and couldn't marry another man, but here she was, doing it again and subjecting Matty and I to someone who could hurt us like our father had. Matty came running upstairs after me and he had one hand up on his thick, black curly hair and the other on the wall by my door.

"Can we talk please?"

"Fine" I frowned and he sat down on my loveseat opposite my bed.

"You know what dad did to us is wrong, and Marcus wouldn't ever do that to any of us, him and mom have been together for years now, you knew this was coming-"

"No!" I protested "she promised me she wouldn't let any other man in ever again. And here she is, letting another man in by signing a stupid fucking document"

"Just try to be happy for her, she found love again, a lot of people in her situation wouldn't be able to do that. If you can't be happy, at least pretend to be" he sighed

"Fine" I said and folded my arms indignantly. He gave me a look of despair behind his eyes covered in eyeliner and then walked away to his own room.

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