A Siren's Crown (Book Two in...

By iluvdaisychain

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Book Two in the A Pirate's Kiss Trilogy (Original Title - A Pirate's Kiss: Sunken Treasures) Circe is back a... More

Authors Note
Prologue: A Lengthly Explanation
(1) A Longer Stay
(2) The Kingdom of Dragons
(3) The Dungeon
(4) Anthemin
(5) The Dragon King
(6) Departure At Last
A Recollection of Events.
(7) Confusion and Loss
(8) The Truth About Zalas
(9) The Burning Inside
(10) Thoughts, Plans and an Explanation
(11) Discussions
(12) The Storm
(13) Newcomer
(14) Truth & A Little Love
(15) Something Brewing
Writing Competition.
(16) The Arrival
(17) Welcome
(19) Shatter
(20) Adventures
(21) Worthy to Rule
(22) Preperations
(23) Secrets
(24) My Crowning Glory
(25) Mixed Feelings
(26) The Longing Inside
(27) Realizing Fate
(28) My Love
(29) The Earth Kingdom
(30) Foreshadowing
(31) With All My Heart
(32) Till I Die
Authors Note

(18) What I Would Risk For You

62.7K 2.8K 550
By iluvdaisychain

Chapter 18!! To the side is the song that I have been listening to on repeat while writing at the moment - So moving *sniff* I hope that you enjoy this chapter, it is a filler sorry, but it needs to be there so we can get to the next one!! 

I thought you all might like to know that I have made a Twitter page, (unfortunatly I am a nana with Twitter), but the main idea is for it to be the same kinda thing as the Facebook page, but because I am incompetent, it is also my personal twitter, not that its personal but you get what I mean. ANYWAY - Feel free to follow meh :) And I will be posting updates etc on there about APK and HOPEFULLY if I can get this book finished, I will be advertising APK on Twitter for the #wattyawards so keep an eye out!! 
Here is the link :) https://twitter.com/iluvdaisychain - The link is also on my Wattpad profile :)

I hope you all enjoy le chapter, even if it is a filler, there is a little splash of romance in there that just tugged at my heart strings :'(

Lots of Love,
Daisy xxxx


(Circe’s P.O.V)

The ballroom was possibly the most incredible space that I had seen in my entire life. For a moment, my breath was so taken away that I forgot my nerves and simply drank in the sight and smells that surrounded me. There was a smartly dressed gentleman to the side, who was busy introducing us to the entire room, but I looked over the sea of faces that had turned our way to take in the curving architecture and the magnificent stained glass windows that stretched almost floor to ceiling on the walls, the light floating through them giving the appearance that we were all underwater, with the sun sparkling down through the surface. In-between each window hung beautifully rich tapestries, of bright, bold colors, each embroidered with no doubt, what was a piece of important history.

My Mother was smiling and waving beside me now and I realized I should do the same. I raised a hand, feeling a little awkward and waved to the crowd, smiling a little stiffly at first, but, when the applause started, the smile became more genuine. The ballroom had been set out with the dance floor in the center and with the tables are the sides. I noticed that some people were already seated and being served their food and my stomach growled. Fortunately no-one heard but my Mother and she gave me a knowing smile, holding out her hand for me to take.

We descended down the steps and onto the dance floor. People bowed as we passed, heading towards a long table at the end of the floor which was set up on a stage slightly, looking out at all of the festivities. The Queen’s throne was in the center and I was to sit on her left. My Mother remained standing, lifting up her glass and tapped on the side gently with a spoon.

“We are all gathered here tonight, to celebrate the return of my beloved daughter, and your Princess, Circe. I thank you all for your presence tonight in joining me for a night full of food, dancing and laughter, we are truly blessed.”

Her short speech was met with much applause, before the band started up again with a lively tune and couples made their way out onto the floor to dance.

“Your Majesty” Ambrose appeared at my Mothers right hand side, taking her hand and kissing it gently. “You look beautiful, both of you,” He added smoothly, bowing towards me.
I inclined my head also, flushing at his polite flattery. He was incredibly handsome, his long blue hair swept back from his face, highlighting the startling blue of his eyes.

He took his seat beside my Mother as Zalas and Aranel also approached the table. They greeted my Mother accordingly and she them, before they took a seat on my side of the table, Zalas sitting down in-between Aranel and I.

He smirked lazily at me, slouching in his chair with effortless grace. He eyed me up and down, grinning at me slyly. “Well don’t you look nice?”

