By xxxdadrianna

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Tamia woods becomes saweetie the biggest artist after she puts out her song icy girl .she meets new people an... More

wow not a chapter
updated cast
not a chapter
dont hate me


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By xxxdadrianna

Two chapters today

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Yall better keep reading

I got up I took a shower and got dressee for the day and then Gabriella got up we had to go to my interview we got food and was talking then got to the interview

We walked in

"Hey saweetie thanks for coming "they said " hey thanks for having me " I said "let's start " he said "okay "I said I sat down

" its 96.7 beats we got a surprise guest with us today " he said " Saweetie is here with us "he said " hey yall " I said "how you feel saweetie "he said " I'm tired and excited " I said " what you excited about "he said

"I got a show tonight " I said " that's good let's get into whats your type saweetie "he said "I say if in my type "I said i smiled he laughed

"Rich nigga 8 figures that's my type "i said he laughed "my favorite song on the ep was definitely hot boy" he said

"Really thank you "I said"are you single " he said " yes " I said " would you ever go back with quavo " he said " no " I said we talked about my music and my family then it was on over we went to soundcheck and rehearsal

" tamia do you want to wear " my styles said "you pick I dont care " I said he nodded " how about this " he said "I love this top I love this outfit " I said he nodded we left and went to chill at home quavo took the twins willow was with taliyah we went to get lunch with cardi and lira we talked and ate and was laughing then we went back to my mom's there was flowers sitting there with a note I looked it was from quavo I shook my head

We chilled then my hair styles came and my makeup artist Gabriella was getting ready I sent quavo a picture of the flowers


Why you ain't getting nothing from me

I cant send my kids mom flowers

Did you send kara flowers too

Fuck her

Qua really stop

Let me give you just like one more kid

No nigga I'm saving it for my husband

Then ima marry you


Why not

You playing with me

🤣🙄 I already was married to you

We can get married again people done that mia

Not tamia Harley woods

Damn I'll see you at the show

I left him on read I got dressed willow came in she jumped on me

"Mia we litt "she said I laughed we left then went to the event I took a shot then it was time I walked out

"Atlanta yall ready "I said they was screaming I looked at my DJ she smiled she started the song my dancers came out we danced and I performed all my songs

"I love yall thank you Atlanta"i said I blew a kiss I walked off stage I drunk some water the twins ran to me

"Mommy "they said I bent down I kissed their foreheads I hugged my mom and dad and my sisters " good job mia" willow said "thanks babe "I said cardi hugged me I hugged her then we all we home I went to my moms quavo took the twins Gabriella was going to sleep so I texted milani

Yall home

Yeah come over I missed you


I missed you too I'm coming

I changed I had my driver take me to her house I stopped and got wine then I got there I knocked Dave let me in I hugged him

"Hey bro "I said "wassgood t "he said "where lani"i said " please come look "he said we laughed hr took me to the play room zozo and lani was on the floor having a tea party

"Awee "I said zozo looked up "AUNTIE "she yelled she hugged me I hugged her "where is addy"she said "with her daddy "I said "ugh "she said i laughed "i understand girl "i said lani hugged me "mamas can mommy and auntie talk for 30 minutes "lani said

"Only 30 "zozo said "okay 30 "lani said she got up and walked out I followed her we walked in this room or was cute we sat on the couch

"Spill "she said "I'm single and"i said "wait no more aug "she said "no and I kinda was cheating "I said "ain't no kinda who was it "she said I looked at her

"Bitch you wasnt cheating that's your baby dad cheating would be you fucking a new nigga"lani said" I dont know how he found out "I said

" was you acting weird " lani said "no shit I called for him the other day "I said "damn mia "she said " I'm fucked lani I hate you for being happy "I said "I been waiting for you I found something in his phone "she said

"Damn lani what you going to do "I said "um Ima ask him about it "she said "not why Zola is here "I said "no I'll have you or mom get her "she said "I feel bad in putting my problems on you "I said

"Your not it's fine that what best friends do mia we both going through shit it's cool "she said "I never though he would do you wrong "I said

"I know right I love him "she said "I know baby "I said I hugged her she cried i held her

