In Da Streets

By LadaraFisher

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Aaliyah Savage is a 19 year old College student, who lives in Philadelphia Pa. She attends Kutztwon Universit... More

What you need to know!


4.7K 131 17
By LadaraFisher

After we came from the mall we headed back home. We got to the crib and my brothers and dad was inside.
"Hey daddy" I jumped on my dad I'm such a daddy's girl and everyone knows that.

"Hey babygirl You was my little rider yesterday" he said as he held me laughing.

I got down from him and hugged my brothers and mom.

"Wassup wit you Jay. How was college?" My dad said while he dapped him up.

"I'm good pops. It's the best experience." Jay said

"That's wassup but Aaliyah gonna catch up with you later we got some shit we gotta talk about young blood" my dad said dapping him up again.

"Okay sir I'll see y'all later." Jay said walking out and closing the door.

Soon as Jay left I stood up and went off.

"What the fuck was that lastnight!? And why did everybody seem so calm and act like y'all knew this was going to happen?" I snapped

"Ayo who the fuck you raising your voice at? Huh? You better sit the fuck down and listen." My dad snapped at me back.

I sat down and let him finish talking.

"Now listen, my block been hot this last few months and your dippy ass brother got caught up with them Southwest niggas and I had to handle my business." He said

"You mean shoot somebody? Yeah I been told.. you know the streets talking. Dad I thought we left that shit behind us!?" I said.

"Again Aaliyah I don't want to have to tell you again. Lower your fucking voice." He said

"The cops don't even know anything about me dealing with southwest. They worried about the drugs. Now what Aaliyah said about the streets is talking because they is. So ima need y'all to watch y'all back. Meaning ALWAYS have protection on you." He said.

"Babe you know I stay with my tazer. I don't play" my mom added.

"No you need something better than that. Y'all think I'm playing. They going to try us. When it comes to my family I have to protect y'all by any means." My dad said

We all looked at my dad worried.. what did I come home to? I never had a gun or any weapons in my whole life! one thing happen and now I have to have a gun. This isn't my lifestyle, I never wanted to be apart of this. If anything I wanted to get away.

"So y'all understand what I'm saying? Just try to stay away from southwest."

"Okay dad." I said as I walked upstairs.

I went to my room and slammed my door. I just can't believe this is happening. Everything is just happening to fast for me. While I was sitting on my bed just thinking I got a text from Heem. 

"Wsp young." - Heem
"Hey, I can't make it tonight, I'm sorry 😕"
"Why wsp? You good?" - Heem
"Just going through a lot right now."
"I wanna see you. Can I come through? We can talk about it ma." - Heem
"Yeah you can but not rn."
"Just text me when it's the best time." -Heem

I put my phone down and just look up to the Ceiling. My mind was going everywhere. Then I hear a knock on my door and it was my dad.

"Hey babygirl." My dad said walking in.

"Hey dad. I didn't mean to go off like that but I'm so tired of living this lifestyle like we moved out the hood but it seems like the shit keeps coming back to us? I just can't do this." I said and tears was falling down my eyes.

"Babygirl come here, I didn't want to put my family through this but listen this is some shit I got myself into and I'm going to get out. After this I'm done with da streets this is starting to hurt my family." My dad said holding me.

"Yeah you gotta make a change. I love you dad." I said

"But right now. You need to carrying this with you." My dad said as he handed me a Glock 43. I jumped up
"Dad what the fuck! I can't take this." I said as I stood up.

"Listen you know how to shoot this shit. Stop acting like a little punk. Now everything I taught you now it's time to see if you was paying attention. They are going to be coming after you because they know your my whole heart, so never lack Aaliyah I'm telling you please listen to me." My dad said with tears in his eyes.

"Okay dad." I said taking the gun and putting it in my bag.

He hugged me and held me for a minute and finally let go. He can see the hurt in my eyes. I wasn't scared I was just worried I didn't want to ever hurt nobody.

"Okay I love you babygirl as he walked out and closed the door. I sat in my room and Next thing you know I was knocked out.

4 hours later
I woke up it was 2:00am I didn't mean to sleep that long. I grabbed my phone and I missed a text from Heem

"You still want me to come through?" -Heem
"You up? You can come. I was sleeping"
5 minutes later
"Come outside" -Heem

"Damn He didn't even text me back to let me know he was coming. Let me go brush my teeth." I said to myself as I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went outside. I got into his car.

"Wassup with you love?" Heem said as he gave me a hug.

"Nothing much just chilling, did you guys go to Dave & busters?" I asked him.

"Yeah it was Ard. I wish you was there tho." Heem said as he looked at me.

I chuckled "I wish I went. But I was going through some shit." I said.

"What happened. Talk to me" he said pulling out his weed.

"It's a long story you don't want to hear it." I said leaning the chair back.

"We got all the time in the world." Heem said looking at me smiling.

"It's just that I thought I would come home and just have peace but it seems like I came home to so much drama. From my dad getting booked to different shit I can't speak on. It's just a lot. You know?" I said looking at him rolling up.

"Yeah I get what you saying. That's how I felt when I came home from jail. I wanted just peace and I got the complete opposite. But I know ima make it out... you just got to think about that everyday and keep grinding until you somewhere far away from here Ma. " Heem said sparking up the backwood.

" yeah your right. I didn't think about it that way." I said.

"You gonna make it out fasure. Look at you, your in college doing shit half of these females around here not doing. You got a ticket to make it out." He said passing me the backwood.

"Facts I'm going to be good. I'm not stressing it.. Let me find out you out handing giving advice." I said laughing.

"You stay with the jokes huh? I'm just saying some real shit." Heem said licking his lips.

A couple conversations past and we getting to know eachother more and more. I never had a guy I can talk to like this other than Jay. It felt kind of weird because I don't open up to dudes like I'm opening up to Heem.. I don't know Heem was giving me a different vibe.

"You fuck wit anybody around here?" Heem asked.

"No I only been back for 2 days. Do you?" I said as I smirked

"Nah im cool off these bitches." He said.

I looked at him I can tell he was lying but I didn't pay it no mind.

"Mhm I hear you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Real shit. I'm just looking for a shorty that's not with all the extra shit. These bitches do most." Heem said.

"Stop saying bitches. But you just be fucking with the wrong ones." I said facing him.

"Man I call it how I see. And oh yeah? So you the right one" Heem said smirking at me.

"I'm not the one to beg but I'm not like these females." I said.

"Yeah you right about that. You always been lowkey. Even when you had your hype ass friends, you was in your own little world. That's what I always like about you.

As he was talking I was looking into his blue eyes. He was the only guy I know that have blue eyes and dark skin. That shit was so beautiful. We was sitting in the car chilling and talking then he got a text coming through his phone. He picked it up and looked at it.

"It's getting late, Im about to head back to the crib, ima fuck wit you later. Ard?" Heem said.

"Yeah you gotta drive all the way home. Text me when you get home love." I said hugging him.

"I got you boo." He said then suddenly he grabbed my face and gave me a quick kiss. It caught me off guard.

"Something to think about when I'm gone." He said smiling

"Boy your really crazy. Goodnight." I grabbed his face and passionately kissed him.

"Now I'm giving you something to think about." I said getting out the car. He watched me go inside and he pulled off.


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