Restart.... Saturn meets Nept...

By Saturn_CPU

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This is a complete overhaul of my last story. It deals with Saturn, a character from the planet Saturn & he i... More

New Friend or Enemy?
Planning is hard.
Heavy Behemoth just plain Sucks
Past of Forgiveness
Restoring Love
Behemoth's Last Meal

Darkness vs Enlightenment

6 0 0
By Saturn_CPU

Saturn: *Eyes are barely open, ears ringing noises. Passes out*.

Compa: Saturn!! Wake up! Saturn!

Neptune: Fight it! We need you! Behemoth! 

White Heart: We need help fighting off Behemoth!

Behemoth: *Grabs White Heart & slams her into the ground*. Pathetic human!

Black Sister Uni: *Shoots a sniper blast at Behemoth* put her down! 

Behemoth: *Drops White Heart*. As you wish. *Leaps towards Uni*.

Black Sister Uni: *Gasps*... 

Purple Sister: *Kicks Behemoth, And uses Mirage Dance. Are you okay Uni?!

Black Sister Uni: Ye-Yeah. No thanks to you.

Neptune: Saturn!!!
*Inside Saturn's Head*

 *Wakes Up*.

Wife: Your home from deployment? 

Saturn: Yeah, got done early. The rebels gave up, We people of Saturn are too strong. 

Sadako: Daddy!? 

Saturn: My baby girl, *picks her up* how's my next little girl?

Sadako: Good! When do I get to wear cool armor like you?

Saturn: When you're older & when you're ready. Your elders will tell you when you are ready after years of training. 

Sadako: Like you!?

Saturn: Yes, like me. Did you know that it was your grandfather who appointed me this new armor? And he's the one who told me that I was ready when I was 10 years old. 

Sadako: Really?! *sparkly eyes*.

Saturn: Indeed... now go get ready for the evening event.

Sadako: Okay! *runs to her room to get ready*.

Wife: You know she's growing up fast. 

Saturn: It doesn't last forever you know. *drinks water*. 

Wife: Your grandfather contacted from Mimas.

Saturn: He did? About what?

Wife: *Gets stabbed by Auberon & ripped apart*.


Auberon: About me! Now I get to do what I had planned years ago.

Saturn: I'll KILL YOU, *Lashes & charges at Auberon*.

Auberon: You don't learn easily do you? Shame. A real shame. I liked Sadako, but? Behemoth, feeding time & she's fresh.

Behemoth: *Quickly Grabs Sadako & bites her right arm off & kills her*. 

Saturn: *Rushes to try to save her*, Sadako! 

Behemoth: *Kicks Saturn, and tosses Sadako's body to him*, a present. Apologies for making it smell bad. *snorts*.

Auberon: That was a lesson... mess with me & you'll get more of your family & everyone you've known killed! Your lucky I am making Behemoth show mercy, by only eating your daughter's right arm off & letting her die in your arms. Consider this my gift to you from the deepest part of my heart. *laughs*. Oh and you can call me your new leader. Come on now Behemoth, we got more to set examples of.

Behemoth: Understood!

Saturn: Sadako, can you hear me!
*Outside of Saturn's Head*

Narrator: The CPU's are fighting an almost invincible monster type soldier. This creature is given the name Behemoth. Bent on taking vengeance out on those who killed most of his species. His body is made entirely out of the strongest metal known in the universe. Able to kill gods/goddesses with a single hit from his blade-like elbows, if he ever desired to kill quickly. He only kills, if he has to work for it, after that he eats it. He is also able to grow stronger and faster as long as the fight goes on. His parents were killed by Enceladus's parents. They were killed by their elbow blades getting torn off and getting stabbed directly in their face. Cutting their brains out. Their bladed elbows are the only things that are strong enough to pierce something like Behemoth. Behemoth fights along with Arsenio. He and Arsenio are commonly fighting side by side, they are almost like brothers.
Behemoth: *Punches Rom*, no ice magic can work on me!!!

White Sister Rom: *Puts up a defense ice barrier*.

Behemoth: *Smashes right through* peek a boo. *shows his sharp teeth*.

White Heart: GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!!!! *Hits Behemoth like a baseball* you okay?!

White Sister Rom: Ye-Yes. 

White Heart: Go near Neptune then.