"its okay lani let it out babe " i said i rubbed her back she wipped her face

"Mia it's always just been us "she said "right its us lani "i said "always "she said I hugged her she hugged me

"No more tears milani "I said she smile "no more "she said

We talked and drunk wine dave came in "she is sleep "he said "okay "she said he walked out we laughed

"Let's go out "I said "let's go "she said "I'll be back in a hour "I said "okay "she said I got up I went home I took a shower and got dressed I told cardi and melina we are going out cardi said the guys got a hosting at a club she going with them I told lani qua said his mom got the kids I told Gabriella she got up and got dressed

I told my mom then my driver took us to milani's she came out we went to the club

"I'm getting drunk "I said they nodded we got to the club it was packed we got out and walked in melina was with cardi we went to them and ordered drinks

We was drinking I was definitely getting drunk


Tamis was definitely drunk it was funny quavo was drunk me and take off was keeping them apart but I turned around and they was talking takeoff stood in front of them I stood in front of tamia cardi peeped so did melina and Gabriella tamis assistant

I looked at them these niggas are kissing I pulled her

"Come on" I said "but why I'm having fine "she said "no come on "I said "can they come "she said " no its paparazzi everywhere "I said she looked at me "okay fine we left and got a hotel and i got her sober

"Omg I kissed him in public why "she said "yes and you want them to come with us "I said "omg I'm in love "she said I looked at her weird "no with his dick "she said "tamia really "melina said "yes i have never wanted someone or something so bad my whole body feels good when he is around " she said

"Maybe you miss him "melina said "I must I kissed him "and you been fucking him for a minute "cardi said "a minute you was cheating "melina said "girl its not cheating if it's already yours "I said "period "cardi said

"You want him back or you just want to fuck "Melina said "girl I dont know he just had a whole girlfriend "tamia said

"And "I said "one problem at a time lani "tamia said Dave texted me

Zola is with your mom I'm out

What you mean your out

Of this relationship you think you can go out and not tell me you about to go see a nigga

What are you talking about

Nigga stop acting like you was on takeoff man

I was covering my friend with quavo so stop being a pussy

Good luck being a hoe

David you wont find anyone better

I put my phone down

"Lani you good g "tamia said "yeah I'm good "I said "good "she said we all got in the bed and was sleep


Next day

We all woke up and went home I took a shower and put on biker shorts and a shirt I put my hair in a ponytail then we went to eat Gabriella was cool she can hang

"We going to be best friends "I said she smiled my phone went off I answered

Quavo:shade room right now

I got on Instagram

Theshaderoom:saweetie was real close with quavo last night they look in love again I know we all miss that sawevo let's hope it works out

Liked by Taylor,cardib,flytomilan and 4,4578,568 others


I got off Instagram I was annoyed I texted milani

Always me

I tried to cover yall

Its okay are you okay baby

Yeah lunch?

Yeah I'll meet you I'm being my assistant I can't leave her

That's fine mine is coming too

Okay see you in 30

"Gabriella we are going to meet milani and her assistant for lunch "I said "okay let me get ready "she said

I nodded I texted willow

This phone better be set up

It is why you texting me from upstairs stupid

Im coming to beat your ass

I'm telling mom


I took my hair down and told Gabriella I was downstairs

I went and took a picture in my moms bathroom

"I made food if yall want some "mom said "no thank you we are going to lunch with lani "I said "have fun "mom said

"I love you boo "I said "I love you too "she said

Gabriella came down we left my driver took us to the restaurant I told milani which one and August sent me a song


I listened I made a face Gabriella laughed "wait a damn second "I said

Your a mess


Where is Charlie

Where is quavo

Joke you sent me that song to fuck with me

It's not out yet

Why you think it's funny when your with Charlie and said dumb shut to my little sister

Shouldn't have been cheating

You ain't want me

Okay see you later love you too

You piss me off stop talking to Me


I put my phone in my fancy pack we walked in and got a table we waited for them

" bitch" I heard I knew it was milani I got up I hugged her she hugged me " tamia this is Devon my favorite person " milani said he laughed " nice to meet you tamia" he said " this is Gabriella " I said

