RWBY: Jaune, Warrior of Manki...

By RigaKika

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Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or the cover photo #2 in Jaune 4.5.2020 Huntresses, the beacon of hope or Human... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 2

3.8K 53 52
By RigaKika

A/N: Welcome to another part of RWBY: Jaune, warrior of mankind. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while, it's just that I've been preoccupied with other projects. Anyways enjoy the read.


Jaune woke up to the smell of the fresh forest air, the blinding sunlight poured in from the lush green trees above. Jaune rose slowly, he looked around his surroundings with half-lidded eyes. He had no idea why was here and how he got here retracing his steps from yesterday. The memories of the day before came flooding in. his expression went from tired to shock and finally panic, had someone kidnapped him? Where was he? He stood up in a fit of panic.

Desperately searching around answers he scuttled around the small campground. There was a burnt-out fire in the middle with his sleeping bag off to the side, confirming his suspicions there was another sleeping back right across from him, currently occupied. Jaune froze in fear, not thinking straight he grabbed a stick nearby and rushed towards the person. Screaming a war cry he went on attack intent on knocking him out.

In a second Jaune froze as he felt the cold steel of a sword on his neck, he looked down in horror as the sword cut into his skin allowing for a small thin cut inflicted on his neck. "Is that how you treat someone who saved your life?" A voice spoke. Jaune hesitatingly looked up to face the speaker. The man was a tall man from ancient Anima descent, he was reminiscent to certain regions around Remnant such as Kuroyuri and similar to well-known huntress families such as the lie family.

Jaune's eyes were on the verge of crying, tears welled in the edges he spoke with fear quivering in his voice, "P-please don't k-kill me." Jaune was currently at the mercy of this man he couldn't do anything as he slowly felt the sword diverge deeper and deeper into his skin. To Jaune's relief, the sword left his neck, releasing him from the man's grasp. He turned to face the man, sheathing his sword the man looked at Jaune with his striking black eyes.

Now Jaune could get a better look at him he could fully distinguish his details, he was dressed in a samurai manner, ancient warriors of Mistral and some parts of Vale that died out with the appearance of huntresses. However, samurai were only comprised of women, seeing a male samurai was something to behold. Jaune guessed for him to be in his mid-50s with whiting hair on his top knot.

"You have much to learn Young one, We will need to start training right now. But first, Breakfast." He said nonchalantly ignoring Jaune's bewildered face as he grabs a dead boar out from the foliage. Jaune was still shaken about all this, a random man nearly tries to kill him but decides to cook breakfast for him? "Come on, you need to be energized for the day ahead." He called out to Jaune beckoning at Jaune while he chomps at the Boar raw.

Jaune reluctantly shuffled over to the man, he took the knife the man gave him. Barely cutting into the skin, blood oozed out of the body spilling it all over Jaune's hands. Barely 15 minutes since Jaune awoke, he was out cold again. Ichira seethed a heavy sigh, he grabbed a bucket of cold water and doused it on Jaune. "You have a long way to go, young master," Ichira said to himself while Jaune jolted awake shivering in the cold.

Arc Estate

"Mobilize all of the Arcadian Police force if we have to! We have to find Jaune Arc!"June shouted into the Scroll, she threw the scroll in a fit of fury somehow staying intact after leaving a brutal bruise in the walls of her bedroom. "Why here? Why now?" June whimpered as she cried on the edge of her bed, Jaune was the key to many good relations with the other states in the kingdom of Vale.

Arcadia Coast was one of the 4 major states that covered Vale, Patch Island controlled by the rose-Branwen line, Valhalla's mountains governed by the Stormtraghs and the Winchesters and Vale city itself in the heart of the land which doesn't have a monarch line. This system is the same for all of the 5 kingdoms, Vale, Menagerie, Atlas, Vacuo and Mistral June's scroll rang from the other side of the room, picking it up she shivered in fear as she recognised the caller id.

Queen Julia of Arcadia, Her mother.

Resistant, June picked up her scroll and answered it. "Hello Mother," She greeted her mother with the utmost respect. A calm voice came from the other end,

"Joan, I've heard that your son has gone missing. Is this true?"

"It is true mother, Jaune has been reported missing this morning."