I scoffed. “Oh please, spare me.”

His grin widened as he leaned in towards me. “I am surprised you haven’t asked about your precious Bones yet you know. It won’t be too long before he is punished for his crimes; in the meantime, I do hope that they are treating him well.” He whispered the last part, his voice deadly, before he leaned back in his chair and clapped his hands. “Waiter!” He called, his voice bored.

I tried to conceal my rage at his words, out of the corner of my eye I could see Aranel smirking at me but I refused to give her the satisfaction of returning her gaze. Instead I looked out across the hall in search of … I let out a sigh of relief, Lacy and Nathaniel were both here, currently they were actually on the dance floor, laughing and enjoying themselves.

My Mother eventually noticed my gaze and she leaned over to speak to me quietly. “You have both grown so much.”

I looked at her startled, unsure for a moment. “You, you know about him?”

She smiled at me. “What, do you think I would not recognize my own son?” Her face turned sad for a moment. “I spoke to him separately, before we came here tonight, now isn’t the right time for the Kingdom to know that I have a half-breed son, not with all this turmoil. He understands of course, but it does hurt that I cannot acknowledge the existence of another of my beautiful children. The council has also had their say, and for now, they wish to keep him a secret. After all, I did betray my kind by laying with a human.”

My eyes widened as I came to understand the difficult position that she was in. “I am glad that you talked to him though.” I confessed.

She smiled. “So am I Circe. He has a twin you know, some-where out there, I left them both together but somehow they were separated.”

“I know,” I said quietly, “Queen Airocei told me.”

“Obsidian Bones may have information about his where-bouts.” She said quietly. “That was why I made the deal with him.”

I already knew this information from Aisling, but I felt as though this was something personal that she had chosen to share with me, and I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

She sighed, her eyes still on Nathaniel as he moved effortlessly around the dance floor, Lacy in tow. “He looks so like his Father,” she murmured, “so fragile, so human.”

She seemed to snap out of the trance she was in suddenly and I looked away, feeling like I had intruded on a personal moment. Smiling, she took my hand and I looked back to meet her eyes.

“That is enough of that.” She said brightly, although the sadness was slow to leave her eyes. “You must be starved, shall we eat?”

I nodded eagerly and at once, a waiter was at our side awaiting our order.


Several hours later and the festivities were still continuing. The music had become louder and more intoxicating as the evening had passed into night time and the night time into early morning. I had danced until my feet were sore and then danced some more, I had drunk wine; I had conversed with strangers, all of whom were so charming and so incredibly beautiful that I felt dizzy. Nathaniel and Lacy had gone to their respective bedrooms long ago, their faces dreamy with smiles that spoke of a night well spent. They had informed me, before they left, that the reason for Cobalt’s absence was that to many of the Water Kingdoms people, he would not be seen as innocent, and to see him walking around freely at a party would not sit well with most of them.

I had finally managed to slip away from the many people that were vying for my attention, their focus turning to the dance floor momentarily as what must have been a particularly well known song begun to play.

And now I was running down the hallways, desperate to find him, incredibly glad that the castle seemed to be deserted, for everyone was either enjoying themselves in the ballroom, or fast asleep in their beds. I caught my bearings outside my room, somehow having to had taken a right turn on the way. I pushed open the door and slipped inside, quickly undressing and changing into a nightgown. If my plan worked, I could not be seen in the morning in the same attire from the night before or people would ask questions.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I slipped out the door, my breathing seeming loud and obvious in the quiet hallway. My heart was beating fast, if I was caught … I gulped … I could not even begin to imagine the consequences. Trying to walk as silently as possible, I padded down the long hallway until at last I finally reached the magnificent staircase that I had walked up while on my tour. I peeked around the banister, making sure there was no one in sight before scurrying down the stairs.

Pausing at the bottom, I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself. I clutched at the pendant at the base of my neckline, and pulled it out, swallowing as I readied myself. There were longer hallways that stretched out on either side, but I knew that there was no way that they would leave him unguarded. Following my hunch, I took a left, padding down the hall and sticking close to the picture frame covered walls.

The hall curved slightly, making me all the more nervous as I did not have a straight view of what was around the bend. Suddenly I heard a loud sigh and I slapped a hand over my own mouth silently, to prevent myself from letting out a frightened squeak of surprise.

Ever so slowly, I inched further around the hall until a lone guard came into view, slumped on his chair, his head in his hand. He sighed again and tapped the end of his sword on the ground, humming a tuneless tune. I steadied myself, counted to three and walked out.

