Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[...

By NormalLover007

227K 6.5K 262

Growing up in a military household I only had my brother to depend on. Father was always out for months at a... More

Book 2


11.9K 423 19
By NormalLover007


The entire dinner went smooth. Lucien and Avery were talking about the stupid stunts he pulled in high school on his own motorcycle and they bonded over scars and I sat there, sipping my whiskey and watched them act like they knew each other for years and were just keeping up.

I waved to my brother as he took off and I turned back to see Lucien holding out a helmet. Not the one I wore the other day, but a all black one with roses and leaves where ears would go.

"Where did you get that?" I asked and took it from his hands.

"I picked it up at the shop today. I can't ride in to the compound without my bike babe." He smirked and I looked him over, he was never without his little biker vest with the MC logo on the back.

"So I have to get on the bike huh?" I asked and he nodded and licked his lips. I had to admit, I hated the thought of getting on the back of one when Avery was a teenager. However, I kind of wanted to get back on the bike with Lucien.

Last time I was on his bike it was fun. I had been hyper aware of my surrounding and didn't enjoy it like I should have, and I couldn't wait to enjoy it this time.

"Is this alright to wear tonight?" I asked looking down at my jeans, my thin shirt, and then looking for my boots.

"Maybe add a jacket. It gets windy on the back of a bike babe." He told me and I nodded and bit my lip before going upstairs and grabbing the only jacket I had put in my duffle bag. It wasn't leather like his vest, but I might just fit in at the club.

I walked down with it on, and I looked around for am boots before finding them. Lucien had already gone through the garage and as I stuffed my feet into my boots I heard his bike start up. It sent a chill down my spine and made my lady bits quiver.

The entire bike might seem like a giant vibrator, but it was different than that when you get on. You don't feel the vibrations because it makes your entire body vibrate. However... I would be able to hold onto Lucien the entire ride, feel his legs touching mine, put my trust in him to make sure we don't fall.

It was a different kind of turn on than I was used to. He had my life in his hands, and I knew, deep inside that he didn't take that lightly. I might not know everything about him... but I knew he wanted to protect me.

I pushed the new helmet on my head as I got closer to him on the bike and he smirked at me as I tossed my leg over the bike to sit close behind him. Pushing my chest up and against him, I felt his hand on my leg and he pulled them up to the pegs.

"Ready for another ride with me?" He asked and I nodded. "Good... hold on tight." He put up the kickstand, rolled forward slowly until we were out of the garage, hit two buttons until the gate was opened for us and he waited yet again on the street for the gate to start closing.

I felt my arms as well as my legs tighten as he took off. The rumble of the engine made a car alar go off and I giggled. He might be older, and he might be protective, but he was just as fun as any other biker.

I held on and looked around through the shield my new helmet had and I looked at how people looked at us, and I wanted to glare at some people who were obviously irritated or talking shit.

I held on tight as he did a small wheelie and laughed at how I held him tighter. I didn't know how I could hear him laughing, but I did.

We got into a neighborhood I didn't know and I kept my eyes open for any signs of the 'compound' he talked about and I realized when he slowed and turned into a long driveway covered by another man in the same vest and a blacked out fence that we were there.

He drove in slow, revving his engine and I saw some people already partying pretty hard. There was even a chick with just a bikini on and what looked like paint with the logo on her belly. I clenched my jaw when her eyes shined as we pulled up closer to her.

"If it isn't the Vice Prez." She cheered and clapped her hands, despite holding a full beer and spilling some as she made a show.

I pulled my helmet off first as Lucien turned the bike off and I ran a hand through my hair.

"And he brought a Barbie to play with tonight." I heard a man cheer and I looked at them as Lucien took off his helmet. "Where did you find this sexy little bombshell?"

"Don't even think about it Shaw." Lucien held his hand out for me to get off the bike first and then he did. His hand went right to my hips and he pushed me through.

"Let me know if you want me tonight Luke." The girl called after and I held my head high until I heard her giggle and I looked to him.

"Guessing friends of yours." I whispered and he looked down at me.

