In Da Streets

By LadaraFisher

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Aaliyah Savage is a 19 year old College student, who lives in Philadelphia Pa. She attends Kutztwon Universit... More

What you need to know!


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By LadaraFisher


I was up early texting hope. She wanted to know about Jay. I think she like him so I might just put her on with him. The only thing is Jay fuck with too many bitches. And Hope is a nice girl I don't want him to fuck it up. I got a text from Heem saying he wants to go out tonight. I don't know why I'm so nervous I known this nigga for years maybe because now we both feeling each other. I don't know but I need to get up and go get something to eat. I just put on some regular short grey shorts and a tank top. I walked downstairs grabbed my car keys and went to my car.
Where I lived at I won't say it's the suburbs of Philly but it was definitely not the hood. My dad moved us here last summer so we can start fresh but as you can see that didn't turn out that way it was planned. So I wanted some Chinese food and I only go to one Chinese spot and that's in north Philly. I can't go to any Chinese store around here I just don't get the same taste. So I put my song on
Tap- Nav Ft Meek Mill. And drove off.

10 minutes later

I pulled up to the store and got out. When I got out I seen the niggas that was posted up at the corner store stopped and looked.
I didn't pay them no mind. I went inside and ordered my food. I got my regular shrimp and broccoli with 2 cheesesteak rolls. They told me it would be ready in 10 minutes so I walked out as one of the dudes called my name.

"Yo Aaliyah" said some dude as he walked up to me. When he got closer I seen it was Rico. Rico I went to high school with I hated his ass so much.

"Hey Rico." I said.

"How you been? I seen you the other day at the mall but I wasn't sure if that was you." He said looking me up and down.

"Yeah probably you know I be around." I said looking down at my phone. We got interrupted by Chad, chad was one of them pretty niggas that had every bitch around here. He dated my bestfriend Destiny for a couple years but they was cheating on eachother. You can basically say it was an open relationship.

"Damn Aaliyah what you been eating in college you got thick." He said looking at my thighs.

"Yeah I know nigga" I said looking at him.

"Damn I see you still got a smart ass mouth." Chad said.

"You always trying to fuck with me. You know I don't even play with you fr." I said walking to my car.

"Man I don't give a fuck" Chad said walking away.

Rico came to my car.

"Don't pay that nigga no mind. He just mad he can't fuck with you." Rico said.

"When do I ever pay Chad any mind." I said laughing

"Nah but for real tho. I had a crush on you in school and now you looking better. When you gonna give a young nigga a chance Aaliyah?" Rico said licking his lips.

"I'm in even looking for nobody right now Rico. I just came back I'm chilling" I said to Rico even though I was lying. I just know Rico a hoe around here. I mean yeah he look good but I know he get around.

"Ard Aaliyah just whenever your ready I'm right here." Rico said as He pulled a stack of money out and showed me. "I'm trying to spoil you." He said smiling.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my stack out. "I'm trying to spoiled myself" I said and he looked at me and started laughing.

"Okay, Okay you got it ma. Ima fuck wit you later. Ard?" He said walking away.

"Bye boy." I said flagging him off. 10 minutes past and my food was ready I went back into the store and got my food and walk back out. I see Chad staring me down so I was mugging him back. I got in the car and drove off. I got home and my brothers was in the living room playing the game their friends.

"Hey y'all." I said putting my bag on the counter."

"Bro where did you go with them little shorts on?" My brother Jy said.

"I just went to the store. & boy I'm grown as shit don't question me about anything. You not my dad" I said

"Oh but I Am, where tf did you go with them little shorts on" my dad said walking from the from the downstairs bathroom. I'm not gonna hold you I jumped I didn't even know he was in the crib.

"Oh hey dad" I said hugging him.

"Dad tell her, her shorts too short to be going outside." Both of my brothers said

"They are Aaliyah and you not skinny anymore if I catch any of them dirty niggas near you it's going to be a problem" my dad said. And my brothers agreeing with him.

"Yeah yeah. I'm going to change my shorts since it's a problem." I said walking upstairs.

I went to lay back down in my room and jay FaceTime me.

"Yo head wyd? I'm about to come over." Jay said

"Just came back from getting something to eat, yeah come over I'm bored" I said

"Damn what you get? I'm hungry I'm about to just get some McDonald's. I'll be over there in like 5 minutes" he said

"Bring me a large fries and a smoothie, thanks" I said.

"You got food already fat ass but Ard I got you." He said laughing.

"Okay but I have a taste for some fries." I said.

"Ard yo I'll be there in 5. He said

"Ard byeeeee" I said hanging up. I was laying in bed and strolling through Instagram I clicked on my bestfriend destiny Instagram story. She's with her friend Ashanti. I lowkey miss her but what happened the other night just didn't fit right with me, I'm going to hit her later to see where her head at.
I locked my phone and turned the tv on. I started looking for a movie me and Jay can watch when he gets here. 5 minutes later my dad yells my name

"Yo Pooh Jay here." He shouted

"Come up here jay."I said opening my door

"He comes. Yo fat ass I got your fries and smoothie." He said passing me my stuff.

"Wow what would I do without you." I said as we both sat down on my bed. We was talking about school and when I go back next fall I'm thinking about getting an apartment.

"If you get one I'm in that jawn everyday." Jay said while taking a bite from his sandwich.

"Yeah I know. Don't be bringing no new bitch to my crib everyday." I said looking at him

"Bro I'm not. I wanted to be settling down by then anyway. I'm tired of just fucking bitches I want a wifey." He said

"Since we on this subject I got somebody that want to fuck with you." I said smiling.

"Word who??" Jay said

"You know Hope, Heem step sister." I said

"The one we seen at the mall. The one that got a baby face?" Jay said.