He heard me straight away, instantly standing to attention. “Princess!” He said, his voice surprised, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the ball?”

I smiled at him, walking a little closer. “I think the question is … shouldn’t you?” And in a instant, I held my pendant up into his face, mustering all of my concentration as I focused its power onto him, swinging it back and forth slightly until he could no longer look away.

“You should be at the party. It isn’t your fault you were assigned to this job, it isn’t fair, you want to go and have a good time.” I said quietly.

He nodded. “I do, and you are right, it isn’t fair.”

“You will go there now,” I said, concentrating heavily. “You will tell no one that you abandoned your post, you will tell no one that you have seen me. Now unlock the door.”

He leaned forward and did as I asked the key rattling in the lock.

“You will arrive back here before 7am. You will knock twice on the door and wait for my instructions then. You will not be spotted, you will not be seen, and no-one is to know that you ever left this spot.”

He nodded.
“Go now.”
He turned and walked off down the hallway. I felt a little bad for manipulating him, but if everything went according to plan he would never know anything.

My anticipation made my hand shake as I quietly opened the door and slipped through. Moonlight illuminated the space, reflecting off the bars that were fitted to the windows. I saw a beautiful dark blue bed in the middle of the room, but before I had time to take in anything else, a strong hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my scream.


A hard body pressed into my back sending shivers down my spine and suddenly I was whirled around to face him, my knees wobbling as I drank him in.

“Circe?” His husky voice was surprised, his golden eyes widening, before they narrowed into slits. “Circe what are you doing here, how did you get in?” He hissed. His hands went to his hair in agitation. “Do you know what could happen to you if you are caught?”

I couldn’t find the words to speak, immobilized by his very presence. Although it had only been a day, his cheekbones looked sharper than usual, his face tired. However that did not take away from his beauty. His coal black hair flopped down over his eyes as he impatiently brushed it away. I noticed that his ears were pointed, something that only happened when I knew he was feeling strong emotion. He paced back and forth, his expression growing darker and darker with each passing second before he came to a halt in front of me, his strong hands reaching up to grab my fore arms and shake me gently.

“Circe, say something.” He growled.

I bit my lip and his eyes caught the movement. Almost as though he couldn’t help it, he reached up a hand to touch my mouth, pulling on my bottom lip gently until I released it, my stomach swooning at his touch.

“I missed you.” I whispered.

His eyes grew hooded suddenly, and he brought out a hand to tug at my waist, pulling me to him fluidly, his jaw twitching as he reached down with his other hand to caress the curve of my neck, his fingers moving around to tangle in my hair. I let my head fall back, caught up in the feeling of his body pressed against mine, my hands bunching up the material of his shirt.

His head came down to whisper his lips across the skin off my neck, raising goose-bumps and making my heart beat frantically. My lips parted and I breathed out in pleasure, causing an animalistic rumble to echo deep from within his chest.

He brought my head up to meet his smoldering gaze, his biceps bunching as both hands came up to cup my face. He cradled my head in his hands and I closed my eyes as he nuzzled against the side of my face, breathing me in.

“Oh how I missed you too my Love” He murmured, his voice like dripping honey. Finally I felt him close the gap between us as he pressed his velvet lips against mine in the sweetest of kisses.

 I kissed him back passionately and as the kiss deepened he took control, his possessiveness coming through as he locked his lips to mine, pulling me closer to his hulking frame, my arms reaching up to grab at his shoulders. Growling lowly, he hoisted my up to his height and I wrapped my legs around his sculpted waist, binding myself to him.

His mouth ravaged mine, all tenderness forgotten as we aroused the animalistic need that we felt for each other in that moment. His tongue teased my lips, tempting them open as his hands explored my body, as though he was familiarizing himself with every inch of my skin.

Suddenly he pushed me away, and I stumbled backwards in surprise, my hair a mess, my night gown disheveled. He was panting as he looked at me with hungry eyes, his body twitching as though he was itching to come back to me.

“Circe no, you have to go, it’s too dangerous for you to be here and I can’t jeopardize your safety, if anything happened …” He trailed off and our eyes latched together, our chests heaving.

I knew what was coming next and in a second, we had closed back the gap between us, our desire too strong to withstand.

“Oh fuck it.” He swore, picking me up as though I was nothing and carrying me to the bed. I fell down onto the sheets, dragging him down with me and pressing my lips back to his, my fingers tangled in the black locks of his hair.

