Sanders Sides x Readers[...

By jai_artz_

116K 2.2K 3.9K

This is just some senerios and 'what ifs' with you, Thomas, and the sides... DISCLAIMER I do not own any char... More

Tied to your Heart(Thomas)
The Prince and the Stable Hand(Roman)
Anxious Together(Virgil)
Happy Pansexual Day!
My Little Nightwing(Virgil)
Important A/n
How you meet(redo)
Who Are You?(Remus) pt. 1
New Cover
10k Special
Who Are You?(Remus)Finale
QnA Answers
Headcanon #2
Holiday Special (All)
Love Storm (Logan)
Valentine's Special (All)
I Do Adore (Deceit)
Pretty Eyes (Remus)
Stuck in quarantine w/ the bois
Q 'n A Time!
Snake of Norte Dame(Deceit)
50k Special
Tagged....once again
Innocence(Remus)part 2
A Dance To Remember(Virgil/Janus)
BLOOPERS 2: Electric Boogaloo
The End...or is it?
I'm Back????(maybe)

Who are you?(Remus) part 2

4.9K 102 260
By jai_artz_

Ok, so, my idea for Remus' chapter requires some changes to the DWIT episode. And it includes more Remus interactions. And, its long. Sorry.

Trigger Warning: a wittle angst, disturbing thoughts, sexual dialouge, and again, Remus

So, without further adieu....

Previously......(cue video montage)

"Everything is going wrong in my life.....even my thoughts are going wrong" "Whaaaaat....! Come on, noooo!"

"Wait, are you guys seriously not gonna let me in on what's going on?"

"Y/n, you good?"

"Logan, if you continue to push this.......we're going to end up in some dangerous territory."



"Can someone tell me who he is?!" "Why, I'm your creativity!" "No that's, that's Roman."

"Yeah,......also me though."


Third POV

  "....what?" Thomas was even more confused at the situation. A random dude shows up, knocks out Roman, and drags everybody into a whole disturbing music video, while trying to dance with his Passion.

"Sigh, Roman is like, Netflix: Kids and Family." Y/n said, regaining the attention on them. Logan picked up for them. "He's the thing you select, of you want to, um-" "Block out all the juicy stuff." The Duke interupted him, winking at Y/n. Y/n mentaly gagged a little. "Don't say juicy in that context." Virgil said, disgusted(DISGUSTANG!). The Duke struggled for a moment. "Juicy butthole?" Thomas turned towards him. "...less okay." "Yeah," Patton spoke up, "your....b-hole needs to stay zipped up in your pants where it belongs." The Duke returned his attention to Thomas. "Why do you want to stifle your own creativity, Thomas?" "I'm sorry I don't see the creative merit in 'juicy butthole'." Thomas said. Then Y/n joined in. "Yeah, I hardly see any way he could be passionate about...that." The Duke then looked at Y/n. "That's not how you always thought..." he mumbled, only loud enough for them to hear. He turned back to the host. "Oh, come on, Thomas. There are different types of creativity. Just take Jeffery Dahmer!" That caught everybody's attention. "I-i mean acid-brain sex zombies? Thats ri-" Thomas quickly cut him off. "Let me stop you right there. Jeffery Dahmer wasn't creative, he was destructive. And I'll thank you to never bring him up again." "That's right! Just shut it down Thomas!" Said Patton.

  Logan jumped in. "You should do no such thing. You can not force the Duke to retire a topic of conversation." "Yeah, repression can be...very bad indeed. Isn't that right, BooBoo." The Duke said, leaning towards Y/n a bit. They, in turn, leant away. "Stop it.." Y/n said.

  The Duke just shrugged, and went back to the topic at hand. "Just take Jeffery Dahmer." Thomas sighed, frusterated. "He used to have these(chuckles) pretty funny thoughts about torturing animals." Patton gasped in horror at the thought of someone thinking that.

  "But you know, he hated them.", The Duke continued, "He thought they were horrible and he tried to FORCE THEM OUT! Lot of good that did 'em!"

"It didn't do him any good." Logan pointed out. "Yeah, right."