White Sister Rom: O-Okay. 

White Sister Ram: Why is she?

White Heart: Because I told her, Behemoth just punched her hard & she needs to rest. 

Green Heart: How long until he comes back?!

Behemoth: NOT LONG!!!!! *Jumps on White Heart, grabs her hammer & smacks her with the handle*.

White Heart: DAMMIT!!!! 

Black Heart: *Uses Lace Ribbon kick*. 

Behemoth: gets lunges into the air*.

Iffy: *Shoots her pistol at Behemoth*.

Behemoth: Punny bullets! Annoy Me!! *dives down*.

Iffy: *barrel rolls out of the way*.

Sari: *Elbow blocks & shoves Behemoth off*. Ain't going to be easy now! Are we?!
Behemoth: I never thought about it once! 

Arsenio: Hola, brother. Your more brute then ever are we?

Behemoth: brutal as always brother! Let's kill all of them! 

Arsenio: No... Auberon only wants us to kill one, the one who grows more feelings towards Saturn. It will remind him of his wife & daughter's death. 

Behemoth: Neptune so-called?!

Black Heart: We have to defend Neptune! Let's hold them off! *Uses tricolor order on Arsenio*.

Arsenio: Is that all? *Punches and repeatedly at a rapid pace of 120mphs. Finishes off by punching in her left cheek, leaving a napalm burning sensation*.

Black Heart: *Rubs her left cheek seeing a little blood*. Geez.... that actually hurts. 

Arsenio: She will do the trick. *Creates a napalm ball out of thin air of his fists*.

White Heart: You can make fire? 

Arsenio: All types of fire. From regular to napalm, to binary & to blue, as well as phosphorus. 

Green Heart:  Perhaps wind can extinguish the flames! *Uses her spear to create wind*.

Arsenio: Not the brightest, at all, are you? Wind only feeds flames. Oh? I forgot what I can do... Embrace the flames! *Clutches his fist, and roughly opens up his fist making the fire he created to explode*.

Everyone: *All shielding themselves*.

Arsenio: What's the matter? Can't handle a little heat? Let's see how you handle hell's fire. *Charges a small hell fireball*.

White Sister Rom: No you don't! Please, stop it! *Extinguish's the hell fireball and causes it to explode in his hand*.

Arsenio: *Feels pain. Chuckles*. Impressive... little girl... you're the first to extinguish my hell's fireball and make it explode in my hand. Time to feel my blue flames instead for you.

White Sister Rom: *Shaking in fear, putting her staff in defensive measure*.

White Heart: *Throws her hammer at Arsenio*. GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!

Arsenio: *Hit at his head by the hammer*. Sisterly love? *Rubs the scalp of his head in small pain*.. Not enough... to save you.

White Heart: Love you'll never understand bastard!

Arsenio: LIFE IS PAIN THAT IS IN FLAMES!!!!!! *Shoots blue fire out of his hands as if they were flamethrowers*.

Whiter Sister Ram: It's not pain, it's fun!!!! *Summons fireballs to hit him from behind*.

Arsenio: *Takes little damage*. Do you think fire can hurt me?!

White Sister Ram: No.. well, yes... but, I'm a distraction.

Purple Sister Nepgear: *Hits him using M.P.B.L*.

Arsenio: *Helmet breaks off.. His left eye is a red blackish color. He's been exposed to fire for so long it is consuming him because he had been using his power for nearly 25 years*. Congratulations, you managed to break off a piece of my armor. For that Purple sister, I won't turn you into ashes once I kill you all.

Purple Sister Nepgear: What happened to you?

Arsenio: *Removes his broken helmet, revealing his face. His face is half burnt off completely revealing only the muscle & tissue part of his mouth, cheeks & nose. The only skin left on his face is around his eyes, ears & scalp*. 

Compa: *Looks at him from a distance*. You look terrible. *Tries not to vomit*.

Iffy: Ugly looking.

Behemoth: *Gets kicked by Sachiko*.

Sachiko: Down Beast!

Behemoth: *Grabs Sachiko's legs & throws her at a speed of 786mphs into leanbox basilicom roof*. Yourself is down!

Sari: Leave her alone! *Breaks a metal pole off the ground & swings at behemoth sending him into a random building*. Batter up!