Everywhere he touched there was fire and it heated me from the inside out as our bodies came together in a pool of cold moonlight that shone through the window. I clutched him to me as I gasped through the pleasure, closing my eyes as we both reached the high that we had been craving from each other, something that would wash away the fear and the pain of not knowing what was going to happen.


“I missed having you near me.” He murmured, tucking my hair away behind my ear.

I reached up to kiss his jawline, feeling the stubble growing there, enough to accentuate the fact that he was a man, not a boy. He sighed, titling his neck slightly, allowing me to continue to drop kisses on his neck.

“I missed you too,” I whispered against his skin. “I was so worried that you might have been locked up somewhere horrible.”

He sat me up suddenly so that I was facing him as he leaned against the headboard. “You shouldn’t worry about me, I can handle myself.”

I reached out to trace the scar that marked the side of his face, but he caught my hand up in his and kissed my fingertips.

“Trust me.”

I sighed, looking away. A thought suddenly occurred to me. “Did Mother talk to you? Before we came into the castle?”

Obsidian hesitated, and then nodded. “Yes,” He said, his face turning angry. “She said that they were currently searching the ship for the Dragon egg. It is believed to be aboard my ship.”

“But I thought you already knew that?” I questioned, “Remember, I told you that Aisling suspected you before we even came into port.”

He sighed, “I know, but I didn’t really believe you, there could be no possible way that I could have taken it, I never thought it would get this far.”

“Then why has it?” I demanded

“Because of who I am,” He said exasperatedly, spreading his arms. “Circe they are not just going to believe me.”

“Well they will when they find nothing.”

He ran his hands through his hair. “That’s the thing Circe,” he began slowly, but when catching my startled expression, the rest quickly rushed out. “I believe someone might be trying to frame me. And if they manage to, there will be nothing I can do.” He finished his voice dark and angry.

I thought it over for a moment, “Who?”

He threw up his hands, climbing off the bed. “I don’t know Circe, and if I did, I wouldn’t exactly be in the position to accuse anyone. “

He paced around the room in all of his naked glory, his anger building up until I could practically see it radiating off him in waves. He stopped for a second to pinch the bridge of his nose, scrunching his eyes closed. “If anything happens that breaks the deal allowing my brother and my crew to walk free I would never be able to forgive myself.”

I went to him, bringing his hands down to my waist and pressing my body up against his own. My hands wrapped around his neck and I reached up on tip toe to kiss him softly. His hands came up to cup my face.

“Tomorrow I will have to hand over my pendant for the ceremony. You will have to give up yours as well, and then I will be truly trapped Circe. There is no escape this time.” His voice was slightly broken at the end and my heart ached.

“Listen to me,” I pleaded, grabbing his face. “Everything will be fine, I promise.” But it was an empty promise and he knew it as well.


There was a knock twice at the door and we rose from our position on the bed where we had been for the past few hours. He grabbed my hand and held it to his face, his golden eyes melting my soul as he stared at me with heart breaking emotion.

“I don’t want to go.”

“You have to,” He said, his voice husky. He kissed me gently before helping me to my feet. I made my way to the door, pausing with my hand on the handle to look back at him. He stood shirtless, in the middle of the room, the moonlight rolling off his back as he gazed after me with hungry golden eyes.


“I could tell him to leave the door unlocked,” I said desperately. “You could escape.”

Obsidian shook his head slightly, his eyes never leaving mine. “It would be in vain my love, I wouldn’t get far and even if I did, I would never get out of the city. You have to go.”

There was a wrenching in my heart, at the same time as I opened the door and I dashed through, unable to bear it any longer. I shut it behind me; my breathing hitched and tried to hold back my tears. Sniffing, I looked up to see the solider standing right in front of me, a dopey expression on his face.

I allowed myself a small laugh and shook my head, trying to convince myself that I was being silly, that this wasn’t a goodbye, even though it felt like one. “Did you have a good time?” I asked, straightening up to look him in the eye as I took out my pendant again.

He nodded. “I had a marvelous time.”

“Did anyone see you?”

He shook his head. “No-one saw me Princess.”

I nodded. “Alright, I want you to lock this door and resume your position. When I have gone from your sight you will wake up. You will have no memory of the party, or of me. You fell asleep on duty. But the night was uneventful.”

He nodded placidly.

