Life in Search ✔️

By Honey_Money_

2.8M 133K 80.6K

Book 1.5 in the "Life in-" series Ashton McClain is lost. After two years of spiraling out of control he has... More

Master Reading List
1 ~ Lost
2 ~ Feisty
3 ~ Interesting
4 ~ Fine
5 ~ Boo
6 ~ Weak
7 ~ Bored
8 ~ Changed
9 ~ Annoyed
10 ~ Jealous
11 ~ Hothead
12 ~ Space
13 ~ Friends
14 ~ Pretty
15 ~ Reading
16 ~ Blessed
17 ~ Nerve
18 ~ Listen
19 ~ Date
20 ~ Flirt
21 ~ Smoothie
22 ~ Party
23 ~ Beautiful
24 ~ Friends
25 ~ Fighting
26 ~ Present
27 ~ Wrong
28 ~ Love
29 ~ Selfish
30 ~ Miserable
31 ~ Secret
32 ~ Dream
33 ~ Trap
34 ~ Tamales
35 ~ Win
36 ~ Lover Boy
37 ~ Thanks
38 ~ Leave
39 ~ Shame
40 ~ Gay
4 1 ~ Alabama
42 ~ Bliss
43 ~ Hooky
45 ~ Finally
46 ~ Dating
47 ~ Kiss
48 ~ Monster
49 ~ Gift
50 ~ Free
51 ~ Oh
52 ~ Hospital
53 ~ Waiting
54 ~ All of it
55 ~ Happy
56 ~ You
57 ~ Children
58 ~ Weird
59 ~ Light
Epilogue ~ Ashlett
Sequels and Spinoffs
Bonus ~ Birthday
Bonus ~ Hufflepuff
Bonus ~ Cuddles
Bonus ~ Always

44 ~ Potter

34.4K 1.7K 1.1K
By Honey_Money_

"Why did you change from lunch to breakfast?" Gabe whines.

Rolling my eyes, I eat my French toast. "Because I'm spending the day with Scarlett and you promised me a free meal." It was his lame way to make up for being a constant pain in the ass.

Instantly, he forgets about how tired he is. "What are you two doing?"

"I don't know, probably just watching movies." I don't think she'll be in the mood for much else.

His smirk grows, "Is this like a Netflix and chill situation?"

"Nope, don't even think about it." I warn, like at all.

"I mean, that's what all friends with benefits do. There's no shame in the game." He offers.

Almost choking on my food, I shake my head. "Don't use that word."

"Why? Typically making out on several occasions to the point where you leave evidence qualifies for that word." He says.

"Nope, we're anything but that word. It's degrading and I refuse to use it." I state firmly.

I've had friends with benefits, this ain't that. No matter what we end up being, that word won't be associated with it.

"Then what are you?" He pushes.

"I have no idea." I admit.

We're friends. That much she admits to and I've never had the opportunity to even mention another title.

Not like she wouldn't reject me instantly.

Groaning, I slam my head on the table. "What if that's all she wants?"

A hand slaps my head, "You're an idiot."

"No, I'm a realist." I say, hating the fact it makes sense. "She refuses to be anything more than friends but is all game for the physical action."

If Ronnie hadn't of knocked yesterday, who knows what would've happened.

"You're paranoid."

"No, I'm not." I'm going insane. "She needs to toss me some sort of confirmation because I'm grasping for straws."

Literally nothing. She's been jealous once and it wasn't even a big deal. What if Jake was right? I'm just a distraction from her world of stress.

Laughing, he shakes his head. "Promise me, if I ever get to be as stupid as you, you'll punch me in the balls."

Glaring at him, I stuff my face. "Fuck off, I'm going to enjoy the day you stop loving only yourself."

The bigger the ego, the harder the fall. I would know.

His smile falls, "Don't hold your breath."

Trust me, I won't.


Somehow, I've managed to be stuck in a bed with Scarlett for two days watching the only series I hate.

Harry Potter.

We've finished the entire series and I physically can't handle one more spell or curse that's isn't fuck.

However, she couldn't be happier.

Taking the time to scan her pictures, I'm once again fascinated by the images of her parents.

We've never spoken of them. I know their name, their history, and how they died. I want to bring it up but, just like the whole relationship thing, she jumps before it's even a possible conversation.

Hearing her open the bathroom door, I decide I want some answers and if I'm to chicken to ask her out, this will do.

"What were they like?"

Instead of responding, she frowns and I'm about to apologize. Way to mess things up, idiot. Instead, she grabs her computer and a cord.

"What are you doing?"

"Just sit down." She orders but she doesn't seem upset.

Deciding its best to do what she says, I lean against the headboard. In a hurry she presses play on her screen before scurrying into bed. Her back leans against my chest, pulling my arms around her as she sits criss cross.

