Incrementum | Roman + Virgil...

By anauthorsoddity

3.5K 119 69

Through the reveal of Remus, things between the sides have changed. Logan's advice to Thomas has been taken u... More

_.|)|._: Playlist
_.|!|._: Chapter One
_.|@|._: Chapter Two
_.|#|._: Chapter Three
_.|$|._: Chapter Four
_.|%|._: Chapter Five
_.|^|._: Chapter Six
_.|&|._: Chapter Seven
_.|*|._: Chapter Eight
_.|(|._: Chapter Nine
_.|!!|._: Chapter Eleven
_.|!@|._: Chapter Twelve
_.|!#|._: Chapter Thirteen

_.|!)|._: Chapter Ten

183 9 2
By anauthorsoddity

a/n: Honestly, I think we're all a little scared for the next Sanders Sides video, but I'm also really excited to see what's next. Maybe we'll even venture to Roman's room! Anyway, enjoy the near climax of the story at hand!


The sun rose along with Virgil, who barely slept to begin with. Thomas didn't sleep well that night, and Virgil knew it. He didn't realize how badly he was causing it by not sleeping, but he couldn't. The relief he felt from the day before kept him awake, and energized him more than sleep ever could have. He walked not the foyé with a smile on his face. He walked in to Logan and Patton, Logan's arms were crossed. The smile left Virgil's face, the reoccurring feeling of whenever he feels happy made a bad impact on others crossed his mind. He hunched over and stuffed his fists into his hoodie pockets, avoiding eye contact with them both.

"Virg, was that a smile?" Patton asked warmly. Virgil shrugged.

"What did I do now?" He asked Logan.

"Did you keep Thomas awake last night?" Logan asked with his average tone.

"Not to my knowledge, I didn't sleep but that's pretty normal." Virgil said. Patton looked to Logan.

"You don't sleep?" Patton asked.

"You don't, and neither does Roman, he gives Thomas dreams because whenever he sleeps, Remus gives Thomas nightmares." Virgil said. Logan sighed.

"Well, then maybe the Prince kept him awake, Roman!" Logan called. Roman tumbled out into the concourse and yawned.

"What nerdy wolverine?" He asked. Logan rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Did you keep Thomas awake last night?" He asked. Roman was taken aback, insulted even.

"Me? How could I be the source of that? No sleeping sirens over there has more of a chance of being the culprit of that than little old me." Princey said. Virgil narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"Roman!" Patton said. Virgil held a hand up.

"I can take it. It wasn't me, Roman." He said. Roman looked at the three of them, he ultimately shrugged dramatically.

"Why don't we ask Thomas, aren't we recording today?" He asked. Logan checked his imaginary watch, which made Patton smile to himself.

"Yes, right about now. I'll pop up first, follow whenever you feel needed to pop in." Logan said. With that he looked up and vanished from the main quarters they all stood in. Patton looked to Virgil why just shrugged.

"Good morning Thomas," Logan said. Thomas yawned with baggy eyes. "Oh my,"

"I know, this's now more than a day long dilemma." Thomas said. Logan's eyes widened and pulled up Patton without warning.

"Aw come on, kiddo! What's going on in that mind of yours?" He asked sweetly. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Thomas is having another dilemma." Logan said. Patton's eyes widened.

"What made you stay up, pal?" He asked. Thomas yawned.

"Thoughts," He said. Logan looked worryingly at Patton as Virgil popped onto the stairs.

"Thoughts that I wasn't thinking!" Virgil said. Roman shot up at that time.

"What kind of thoughts, Thomas?" Patton asked.

"I don't know... regretful thoughts. Being a bad person because of what I thought of that day I guess." Thomas said. The three light sides looked to Virgil.

"Whoa, whoa, Thomas, we figured that one out last time before I snapped down. Why are you still shaken over it?" Virgil asked. Logan perked up.

"Actually, we didn't solve the mystery before you left us, Virgil. We only started to mention the Duke and how he affected you and made you scared when the thought crossed Thomas' mind. Then Roman dead-named you, and we all left.' Logan said. Roman scoffed.

"Thanks for the recap, nerdy narrator." Roman said. Logan furrowed his brow.

"Yeah, but why is Thomas all racked up about it if I didn't cause him to continue thinking about it?" Virgil asked. Logan sighed.

"Well, us three were all preoccupied about other things in the mind palace afterword. But while that was happening, you weren't the most calm cookie." Patton said. Logan nodded as Virgil looked around, with his eyes, remembering the fear he was feeling as he showed his memories.

"That's true, you were cowering the entire time about your past. Though, you weren't talking to Thomas about it, so he probably was overthinking about the current situation instead of what you individually were thinking about." Logan said. Virgil's eyes grew.

"Is that what happened, Thomas?" Virgil asked. Roman looked at Virgil with shock and back to Thomas. Silence fell as Thomas yawned again.

"Virgil, I know you didn't mean it." Thomas said. Virgil breathed in a shocked kind of way and looked around at the being in front of him from left to right. Though, when his eye's reached Roman, his voice emphasized and deepened.