Behemoth: *Quickly jumps out. Rapidly punching Sari's face into the ground with his fists going at speeds of 3490mphs*. Can't take a beating? 

Neptune: So, big ugly freak! What happened to your face?

Arsenio: I developed these powers 25 years ago. Before I became a loyal general for Auberon, I was a cast out scientist among the moon titan and the planet Saturn. I revealed how to control fire, and use it on a person as powers. No one listened & no one believed me. They tried to take it away from me so that they could take credit for themselves. I would not allow them to steal fifteen years' worth of work. Hard work that I invented. So, I dropped looking for a test subject because most of them died. I decided to test it on myself to save my work. Auberon secretly arrived at my lab & invited me to be a general for him. In return, I would share my work for his army & himself. Auberon kept his promise. Let me take credit for it & let me kill those who rejected me. I did not want my work to be stolen anymore. I had no idea that it would have side effects of burning my face off. Even if I wasn't using it. However, if it protects my work & I am credited for it, I do not mind taking the price.

Neptune: The price of what?!

Arsenio: Burning my own face-off, as well as my own body.

Behemoth: Brother, enough talk & more pummeling! 

Sachiko: *Runs up to behemoth and gives him her hardest kick sending him into the sky*. How's that big fella?

Behemoth: *Stops himself & goes into a ball shape performing a divebomb. His divebomb can reach speeds up to 1,000,000mphs per second*.

Everyone: *Gets blown to the ground*.

Black Heart: I-is that all? *Gets up with her left arm holding the right arm. Covered in marks & blood*.

Behemoth: No... Not at all.

Black Heart: I just had to say something.

Behemoth: *Shoots spikes out of his arms*.

Sachiko: Behind Us! 

Sari: Shields UP!!

Everyone: *Gets into the shield*.

Green Heart: What tech is this?

Sachiko: Made out of hydrogen and methane with a little helium. The people of Saturn used these elements to make shields! It's the only thing that can deflect off behemoth's spikes.

Arsenio: Not from my flames though. *Sets the shield on fire*.

Sari: *Sends the shield like a projectile at Arsenio*.

Arsenio: *Takes damage*. You already knew that, didn't you?

Sari: To use the shield as the casing of your fire attack and sending it back at you. Yep, it's like a homemade firebomb. 

Black Sister Uni: *Shoots Arsenio with her sniper energy shots*.

Arsenio: All bullet types only melt before they hit me. 

Black Sister Uni: Not mine. *detonates that energy blast in his face*.

Arsenio: Gahh... Energy rounds? 

Black Sister Uni: Yep... Your flames aren't strong enough to melt these.

Behemoth: *Jumps and punches Uni in her stomach sending her flying into the leanbox basilicom front doors at a speed of 7260mph*.

Iffy: What is the fastest speed you can make someone fly?

Behemoth: I can send anyone flying at an infinite number, I am the strongest Auberon ever has recruited. None can stop me. I am almost a god.

Purple Sister Nepgear: Yeah.. *Slash waves behemoth & then kicks him*. Yeah, almost. You okay Uni?

Black Sister Uni: I-its not like I needed your help there. I was about to shoot at him while down. 

Purple Sister Nepgear: I'm glad you're okay. *smiles*.

Black Sister Uni: No need to smile right now.. *blushes*.

Behemoth: *Jumps up*.

Black Sister Uni: Look Out!!!!!!! *Shoots Behemoth directly in his head.. it doesn't penetrate his skull*. That should've? How?

Sachiko: Even with energy rounds, no guns even a goddess's gun can't pierce his skull. It injured him definitely. However, it won't keep him down.

Neptune: Saturn... Please wake up. Hey, Saturn.
*Inside Saturn's Head*
Neptune: Hey. Saturn? *Disintegrates into dust*.

Wife: Hey. Saturn? Avenge us.

Neptune: Avenge us.

Sadako: You promised you'd protect everyone.

Saturn: I-I'm sorry, I tried. 

Sadako: There's still a way to fulfill it. Protect your new friends.

Wife: Or else they'll end up like us. And you'll relive your past. 

Sachiko: I'm with you 100%.

Sari: So am I! 

Mekhi: I'm still new, but I will side with you. 

Wife: Please don't relive your past.... learn from it & make sure that others don't live it.

Saturn: I'll try.