She insists I'm a better heating pad. I just love this position.

"What is this?" I ask curiously.

I get shushed as a shorter version of Sage in a hideous flannel appears on the screen. Oh my God, it's her dad.

"Is that?" I question just to be sure.

She nods once and I'm too stunned by the clips to ask anything else. So I just watch twenty years fly by, the first fifteen years of Scarlett's life on display but I can't even focus on that.

Their parents seemed perfect. There's no other way to describe people that held so much love.

As the screen goes black, sniffles fill the room.

"They seem wonderful." I whisper, knowing I shouldn't mention the tears.

It's not until I notice that she's going to dry them that I realize how stupid that is. These emotions deserve to be felt, clearly, she's never had a moment like this before. I know how toxic it is to hold onto things, she has to do this.

Grabbing her hand, I flip her around. Shaky arms latch onto my neck. "They were."

And I just let her cry, tears soaking the front of my shirt, but I don't care. I almost want to cry for her, to know even a fraction of the amount of pain she's feeling crushes me.

"I miss them." She croaks.

"I know." I assure her, brushing away her tears.

As we lay there, I realize how stupid I was to panic earlier. She wouldn't have shown me that video and bawled her eyes out if she didn't trust me.

And that's all the confirmation I need.


Sneaking downstairs hours later, I'm scared shitless by the twins.

"Where do you think you're going?" They ask together, blocking the path to the stairs.

God, that's creepy.

"Um, home." It's almost six and dad made dinner tonight, so I know it's edible.

"Let's have a chat first." Silver offers, grabbing my shoulder.

"Step into our office." Sterling adds, opening the door to his bedroom.

Slightly amused, I follow them. Being forced onto the bed, I sit there expectantly.

"Ashton, do you know how smart I am?" Sterling asks casually.

"Super smart?"

He snorts, "Technically the school wanted me to be in the same grade as you. Does that sound just super smart?"

Holy shit, I whistle. "No, that's beyond crazy. Super genius is what I'd use."

"So you know I'm capable of many things?"

Where is this conversation going? "Yeah, dude, I'm aware of how badass you are."

"So you know we're even more dangerous combined?" Silver cuts in.

"All too aware, my guys, you're like the evil version of the wonder twins." I assure them, hating the fact that they're currently wearing identical facial expressions.

"Ashton, we know how to remove fingerprints from a body." Sterling says.

"We also know how to commit crime and make it seem like an accident. Just ask our neighbor's car." Silver adds.

What did they do to their neighbor's car?

"Okay, weird flex, but I get the message." I say before hesitating. "How exactly do you remove fingerprints?"

"Don't hurt Scarlett and you won't have to find out." They say together, almost as if they've rehearsed this entire conversation.

What. The. Actual. Hell.

All I wanted to do was go home and eat some meatloaf, I deserve that after a weekend of Harry Potter. What I don't deserve is this harassment.

"I've received the message loud and clear." Way too clear if I'm being honest.

Their glares are replaced with grins, "Awesome, now go home."

"Yeah, before Scar wakes up and discovers the jersey you left on her bed." Sterling adds opening the door.

How on God's green earth would he know that? Instead, I run for my truck. I think I've spent enough time in the Rhodes house for a while.


After mom puts Ronnie to bed, she knocks on my door. "Ash, Hun, another letter arrived."

Instantly, my mood drops. "Put it with the others."

"Are you sure? You know I'd want nothing more than to punch your father where the sun don't shine but they keep coming."

I try my best not to laugh at her words, knowing she said it to make me feel better. Just the thought alone is enough to humor me. "I'm sure, dad's trying to stop them."

"Maybe if you find out what he wants you can tell him to stop." She offers.

"If I respond to him, I'll be doing exactly what he wants." I snap. "He is no longer a part of my life and I plan on keeping it that way. I moved on. I'm happy now. He doesn't get to ruin that."

I've worked too hard to undo the damage he caused.

She sighs, "I know, Hun, and I'm proud of this change. It was just a suggestion."

A really bad one. "It's fine."

"Have you told Scarlett about the letters?" She asks knowingly.

"No, why would I?" That's a horrible idea.

"Because she's important to you." She states like it's reasonable logic.

"I'm not saying a word. She's stressed out enough already with everything on her plate and I meant what I said. That man will have no influence over my life."

Especially not with Scarlett.

Pursing her lips, I'm expecting a fight, but she nods. "Love you, Hun, goodnight."

Flopping down on my bed, I groan. Why does he have to ruin everything, even from behind bars?

My phone buzzes and I'm expecting that stupid telemarketer, but Scarlett's face fills my screen.

"Good evening, Sweetheart, hopefully you had a good nap." I greet her, knowing exactly why she called.