“Good” I backed away slowly at first and turned around to run silently down the hallway. I reached the staircase and paused to look behind me, feeling slightly paranoid. There was no-one around, but I had a feeling that would not be the case once I got upstairs. However I was new to the palace and had a very plausible excuse, one that I got to use almost as soon as I reached the top of the staircase. I darted round the corner and into my corridor, running smack bang into a maid.

“Oh!” Bed linen went flying and I hurried to help her gather it.

“I am so sorry,” I apologized.

She flustered around, trying to bow as she attempted to gather up the sheets. “Don’t apologize your Highness, entirely my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” She straightened and smiled at me, giving me a proper curtsy, before her face turned inquisitive. “What are you doing out of bed this early Princess?”

“I-I was hungry, I went to go and find something to eat. But I got lost.”

The maid smiled knowingly. “If you like I can escort you to the kitchens? The chef is already up and prepping food for the day. You should probably get changed though. How about I go and drop of this laundry and meet you outside your room in ten minutes?”

I nodded weakly, realising now that my lie was not going to allow me to sleep any time soon. “Okay, thank you.”

She curtseyed. “My pleasure Princess,”

I turned and made my way down the hall to my room, the fatigue hitting me. Opening the door I slipped inside, taking a moment to rest my back against the door and breathe out slowly. Touching a hand to my lips I remembered his kiss, closing my eyes; I envisioned that he was standing right in front of me, towering over my smaller frame, his rough hands reaching out to gather me up in his arms. I could almost feel his breath on my neck, his black hair tickling my cheek …

My eyes snapped open and I felt my heart twist slightly as I was met with an empty room. Alone. I sighed, moving forward and resigning myself with finding something to wear, rather than dwelling over something that I couldn’t change.
When the knock came at my door, I was appropriately dressed and waiting. I joined the maid, who informed me that her name was Gwendolyn.

“It’s a bit of a mouthful,” She smiled. “You can just call me Gwen.”

The trip to the kitchens was a reasonable time; I definitely would not have been able to find it on my own. Good smells came wafting down the hall as we turned the last corner, and Gwen led me through a magnificent set of doors that opened up to a beautiful dining hall. A huge wooden table that was shaped in a U design took up the most of the room. Each place was set, although there was no-one seated.

“This is the grand dining room,” Gwen stated. “Where the Queen holds most of the dinners,” We walked past the table and towards the back of the room where a set of wooden swing doors released tantalizing smells each time someone came through. Surprisingly that was quite often, the kitchens seemed to be busting with activity.

“What time does the house start running?” I asked curiously.

“The kitchen hands start at 5.30am,” Gwen stated. “And the maids and other hands are required to be up and starting their chores by 6am, so that the most of the house work is done by the time everyone else wakes up. Shifts change over at 5pm and then the morning staffs have the evenings off and vice versa.” She said happily. “It’s great really, I enjoy the morning shifts the most because I like being up early.”

I was surprised at how relaxed the hours were, but then I remembered that everyone that I had met so far had actually volunteered to work her and I was starting to understand why.

Gwen pushed the doors to the kitchen open and ushered me inside. “Demetrius!” She called, “The Princess is here, she wishes for something to eat.”

I gasped as I looked around the kitchen, it was simply humongous. There was activity everywhere and gradually people started to become aware that I was present, their hurried bows and grins of welcome rushed as they bustled round, each with own task it seemed.

Suddenly a large man appeared from behind a huge line of pots, a wide smile almost splitting his face in two. He walked over to us, his arms wide open, beaming at us as though we were long lost relatives.
“Gwendolyn my sweet cherub, why have you taken so long to visit me ah? Do you not like my cooking?” He winked at her and she blushed. The man, Demetri turned to me. “And who is this beautiful rose hmm?”

Gwen hushed him hurriedly, looking at me apologetically. “Demetri, this is the Princess, I brought her here for some food. You should apologize!”

On the contrary, Demetri did not look ashamed at all. Instead he swept up my hand in both on his and kissed it gently, before bowing a very low bow.

“Ahh the beautiful Princess, so exquisite, so radiant. I humbly welcome you to my kitchens.” I giggled at his theatrics and he looked up from his bow, winking at me and then at Gwen. “ I think I am forgiven no?” He straightened and clapped his huge hands together. “Now! Tell me what your stomach desires and you shall have it! And while I am cooking, you can tell me your highness, what you thought of my food last night!”

“At the ball,” Gwen expanded, pointing to another set of doors at the opposite end of the room. “Through there is the ball room.”

“Ahh, I see.” Suddenly the path we took made sense, I knew that some of it had been familiar. And at least now I was fairly sure I would be able to find my way back.