Wife: There is no try, only doing it counts.
*Outside Saturn's Head*

Green Heart: Behemoth & Arsenio are too strong. *Breathing heavily, blood dripping from her lip*. 

Behemoth: *Strikes with his sword coming out of his right hand*.

Enceladus: *Slashes The Sword Out Of his hand*.

Behemoth: OWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Enceladus: One thing you can't see or smell is my Stealth ability.

Black Heart: Who are you?! *Hesitates saying it*.

Enceladus: A friend of Saturn's... no time for an explanation.... fending off is the priority.

Black Heart: R-right! 

Compa: *Looks at everyone*. Please wake up, Saturn.

Neptune: T-Th-They need me... *Gets up* Saturn, if you die or have died, it'll be your fault we lose. *Transforms*.

Purple Heart: Now then...

Behemoth: *Charges At Purple Heart*.

Enceladus: *Uncloaks & Punches him with a spiked glove made of electricity*.

Behemoth: *Eyes hurt*. MY EYES!!!!!!!! *Roars*.

Enceladus: Just because I blinded him, it doesn't mean he's totally blind.

Black Heart: What does that mean? He can't see us. *Confused while breathing heavily*.

Enceladus: He has all of our scents, he can still smell his way around & feel around. Except me, because my cloaking abilities remove my scent from the area... it fools him. I can only use my cloaking ability a few more times. I need to use it wisely, not whenever. 

Behemoth: *Charges At Enceladus*.

Enceladus: *Almost gets strake by Behemoth's Hans sweep*. That was an illusion, your tough, but definitely not the brightest.

Behemoth: Brute Force beats Brains!!!!

White Heart: That's what a monster would say! *Whacks Behemoth on the left side of his head*.

Behemoth: You will regret that hit.. *shakes off the pain*. 

Purple Heart: *Cross combos behemoth*. You beast won't survive.

Behemoth: You will be food!

Enceladus: *Sneaks up on top of his head & rapidly starts punching his skull with small hidden knives*.

Behemoth: Off of me!! *Throws Enceladus into a wall*.

Enceladus: *Uses phase power to phase through the wall to take little damage*. You forget behemoth. I can also phase through objects.

Arsenio: As long as it is not fire or a living being. 

Purple Heart: *Swift Kicks Arsenio to the ground*.

Arsenio: Starting to piss me off.

Compa: Saturn... wake up now! Please... we need you!
*Inside Saturn's Head* 

Auberon: It's only a matter of time until your friends become food for behemoth... but I did tell him only 1. Just think about it. Every time you try to stop me, you always end up getting friends or even family killed because of your choices. 

Saturn: No.. You kill them because you want too.

Auberon: Only because I want to make the world a better place. Why do you resist?

Saturn: Because you're a tyrant.. a dictator.. you're evil.

Auberon: Tell that to your parents. I'm the good guy. If you call me evil, then aren't we all evil at the end of our lives? You can't fight it! It's best just to surrender & I might just spare these pathetic girls & this world. I will let them suffer on their own & have some good laughs. You cannot fight anymore, just let go. *Laughs maniacally*.

Saturn: I must continue! And fight.. *walks in his own mind getting back to waking himself up*. W-wake.... wake..... UP!!!!!!!!!
*Outside Saturn's Head*
Purple Heart: Compa! Stats!? *Wipes blood from her mouth*.

Compa: Not waking up yet! *Looks at Saturn*... W-wait. 

Purple Heart: Is he waking up?

Saturn: *Eyes begin to open... shakes head*. Th...

Compa: YES! He's awake!

Behemoth: Shoots lasers from his eyes at Nepgear.

Purple Sister: *Evades, flies around avoiding*. R-really?! 

Enceladus: Tell that sleeping bastard to help out!! 

Behemoth: *Leaps at Enceladus*.

Enceladus: *Quickly Evades right behind him & kicks him*. 

Saturn: *wakes up with his head on Compas lap*. Wh-?? What happened & what's happening?

Compa: You saved Neptune from Behemoth's ambush & the rest of us... unfortunately, he is still attacking us. 

Enceladus: Saturn!! A hand now! *slaps behemoth in his bitch face*. Like now!

Saturn: *Gets up*. I might be a little late & injured but I can still fight. 