"I'm not wearing your jersey, Ashton, so drive your ass back here to get it." She demands.

"See, the thing is, it's late and I have this baseball game tomorrow night."

"Then I'll just throw it away." She offers bitterly.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I tease, knowing she's always grumpy after a nap. If it wasn't so funny, I'd be scared.

"I'm not amused."

"No, you're hormonal." I correct her before wincing, didn't mom tell me to never say that? "But that's besides the point."

She gasps, "Tomorrow you better be prepared for a punch to the gut."

"Yeah, I deserve that." Not my finest moment. "Now about that jersey, I think it would look best tied."

"I'm not wearing it."

Okay, I'm over this. "Yes, you are. Tomorrow night I expect to see you in the stands in my jersey with a smile stuck on your face so big that it hurts."

And it better be a real one.

There's a long pause of silence. "Fine."

Damn, I expected a bigger fight. Someone must be regaining the ability to be a nice human again.

"Now that that's taken care of, are you going to be able to sleep tonight?" Because she took a long ass nap today.

"Yeah." She sighs, "I should be fine."

"Good, if you get lonely you could always stare at a picture of me." I joke, she has plenty to choose from.

"Ha, ha. Keep this attitude up and the only thing you'll be seeing is the photo version of me." She threatens.

That's fine, I've got plenty to look at.

"Are you feeling better?" Because she's barely been able to get out of bed these last two days.


"Good." Why do I sound so weird?

There's a knock and muffled voices. "I have to go, Ash, I've been convinced to make cookies."

"Goodnight, Sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow." I laugh, knowing it didn't take a lot of convincing.

"Sweet dreams." She offers as the line cuts out.

Here's to hoping I don't dream about Voldemort.


"Morning, Mom." I offer, grabbing a bowl of cereal.

In a flash she slams her computer down, "Morning, Hun, sleep well?"

Scrunching my eyebrows, I walk over to her. "I slept fine, what's on your computer?"

"Oh, nothing." She lies, it's obviously something.

Sitting down, I smile. "Can you grab me a spoon?"

As she gets up, I snatch her computer and open it up. "Plane tickets to Atlanta?" I read aloud in disbelief.

She winces, "You're Dad didn't want to put extra mileage on the car when we go down."

"Cool, I can drop you guys off and pick you up." I offer, that makes it easy.

"Ashton, you're coming with us." She says sternly.

"No, I'm not." I shoot back, "I'm never stepping foot back in that city, or state, again."

This is my home. This is where I stay.

Letting out a long sigh, she rubs her temples, "Let's make a deal."

"Okay." This should be easy.

"You tell Scarlett about your father's letters and I'll talk to your Dad about you staying here for spring break." She says, relaxing back in her chair as she sips her coffee.

She's won and she knows it.

Opening my mouth, I shut it, at a complete loss for words. "That...that's not fair."

She shrugs, "Life isn't fair, Hun."

Glaring at her, I eat my cereal. I won't be going on that trip.


Sitting in the school parking lot the next morning, I wait for a specific girl to walk by. As time goes by, I begin to get antsy, figures today would be the day she skips. Before I can give up, I see her walking to school. Honking my horn, she jumps before storming over to me with a scowl in place. Unlocking the door, she gets in.

"What the hell was that for?" Ella demands furiously.

"How do you do it?" I question.

"Do what?"

"Be around Sage all the time and not go insane?" I blurt out, its physically impossible to not go crazy with the lack of contact.

Sighing with understanding, she shrugs. "It's difficult, granted we're a lot more... physical than you two are. Publicly, at least. But it's still hard, some days I just want to say, this is my boyfriend, but I can't."

Leaning back against the seat, she appears defeated. Shit, the purpose of this conversation wasn't to make her sad.

"I don't know how you do it." I admit, "Because I don't know if I can any longer."

That's the first time I've admitted that out loud but it's true. I certainly don't plan on leaving Scarlett but it's so hard.

"I've had that thought before." She snorts.

"What did you do about it?" I ask, desperate for an answer.

"Obviously, nothing."

Groaning, I hit my head on the steering wheel. "That was helpful."

"Listen, you guys are different. Scarlett's happy around you and maybe... maybe you should go for it." She offers hesitantly.

Staring at her with wide eyes, I cough. "Um, are you sure?"

"Yeah, you go for it. Make it some big gesture that she can't say no to." She nods encouragingly.

Big gesture, got it. "Wait, you think she might say no?" Because that would be a major hold back.

"No, but I'm her best friend, it's my job to make sure it's the perfect moment."

Right, the perfect moment.


LoL, I'm almost done editing LiC and I only have one more chapter prewritten for LiS, it's all fine.

Hope you enjoyed!!

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