An awkward silence struck between the two for a few seconds, the silence clawed at June's resolve, sweat poured from her head as the beating heart within her beat faster and faster.

"I see, he is important for our relations between the other states is he not?" Julia asked

"Yes, Mother. "

"If this mess is not cleaned up I might have to rethink my decision about the next Queen of Arcadia", Julia threatened, "you wouldn't want to lose the crown to someone younger and more inexperienced than you would you? That would be embarrassing would it not?"

"Yes, it would," June answered, her voice barely keeping a calm and respective tone.

"You should know the consequences of your foolish and inadequate parenting. I would not like to have someone like that ruling this magnificent empire. By the end of the month, if this predicament is not solved, The next queen of arcadia will not be you." Julia said before abruptly ending the call. June seethed a heavy sigh. Without Jaune, arranged marriages between the other states would be impossible.

Sending a man to marry their daughter would mean that Arcadia would be giving their services to them, akin to a man giving their services to their beloved. Strengthening the bond between the two states in hand. However, the chances of a man being born is a 1 in 5 chance. A man is essential to create bonds with other states. June was losing her mother's trust in leading the state to better a state. Power means everything in this world, but without the tools to create such power, how were they going to achieve that in the first place?

June needed to find Jaune. But first, she needed to punish the one who created this mess in the first place. June walked up to the cellar, the muffled screams of help and pleas of the man in charge of this mess were right behind this door. "Joan, please. It's not my fault" Jack grovelled tied down in a chair. "Jack, you know the rules we raised our very own children with. One must take responsibility for their actions, One must not lie and my own favourite, One must know the consequences of their actions."

Jack looked in fear as June's fists grew a bright white, her aura taking point her fists as they cocked back and launched at the auraless man.

Unknown Forest

2 days later

In the darkness of the forest, instead of the silence of the wildlife chirping about shouts of agony and multiple slaps reverberated through the forest floor.

"Master is all of this really necessary!" shouted Jaune. 50kg weights donned on his arms, legs and torso, it was a miracle that he was able to lift all of these up let alone attempt to walk with them. The keyword is 'attempt.'

"You need to learn the very basics if you want to become like your forefathers, and when I mean very basics I mean VERY basics," Ichira ordered as he circled around Jaune, whacking him when he made a mistake.

"I know there's a way of walking, but do I have to do it with these weights on! My bones feel like their about the break!"

Jaune was currently relearning how to walk, breathe, sleep and eat like a warrior of mankind according to Ichira it was the basics.

"When the human body is under pressure it tends to break past its limits a lot easier and faster, at the expense of many injuries and possible death," Ichira called out Jaune, who had only moved one step successfully.

"Yeah but I'm barely making any progress!"

But with a spark of hope, Jaune had moved another step without falling or getting hit by Ichira. "I did it!" *smack* "what was that for!" Jaune complained, rubbing his wound at his back. If that wasn't enough, the shift of the weights was enough to make him fall on the ground and him being tired enough couldn't get back up from the ground.

"Looks like there's been enough time," Ichira said. Ichira helped Jaune up and unlocked all of his weights. "Now do the exact same thing except without the weights," Ichira ordered, a small smile hidden from Jaune. Jaune nodded and attempted to do what he asked, the perfect movement and breathing technique needed for the warrior of mankind. As Jaune got ready and accustomed to the body without weight, he successfully did the perfect movement technique. What it did was minimize sound energy consumption and maximize movement and dodging. "I'm doing it, master!" Jaune exclaimed, circling around Ichira as he flaunted his moves.

"I see that, looks like you have perfected breathing as well. You are going to quick for me Arc" Ichira said a great smile with a proud expression plastered onto his face. Although a little bit jealous that it took Arc only 2 and a half days at 7 years old to perfect 2 techniques when it took him 2 weeks to perfect those techniques at 20. 'He really is a warrior of mankind'. The breathing technique perfected by the warriors of mankind and it's many followers allowed the user to take in a lot more air and use the air components to the fullest.

Their muscles and mind attuned to their greatest, receiving more nutrients from the air. Their body much more tough, fast, resilient and strong than normal, although still under than woman with aura. "The next step of your training should allow you to do all of these techniques in second nature. Allowing you to unconsciously do it without putting your mind to it. Just keep it up every day and you'll be finished in no time." Ichira informed Jaune.

