purple veins // taegguk

Da hylncha

381 13 49

in which jeongguk doesnt like the soulmate system, and kinda loves kim taehyung. Altro

one // play-doh
two // evangelion unit-00

three // bulgogi burritos

42 1 2
Da hylncha

small warning; unedited, cheesy,
+pretty long chapter ahead!!!!!

"but what if you are?"

jeongguk pauses, his eyes widening into a doe like shape, as he stops fiddling with the hems of his jacket. he sucks in a breath before; "what?"

and yoongi eyes jeongguk down like a hawk, he watches every single movement jeongguk makes. from his deep brown eyes shifting from one part of the wall to the other, and the way the corners of his mouth fold subtly and he heavily gulps. "i mean, what if you actually do end up being his soulmate."

"i- uh," jeongguk sniffs as he attempts to man-up and make eye contact with yoongi, his hyeong, whos currently sporting an icy blond colour, which is a massive difference from his natural dark shades, but a lot less eye-catching than the more extreme colours he tried out.

"could- could i have the language of origin, please?"

"what-" yoongi scrunches his nose, "i-- huh? jeongguk im being serious." the blond sends over a frown to jeongguk, which has the latter slightly curling himself together, he doesnt like it when yoongi hyeong gets upset.

the elder of the two stares dead into jeongguk eyes, and mind you, yoongis gaze is not something you could simply ignore. (its killed thousands already, and legend says, that if you were to defeat the little meow meow's glance, youd be considered a legend, and saviour to all of humanity) "what if," yoongi tries again.

"what if you happen to be taehyungs soulmate? the label youve been stressing out over for years," yoongi asks once more, this time a lot more detailed, making it harder for jeongguk to dodge the question. (hed usually use a reverse uno-card)

"um, uh--" jeongguks eyes run across yoongis face, watching as his hyeong arches both his brows, waiting for him to continue, "i.. dunno?"

now, jeongguks still, young, and he has a lot to learn, but he can tell when someone is disappointed, and yoongis face holds loads of that emotion.

maybe, i should lighten the mood? "lol, haha, im a dumbass, arent i?"

the blond brings up his hands, only to let them press into his temples, rubbing rough circles. "yeah," his voicy husky, "you really are."

yoongi chuckles to himself, before finally breaking eye contact. jeongguk almost sighs in relief, before taking in his surroundings once more.

oh, right. theyre at a cafe near his hyeongs' college, and are seated under the branches of some sort of tree. the said cafe properly goes by the name daerim warehouse, as the name says, an abandoned warehouse which some random ass people decided to renovate into a cafe. jeongguk doesnt know the details.

why this specific cafe, though? easy. theres one simple reason only; yoongis soulmate.

or in other words;

"hobiyah!" jeongguk yells in glee, excited to see the brunet. while the latter, not so much. dont get hoseok wrong, he loves all his friends from the bottom of his heart. though, despite how loud this lovely star can be, babie has sensitive ears. / :( /

and with that, hoseok flinches at the sound, before processing the familiar voice in his head. after that, he lets out a small breath, as a smile stretches onto his golden face. did jeongguk ever mention how unique he thinks hoseoks smile is? it resembles a heart when stretched to its widest. its also fucking contagious. youd at least have to smile once under the suns presence.

the brunet rushes over to where jeongguk and yoongi are situated at, not before sending off the slightest smile as an apology toward his startled co-workers. (with said co-workers' faces lighting up at the sight of hobis dimples)

as hoseok finally reaches their table, he throws out one hand to ruffle jeongguks hair, which is getting pretty long; (not like anyone minds) and with the other, he pulls yoongi over to plant the softest of kisses on his forehead. and, awe. thats cute.

the human-reincarnation of the sun cracks open one eye, and lets it settle onto jeongguks frame. his stare is much more warm+comforting than the death glare yoongi set upon him, only a few minutes back.

"how are my favourite boys in the world doing?" hoseok mumbles out the question, though loud enough for both of them to hear, into yoongis blond hair. originally, a small smile sat on hoseoks face, but the brunet quickly let the smallest of puts stretch downward when he hears his love groan into his chest.

whilst wrapping his hands around the taller male, yoongi jokingly whines and rubs his fave into the others' torso, "hoobiii~". the two males stare at the eldests' sudden seen, jeongguk amused and hoseok, slightly concerned.