" hey girl " milani saud " hi " she said we sat down and ordered

"Tamia when you go on tour "milani said "to be honest I forget "I said "your a dumbass "she Said I laughed "no real shit August sebt me a song and Gabriella can tell you he is crazy "I said

"I want to hear "she said I looked at Gabriella she laughed

"No by these white people "i said "your saweetie plsy that shit "she said I made a face like bitch i played it Devon laughed "someone got magic kitty"milani said " i mean never mind "I said

"You want to do something crazy "milani said "you always got a crazy ass idea "i said "i do but listen you see if Dave will talk to you and I'll see if qua will talk to me "she said "that's a bad idea cause me and Dave are there "I said we laughed

"He sees you as a sister "she said "and qua sees you as a sister so try "I said she laughed "let's do it now "she said I got my phone out I texted Dave



Wyd tonight


I need help could you help me


A song

Yeah stop by

The best see you tonight

I looked at milani

"Bitch he is hard to break "she said "I'm surprised "I said "me too what Dave say "she said "heading to the studio tonight "I said

"Good girl "she said "just tell him you need help with your management he is good at that shit "I said "right "she said she was typing

"I know yall hate working for us "I said "nah yall are cool "Devon said "I love yall "Gabriella said

"Got him "she said "what he say "I said "he will come over and help after he gets the twins fed and shit "she said

"My babies better not be in this shit "I said "they wont have cardi get them "she said "you are annoying I git them I'll have willow watch them "I said "I could watch them "Gabriella said "you got zozo too " milani said "yeah "she said

We ate and talked then Taylor texted me

I got a confession


I never had sex with Dave and we wasnt really together we just told everyone that

Lol yall are annoying that's still my bestie

I know😂😂

Then we left and I went home Gabriella got the twins and zozo I got them in the bath and dressed she said they will chill

I watched a movie with them and milani sebt me a picture


Devon hates you

He really does lol

I know lol

I love you good luck

I don't need luck im tamia


I laughed then I chilled and I end up cooking we ate my hairstyle came he did my hair

"Real ass bitch "I said he laughed "your a mess "he said he finished I kissed his forehead "I love you "I said"love you too "he said he left I took a shower and got dressed I took a picture I sent it to milani


Im that bitch

That you are I fuck with the blue 😍

Off to mess with your babydaddy

Your is on the way



grabbed my heels and my purse I went in the living room I whispered in Gabriella's ear

"I'll be back later text me if you need me if my mom asks I'm out with milani "I said "okay tell me how it goes "she said I laughed "I got you boo "I said she was holding Amir I walked out

I had my driver take me to the studio he was at

"Tamia you got this "I said we got there I got it I fixed my dress I walked in it was him and moneybag yo and megan thee stallion he hugged me I hugged him

"Hey boo "I said "you know them "he said "no "I said "this tamia megan and moneybag "dave said "hey girl "megan said "you are bomb "I said she smiled "thanks boo "she said "wassup "moneybag said "hi "I said

"We finna finish this song then I'll help you "he said "okay take your time "I said I sat by megan we talked then they was done

"Hit me up we can work why I'm here "she said "when you leave "I said "we leave Sunday right "megan said "yeah "he said "I'll see when I'm free "I said she smiled and then they left

"What song "he said I pulled up a random song I pressed play we listened

"I dont know how to make this part straight "I said "all you got to do is mix it flat "he said "you think it's a good song "I said "it would be better if you put this here "he said he put a different mix he pressed play "see "he said I looked at him

"No boo it needs to be faster "I said "no it sounds better slow "he said "I like it fast "I said he laughed "your crazy" he said he sat down he rolled up I watched him then people came in he helped the dude with the song

Then they left we smoked I sat in the chair I turned to him I was fixing my boobs he look at me he licked him lips

"Milani is your best friend "he said"No she ain't "I said "you are zola's God mom "he said "who had to know "I said he laughed

"You been drinking "he said "nope "I said "you sure "he said


Another chapter

Hope you like it



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sorry by 6lack


Sorry for mistakes

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