"Yes master," Jaune stood up to take his leave, concentrating on his movement and breathe. "One more thing Jaune," Ichira put his shoulders on Jaune and kneeled down to eye level.

"My training will only extend for 4 years, after that you will have to go on your own."
"In 4 years I will get to meet with my family again?"

"In time we will see Jaune, I know you want to meet them badly but you must be patient."

Jaune looked sadly at the ground, It pained Ichira to see him like this, in only 2 days the boy and himself had strung a tight bond

Jaune was loyal and respectful to him as teacher and student and was eager to learn new things and techniques to make him stronger unlike him.

"Jaune don't be sad, I know it seems hard but this for all to protect you and the people around you. Come on get some rest I'll be first on night watch." Ichira reassured He gestured Jaune back into his tent. Ichira took his seat and went on night watch. Keeping aware of Grimm and bandits.

Ichira knew he was the one, he was sure this time. Ichira hoped to whatever god out there, the two sisters, Gaia, Magnahild, anyone! That his intuition was right, cause if he made a mistake then god help anyone who came across with them. Ichira looked over Jaune's sleeping form, he was the exact opposite of him. Kind, gentle and cared for others. He will not become another Ibarra.

4 years later

Jaune tensed his muscles, clenching Kizan his specially made katana just for him in front him, his eyes locked with Ichira. Both of them not giving an inch but it will be decided in one slash. Faster than the eye could see, they both sped to each other. The next thing Ichira knew, his sword was knocked from his hand and a black sword was pointed directly at his eye. "You have gotten too much for me Jaune" Ichira sighed in defeat, accepting his defeat Jaune, pulled Ichira up. Jaune had grown to a height of 176cm (5 foot 9 inches), tall for a boy just beginning puberty, had well defined and toned muscles with a lean and built body.

Weird for a boy who usually doesn't have any training, unlike a woman who begins huntress training when they are 10 years old. Jaune was skilled enough to subconsciously do the techniques of moving, breathing and sleeping. Allowing his body to reach new heights. His mind has been educated by Ichira, not to a super-genius level, but an above-average than normal albeit a little outdated. With the added superhuman strength he can push trucks up hills. As well as his strength, speed drastically increased too, the average speed was about 45 kmph.

In the three year gap, Jaune also has a number of techniques under his belt, Jaune was taught the art of Rokushiki however only perfecting Geppo allowing him to jump on the air itself and Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. Jaune became a great swordsman, using a katana with the one sword style. Jaune also learned to create sonic air blades able to cut through materials with ease.

The most powerful of all, however, was the power of Haki only learning the very basics of Observation and Armament Haki. Allowing Jaune, to predict attacks and harden himself and the tools he uses.

"Well, Jaune this is goodbye. You have been under the tutelage of me for over 4 years and I have to say. You are the best student I have ever had." Ichira said, tears welling up in his eyes. Jaune was like the son he once had and had nurtured him to grow to the right path.

"Thank you master"

"We aren't teacher and student anymore, I recognise you as a warrior, from a soldier to another" Ichira declared he brought in Jaune for a hug.

"Remember to train your haki, it will be the most important thing in your journey ahead."

"Will do, Ichira."Jaune said giving him a great smile, "I'll surpass all of them, 'God of the earth' Edward Newgate, 'King of fighters' Jean Watanabe and Medeiros Ozpin"

"I know you will, but of course there is one thing you must remember, do not lose your goal. Navigate your way around remnant to the places of mankind, dedicated to the warriors. There are vital pieces of information for your path on defeating the witch."

Jaune nodded, he picked up his bag and looked at the rising sun over the camp that was situated in the middle of nowhere, a place that took Jaune and Ichira trained together, ate together and connected. As Jaune left the camp he took out his map while walking to the shore, Jaune's eyes bulged in surprise. In his 4 years, they were in the middle of the ocean!

"Looks like this is my first trial" Jaune exclaimed as he swam to wherever mainland is.

A Vote shall decide ARC's Fate

1: Jaune arrives at Mistral

2: Jaune arrives at Atlas

A/N: Thanks for reading RWBY: Jaune, Warrior of mankind. Please favourite if you like it and give me a follow If you want to be kept up to date on what I do, comment if you have any suggestions, questions or just wanna talk.

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