"jeongguk, sweetheart," hoseok lightly smacks yoongi on the head, "is this your doing?" the only response the youngest of the group could give was a timid nod, which only resulted in brunet smacking his soulmate yet again. "look what you did! youve made him all shy and ashamed."

hoseok unwraps his hands around yoongi, and seats himself between the two of them, before grabbing jeongguk to leave a big!!!!! nwn smooch on his cheek. (with the sounds and everything) "i know yoongi can be a huge meanie, so ill tell you what," with a wink to the maknae and a smirk now present on his lips, the brunet continues; "i have a few more minutes before my shift starts, and ill willing to use them up on you to help sort out your love problems."

"c-could i also get a f-free order?" jeongguk ówò-ed. (said male has been training all his life to use the owo attack, thats right, hes THAT powerful) from the corner of his eye, jeongguk could see yoongi grumble with crossed arms.

"of course, love!" hoseok smiles brightly, whilst letting his hands dance between the locks of jeongguks (almost-black) brown hair. another sound emerges from yoongi.

"now," hoseok drops his smile, and fuck, now jeongguks scared again, "update me on your taehyung-troubles." honestly? jeongguk really does want someone to help him out with this, not-getting-better, situation. yet, he gets so nervous that he ends up avoiding the topic. but, no. not today. (yesimadeapundontkillme)

the dark haired-brunet lifts his nose up, while suspiciously eyeing the two up and down, "how does hoseok know this is about taehy-"

"'cause its been the only thing youve been talking about dick-face."

"hes right, deary. its really saddening to watch."

um woah ok.

and here we are again, jeongguks fiddling with the hems of his jacket. "uhm-," choke, "its basically all the same? theres no news cos i havent been making any progress. im, literally, stuck in one spot." he then cocks his head to yoongi, "though, hyeong brought up the chance of me ending up as taes soulmate."

the blond nods at jeongguk, though, hoseok on the other hand; hides his lips.

now, lets go back to yoongis death gaze. fun fact about it; nothing gets passed it. from the corner of the lil' meow meows eye, he sharply reads hoseoks state before quickly softening his eyes, letting his brows knit the tiniest bit in worry. "whats wrong, baby?"

you dont need to be childhood friends to know that jeong hoseok full of good feelings and positive energy, somewhat resembling a jar of fireflies which glow against the black of night, or the runny feeling of warmth that dances through your body after having a sip of hot chocolate during winter.

they literally call him hobi (hope-ie) for a reason.

so, it sort of caught jeongguk off guard when he heard his hyeong tell him to; "not get your hopes up." ah, the face of shock that glued itself onto youngests pale skin. who is this imposter and what has he done with his hyeong? "i dont want you to upset yourself by giving yourself forceful hope."

"youre an incredible person and i dont want you to cry over your own expectations," hoseok frowns with upmost sympathy. oh, hm. jeongguk blanks out, and im not joking when i say he doesnt respond for the next minute or so. he stares into a corner of the cafe, his eyes circular eyes wide, the reflection of the places lights making his dark eyes mimicking a starry night. (별이 빛나는 밤)

jeongguks breath hitches, he snaps out of his train of thought to see his golden hyeong centimetres from his face, his skin glowing despite a light source being right behind him (in fact, jeongguk thinks it gives hoseok a nice aura). "what im trying to say is that; if fate happens to not be on your side," hosoek lets out a toothy grin, "then keep fighting until fate gives in." the youngest inwardly repeats the hushed advice, it flies around, chaotically, inside jeongguks mind.

hoseok returns to his previous position, and straightens up his posture before lightly clapping his hands, using only his fingers. "remember," he lets his fingers fold until only his pointer finger is out, "theres always a 50% when it comes to soulmates! so, lets hope your lucky, yeah?"

yoongi nods at his boyfriends remark, whilst subtly eyeing jeongguk for any negative reactions. though, the blond finds himself relieved when he catches jeongguks wide, bunny-like smile. the latter agrees with a short, "yeah, lets!"

the waiter in the friend group suddenly stands up, with his hands locked onto his small hips, "so, what can i get you, darlings?" jeongguk orders his usual bulgogi burrito—along with refrigerated banana milk, whilst yoongi eyes hoseok up and down with a smirk (woah, ew) before telling his soulmate to surprise him.

the brunet nods, then leaves to go get their orders ready, with an obvious shade of red upon his cheeks. with hoseok gone, yoongi lets out a sigh and finally suggests, "i think you should have a talk with your therapist, yeah?"

oh, his therapist. the youngest chuckles, replaying the memory of him getting kicked out of his session the last time he came over. apparently he kept on showing the man 'uninteresting memes'.

"'kay, ill go leave him a message right now."

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