"Not anymore. Shaw and I were tight before I had Cami... then I became responsible and he kept on doing whatever and whoever he wanted." He held me tighter and pushed me through a couple more bikers wearing the same vests, but I just kept my eyes flickering around until we got to the bar.

"Hey Lu. What can I get you." I looked at the chick who seemed more irritated to be here than happy to be at a party.

"Your brother for one... and two beers." He looked at me and then the girl. "This is Tara... Tara, this is my woman Jackie." He introduced us and I held out my hand at the same time she did and we shook before she cracked open two beers.

"I haven't seen Ry downstairs yet." She told him before looking around. "I can give him a call up there."

"No... we will head up there." Lucien nodded to her and I wondered why he didn't pay before he had my hand in his and was pulling me through the other bikers. Some weren't as big as he was, and others were just as big. Eyes started to follow us and I took a couple large swigs of my beer as we kept walking.

He took my to a set of stairs after heading into a room and I kept up. He knocked once and loud voice told us to enter.

"Looks like you aren't enjoying the party brother." Lucien said and pulled me to his side.

The only guy in the room turned and I had to admit, he was hot. His eyes screamed candy apple green, his hair was shorter than Lucien's, but still just as dark. He was just as tall if not a couple inches taller, yet he seemed more hard and angry. He would have gone a long way in the Marines.

"This is Jackie." Lucien introduced and I just nodded at him.

"Well... you can call me Razor, or Ryan."

"You're the president of the club." I said and he nodded and looked to Lucien. "Cami's godfather?"

"One in the same." He told me and I nodded slowly before going closer and holding out my hand. "You're the woman who is in danger." He told me and I nodded.

"Some idiot who lost his mind." I waved it off and heard Lucien mutter something about how it wasn't that simple.

"Well... you are under our protection now. Everywhere you go, no matter where and what time it is, someone from the club will be with you."

"That won't be necessary. I am sure my dad will come around and name the stupid fuck who came in." I waved it off knowing my father probably won't do that.

"Lucien has already asked for help protecting your shop when you reopen on Monday. It's set in place." He looked to Lucien and I looked to him as well.

"You said you wanted to reopen... fine, you can do that, while there is a little back up in the café." He told me and I sighed and crossed my arms, before I took another long swig of the beer.

"I don't need-"

"You have had a gun pointed at you before?" I paused at the question Razor asked and I gulped before looking at him.

"Maybe." I shrugged and he looked to Lucien.

"Don't." Lucien told him and I saw the silent battle before Razor seemed to let something go.

"How about we all relax tonight. It's a party for a new brother. He is still getting his tattoo... and when he is done the real party will begin." He looked at me and I felt Lucien's hand on my ass and I looked over to him. "Ready to see a patch in party?"

"Can't be worse than a going off to war party with a bunch of Marines." I told them with a shrug knowing I out drank some Marines at my brothers deployment party and still had a stomach of steel. I never tossed my cookies. Not even when I mixed my drinks.


She was going too far too fast. She had a couple more shots of whiskey, Tara and her bonded over the burn of it going down... and then Tara was off work. And they went to the middle of the floor and started dancing.

No one around here usually danced, but all the other biker bunnies started to dance and swish their hips and some of the guys got drunk enough ot start dancing with them too.

I kept my head clear, not wanting to kill someone for touching my girl. She danced with Tara mostly, and everyone knew, drunk or not, to keep their hands off of Razor's little sister.

After an hour or two on the dance floor, Jackie came closer to me, smiling wide, and she hopped on my lap like a little frog and wrapped her hands around my neck. "Hi." I laughed at her and she giggled.

"Can I have a sip of your beer?" She asked looking at it in my hand and I offered it for her. She tipped it up and downed everything. "Thank you." She gave me the empty bottle and shimmied her way off my lap.

I had been hard since she started dancing, having her on my lap only made it painful. "You know brother... I don't think I have ever seen you watch a woman dance." I heard Razor and I looked to him quickly before looking towards her again.

"I have too." I told him and he laughed.