  "In fact, that kind of repression doesn't do ANYBODY any good, because it doesn't work " Logan continued. "In the 1980's, Virgina psycologist Daniel Wegner performed the White Bear experiment, which demonstrated that the more one tries to force out a thought, the more intrusive and/or repetitive said thought becomes." Y/n gave a small nod of agreement.


   "Stooooopp!" "Seriously! Cut it out Rem- Duke!" Y/n quickly fixed their mistake. But Virgil caught on to what they said, looking at them. They gave a small look of worry before turning back to the conversation.


  Ok, he is really getting on my nerves. I hate that he is still flirting with me. I've made the message crystal clear that- never mind. I can't focus on my past right now. I need to focus on Thomas.

  What Logan's saying does make sence, though. It's just hard when two different type of ideas come and it's manly up to me to be able to push those ideas out. Speaking of which...


"Stooooopppp!" Thomas said. "Seriously! Cut it out Re- Duke!"

Oh no. Did I really say that out loud?! I had to quickly fix my mistake. I can't let them know. Yes, I love all of them like family, some less than others, but some things are meant to be kept secret. I noticed that Virgil was looking at me. I gave a look to cover it up, but I think it came out as worried.

  After that, Logan did a simular experiment with Patton. And, um........

"Patton, you can talk about anything you want for the next minute." Said Logan. "Um, alright. But, hold on to your ears 'cause I'm about to talk 'em off." Said Patton.

And then....

"Hold on to my ears! Done and done!" Duke took off ears. Literally.

  "You put those BACK ON mister!" Patton said. "Patton," Logan said, "I need you to focus." Patton drew his attention back to him. "Ok. So, I just start talking whenever?" "I will cue you. But before you start, don't think about- uh.." Logan struggled for a minute. "A GOLDFISH IN A CONDOM!"...I'm pretty sure we all know where that one came from.

"Once upon a time there was a gollllllden girl..." Patton started. I sighed along with Virgil. "Oh my-" "Good save."

  "Who lived in a, con-dominium." Patton sighed. "Ok, Logan, has it been a minute yet?" He shook his head. "Not even close, but you just did what I need you to do." Patton seemed proud of himself. "Patton, did a real good job." He silently sang to himself.(Patton is so adorable, I can't-).

  Logan then went on to explain how other people had the same problem that Patton did.

  Thomas half heartly chuckled. "Okay, so I can't stop him. Awesome news!"

  "It is!" Duke clapped. "Isn't that right, y/n/n!" He looked at me again. Logan and Virgil looked between me and him for a secound. I knew they could tell something was off.

"But-" Logan was cut off.....again. "But either way, you are NOT creativity!" Thomas announced. "Thomas-" I sighed. "Yeah, that is the brave, handsome, unbeatable, Roman!" Patton said, pointing to Roman on the ground. I couldn't fully understand what he was mumbling, but it was something about mashed potatoes.

  Thomas continued. "Creativity is about butterflies and- magic. And that's not you, you'er-" "Stinky?!" Duke was now covered in garbage. "...scary." Thomas finished. Duke poofed back to his normal self. "Me? Scary?" He seemed affended. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That sounds like a you problem."He pointed at Thomas. "Or a them problem." He then pointed at me and Virgil. I glared at him we made a promise to keep....that secret.


(It is here that the author realizes that the video is 40 minutes long, and chapters only take up about 6-12 minutes. So, she must decide on to make 3 more parts, or make massive time skips....)

(Srry guys, I'm making time skips. Hope you don't mind. I'm only skipping the parts that won't affect the reader.)

Picking up where we left off,

Still Y/n POV

  Anyway. "Thomas, like or not, I'm afraid that the Duke is apart of your imagination." I said, slowly. "Imaginative sure is a- kind word for him." Patton said. "I agree!" Duke jumped it. "How about, DEMENTED?"

  Virgil turned at me. "Why are you defending him?" "I'm not Virge, I'm just being honest with Thomas." I reassured. "I agree with Y/n. Like it or not, The Duke does encompass a portion of your imagination."

