Take A Chance On Me- Janoskia...

By LukeBrooksCurls

5.2K 68 16

Ally is an ordinary teenage girl living in the suburb of Glenroy. She has been bullied at school because of t... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 1

1.7K 7 1
By LukeBrooksCurls


Hi, my name is Ally. I currently live in Melbourne, Australia with my dad. My mam passed away last year in a car accident. I miss her so much but my dad doesn't like to talk about her that much. He is the head of Song Music Australia which is amazing because every few weeks I get to visit the recording studios and meet famous people! Anyway that's enough about me :)

Part 1:

Ally's POV

'Allyyyyy!' I immediately woke up when I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. My dad kept shouting my name until I banged on the walls, signalling that I was awake.

School started back tomorrow and I was not looking forward to it. Last year, when everybody found out about my mam's tragic death, they started to treat me differently. That's when I started to get bullied, even some of my closest friends turned against me. It was horrible. I even started to cut myself because I was depressed. As soon as my dad found out he complained to the school, but he couldn't afford to take me out of Penola. The teachers didn't know what to do so they moved me up a year. So now, I'm starting Year 12. I didn't know anybody from that year so I was scared. Scared that nobody would like me and that my only friend would be the sharp razor, lying in my bathroom.

My lifeless body carried itself downstairs. I wasn't hungry so I just gulped down the last few drops of orange juice. The sour taste made my tongue tingle. 'Good morning sunshine, listen I will be back later, hopefully with some good news. Bye sweetheart' and with that dad gently kissed my forehead before I could get a word out. The door slammed, indicating he was on his way to work. I sighed, wishing he could spend more time at home with me.

I decided I would go into Melbourne city to buy a school bag and some copies for tomorrow. I hated going into Melbourne city, especially by myself. I may be 16 but I'm still scared shitless of the people in Melbourne. The thought of it sent shivers up my spine, but I have to buy my school stuff so off to the city I go!


After a long 4 hours of pondering around the city, I just about made it to the train station on time. The train was about to leave so I hopped on rapidly. I searched for an empty seat. None. Great. My legs needed to rest, they were aching. I leaned against a pole, taking out my phone and scrolled through twitter. Nothing new. As i was scrolling, I heard a barking noise behind me. I ignored it, some pathetic person acting strange obviously. It got louder. I put in my earphones and blared Rita Ora's song 'How We Do'. I loved this song so much and caught myself singing along. After a minute or two, I heard the irritating barking noise again. I turned around to be met with the guy that was barking's eyes. He stared at me. I couldn't help it but examine his face. I recognised it from somewhere. I looked deeply into his eyes trying to recall where I seen him before but before I could finish his eyes left mine. He stood up and walked out of the train with a group of other guys laughing about. I suddenly realised this was my stop aswell. I gathered my belongings and exited the train. I searched for 'barking boy'- as I call him, but him or his mates where nowhere to be seen. I decided to forget about everything that happened and just head home. It was getting cold anyway.

I hurried in through my front door. Oh my god it was freezing outside and it was nice and warm in here. I shoved my bags to one side and strolled into the kitchen. My dad was on his laptop at the table, sipping his coffee every few seconds. He turned to me with a big smile on his face. 'Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you.......'


Okay haha, this is my first ever fanfic so please tell me what you think :) I know this is short sorry, I will try to make them longer :P

Thanks guys <3

(Oh and when i started writing this fanfic, i used the name Rachel for the main girl, but since then I have changed it to Ally, so just if you see Rachel anywhere it's meant to be Ally, sorry for the inconvenience)


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