"ROMAN, DUCK!" He yelled. Roman squatted down without popping as The Duke hopped over his brother, closer to the camera that was recording them. Roman moved to the side and Virgil helped him stand up. The Duke was cackling as he looked over to Virgil.

"Oh, you are such a storm cloud, Virgil." He said.

"Remus!" Patton yelled, but soon enough his hand was forced to cover his mouth. A dark light shown on Logan, and beside him, a snake-like figure showed up. Virgil's deep voice was forced on the two way street between him and Thomas towards the appearing liar.

"GO AWAY. YOU'RE NOT A PART OF THIS." He said. The snake went away, and Logan fixed his tie. They all payed their attention to The Duke.

"Wow Virgil why don't you do that more often?" He asked. Virgil shrunk in his place before Roman stood between the two darker sides.

"Virgil may hide things, but you're the real cause of this, Dukey." Roman said. The Duke continued to laugh.

"Oh Princey, you come to parties too fashionably late that it's practically over! What I wanted to happen already happened yesterday!" Remus exclaimed. Virgil looked around again, but then connected his eyes to Thomas;, and looked to the Duke with fear.

"Shut up." He said. The Duke smiled.

"Ah, the spider understands." He said. Virgil looked at him with serious eyes.

"Shut up!" He yelled. Patton looked at Virgil worryingly.

"Virg, it's going to be okay." Patton said. Virgil barely payed attention to him as he stared Remus down like a demon standing in Heaven.

"What? Virgil, what did he do?" Logan asked. Virgil's breathing became heavy.

"You..." He started, his voice was raspy.

"It wasn't my plan, you can ask the snake for coordinates on that one. I only suggested a tricky situation." Remus said. Virgil's voice went back into its deep essence.


"Anxious alliteration, huh? I know Logan will like that one." Remus said. Logan swallowed as Virgil's eyes were starting to grow redder.


"Only to do what you've already done." The Duke replied.

Virgil snapped his head to Thomas, whose eyes were reddening and the bags under his eyes stuck out like sore thumbs. He was sleep deprived, and he was cold and scared. Much of which was caused by Virgil the day before that provoked the events throughout the night. Virgil shed a tear and looked around at the other sides. Patton was looking at him with worry but it came across more as fear. Logan's face even showed a feeling uncommonly seen on him, and Princey, dear old Princey just stood and stared at the Thunderstorm beside him with an unreadable emotion attached onto his complexion. Virgil gulped and wiped away his tear as it ran down his cheek, bringing eyeshadow along with it.

"I'm sorry." He muttered ever so softly, and he ducked down into the mind palace before anyone could speak any further. He then ran all the way back to his room, before any of the other sides even had second chance to go after him, they turned to Remus.

"What was the point of that?" Logan asked suspiciously.

"You hurt him!" Patton yelled.

"Me? Hurt him? No, no, no, he hurt you, or more accurately, he hurt him." He said as he pointed to Thomas.

"Looks like old habits die hard." Remus added. Princey furrowed his brow.

"I swear on the Dragon Witch's soul that you will get payed back for this, Remus! Even if it is by the sword in my hand!" Roman yelled as he took his sword from its hoister. Patton held out a hand, motioning to the Prince to calm down.

"That's not going to help, Roman." Patton stated.

"Patton's right, you're both an equal match for the other, you'll cancel each other out." Logan added. Roman put his sword away and crossed his arms.

"Remus, I know I can't do anything to make you go away, but Virgil isn't one of you anymore." Thomas said. With that the wind hit Remus in the face, and Logan perked up.

"He may haven't had changed in the way you think he believes he did, but he has grown a considerable amount since he first arrived." Logan stated. Another force of wind hit the Duke.

"You three are no fun, I guess this time, I'm just done. Bye!" Remus said as he shrunk downward. Roman blew the hair out of his face as he stood back in the center of his designated spot. The three sides looked to one another and then to Virgil's empty spot. Thomas looked to Patton for reassurance, but all he got was a shrug.

"I don't think he's going to come, kiddo." He said.

"Can you at least try? I feel him." Thomas said. Logan put up a finger to contradict, but Patton looked at him as if to hold off first. He reached out his hand to pull Virgil up, and went forward with the motion.

"Come on, Virg." He said. The spot remained empty, and Logan looked to Thomas with a sigh.

"Whenever one of us isn't present, we are dominantly portrayed through you and your current emotion. Just like how I left Patton's room when you all refused to leave, I was partially talking through Thomas. Therefore, Virgil is taking the same effect, just unintentionally." He explained. Thomas' eyes were red, as if he were crying.

"I'm going to go talk to him. We're going to finish this video, Thomas. I promise." Patton said. With that he popped down, leaving Princey and Logan in front of him.

"I think I'll follow, and put a lock on my door while I'm at it." Roman said, and popped down into the mind palace. Thomas looked to Logan.

"I'm going to see if my assistance is needed with Patton. We will be back, but for now, rest. Past situations show that when you cry, you end up sleeping better." Logan said. With that he popped down back into the palace, where a different kind of commotion was taking place. 

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