"Ehh, sounds like bullsh!t. This dork's Deciet in disguise!" Duke announced. "No, its not-" I tried to stop him, but ot was too late. "NO!" Patton yelled. "WHAT? AGAIN! Deceit, show yourself!" Thomas said. "No, its um, actually me." Logan said. Duke chuckled. "I knew that. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm a little silly." "Same old, same old..." I mumbled to myself. Nobody heard me, luckily.

  "Then why are you lying?" Virgil said, looking at Logan accusingly. Logan scoffed, "Lying?" "You too, Y/n." He turned and looked at me. I stepped a back a bit. "What?"

  "You guys just said that the Duke is Thomas' imagination." He said, looking between the two of us. "Yeah, well..." I looked at Logan for help. "Thomas, you have to understand that life isn't as, black and white, as they say." "But the Duke and the Prince literally where the black and the white!" Thomas said. "And, why do I have two different creativities anyway! Why isn't Roman, all- encompassing?" "Because of your view of creativity, imagination, and Passion," Logan said, looking at me, "as a purely good force. When you were young, you filed away products of your imagination as either welcome, or forbidden."

T: Wait so, my creativity split in two?
P: Into what?
D: Into a butthole?
Y/n: Really?
L: Into, two parts, yes.

Third POV

  And so on, the six of them continued to talk over the Dukes' appearence. Logan was there to help balance out logic with Dukes' contributions. Patton reassured that the thoughts weren't there in the first place, but was turned down when Logan explained what repression was.

  Virgil was silently wishing that the Duke wasn't there in the first place, worrying that someone else would pop up too (cough cough, slimy boi). Thomas was slowly learning about his other half of his creativity, but still wishing that he wasn't there, like Virgil. Poor Roman was still on the floor knocked out, but somehow wasn't immune to the situation at hand.

  Then there was Y/n. They were the mostly annoyed that Duke was being flirtatious with them, still. They were able to keep their calm, though, watching as he literally yanked out Logan's teeth and not.....yeah, be greatful it was his teeth.

And then......

"Or you could call me by my name. Remus."


  He told them. Just like that? Virgil had the same slightly shocked expression as me. "You, you told me? Right of the bat? Just like that?" Thomas asked, shocked as well. "Of course Dr. Seuss!" Remus said. "I wouldn't hid anything from you." He said, glancing at me and Virgil mid sentence.

  "The thing is Remus, you don't get to me, in the slightest." Logan said, with his teeth back in his mouth. "What's so frightening about somthing with no real- world impact?"

  "You wouldn't know impact if it hit you in the face!" Remus threw a ninja star at him, hitting him in the face. "He does make an impact!" Thomas said. Logan turned around, unharmed. "Does he?" Thomas sighed. "Yeah. I would've gotten a full night's rest if it weren't for him."  "Mm, a lack of sleep can megatively affect your memory, immune system, and increases your risk of heart disease." Logan said. "Yeah, exactly!" Thomas agreed. "Ooo, maybe I am a little scary!" Remus said.

  "However, your lack of sleep was the result of Virgil and Y/n's reaction to Remus, not Remus himself." Virgil was taken back alittle. So was I. "The Duke only has power over over you because Virgil, Y/n, and Patton beleive that you do. Because you fear him."

  Logan then explained that, because of the three of us worrying too much, it caused his lack of sleep. "I, am really sorry, Thomas." I said. "I acted like a real,,,b-hole." Patton said. I turned and looked to see that Remus was gone. Thomas and Patton noticed that too.

  "Wai- is he gone?!" Thomas asked hopfully. "No, don't-" Me and Logan said at the same time. "I think he's gone!" Patton said.


"AHHHHH!" "Ah, jeez!" "Whyyyy?"

"Literally, like fingernails, nailed to a chalk board!"

"Ahh, it got worse, I didn't know it could get worse!" Thomas said

"Don't do that. Never check to see if he is gone." Logan said. "Ok, but," Thomas started, "why is he being a nuisance, right now?" "Well, how are you right know?" Logan asked. "I don't know!....I'm fine." "Virge, how is he doing?" I asked. "He recently realized he's a bigger liar than he thought, he doesn't understand himself, he's commited to missing a big callback, and he's sleep-deprived. So yeah. He feels like a big piece of dirt who was no control over his life." Virgil said. I looked back at Thomas.