Behemoth: Finally a challenge. *Gets up from that slap*. Your flesh will be meeting my stomach as well as the rest of your new friends! *Charges At Saturn*.

Saturn: *Evades, multi punches behemoth & dropkicks his face*, not while I'm around!

Arsenio: My fellow brother, need a hand? *used robotics like limbs to pick up & throw a giant piece of concrete at Saturn*.

Saturn: *Calculates, his right shoulder cannon blasts the concrete to dust*. Just gave me target practice. *Teleports in front of Arsenio breaks his left hand off*, tell me if that hurt? Black Heart?!
Black Heart: Yes?! 

Saturn: I-I need you to help me. I need a weapon that can bend metal.

Black Heart: What are you saying?!

Saturn: If it's one thing that will kill Arsenio off? I'm going to pile drive him into the ocean! 

Black Heart: What do you need me to do?

Saturn: How high can you kick Arsenio in the sky?

Black Heart: Just enough to get him over the ocean.

Saturn: Excellent... I'll call you when to do it.

Purple Heart: B-but? 

Saturn: No excuses! This is the only chance. I'll be okay!

Sachiko: I already have a weapon that can bend metal. 

Arsenio: *Picks Up Iffy with telekinetic powers*.

Iffy: Put me down!!! *Shoots Arsenio*.

Arsenio: Bullets Don't work on me! My flames only melt the bullets to ashes.

Saturn: *Throws a heavy small brick at Arsenio*. However, your flames can't turn bricks into ashes!

Arsenio: *Drops Iffy*.

Saturn: *Grabs Iffy* gotcha!

Iffy: N-Nice catch! 

Saturn: *Sets her down near Compa*, he's mine! *rushes at Behemoth*.

Iffy: Th-Thanks... I owe you one.

Saturn: Nah.. you don't. Compa?

Compa: Yes, I'll tend to her.

Iffy: You're always tending Compa. 

Saturn: Behemoth arriving. 

Behemoth: You Fall here!!!!!

Behemoth & Saturn: *Both Collide At each other. Both are equally at the same strength. Saturn charges his wind power enough to send Behemoth away*.

Saturn: Begun!!!!! *Sends behemoth out of the world*.

Behemoth: Celebrate all you want! I am not Finished!!!! Finish him, brother!!!!

Arsenio: I am a bit disappointed brother, but very well. 

Black Heart: I'm in position.

Saturn: Do it.

Black Heart: Understood. Vert! Blanc! Neptune! Distract him!

Green Heart, White Heart, Purple Heart: Right!

Green Heart: *Throws her spear*.

White Heart: *Hits three magic ice balls at Arsenio*.

Purple Heart: *Throws her sword at Arsenio*. Noire! Now!

Black Heart: *Flies up and kicks Arsenio high enough in the sky*. Ready, Saturn! 

Saturn: *Flies towards Arsenio*.

Enceladus: For you! *Shoots Saturn with a speed enchantment bullet* now use that power to get rid of him.

Sachiko: Here you go! *Tosses Metal contraction-586 gun*.

Saturn: *Turns on the metal contraction gun* thanks.

Arsenio: Feel my heat.. *Body is overheating, about to set the city of Leanbox in a blaze of fire*.
Saturn: *shoots Arsenio with metal contraction gun & shoots him over the ocean*. This is it!
Arsenio: *Shoots fireballs At Saturn*.

Saturn: *Pile drives Arsenio into the ocean-going deep*.

Arsenio: *Bodily systems failing. Lungs going offline, Heart rate increasing due to intense pressure* What?! How?! Saturn you fool! You'll kill us both! *1000 below the surface.. 2400 below surface*. You can't do this!? Are you going to go through with killing us both?!

Saturn: No, I won't die because.... *uses his secret rockets in his boots to kick down Arsenio further down* you'll go down first & *kicks Arsenio at the last minute & lunges himself back up to the surface landing near his new friends*.

CPU's & CPU Candidates: *They all go back into human forms*.
Neptune: Where is Saturn?

Noire: Let's give him a few seconds to come back up. 

Saturn: *Comes back up breathing*. Hurry.. Get me out of the water.

Neptune: Here you go. *Struggles to drag Saturn out of the water*.

Noire & Blanc: *Both help out*.

Saturn: *Out of the water*. Thanks. *Coughs out saltwater*.