I was just finishing of my third stack of seaweed pancakes, which despite my earlier doubts, (Demetri had insisted that his were the best I would ever taste,) were actually incredibly delicious, if slightly green, when Gwen came bustling back through the kitchen doors, her face agitated.

“Princess, I am sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but the Queen has urgently requested your presence in the throne room.”

I pushed my plate away from me, quickly swallowing my mouthful. Guilt from my earlier escapades washed through my mind and I tried to rearrange my facial expression into an innocent one.
“Did she say what it was about?”

Gwen shook her head. “I wasn’t allowed to know, Princess, but you have to come quickly.”

We said a hurried goodbye and thank-you to Demetri as we left, hurrying back the way we had come, but down past my bedroom this time and into the other side of the castle. Several long corridors and a few flights of stairs later and we were there. As Gwen knocked on the door, I chanced a look out of the window. We were very, very high up. The sun was beginning to break over the waters horizon, turning the sea blood red with a magnificent sunrise. I shuddered a little as we waited and then-

“Come in.”

Gwen pushed the door open for me and I entered without her, the door clicking shut behind me quietly. Soldiers on either side of me stood to attention on my arrival and I gulped, trying to squash down my guilt. Surely they hadn’t found out what I had done.

I looked up and was instantly reminded of a court room. There were pews on either side of me, with a plush red velvet carpet running down the middle of the isle, leading up a few steps to where my Mother was seated on her throne at the end of the long room. There was a chair on either side of her, but neither one was occupied. To one side, I instantly noticed Ambrose, and he seemed to be the only one of the small few who were here to notice my entrance into the room. Zalas and Aranel were also present, looking bored as always. Zalas slouched against one of the magnificent marble pillars that lined the edges of the court room, his arms folded across his chest, his long white hair falling over one shoulder.

Aisling was here also, she was currently kneeling beside my Mother, whispering intently to her. To my surprise I saw Hobbson standing off to the side, looking distinctly uncomfortable with the situation. Deciding I had stood here long enough, Ambrose was still staring openly at me, I cleared my throat. All heads instantly whipped around to face me, my Mothers lighting up with a smile.

“Circe!” She exclaimed, standing up. “Thank-you for joining us,”

Aisling stood also, her face impassive and moved to stand by Ambrose. Hobbson smiled at me, beckoning for me to come forward as my Mother did the same.

“Please have a seat.” She gestured to the smaller throne on her left hand side. “Unfortunately there is a grim matter we have to discuss and you are going to need to sit down.”

The sick feeling in my stomach grew as I walked forward, trying not to let my guilt show. I climbed the steps up to my Mothers level and took her hand politely as she helped me to sit. She sat down herself and looked me in the eyes.

“This is a matter that Aisling and I have already discussed with you; in fact I talked to you about my worries only last night. This is about Obsidian Bones.”

My eyes darted over to meet Hobbson’s, his face clearly distraught. “What about him?”

My Mother sighed and rubbed her face, opening her mouth to speak, just as the doors banged open, drawing my attention.

A disheveled Cobalt was pushed into the room, his hands tied behind his back and a solider on either side on him. He was manhandled up the isle and forced to kneel in front of us as I rose to my feet in shock.

He spat on the floor beside him. “I told you!” He growled. “I don’t know what you are talking about!”

“What’s going on?” I demanded, Cobalt’s eyes rising to meet mine as he realized I was in the room.

“Circe,” He said desperately. “Tell them. Tell them I had nothing to do with the Dragon egg! I was unconscious from my leg wound! I couldn't have known, tell them!” His eyes were pleading but I was confused as I turned to my Mother.

“What is going on?” I repeated, “Cobalt hasn't done anything, he-

My Mother held up her hand. “Is what he is saying true, was he injured during the time from your arrival to your departure from the Air Kingdom?”

I nodded furiously, rounding on Zalas as I did and pointing an accusing finger in his direction. “He can vouch for that too. It was one of their Dragons who inflicted the wound. He was almost dead by the time I arrived back on the ship, if it wasn't for the healing of the pendant and the assistance of my Anthemin, he would have passed away that very day.”

Zalas stared hard at me before grudgingly speaking up. “She is telling the truth. The boy was injured on their arrival, but that does not mean to say that his Brother did not inform him of his plot later on.”

My Mother looked towards the huge grandfather clock that stood in the corner of the room, her face grim. “He should be here soon. And then we will find out the truth.”

*    *    *

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