"...okay, yeah, that's- yeah."

"And that is why the duke feels like such a threat. In part, at least. The feeling of being a bad person with no control over yourself or your destiny, causes you to fear that you may actually act on those thoughts."

"What if you, sniff your dog's butt?"

"...Shut up." Thomas and I said together.

  "But, that does make sense." I said. "I am always trying to stay away from those ideas and thoughts, to make sure that I won't cause you to be passionate with those ideas. I made this mindset that, ignoring those things all together would help you. But I only made it worse."

  "Yeah. I mean, I always sound the alarm whenever Roman suggests Thomas talks to a cute guy, so it follows that I would have even more of a reaction to Remus' suggestions." Virgil said.

"Speaking of suggestions, when are you going to jump out of a moving car. I've been bringing it up for years. Still nothing." Remus said. "Yeah, that's one of them." I said, pointing at Remus. "Yeah, I'm actually pretty used to that one." Thomas said.

  "But, to view the Duke's...contributions as 'suggestions', is almost exaggerative. This issue is more of a matter of over-control than impulse control." Logan said. "So, it is ok to jump out of a moving car?" Patton asked. "N-no, Pat." I said. "No, but it is okay if the thought of it, happens to cross your mind." Logan explained.

  "So, we've learned what not to do, what can we do?" Patton asked again. "Well, I'd imagine that you will now reconize many of the Duke's contributions AS intrusive thoughts. Which is, actually really important. You must accept that these thoughts just...happen." Logan explained, looking at me at the last thought. "And again, the substance of these thoughts typically provide no insight into your true character."

"Uh, p- POOPY!" Remus struggled.

"Its' like you had a child and despite all of your best efforts, refuses to stop screaming on an airplane." Logan continued.

"POOPY!" Me and Virgil gave him an annoyed look.

"There's no out. Just accept it. They'll, tire themselves out in time, and you you can better address the issue later. There's no rush for you."

"Poopy." Duke said, sounding defeated.

"Its ok. Just keep doing whatever you were doing before. The other passengers on the plane might become frusterated, but that's ok too. Everything is ok."

"Wow." Thomas said, looking better. "That was amazing, Logan." Patton said. "And you can always talk to someone. Wegner, as I mentioned earlier, as well as psychologisy James Pennebaker, found that subjects who talked about their thoughts often felt better emotionally and physically. According to one study, in the United States, roughly one in fifty people suffer from intrusive thoughts. So you're not alone. And if you can't find s personal friend who will listen or understand, then you should consider seeing a professional if the thoughts are really troubling you." Logan said.

  I could tell Virgil didn't like the sound of that. "Uh, I-i don't know." Thomas said. If you have joint problems, you see a rheumatologist. If you have stomach problems, you see a gastroenterologist. Therefore,  if you have metal health problems, you see.." Logan stopped, wanting Thomas to continue. "A therapist."(Picani!!!) "And/or a psychiatrist. When something is hurting you, or inhibiting you, you seek someone who can help."

  "I didn't realize....what an impossible standard I've been setting." Patton said. "I can't control every little thing that pops into your head. This may be unnecessary, but... It's okay if you sometimes think some, icky thoughts, Thomas. You have my....permission." "Actually, that does kind of help, Patton." Thomas said. He then turned towards Remus. "..and as for YOU-" Logan cut him off. "Uh, that's really not necessary, Thomas." "Why don't you just take a breather, kiddo?" Said Patton. "Yeah....yeah, I should." Thomas said, going and sitting on the couch behind him.

"You know it's funny, you used to really unsettle me. I thought you were some, terrible illness." Virgil said, looking at Remus. "Now I can see that you're just, a common cold. A mild inconvenience that's,  gone before you know it." The Duke giggled a little. "You tickle me, Emo." Virgil looked annoyed. "Well, I enjoyed this! Good seeing you again Virgil! It was just like old times!" He said, sinking out. "You too, Honey Boo!" He suddenly said, popping up one more time. Logan and Patton glanced over at me and Virgil. Virgil was looking at me. I just contnued to stare at the floor. Until I heard a familiar voice.