"Not when you're not paying for it." He slapped my shoulder and I turned to him with a glare. "What... you saying you didn't watch Cami's mom dance for you?" He asked and I moved to face him fully with a harder glare. "Don't kill me... I was just asking." He laughed and I smelled his breath. He was already a bottle of bourbon into the party.

I waved my hand at him and he nodded. "About to call attention?" I asked knowing that he might be a bottle in, but he was going to demand the room and be the Prez.

"Yeah. Get your woman." He nodded towards where she was dancing and I saw a new patch put his hands on her. She straightened up quick, turned and pushed him away. He started to say something to her and she crossed her arms before smirking. He went to grab her arm and I stood up but she pushed her hand up, checking his jaw and then punched his chest hard before bringing her knee up to his balls and then pushing him one more time until he fell over.

I walked closer and Tara was screaming her support and I touched her hips and she sank into me, like she knew it was me touching her.

"Luke... she needs to go man-"

"No Dime, she's mine." I told the asshole as he got up and groaned a little as he pushed himself to stand in front of me. "Back off and get a whore to help you get off." I ordered and he glared at her before looking at me and nodding.

"Let's get another drink." I heard Jackie whisper into my ear and I turned into her and gave her a kiss. I grabbed her ass she had been shaking, pulling her close enough to feel my cock and she moaned against my lips.

"You're going to have to wait for a drink." I told her and she sighed and was about to ask why before Razor shouted and then whistled.

"Listen up. Everyone knows why we are here." There were the usual cheers and I pulled Jackie up to the front with me. I sat her on a stool and stood next to her. "It's a patch in tradition that the kid who becomes a brother... gets shitfaced and tattooed." He looked around the party and I was always glad that I wasn't the Prez because I would never want to be the one commanding all the dickheads and assholes my brothers were when they were too drunk.

Razor had respect and power over them all, and he basically ruled the room with a tone if he could. I just enforced his words and helped him take down anyone who broke the rules.

I felt Jackie turn more into me, and I felt her kiss on my neck before her breath the next instant. I heard the same old speech about how we were brothers and a family, and we would do anything for each other. I felt the words, and I felt the love, but at the same time, it was already bred into the bones of my being.

And now... Jackie was apart of it. She was too far gone to listen, so I kept her tight against my side, and as the new guy, Bellamy, walked up to get his patch. He had taken the tat on his upper arm. Showing it off as he got to the small stage Razor was using he was given his vest, put in my department of work... and pleasure.

I might be on the straight and narrow and my hands were now clean, but when people fuck with my family, with my club, they get taken down, and I usually end it all. And my people, like Bellamy, will be sent out to do dirty work. He would collect on debts owed in the clubs, in the mechanic shops, and our loan shark business.

He showed promise, and he was a good kid.

Razor slapped the new tattoo, put the vest over his shoulders and raised his hand like he had just won a fight. And he had. He had fought out doubts, our hazing, and ranking him below the whores in the bar.

Bellamy was welcomed in the club with a lot of hoots and hollers, mostly by the men riding him so hard to keep at it all year. And now he was a brother, and he was a Razorback. For life.

I felt a hand touch my cock and I turned back to see a giggly blushing, woman ready to go for a round or two. "Is that it? Can we go.... party?" She rubbed me again, squeezing when she got to the head and I groaned and grabbed her jaw, angling her head just right so my lips would land on hers.

I pushed her back against the bar, her hand left my cock and worked its way around me, pulling me closer and holding onto the cut as I pushed her legs apart with mine and pulled her to the edge of the stool.

I raised her up, making her legs wrap around my hips and I pulled back a bit and looked around. The guys weren't missing me, I could disappear for the night and fuck my woman until the sun rose.

I worked my way through the men, some patting me on the back, but some were just laughing and saying I finally fell.

I got to my old room, kicked the door closed and went right towards the bed. I dropped her down and she giggled and started working at her jeans right away.

"You sober enough to actually want me?" I paused knowing she had a lot to drink.