Neptune: Are they gone? Like done?

Saturn: For Arsenio? Definitely, but for Behemoth? No. For Arsenio? Yes. *Detonates his boots*.

Arsenio: *Critical... pressure too much, now at 5220 depths below the surface.. his metal body starts to break, crack & his organs start to crush due Extreme pressure conditions.. here are the ticking bombs in the boots*. Behemoth...... Kill them. *explodes.. no vitals*.

Neptune: Thank goodness.

Saturn: Arsenio is gone. Finally. 

Noire: Thank goodness.

Auberon: *Shows up crashing down.. claps & laughs*. Jolly good show my daring friends, but the time grows to neigh. I reall wish I could rewind this battle & have recorded this. It was so good, that I wanted an encore. However, I can't get everything that I want. The time is about up though.


Vert: Be careful, we need to recover from our long fight. 

Auberon: Yes rest up & heal while you can. I am just here to congratulate all of you for defeating & killing Arsenio for me. I did like his smarts, which I will miss but you deserve a congratulatory because he was one of the toughest lackeys I had. Always rejected & abandoned he was. However, his ego was getting in the way, so I thank you & give you all the gift to live for a few more days. That is all, bye-bye! *teleports out of the world with behemoth*.

Neptune: Your Alright!?

Saturn: Yeah... 

Sachiko: You should rest up now.. same goes for all of you.

Rom: M-my tummy hurts.. p-punched too hard.

Ram: Same here. 

Compa: Let's Head back to Planeptune basilicom & talk to Histoire about what just happened.

Vert: Y-Yes, I'm sure that the other oracles will be there as well. We can also heal there.

Neptune: Sounds Like a plan to me.

Saturn: Very well. 

Noire: Hey?! Where'd that Enceladus guy go?

Saturn: He sticks to the shadows Noire. He is an assassin. 

Uni: Like for real?!

Saturn: Yep. Of what I know, he got his name because he was made out of the sediments & materials that make up one of the moons of Saturn, named Enceladus. I don't know much else about him, and neither does Auberon which makes him a great ally to have. 

Iffy: Was? was he the one you were talking to the other night? 

Saturn: It sure was.

Neptune: Let's Head back to Planetpune then.
Narrator: Time to send it off to Planeptune, Arsenio is dead, but Behemoth is still alive with Auberon. Least they got one gone, they only have to worry about two enemies now. Continue on now.
Histoire: How was everyone's journey? 

Neptune: Hurting.... painful. Legs, arms are all sore...

Noire: Oh quiet. I got hit the most. 

Rom: R-really hurts.

Mina: Come come, Rom, let me aid your wounds. You too Ram.

Ram: But?! I'm less hurt then Rom is.

Mina: I said you come too! *makes scary look*.

Ram: O-okay?!

Blanc: I'll be reading some books. 

Neptune: *grabs a bag of chips, starts eating*.

Saturn: *takes off armor to make repairs*.

Nepgear: You never told us, you have under armor?!

Saturn: It's called hydrogen-gel under-armor, similar to your, you know what clothes.. only difference it acts as my clothes.. instead of wavering cloth to make clothes, my people found out how to use hydrogen to make hydrogen-gel to wear as under armor for protection when wearing the hardest armor ever designed. *takes off-shoulder armor on his left shoulder & cannon off on his right shoulder*. Sometimes it feels good to take off my armor. 

Compa: So? Do you wash it?

Saturn: No need too... the armor has the technology to keep itself clean at all times. However, I have to make the repairs on it. 

Compa: Interesting.

Nepgear: Do you have clothes to wear?

Saturn: Yes... My hydrogen-gel under-armor is capable of making clothes for me in just two minutes into anything I want. The best part, the hydrogen-gel is an infinite resource, even the smallest amount can make do.

Neptune: So cool... gotta have it.. *sparkly eyes and not paying attention that she's eating*.

Nepgear: Neptune! You are eating. Use manners and don't talk while eating, you could choke.

Neptune: Nah-uh... I've mastered not being choked.

Sachiko: That's what they all say. *Chuckles*.

Neptune: What's that supposed to mean-- *starts choking on chips*.

Sachiko: *Uses magic to help Neptune. Drags the small piece of chip out of her throat & throws it in the trash*. You just made my point.