  "I can see now why everyone was reluctant to tell me what was going on."

Y/n: I am soooo glad you're okay!
P: You're alive!
T: I love you!

"Are you, good?"(it autocorrected to 'are you god' lol) Virgil asked. Roman rubbed his head. "Um, I don't know." "Aww, are you hurt at all?" Patton asked. "My head's fine. More than anything, I feel like I was struck by a, realization. Like Einstein and the apple." "You mean Newton?" Logan corrected him. "Oh, shut up, Nerdy Wolverine. No! Ugh! I mean- ..I'm sorry Logan. I didn't mean that." "It's, quite alright Roman." Logan said. "However, the more pertinant questuon is, is Thomas alright." "Uh, yeah." Thomas spoke up. "Yeah I'm, I'm alright."

  "Alright, alright, alright, am I right?" Patton said. "That was not alright." I said. "That word's been said so much now that it sounds all, wrong." Virgil said. "Well, I believe I was summoned to help adress this matter, and it seems to be settled now." Logan said. "Your next course of action should be settling into bed for the night to rebitalize your immune system, as well as your short-term memory. You wouldn't wanna forget everything you've just learned."

  "Logan, thank you, so much." Thomas said. "Oh please, don't mention it. Just another day's work." Logan said. "No seriously. You're" Thomas said. "Huh." Logan gave a small smile and sinked out.

  "Yeah, I'll, uh, try not to pester ya too much tonight, kiddo." Patton said. "I can't promise that I'll never have another knee-jerk reaction, but I can try to make peace with whatever thoughts dance through your head. Whether they be, sugarplums, or-"

"Smelly bums!" Remus popped back up next to Roman.

"...or that" Patton then sinked out, leaving me, Roman, Virgil, and Dukey.

"This was fun! A Thomas Sandwich, hold the Roman lettuce. You should really make that the usual cause Roman 'll make you sick." Me and Thomas shared the same annoyed look. "And yetx as soon as I was removed from the picture, Thomas had a 'dookie' problem." Roman said. "Thomas already made a 'Dukey' joke. Byeeee!" Remus sinked out again, sending me one last wink. Roman seemed mad. "I don't like him."

  "So," Thomas started, ",you have a brother?" "Yeah. It's kind of like, looking at a funhouse mirror. But, instead of a giant head, or like, long legs and a tiny torso, shows you, everything you don't wanna be."

"That doesn't sound like a very fun house." Thomas sadly said. "Yeah. Oh, and um, I'm sorry for whatever happened with Remus, Y/n." Roman said. "It's, it's ok Princey. It is not your fault. I'm just glad that he's gone." I said, reassurly. "Yeah, he's gone now and he's never coming back!" Roman exclaimed, striking a pose. "Oh, I don't think-" "BYEEEEE!" Roman sinked out before Thomas could finish. Virgil turned back to me. "Yeah, what was all of that, with the Duke."

Oh boy. Should I tell him. I mean, he has a right to know. Him and Thomas. Now or never.

"I'm going to be honest with here, I've known Remus for a while know." "I mean, I kinda guessed that." Thomas said. "No, I mean, I know him on a more personal level, than the others would." I explained. Thomas looked slightly confused, and Virgil was looking for more. "But right now, that's all I can really tell you." I said. Virgil looked slightly mad, not knowing my past, but nodded.

"I'll, see you guys later." I said, sinking down to my room, thinking about the previous events.

To be continued.....

I'm sorry if you got lost halfway though this. But I do plan on writing another part to this story. Just not, soon.

  I wanted to go ahead and post this chapter because I am going on another break. School starts in about 3 weeks and I still have some homework to catch up on. That, and I am starting a youtube channel, so I am taking time to focus on that as well.

But I hope this was a satisfying second part for you guys. Until next chapter!

Later Creeps♡!

If you wanted to know, 3,595 words. That's the most I've written, so far

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