If you are not the one

By Maieltawil

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And since that day, i knew it, i am in love. More

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By Maieltawil

The next day came, we were assigned to our teams and were ready to carry on the first stage of the exam, but that wasn't my concern at all, it was to beat that Hyūga weird girl.
As i was walking ready to enter the academy, i saw her sitting on a bench, she was apparently opening a bento box she had yesterday, sure she was going to have her breakfast.
I took some glances over her, hoping that annoying person won't notice me. And by saying annoying i don't mean she is like my fan girls, she isn't like them, she isn't clingy or noisy, but rather she annoys me because she is strong and challenging.
I sighed but my train of thoughts were cut when i heard a calling sound from none other than the Hyuga, her gentle voice is extremely different from her strength. Its gentle and comforting.
"Ahaaa uchihaaa saaan" she called, i scoffed and walked towards her.
She greeted me with a smile then said
"Please join me for breakfast..."
i shook my head declining her offer, however my stomach growled betraying me.
Indeed i was hungry but my pride stopped me from confessing.
The Hyuga gave a giggle pointing to my stomach
"Guess your tummy had another say" she gave a gentle smile so i scoffed and sat down.
She opened the bento box showing cherry tomatoes and two sandwiches.
I  raised an eye brow.
She pointed to the cherry tomatoes and said
"I brought these for you..." she smiled as she ate her sandwich.
I was somehow taken aback, how did she knew i loved tomatoes.
She must be sharp girl, but my mind trailed again to the past event, i was picking tomatoes, must be because of that, she noticed... and for the first time, someone did notice what i love.
She was impressive.
I shook that thought away as i heard a call from none other than the pink haired clingy sakura and that boisterous blond naruto.
"Sasuke kun...." she squeaked.
I cringed a bit but my eyes went to the Hyuga who her expression changed a bit.
An expression i don't quite know, or couldn't read.

I was so happy that sasuke joined me for breakfast, i made two sandwiches for us, i was thinking about how to make him join me, luckily i came earlier so i can try to catch him, i know that the uchiha is always early.
I picked for him the tomatoes because i knew he loved it, since the last event as i saw him picking them up.
However as we sat and ate together, my moment was cut with that special pink haired girl.
Sakura..i knew she was my rival. She is one of sasuke's fan girls, but i am determined not to lose.
I won't lose anymore.
I worked hard to became this far, none knew much about me, but i am now the strongest among my family, none know how far my powers and jutus's are.
I'll be stronger to protect those who are weak, i'll reach my goal of justice to people, eliminate those who are in powers of destroying families and enslaving people, since i heard of the uchiha massacre.

"Ohayo sakura chan" she said as she gulped her sandwich.
"Ohayo hinata...sasuke kun, we should go, its late..." sakura turned to face me, her voice is just pissing me off.
I scoffed then i nodded and stood up walking away.
Without even saying good bye or a thank you... and i don't know why.

I saw him walking away, without thanking me, my heart torn but i know him better than that.
No body gets the uchiha like i do, and soon he'll come to realize that he belongs with me.
We finished the first stage of the chunin exam, i decided to go and get a shower then head again to train. Hard work beats talent and i have to keep working hard until i reaches my goal.
I took a shower and wore my crop top fishnet, and purple pants, i wore the beige hoodie and headed for my usual training site.
As i was in the middle of training i was cut by a certain deep voice that i came to love.

As i finished training, i decided to go to the woods and challenge the Hyuga again, i know that she'll train at the same site we battled, she is quite predictable and for me, i need to win over her.
I have to beat her.
I went and as i expected, she was there, sparring, i had to cut her training.
"Hyuuga..." i called sternly.
She turned and gave me a smirk.
"So you came?" She said
"No time to waste, lets battle" I said as i landed on my feet and took the standby position ready to battle, and as for her, she grinned and activated her byakugan saying.
"Remember our agreement"
"No need, because i'll beat you" i said mischievous and we started battling.

"I win..."
I was on the ground, panting, as she was straddling me, wrapping both her legs around my waist, her arm choking my neck, and pointing a kunai towards my eyes.
I was beaten again, that Hyuga is truly something.
She untangled herself from me, and gave me a smirk after wiping her bruised lips and bleeding cheeks.
"But you are quite the opponent..." she smirked as she stretched her hands to help me stand up, i smacked her hands away and spat on the ground.
I left pissed off.

The next day, i arrived early as usual, i saw the hyuga was again sitting in her usual bench, opening her bento box.
I walked towards her putting my hands inside my pocket.
I sat down by her and saw her eyes widen.

I was taken aback by the uchiha when he sat next to me, since yesterday, after i beaten him, i wanted to remind him of the agreement but i refrained, i gave him the excuse of being so much in rage because i knew he doesn't love to lose.
It's obvious, so i left him to be.
My eyes widened when he sat down by me.
I looked at him puzzled as i opened the box and he stretched his hands to eat from my prepared breakfast.
He looked at me then said.
"An uchiha keeps his words..." he said as he munched the tomatoes.
I gave him a smile and started eating i rejoiced, that means that he'll be eating breakfast with me until he can beat me.