"Yes. I told you I can handle my liquor." She shook her hips and shimmied until she was in a lacey black pair of panties. I grabbed her shirt, pulling it up until it was showing off the matching bra and I held in my groan at seeing her. Her hands went behind her back and unclipped the bra, tossing it away and letting my eyes feast on the exposed flesh.

"There is no turning back after this babe. Once you're mine, that's it." I told her and I advanced when she sat and wiggled her panties down her thighs and let it rest on her foot until she kicked them at my face.

"If I am yours... you better get to claiming me." She spread her legs and nearly sank to my knees. Her cunt was glistening and pink... and looked tasty. "Might need to shed some clothes before that hard rod in your pants suffocates."

I worked my cut off, tossing it on the bed frame before raising my shirt. I felt her eyes watching me and I tossed the shirt close to hers on the floor. Undoing my belt slowly, I watched her lick her lips and sit up to get a better view.

"Hurry up Lucien." She whined slightly when I undid the button. I smirked and shucked the rest of my clothes before she surprised me by sinking off the bed and down to her knees. "You look absolutely delicious."

I watched her mouth take the tip and she teased me. I groaned and my hips flexed and pushed deeper into her mouth on their own. She took it though. And she tried over and over to take every inch before I had enough. I was at my limit and I didn't want to blow my load in her mouth the first time.

I pulled back, shaking my head as she reached for me and gave me eyes like she was going to beg me to let her keep going.

"Get on the bed woman, because I want a taste." I ordered and she smiled wide and moved to lay down, her knees together. As I took a step closer she opened her legs little by little before I was just in front of her. I sank to my own knees and pumped y cock to get some control of my self as I focused on her eyes watching me.

I kissed the inside of her thighs, watching her legs quiver at the mere actions I was doing. Pushing her legs open wider I sank my face into her cunt and gave a hard long lick from her opening to her clit and I felt her hands in my hair now.

"Fuck you're already so good at getting me there." She mumbled and I worked my magic, doing a little dance between my fingers and my tongue and she came apart, her legs wrapping around my neck and held me there.

I pulled them back, opening her up wide and letting the cool air of the room hit her before I stroked myself a couple more times. She came down from her high and watched me for a few seconds before holding out her and. "Fuck me Lucien."

"Yes ma'am." I smirked and she rolled her eyes but I moved towards the nigh stand for a moment and she smiled as I rolled a condom on. I hadn't used the last pack I got for over 6 months since I first got a glimpse of her, and for some reason I was glad I hadn't.

I lined my cock up with her entrance and pushed in slow, the warm confines of her cunt welcomed me in and hugged me like I was the first one to show up at a party. I moaned as Jackie did and moved my body over hers.

Taking her lips in mine I moved slowly, trying to work every last inch of my cock into her before I fucked her hard until she came apart again.

"Lucien..." She whined when I was still taking it slow. I smirked and rammed my cock inside on the next thrust and she gasped and moaned and her nails dug into my shoulder blades. "Yes, like that."

I worked my cock inside her until she was basically a shaking mess and I reached down, rubbing her clit twice before she was grabbing my hair again and her cunt was milking my cock. Begging for my cum. I pumped just a few more times, feeling my balls tighten, and just as she started to push me away slightly from rubbing her clit, I slammed in hard.

"You can't do that..." She sighed as I pulled out of her and rubbed her clit again making her twitch.


"You kept rubbing and my fucking orgasm didn't stop until you did." She whined and I smirked as I got towards the bed and she rolled around it naked before pulling at the covers.

"It's called prolonging your orgasm baby. And I will do it as long as you are my woman... so et used to it." I gave her a kiss, and she licked her lips after before I got into the bed behind her and pulled her flush against me.

"I wasn't supposed to have sex with you until we had an actual date." She muttered and I smirked.

"A patch in party is a date." I told her and she made a noise like she didn't agree before sighing. "We need sleep." I told her feeling myself finally relax for the first time in 6 months. Tugging myself off was not as relaxing as knowing I blew my load while fucking a woman.

I raised an arm, tucked her closer to me, and let myself drift off, setting an internal tier to wake up way before we had to go get Cami tomorrow.

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