My Witch (Edward Cullen love...

By JaspersWife2

1.3M 22.2K 1.9K

What happens when the Cullens go to Hogwarts? See what happens when Edward Cullen finds his true soul mate. More

Main Character
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Esme's pov
Alice's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Rosalie's pov
Emmett's pov
Crystal's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Carlisle's pov
Harry's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Rosalie's pov
Hope's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Esme's pov
Crystal's pov
Alice's pov
Hope's pov
Edward's pov
Bella's pov
Crystal's pov
Rosalie's pov
Crystal's pov
Edward's pov
Alice's pov
Esme's pov
Harry's pov
Rosalie's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Hermione's pov
Crystal's pov
Ron's pov
Edward's pov
Crystal's pov
Author's Note

Alice's pov

8.8K 147 15
By JaspersWife2

We have been in hiding for three month,and we finally got word that Harry was at Hogwarts.Crystal came down in a really cute outfit.

Me: "Oh my goodness C! I love you're outfit!" 

Crystal: "Thanks."

Arthur: "Is everyone ready?" 

All: "Yes."

Arthur: "Alright,be careful out there."

With that we apperated to Hogwarts,when we got there we walked threw the doors.

Harry: "It seems that despite you're high guarding.You still have a secretary britch,Head Master."

The room was in silence. 

Harry: "Tell them what happened that night,tell them how you looked him in the eyes.A man that trusted you and killed him."

The whole room started whispering.Suddenly Snape took out his wand but McGonagal went in front of Harry.She started firing spells which he blocked every spell. Snape jumped out the window and flew away. 


Everyone cheered while she lighted the lamps.We heard a scream,we turned and saw a little girl in a corner. 

???: "I'm sure many of you want to fight.Some of you think that fighting is honorable.Give me Harry Potter and you shall be unharmed,give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched.You have one hour."

Girl: "What are you waiting for!Somebody grab him!"

I saw Penny go in front of Harry before anyone could touch him,and the rest of us followed behind her.

Flint: "Student's out of bed! Student's out of bed!"

McG: "Their suppose to be out of bed,you blathering idiot."

Flint: "Oh,sorry ma'am."

McG: "It appears that you're present's is need, Mr.Flint."

Flint: "What is it do you need ma'am?"

McG: "Would you please escort Miss.Patel and the rest of the Slytherin house,out of the Hall."

Flint: "And where is it that I'll be taking them to ma'am?"

McG: "The dungeons will do."

Everyone but the Slytherin's were cheering.      

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