By okaharreh

58K 1.2K 288

In which a small town girl gets herself involved with the biggest popstar. She has no idea what she got herse... More



4.6K 85 30
By okaharreh

I was alone at work the next day. Not a lot of people came in, only a few that had children and were begging to get a kitten or a puppy. I overheard the parents telling the kids that they can't get a puppy then ended up walking out with a kitten or puppy. It was pretty amusing to witness it.

Other than that not much has been going on. I was supposed to have Emily work with me but she has the flu then Hannah was supposed to but her and her boyfriend already made plans together before hand.

I didn't mind being alone though, especially because I'm surrounded by animals.

After watching a people walking in and out of the shop, a few bringing an animal with them, a man walked in and went straight for the front desk I was sitting at. I then realized he was the person who returned Jack.

"Good afternoon" I said to him.

"Hello. I spoke to you yesterday about the puppy" I nodded my head, waiting for him to continue.

"Um do you want him back?" I asked, hesitating a little bit.

"Oh no, no I don't" he reassured. I don't think I would've given him back anyway.

"Okay" I nodded my head. "Um so, why are you here?"

"Oh right" He let out a breathy laugh. "I have an offer. You don't have to say yes, I'm just asking and you are basically my last resort"

I don't know why but I felt nervous and uncomfortable. I have no idea who this guy is. I've never seen his face a day in my life until yesterday.

"I'm sorry but I barely know you.." I told him.

"It's nothing to do with me" He said, and my eyebrows frowned. "It's for my client, he's filming a music video this weekend and I need someone to be his love interest"

"Once again, I barely know you. I don't know who your client is. I'm really sorry but I can't do that." I shook my head. I'm kind of wanting to press the emergency button that automatically alerts the police.

"I'm not gonna let you do it for free" He said. "I'll give you $5,000, once we're done and over with the video"

I paused. $5,000?

I'll be honest, I almost said yes, no questions asked. But, I really don't want to say yes until I do some research on this guy, and if he even is a manager.

"I'll think about it" I told him. His face lit up a little bit.

"Heres my card" He handed me the small paper card with his name, number and email. "If you decide you want to do it, call me, or email me either or"

I nodded my head and tried to give him the best polite smile I could.

"Alright have a good day" He said and traveled out the glass doors.

I stared at the card a little longer. His name is Evan Henry.

I'm definitely doing research on this man once I get home, or Hannah's. I don't want to go to my apartment but I also don't want to go bother Hannah. She always tells me that I'm not bothering her but I always feel like I am.

My phone buzzed and lit up with a text from Hannah. Speak of the devil.

my luvv: is it slow??

me: yeah it is 😴

my luvv: come bowling with me

me: are you just inviting me
because you feel bad for me? and what happened to your date with ryan?

my luvv: now you already know the answer to that. i just want you to come with us. ryan said he needed to go to work and now i'm lonely :(

me: fine. just let me close up and i'll be there in 15

my luvv: see you when you get here ☺️

It didn't take me long to close up. I already cleaned everything up and fed all the animals so all I had to do was flip the sign to close and head my way over to the bowling alley.

When I got there I went inside and automatically saw Hannah sitting by one of the first lanes. When she saw me she smiled and ran over to give me a hug.

"Thank you for coming, I was getting so bored" She sighed.

"Yeah, why did Ryan have to leave anyway? I thought you both said you had no work today?" I asked.

"His dad needed help with the air conditioner he was working on so Ryan basically had to go" She explained.

"Damn, well let's make your money's worth!" I said with a smile.

"Hell yeah. Imma beat your ass" She said, I laughed when she made one of her weird faces as she walked over to the lane we were about to bowl in.

"So did anything happen at work or did you just sit there? I can't imagine how boring that is." She exclaimed when she sat down with me to eat, after we did a few rounds of bowling.

"Some weird happened actually" I said, thinking of the incident with a so called manager.

"Tell me" She exclaims getting excited.

"Remember the guy that returned Jack yesterday?" I asked her and she nodded.

I explained everything to her. From being a so called "manager" and having a "client", to the music video and how he needed a love interest.

"Do you know his name?" She asked grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a bite out of it.

"I have his card" I went to pull out the card he gave me. "His name is Evan Henry"

I handed her the card and she examined it while taking bites of her slice of pizza.

"It seems legit, but I think you should look him up before you do anything. He could be lying for all you know" She said and gave me the card back.

"He offered me $5,000" I said and her eyes widened as she almost choked of the bite she just took. She placed the half eaten slice down and grabbed her water so she didn't choke.

"He offered what?" She was in awe.

"Yeah, he told me that I didn't have to say yes but I know he wants me to"

"Dude you should look him up right now, see if he's legit. If he is you need to say yes. Can you imagine what $5,000 dollars could do?"

I nodded my head. I pulled my phone out and googled his name. The first thing that came up was a picture of him and some other lanky man.

"Is that the guy he's managing? Is that him?" She asked and I nodded.

"I think so" I scrolled through the pictures and kept seeing ones of him and the other lanky man.

"That man with the long hair is hot as hell" Hannah said. "Is that Evan?"

"No Evan is the short one" I said.

I looked him up again but this time with 'manager' in the caption.

I clicked on the first link that said 'Evan Henry, manager of Harry Styles, put on parole?'

I didn't read the article even though I kind of wanted to, but I was in a little investigation.

I searched 'Harry Styles' this time and seen many pictures of the same man I seen in the other photos.

"Say yes to this man!" Hannah said getting excited. "He seems rich so maybe you can get some from him" She wiggled her eyebrows like a weirdo.

"Stop it, I'm not gonna do it for him. I am gonna do it because I need money" I said realizing how terrible that sounded.

"Wow, so selfish" Hannah said sarcastically.

"Shut up, asshole" I laughed. I scrolled through the pictures a little more, then turned off my phone.

"Come on, lets do another round" I said standing up and putting my phone in my back pocket.

"You're on" She followed behind me over to the bowling balls.

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