Every day, the Hyūga greeted me good morning, bringing breakfast as we ate together, as i promised her.
The first couple of days we ate in silence, then she started asking me about things, my dreams, what i love what i don't love, she was quite hostile, at first i used to answer as brief as possible, but then i started to talk back to her, and i realized...the hyuga and I had many things in common.
I admired her confident, gentleness, her strength.
After a week passed,It was quite a routine for me to wait for her to bring breakfast, sometimes i went earlier than she is, and when she was late, i started somehow to worry.
And why i was worrying i quite didn't know, only that i used to her company, and i enjoyed eating her breakfast, i was even looking forward for it.
Which i didn't quite imagine i would be.
Also, sometimes i went to watch her sparring, i needed to win over her, so i could somehow break free from such agreement.
I trained even hard and then i asked her to battle me again, she said if she still wins, i would still eat with her breakfast, so i agreed, and as always, i did lose, but to my feelings, i didn't quite understand why part of me was happy to lose, wishing she'll beat me again, so i would be able to eat again with her.
As days passed with our routine, i asked her to train with me so i can become even stronger, and i saw her eyes shimmering in happiness, as if she was glade i asked her that.
We started training together after we finish our academy.
We have been like that for around a month, i became more acquainted to her being around, i even told her about my dreams and some facts about me.
She told me about her sister and clan, and i told her about my deceased family, and it was the first time i opened up to someone.
She was quite impressive, and easy to talk to, until that awkward day had came.
As usual i came earlier waiting for her to eat our breakfast. I waited for longer time than usual, but she didn't come, i scoffed as i waited but time was flying and i had to enter the academy, i started worrying somehow, and i didn't know why, i saw her teammate Kiba so i had to ask him
"Oi? Where is the hyuga" i asked
"She is already inside sasuke..." kiba said
"Why?" He asked puzzled as my eyes widened and i felt somehow stabbed in my heart.
I bite my teeth then i walked away
"Oi...sasuke wait" kiba called but i ignored.
I entered the class and found her chatting and giggling with shino, and i felt somehow betrayed and filled with rage.
I clicked my tongue then i sat at my usual seat, she was totally ignoring me but i decided to focus on today's missions, later on i'll meet her for our usual sparring anyways.

I went to the usual training ground as usual and i hadn't see her either, i waited for two hours but again she wasn't anywhere to be seen.
Did she ditch me?
And why? When i started feeling acquainted to her, she leaves. After saying my deepest secrets and nearly opening up for her?
And why do i feel empty when she ignored me? Why?
Its always the same for me. Everyone leaves and break their promises.
I bite my teeth and decided to go back home after i train.
The next day has gone the same, i waited for her to eat together but she came passed me totally ignoring my existence.
And for me, i was boiling in fury. How dare she ignores the uchiha.
Three days passed like that, everyday i just wait for her but she never comes, i tried to approach her to ask her about the training just to see her as if she is running away when she sees me.
I felt so empty and abandoned.
The fourth day i started to lose it, what i want i get, so I decided to show her who is in control now.
I saw her walking after the mission that she finished with her team, to be honest i waited for her.
I watched as she hugged kiba and shino, i snorted in fury, how dare she hug them.
I dismissed the thought until i get my explanation.
As i saw her walking away, i landed on my feet swiftly, and gripped her arms tightly tugging her, she gasped as i was dragging her to behind the tree trunks, i pushed her roughly to the bark, as her back hit the trunk she winced in pain.
I trapped her head between my both arms and leaned my face inches closer  to hers.
Our eyes met, and it was the first time i looked deeply into her Hyūga eyes, all hyuga's had white pale orbs but hers, was different...it had a tinge of lavender, and to my own emotions, it was beautiful.

I was taken aback when he pushed me roughly to the bark.
I was taken aback why he was so rough with me like that! Sasuke and I have been quite the friends, maybe we didn't  name our relationship, but we have became very close during such month, and to be honest i was even much more happier, he acknowledged me, sasuke even waited for me after the academy or the mission and we walked together to our training ground to spar together, he even started to show up early waiting to eat breakfast with me.
At first he was a bit timid, but then he became more acquainted to my existence.
He even sometimes asked me to prepare a certain food for him, he even walked me home after sparring.
He even offered to prepare breakfast once in a while.
He even joked around me.
I became happier every day, he talked about whats inside, i couldn't wish for more.
Until that day had came... and i saw him.
My train of thoughts were cut when he leaned on few inches away and growled at me.
"Explain..." he snorted.
"Explain what..." I stuttered, i hate my stutters.
"God dam-it hyuga don't test me..." he growled as he punched the bark by my head. I closed my eyes.
And opened them looking into those beautiful black obsidians that i came to fall in love with.
They were so full of rage...but above all, pain.
I looked deeply, but i knew i couldn't even say that truth.
"Nothing uchiha san..." i sighed and pushed his hands away, i walked away with a single tear in my eye.

I watched her walk away... and i felt so much broken inside.
"Tch" i scoffed and i decided to head back to the uchiha mansion, swearing i won't let anyone comes near me ever again.
I don't need anyone, being ignored by her had made me distracted from my main aim and goal.
And i don't need anyone to weaken me, i need to accomplish what i aim.
As i walked back home, i felt a drop of water on my both cheeks, i looked up, the sky was blurry, but no clouds...i thought it was raining...but there was no rain.
It was my eyes. That was raining.

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