"Yeah her. She said she like you bro. But the only way I'm putting you on if your really going to be done hoeing around." I said as I gave him a serious look.

"Yo she's beautiful as shit, put me on. She the type I don't mind dropping everybody for." Jay said

"Ard yo if I put you on and you fuck up? I'm gonna fuck you up." I said

"I got you." He said smiling. What's her number I'm gonna text her.

"Wait let me tell her you want her and I'll ask if she want me to give you her number" I said as I texted her. She said I can give her number to him and I did. After that me and Jay sat and watch Superfly. Jay dumbass went to sleep. But I had to start getting ready for my date so while he was sleeping I got in the shower did my hair and makeup. When I got done finishing my makeup. I woke Jay up.

"Why are you touching me." Jay said.

"Boy because you need to leave. It's 7pm." I said.

Jay jumped up. "It's 7?! I was suppose to link with Hope at 8." Jay said getting up.

"Damn y'all linking already." I said laughing

"Yeah she just want to get to know me more so I'm taking her out to eat." Jay said.

"Oh okay well have fun." I said pushing him out.

After he left I had to find an outfit. I didn't want to do too much because I didn't know where we were going. So I put on black jeans with a black tank top and a crop top black jean jacket. And called it a day. 30 minutes later Heem called me.

"I'm outside" Heem said
"Okay omw" I hung up the phone and walked outside.

When I got to the car. He hugged and Kiss me on my forehead.

"You look beautiful Ma" he said looking at me. All I can do is smile.

"Thank you, You don't look bad yourself." I said as he put the car in drive and drove down the block. We been driving for 10 minutes and I see we are headed downtown. 

"Where we going?" I asked

"I'm taking you to this sushi spot. It's the best around here I heard. You like sushi? I forgot to ask you that last night. I was hoping you did." He said looking over to me.

"Yeah I do, if I didn't you would of been upset. So you like sushi?" I said

"I never had it. But it don't hurt but to try different foods." He said

"So what if you don't like it? Your going to be wasting your money." I said looking at him.

"I mean as long as I can try new things with you I'll be good." Heem said looking over and smiling.

I'm not gonna lie that made me blush. I haven't felt like that in a long ass time. What was this man doing to me. 10 minutes later we pulled up to this nice ass sushi restaurant and I seen everyone all dressed up and everything.

"Wow Heem I wish you told me we was coming to a place like this. I would of dressed way nicer." I said looking at him.

"Your fine just the way you are" Heem said laughing.

"Oh wait I got some heels in my bag I always carry." I said pulling black heels out.

"Yo you got heels in your bag. Yeah your valid. I'm fucking with this" he started busting out laughing.

"Most def I cant be caught slipping." I said opening the door and slipping them on. We got out the car and he gave the valet his keys and we walked in. It was so beautiful. The waiter took us to a booth and we both sat down.

"It's so beautiful here. And they even have the little pillows we can relax. This is nice Heem forreal." I said smiling.

"I'm glad you do. I just wanted our first "date" to be special" Heem said looking at me.

"I'm glad you put effort into this I really I'm so happy." I said smiling.

We got interrupted but the waiter.
"Hello welcome to Sticks'n'Sushi I will be taking your orders. Would you guys like to start off with a drink?" The waiting said

"Yes I would like to get a raspberry lemonade, with raspberry on top." I said

"Let me get a spite" Heem said.

"Okay I will be right back with your drinks." The waiter said.

"So what happened in your last relationship?" Heem said.

"Oh your jumping straight to it huh? Well when I first went to college I dated this basketball playing and I didn't want to have sex with him just yet. So he started cheating on me with other females. So after that I just was cooling off Niggas honestly. I was kind of heartbroken." I said

"Damn he fucked up. You shouldn't feel forced into having sex if you're not ready." Heem said looking at me.

"Yeah, I only been in 2 relationships my whole life so my love life kind of boring." I said shrugging.

"Yeah I never had a relationship. I mean I had situationships and shit like that but I was never the type to have it a real relationship. But that was my youngbull days. I wouldn't mind getting into one now." Heem said.

"Oh so basically you be hoeing around." I said laughing.

"Nah I just be chilling. I had bitches but I just cut them off. Like I said before bitches do too much." He said

"Mhm Yeah. I remember you saying that." I said rolling my eyes smiling.
After a while of us just laughing and talking we ordered our food and our food came.

"This looks so good." I said

I seen Heem pulling out his phone, I thought he was going to take a picture of the food but instead he put the camera in my face.

"Let me take a picture of you." He said

"For what?" I said smiling

"So when I remember this date I can look at the picture of you." He said

He took the picture.

"Let me see if I look good."

"This is cute" I said. Handing him back his phone.

"Now it's time to eat." He said grabbing the chop sticks.
He picked up the sushi and put the whole thing in his mouth.

"You like it? I asked him.

"Yeah it's good. It's definitely different." He said

We started eating and talking some more. We ended our date around 10:00pm. We left the restaurant and he was taking me home. He was playing nothing but nba youngboy. I mean I like him but every song that played it was him.

"Can I connect my Bluetooth?" I said

"Oh what you don't like my music?" He said looking at me

"Don't get me wrong I fuck with youngboy but I wanna slow it down a bit." I said laughing.

"Go head connect. Now we about to listen to sad songs." He said laughing.
I went to my Apple Music and turned on. Butterflies X Queen Najia I started singing the song and Heem was looking at me.

"This is my song." I said continued to sing. He was looking and laughing at me like I was crazy. I felt myself opening up to him. For once I didn't have to have my guard up and it was one of the best feelings. The rest of the ride back to my house me and him was singing different songs and laughing. this was definitely one of the best dates I ever had..


I'm definitely feeling Heem and Ashanti. 😍😍

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