Neptune: *Coughs*. That was just a coincidence.

Sari: Nope.. You proved Sachiko's point.

Noire: She's right, you did Neptune.

Neptune: Since when did you take their side?

Noire: Umm? Since they should that they are able to take on both Behemoth & Arsenio.

Iffy: So that shoulder cannon of yours? Did you build it?

Saturn: Yeah, kind of. Belonged to my father for a while, but he passed it on to me when he died & I've upgraded it to my liking for awhile. My father died taking down the behemoth. 

Noire: Wait? Your father took down behemoth?

Saturn: Yep. He died taking him down. It's how he won, he didn't kill Behemoth, just crippled him. Though that was Behemoth's parents that he killed.

Histoire: Okay! Everyone listen up.

Saturn: Today was, a tough & tiresome day I know. You all had to fight two strong foes & almost got killed. But ended up winning one round. We are currently figuring out a plan of how to take down both Behemoth & Auberon. 

Kei: We may have found that one clue from Saturn gave us. When he mentioned the word grave, we thought it couldn't be. But possible it is.

Mina: You haven't been there in a long time Nepgear & Neptune, the same goes to the rest of you CPU's & CPU candidates. It was a place where the Deity of Sin was almost revived.

Nepgear: N-no way.... *recalls the "Mk2" events*. 

Neptune: Y-you don't mean? 

Histoire: I'm sorry, but yes.... we were talking about... Gamindustry Graveyard. 

Blanc: Wasn't That place like? Destroyed or something? Or wasn't it just blocked off?

Chika: We made up the rumor of it was destroyed to stop anyone from going there... it is still intact. I'm sure that Vert doesn't wanna go there & if she wants to stay behind with me, I'll comfort her & we can both wait until the rest of you return, *jumps & clings onto Vert uncontrollably*.

Vert: *Shoves Chika off*. Off of me! I will go there in search of this legendary sword to help Saturn.

Chika: Oh fine, just return unharmed, *pouts*.

Saturn: No I only said it was in a Graveyard area, I never said a particular one. 

Noire: Well, Gamindustry Graveyard is the only ruling here as it is the major Graveyard that we know of.

Saturn: You don't have other Graveyards?

Compa: We do, but they are not well known.

Neptune: It's one of our only best options to choose from. 

Iffy: If you can stay on your feet that is. 

Histoire: Any objections to going to Gamindustry Graveyard?
*There is silence*.

Enceladus: *Uncloaks right in front of Histoire & everyone*.

Histoire: *Gets scared & falls to the ground*.

Enceladus: *Grabs her in time*. Be careful, terrifying I approached, nothing to fear from. 

Everyone else: *All get terrified but Saturn*.

Saturn: Enough of it. Do you object? 

Enceladus: Affirmative. I found another clue.

Histoire: Spell it out already, *shakes*.

Enceladus: It's seen a lot, snow never stops, it's quite old.

Blanc: The only statement I know those words from is that Lowee. 

Mina: Well, Yes it's old & it's constantly snowing, but it hasn't seen a lot. 

Enceladus: It's the only connection I could draw.

Blanc: I'll do some research & get back to you. 

Enceladus: Then my work here is done for now?

Uni: *tugs on Enceladus mechanical wings*.

Enceladus: Umm? Why tug, Can I help you, I will help.

Uni: C-ca..... can I get some noble word from you?!

Enceladus: ??????? 

Uni: It's fine if you don't want too, I just rushed it out. 

Enceladus: An old assassin once told the young girl... always aim for your target, never stop, don't let the wind blow you off course, don't let anything slow you down... as long as you keep going for your one goal, and as long you believe in yourself & keep getting back up on your feet no matter how much injuries, you will make it, even beat this world. Keep your head up. *head pats Uni, then vanishes into dust*.

Noire: D-did he just?!

Saturn: Disappear into dust? He does that at times, dust is how his teleportation powers work. 

Rom: T-th-that was a little bit scary...

Ram: Nah-uh! It was cool. 

Histoire: I hope he doesn't do that again.

Saturn: I wouldn't say that because he might.

Neptune: So off to the Gamindustry Graveyard?

Everyone: Gamindustry Graveyard!!
Narrator: Arsenio is dead, Enceladus has just arrived & off to the next chapter of the story.

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